9,699 research outputs found

    Magnetoconductance oscillations in quasiballistic multimode nanowires

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    We calculate the conductance of quasi-one-dimensional nanowires with electronic states confined to a surface charge layer, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. Two-terminal magnetoconductance (MC) between two leads deposited on the nanowire via tunnel barriers is dominated by density-of-states (DOS) singularities, when the leads are well apart. There is also a mesoscopic correction due to a higher-order coherent tunneling between the leads for small lead separation. The corresponding MC structure depends on the interference between electron propagation via different channels connecting the leads, which in the simplest case, for the magnetic field along the wire axis, can be crudely characterized by relative winding numbers of paths enclosing the magnetic flux. In general, the MC oscillations are aperiodic, due to the Zeeman splitting, field misalignment with the wire axis, and a finite extent of electron distribution across the wire cross section, and are affected by spin-orbit coupling. The quantum-interference MC traces contain a wealth of information about the electronic structure of multichannel wires, which would be complimentary to the DOS measurements. We propose a four-terminal configuration to enhance the relative contribution of the higher-order tunneling processes and apply our results to realistic InAs nanowires carrying several quantum channels in the surface charge-accumulation layer.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    A Quantitative Measure of Interference

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    We introduce an interference measure which allows to quantify the amount of interference present in any physical process that maps an initial density matrix to a final density matrix. In particular, the interference measure enables one to monitor the amount of interference generated in each step of a quantum algorithm. We show that a Hadamard gate acting on a single qubit is a basic building block for interference generation and realizes one bit of interference, an ``i-bit''. We use the interference measure to quantify interference for various examples, including Grover's search algorithm and Shor's factorization algorithm. We distinguish between ``potentially available'' and ``actually used'' interference, and show that for both algorithms the potentially available interference is exponentially large. However, the amount of interference actually used in Grover's algorithm is only about 3 i-bits and asymptotically independent of the number of qubits, while Shor's algorithm indeed uses an exponential amount of interference.Comment: 13 pages of latex; research done at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr

    Probably Safe or Live

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    This paper presents a formal characterisation of safety and liveness properties \`a la Alpern and Schneider for fully probabilistic systems. As for the classical setting, it is established that any (probabilistic tree) property is equivalent to a conjunction of a safety and liveness property. A simple algorithm is provided to obtain such property decomposition for flat probabilistic CTL (PCTL). A safe fragment of PCTL is identified that provides a sound and complete characterisation of safety properties. For liveness properties, we provide two PCTL fragments, a sound and a complete one. We show that safety properties only have finite counterexamples, whereas liveness properties have none. We compare our characterisation for qualitative properties with the one for branching time properties by Manolios and Trefler, and present sound and complete PCTL fragments for characterising the notions of strong safety and absolute liveness coined by Sistla

    Late-Type Red Supergiants: Too Cool for the Magellanic Clouds?

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    We have identified seven red supergiants (RSGs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and four RSGs in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), all of which have spectral types that are considerably later than the average type observed in their parent galaxy. Using moderate-resolution optical spectrophotometry and the MARCS stellar atmosphere models, we determine their physical properties and place them on the H-R diagram for comparison with the predictions of current stellar evolutionary tracks. The radial velocities of these stars suggest that they are likely all members of the Clouds rather than foreground dwarfs or halo giants. Their locations in the H-R diagram also show us that those stars are cooler than the current evolutionary tracks allow, appearing to the right of the Hayashi limit, a region in which stars are no longer in hydrodynamic equilibrium. These stars exhibit considerable variability in their V magnitudes, and three of these stars also show changes in their effective temperatures (and spectral types) on the time-scales of months. One of these stars, [M2002] SMC 055188, was caught in an M4.5 I state, as late as that seen in HV 11423 at its recent extreme: considerable later, and cooler, than any other supergiant in the SMC. In addition, we find evidence of variable extinction due to circumstellar dust and changes in the stars' luminosities, also consistent with our recent findings for HV 11423 - when these stars are hotter they are also dustier and more luminous. We suggest that these stars have unusual properties because they are in an unstable (and short-lived) evolutionary phase.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures; submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Corrections to the universal behavior of the Coulomb-blockade peak splitting for quantum dots separated by a finite barrier

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    Building upon earlier work on the relation between the dimensionless interdot channel conductance g and the fractional Coulomb-blockade peak splitting f for two electrostatically equivalent dots, we calculate the leading correction that results from an interdot tunneling barrier that is not a delta-function but, rather, has a finite height V and a nonzero width xi and can be approximated as parabolic near its peak. We develop a new treatment of the problem for g much less than 1 that starts from the single-particle eigenstates for the full coupled-dot system. The finiteness of the barrier leads to a small upward shift of the f-versus-g curve at small values of g. The shift is a consequence of the fact that the tunneling matrix elements vary exponentially with the energies of the states connected. Therefore, when g is small, it can pay to tunnel to intermediate states with single-particle energies above the barrier height V. The correction to the zero-width behavior does not affect agreement with recent experimental results but may be important in future experiments.Comment: Title changed from ``Non-universal...'' to ``Corrections to the universal...'' No other changes. 10 pages, 1 RevTeX file with 2 postscript figures included using eps

    Gauge Invariant Factorisation and Canonical Quantisation of Topologically Massive Gauge Theories in Any Dimension

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    Abelian topologically massive gauge theories (TMGT) provide a topological mechanism to generate mass for a bosonic p-tensor field in any spacetime dimension. These theories include the 2+1 dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons and 3+1 dimensional Cremmer-Scherk actions as particular cases. Within the Hamiltonian formulation, the embedded topological field theory (TFT) sector related to the topological mass term is not manifest in the original phase space. However through an appropriate canonical transformation, a gauge invariant factorisation of phase space into two orthogonal sectors is feasible. The first of these sectors includes canonically conjugate gauge invariant variables with free massive excitations. The second sector, which decouples from the total Hamiltonian, is equivalent to the phase space description of the associated non dynamical pure TFT. Within canonical quantisation, a likewise factorisation of quantum states thus arises for the full spectrum of TMGT in any dimension. This new factorisation scheme also enables a definition of the usual projection from TMGT onto topological quantum field theories in a most natural and transparent way. None of these results rely on any gauge fixing procedure whatsoever.Comment: 1+25 pages, no figure

    The McCoy-Wu Model in the Mean-field Approximation

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    We consider a system with randomly layered ferromagnetic bonds (McCoy-Wu model) and study its critical properties in the frame of mean-field theory. In the low-temperature phase there is an average spontaneous magnetization in the system, which vanishes as a power law at the critical point with the critical exponents β3.6\beta \approx 3.6 and β14.1\beta_1 \approx 4.1 in the bulk and at the surface of the system, respectively. The singularity of the specific heat is characterized by an exponent α3.1\alpha \approx -3.1. The samples reduced critical temperature tc=TcavTct_c=T_c^{av}-T_c has a power law distribution P(tc)tcωP(t_c) \sim t_c^{\omega} and we show that the difference between the values of the critical exponents in the pure and in the random system is just ω3.1\omega \approx 3.1. Above the critical temperature the thermodynamic quantities behave analytically, thus the system does not exhibit Griffiths singularities.Comment: LaTeX file with iop macros, 13 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in J. Phys.

    Multiple plasmon resonances in naturally-occurring multiwall nanotubes: infrared spectra of chrysotile asbestos

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    Chrysotile asbestos is formed by densely packed bundles of multiwall hollow nanotubes. Each wall in the nanotubes is a cylindrically wrapped layer of Mg3Si2O5(OH)4Mg_3 Si_2 O_5 (OH)_4. We show by experiment and theory that the infrared spectrum of chrysotile presents multiple plasmon resonances in the Si-O stretching bands. These collective charge excitations are universal features of the nanotubes that are obtained by cylindrically wrapping an anisotropic material. The multiple plasmons can be observed if the width of the resonances is sufficiently small as in chrysotile.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Revtex4 compuscript. Misprint in Eq.(6) correcte

    Ordered phase in the two-dimensional randomly coupled ferromagnet

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    True ground states are evaluated for a 2d Ising model with random near neighbor interactions and ferromagnetic second neighbor interactions (the Randomly Coupled Ferromagnet). The spin glass stiffness exponent is positive when the absolute value of the random interaction is weaker than the ferromagnetic interaction. This result demonstrates that in this parameter domain the spin glass like ordering temperature is non-zero for these systems, in strong contrast to the 2d Edwards-Anderson spin glass.Comment: 7 pages; 9 figures; revtex; new version much extende