592 research outputs found

    Hvor lĂžnnsomt er det Ă„ drive avtalepraksis? En studie av markedet og lĂžnnsomhetsforhold for privatpraksiser innen psykologi

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    FormÄlet med oppgaven er Ä undersÞke markedet og lÞnnsomhetsforhold for norske privatpraksiser innen psykologi for Ä forstÄ hvorfor det har blitt fÊrre sÞkere pÄ avtalehjemlene de siste Ärene. Markedet kan deles inn i to delmarkeder bestÄende av henholdsvis avtalepraksiser og helprivate praksiser. Utredningen baseres pÄ kvantitative og kvalitative analyser som belyser markedsforhold og lÞnnsomhetsnivÄ for privatpraksiser generelt, og lÞnnsomhetsvariasjoner for avtalepraksiser. LÞnnsomheten er analysert med utgangspunkt i data innhentet fra Bisnode SmartCheck og Helsedirektoratet. Datagrunnlaget bestÄr av 21 avtalepraksiser og 36 helprivate praksiser gjennom analyseperioden fra 2016 til 2020. Vi har ogsÄ intervjuet to avtalespesialister, en helprivat psykolog, samt en advokat og spesialrÄdgiver i Norsk psykologforening som har bidratt til dybdeinnsikt i markeds- og lÞnnsomhetsforhold. Markedsforholdene for de to praksisformene er noe ulike med hensyn til etableringsbarrierer og kundemakt. Fra intervjuene fremgÄr det likevel at ingen av delmarkedene preges av konkurranse pÄ grunn av etterspÞrselsoverskudd. Avtalepraksisene er underlagt de regionale helseforetakene og er derfor i stÞrre grad regulert, og opplever lavere grad av autonomi. Flere reguleringer de senere Ärene kan dermed ha bidratt til fÊrre sÞkere pÄ avtalehjemlene. Gjennomsnittlig lÞnnsomhetsnivÄ for avtalepraksiser og helprivate praksiser i vÄrt utvalg er pÄ henholdsvis 25 og 23 prosent driftsmargin, men det er ikke signifikant mer lÞnnsomt Ä drive avtalepraksis. Sammenliknet med andre aktÞrer innenfor helsetjenesten fremstÄr lÞnnsomheten relativt hÞy. Samtidig er det store lÞnnsomhetsvariasjoner mellom praksisene i delmarkedene. Gjennom analyseperioden ser lÞnnsomheten ut til Ä ha falt 6 prosentpoeng for avtalepraksiser, mens utviklingen har vÊrt relativt stabil for helprivate praksiser. Nedgangen i lÞnnsomhet for avtalepraksisene kan muligens vÊre en Ärsak til fÊrre sÞkere pÄ hjemlene. Fra analyser av lÞnnsomhetsvariasjoner fant vi at antall pasienter var den eneste variabelen med signifikant innvirkning pÄ lÞnnsomheten for avtalepraksiser i vÄrt utvalg. Avtalepraksiser med flere pasienter virker dermed Ä vÊre mer lÞnnsomme. Likevel er ikke resultatet robust for endringer, og hvilke forhold som forklarerer lÞnnsomhetsforskjeller er derfor usikkert. Utredningen er for Þvrig en pilotstudie pÄ lÞnnsomhet for privatpraksiser og bÊrer derfor preg av begrensninger knyttet til utvalgsstÞrrelse, kvalitet pÄ datamateriale og tidligere empiri.nhhma

    The TF Limit for Rapidly Rotating Bose Gases in Anharmonic Traps

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    Starting from the full many body Hamiltonian we derive the leading order energy and density asymptotics for the ground state of a dilute, rotating Bose gas in an anharmonic trap in the ` Thomas Fermi' (TF) limit when the Gross-Pitaevskii coupling parameter and/or the rotation velocity tend to infinity. Although the many-body wave function is expected to have a complicated phase, the leading order contribution to the energy can be computed by minimizing a simple functional of the density alone

    Symmetry of matrix-valued stochastic processes and noncolliding diffusion particle systems

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    As an extension of the theory of Dyson's Brownian motion models for the standard Gaussian random-matrix ensembles, we report a systematic study of hermitian matrix-valued processes and their eigenvalue processes associated with the chiral and nonstandard random-matrix ensembles. In addition to the noncolliding Brownian motions, we introduce a one-parameter family of temporally homogeneous noncolliding systems of the Bessel processes and a two-parameter family of temporally inhomogeneous noncolliding systems of Yor's generalized meanders and show that all of the ten classes of eigenvalue statistics in the Altland-Zirnbauer classification are realized as particle distributions in the special cases of these diffusion particle systems. As a corollary of each equivalence in distribution of a temporally inhomogeneous eigenvalue process and a noncolliding diffusion process, a stochastic-calculus proof of a version of the Harish-Chandra (Itzykson-Zuber) formula of integral over unitary group is established.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages, 4 figures, v3: Minor corrections made for publication in J. Math. Phy

    Overall survival after resection for colon cancer in a national cohort study was adversely affected by TNM stage, lymph node ratio, gender, and old age

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    Background A national surveillance program of colon cancer treatment was introduced in 2007. We examined prognostic factors for colon cancer operated in 2000 with an aim of improving survival in the new program and a special focus on the merit of lymph node yield. Methods A cohort of 269 patients, 152 women (56.5%), with a mean age of 71 years, was operated for colon cancer in 2000 at three teaching hospitals and followed up for 7 years. Results Overall 5-year survival was 58.0%, and overall hospital mortality was 5.2%, with 4.5% in elective cases and 12.5% after urgent surgery. In only 41.1% of the specimens were 12 or more lymph nodes retrieved, but this did not affect survival in the combined cohort, although one of the hospitals achieved a significantly better result with a harvest of 12 or more lymph nodes. In a multivariate analysis, old age, gender, a high lymph node ratio (LNR) at stage III, and tumor–node–metastasis stage were adverse factors for survival. Conclusions The operative mortality was high and should be reassessed. The lymph node count did not have a significant impact on outcome overall, whereas the LNR proved significant for stage III. A prospective protocol using overall lymph node yield as a surrogate measure for more radical surgery, nevertheless, seems warranted to improve the lymph node harvest according to international recommendations

    The Transition to a Giant Vortex Phase in a Fast Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We study the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) energy functional for a fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensate on the unit disc in two dimensions. Writing the coupling parameter as 1 / \eps^2 we consider the asymptotic regime \eps \to 0 with the angular velocity Ω\Omega proportional to (\eps^2|\log\eps|)^{-1} . We prove that if \Omega = \Omega_0 (\eps^2|\log\eps|)^{-1} and Ω0>2(3π)−1 \Omega_0 > 2(3\pi)^{-1} then a minimizer of the GP energy functional has no zeros in an annulus at the boundary of the disc that contains the bulk of the mass. The vorticity resides in a complementary `hole' around the center where the density is vanishingly small. Moreover, we prove a lower bound to the ground state energy that matches, up to small errors, the upper bound obtained from an optimal giant vortex trial function, and also that the winding number of a GP minimizer around the disc is in accord with the phase of this trial function.Comment: 52 pages, PDFLaTex. Minor corrections, sign convention modified. To be published in Commun. Math. Phy

    Generalized Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    Generalized Bose-Einstein condensation (GBEC) involves condensates appearing simultaneously in multiple states. We review examples of the three types in an ideal Bose gas with different geometries. In Type I there is a discrete number of quantum states each having macroscopic occupation; Type II has condensation into a continuous band of states, with each state having macroscopic occupation; in Type III each state is microscopically occupied while the entire condensate band is macroscopically occupied. We begin by discussing Type I or "normal" BEC into a single state for an isotropic harmonic oscillator potential. Other geometries and external potentials are then considered: the {}"channel" potential (harmonic in one dimension and hard-wall in the other), which displays Type II, the {}"cigar trap" (anisotropic harmonic potential), and the "Casimir prism" (an elongated box), the latter two having Type III condensations. General box geometries are considered in an appendix. We particularly focus on the cigar trap, which Van Druten and Ketterle first showed had a two-step condensation: a GBEC into a band of states at a temperature TcT_{c} and another "one-dimensional" transition at a lower temperature T1T_{1} into the ground state. In a thermodynamic limit in which the ratio of the dimensions of the anisotropic harmonic trap is kept fixed, T1T_{1} merges with the upper transition, which then becomes a normal BEC. However, in the thermodynamic limit of Beau and Zagrebnov, in which the ratio of the boundary lengths increases exponentially, T1T_{1} becomes fixed at the temperature of a true Type I phase transition. The effects of interactions on GBEC are discussed and we show that there is evidence that Type III condensation may have been observed in the cigar trap.Comment: 17 pages; 6 figures. Intended for American Journal of Physic

    The Pfam protein families database

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    Pfam is a comprehensive collection of protein domains and families, represented as multiple sequence alignments and as profile hidden Markov models. The current release of Pfam (22.0) contains 9318 protein families. Pfam is now based not only on the UniProtKB sequence database, but also on NCBI GenPept and on sequences from selected metagenomics projects. Pfam is available on the web from the consortium members using a new, consistent and improved website design in the UK (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/), the USA (http://pfam.janelia.org/) and Sweden (http://pfam.sbc.su.se/), as well as from mirror sites in France (http://pfam.jouy.inra.fr/) and South Korea (http://pfam.ccbb.re.kr/)

    Remotely Sensed Canopy Nitrogen Correlates With Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Lowland Tropical Rainforest

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    Tropical forests exhibit significant heterogeneity in plant functional and chemical traits that may contribute to spatial patterns of key soil biogeochemical processes, such as carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions. Although tropical forests are the largest ecosystem source of nitrous oxide (N2O), drivers of spatial patterns within forests are poorly resolved. Here, we show that local variation in canopy foliar N, mapped by remote‐sensing image spectroscopy, correlates with patterns of soil N2O emission from a lowland tropical rainforest. We identified ten 0.25 ha plots (assemblages of 40–70 individual trees) in which average remotely‐sensed canopy N fell above or below the regional mean. The plots were located on a single minimally‐dissected terrace (km2) where soil type, vegetation structure and climatic conditions were relatively constant. We measured N2O fluxes monthly for 1 yr and found that high canopy N species assemblages had on average three‐fold higher total mean N2O fluxes than nearby lower canopy N areas. These differences are consistent with strong differences in litter stoichiometry, nitrification rates and soil nitrate concentrations. Canopy N status was also associated with microbial community characteristics: lower canopy N plots had two‐fold greater soil fungal to bacterial ratios and a significantly lower abundance of ammonia‐oxidizing archaea, although genes associated with denitrification (nirS, nirK, nosZ) showed no relationship with N2O flux. Overall, landscape emissions from this ecosystem are at the lowest end of the spectrum reported for tropical forests, consist with multiple metrics indicating that these highly productive forests retain N tightly and have low plant‐available losses. These data point to connections between canopy and soil processes that have largely been overlooked as a driver of denitrification. Defining relationships between remotely‐sensed plant traits and soil processes offers the chance to map these processes at large scales, potentially increasing our ability to predict N2O emissions in heterogeneous landscapes

    Infinite systems of non-colliding generalized meanders and Riemann-Liouville differintegrals

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    Yor's generalized meander is a temporally inhomogeneous modification of the 2(Îœ+1)2(\nu+1)-dimensional Bessel process with Îœ>−1\nu > -1, in which the inhomogeneity is indexed by Îș∈[0,2(Îœ+1))\kappa \in [0, 2(\nu+1)). We introduce the non-colliding particle systems of the generalized meanders and prove that they are the Pfaffian processes, in the sense that any multitime correlation function is given by a Pfaffian. In the infinite particle limit, we show that the elements of matrix kernels of the obtained infinite Pfaffian processes are generally expressed by the Riemann-Liouville differintegrals of functions comprising the Bessel functions JÎœJ_{\nu} used in the fractional calculus, where orders of differintegration are determined by Μ−Îș\nu-\kappa. As special cases of the two parameters (Îœ,Îș)(\nu, \kappa), the present infinite systems include the quaternion determinantal processes studied by Forrester, Nagao and Honner and by Nagao, which exhibit the temporal transitions between the universality classes of random matrix theory.Comment: LaTeX, 35 pages, v3: The argument given in Section 3.2 was simplified. Minor corrections were mad
