500 research outputs found

    Peranan Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove pada Imunitas terhadap Malaria: Studi di Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    One of the ecological function of mangrove forests is a habitat for mosquitoes that cause malaria (Anopheles sp.). Epidemic of malaria could increased as a result of mangrove degradation. The damage of mangrove forests stimulate Anopheles sp. migrate to other habitats such as settlements, that become malaria vector. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of mangrove forest ecosystems both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria. This research was conducted on June 2014 in the Muara Gading Mas Village, Bandar Negeri, Sriminosari, and Margasari, Sub-district Labuhan Maringgai, District East Lampung. The data were collected through interviews and survey/observations method. The impact of each variable used binary logistic regression models. Parameter optimization used software Minitab 16. The result of research have been demonstrated that there is influence both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria in mangrove forest. Factors that increase resistance to malaria: (a) gender, male37.42 fold of female, (b) age, getting older every 1 year doubled to 1.17 times of originally, (c) education, the higher it isreduced to 0.001 times the originally, (d) livelihood, besides fisher 0,001 fold of fisherman, (e) the distance settlements to the health facility, each reduced to 1 meter doubled to 0.09 times the originally, (f) the distance home to mangroves, each increase of 1 meter doubled to 1,001 times the originally, (g) the dustbin, there are bins 239.71 better than none, (h) the malaria program, multiply 3,71E+05 originally than none, (i) extensive mangrove, increasing 1 m2 become 1,001 fold of originally, and (j) mangrove density, increasing 1 population/ha multiply 1.18 fold originally

    The Impact of Water Supply on Diarrheal Disease in Several Villages, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Dampak penyediaan air bersih terhadap penyakit diare telah dipelajari di dua kecamatan endemis Malaka Tengah dan Malaka Barat, Kabupaten Belu, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dalam bulan No-pember 1987. Prevalensi diare di 15 desa berkisar antara 73,9 - 634,2 per 1000 penduduk dengan rata-rata 2692 per 1000 penduduk. Prevalensi di desa yang menggunakan sarana baik (safe) 166 per 1000 penduduk, sarana kurang baik (less safe) 184 per 1000 penduduk dan sarana jelek (unsafe) 315 per 1000 penduduk. Sarana penyediaan air mempengaruhi prevalensi diare. Prevalensi diare relatif rendah di desa yang sebagian besar penduduknya menggunakan sarana baik. Sebaliknya prevalensi lebih tinggi di desa yang menggunakan sarana kurang baik atau jelek

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Keripik Buah melalui Aplikasi Vakum Very High (VH)

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    IbPE Komoditas Ekspor Berbasis Vacuum Frying di Kabupaten Jember dan Kabupaten Lumajang merupakan tindak lanjut dari pengembangan riset yang dilakukan pengusul dan penerapan wirausaha yang telah dan sedang dilakukan pengusul sebagai pengelola UPT Aneka Pangan dan Produk Beku, melalui produk berbasis vacuum frying seperti produk keripik edamame, keripik nangka, keripik salak dan lain-lain. Tujuan program IbPE Tahun I ini adalah : (a) meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dari rata-rata produksi 1-1,2 kg keripik/proses menjadi 5-6 kg keripik/proses; (b)meningkatkan pangsa pasar produk keripik baik lokal maupun ekspor. Luaran dari program IbPE adalah sebagai berikut: (a) teknologi VH pada mesin vacuum frying; (b) adanya peningkatan serapan tenaga kerja UKM sebagai akibat adanya peningkatan produksi dan perluasan pemasaran

    Torrefaction of high moisture content biomass in an industrial rotary kiln combustion type reactor.

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    Biomass is one of the major choices for alternative energy sources. However, the drawbacks of raw biomass, including high moisture content, limit its use. Thus, pretreatment is necessary and torrefaction has emerged as an important step for upgrading biomass. In this study, torrefaction in an industrial rotary kiln combustion type reactor was investigated at three different temperatures (200°C, 250°C and 300°C) using fresh dairy manure with 84.1% moisture content. The results showed that fresh dairy manure must be heat-treated four times at 200°C, but only three times at 250°C and 300°C due to the longer time for torrefaction at the lower temperature. Mass yield, moisture content, ash-free solid and HHV of torrefied dairy manure were reduced at each sequential heat treatment at every temperature. The production efficiency was higher at 300°C due to less energy consumption and shorter torrefaction time

    Analysis of the Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Fe 61Co10Zr2.5Hf2.5Me2W2B20 (Where Me = Mo, Nb, Ni Or Y) Ribbons

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    The paper presents the results of structural and magnetic properties and thermal stability for a group of functional materials based on Fe61Co10Zr2.5Hf2.5Me2W2B20 (where Me = Mo, Nb, Ni or Y). Samples were obtained in the form of ribbons using melt-spinning method. The X-ray diffraction patterns of investigated samples confirmed their amorphous structure. Based on the analysis of DSC curves characteristic temperatures: glass forming temperature (Tg), crystallization temperature (Tx) and temperature range of the supercooled liquid ΔTx were determined. Small addition of transition metals elements has strong influence on magnetic and thermal parameters of studied materials. The comprehensive studies revealed that in terms of magnetic properties the Ni-addition resulted in highest reduction in coercivity and anisotropy field


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    Ikan merupakan sumber pangan yang bermutu tinggi terutama karena ikan banyak mengandung protein, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral yang sangat dibutuhkan tubuh. Ikan juga merupakan bahan pangan yang mudah rusak sehingga dibutuhkan teknik untuk memperpanjang umur simpan. Salah satu teknik tersebut adaah dengan metode pengasapan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahapan yaitu pembuatan unit alat pengasap metode kiln drum serta pengujiannya terhadap ikan lele dengan parameter pengamatan meliputi: uji mutu dari segi kenampakan, bau, warna, rasa dan tekstur serta kadar air.  Hasil  penelitian diperoleh: (a) rendemen reditilasi asap cair tempurung kelapa dan serbuk gergajian kayu berturut-turut adalah 85,71±1,43% dan 85,71%, (b)  kadar air ikan lele asap dari asap cair tempurung kelapa dan  serbuk gergaji kayu berturut-turut adalah 20,9±0,9% hingga 30,2±6,5% serta 9,5±0,7% hingga 19,2±2,6%, (c) penurunan berat ikan lele asap 72,5±1,4% hingga 79,1±2,5%. Uji orgnoleptik ikan lele yang paling diminati adalah ikan lele asap dengan asap cair serbuk gergaji kayu dengan konsentrasi 2%. Uji Anova ikan lele asap dari penampakan, rasa, tekstur berbeda nyata akan tetapi untuk bau tidak berbeda nyata
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