9,846 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity and Potential Function of Microbial Symbionts Associated with Newly Discovered Species of Osedax Polychaete Worms

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    We investigated the genetic diversity of symbiotic bacteria associated with two newly discovered species of Osedax from Monterey Canyon, CA, at 1,017-m (Osedax Monterey Bay sp. 3 "rosy" [Osedax sp. MB3]) and 381-m (Osedax Monterey Bay sp. 4 "yellow collar") depths. Quantitative PCR and clone libraries of 16S rRNA gene sequences identified differences in the compositions and abundances of bacterial phylotypes associated with the newly discovered host species and permitted comparisons between adult Osedax frankpressi and juveniles that had recently colonized whalebones implanted at 2,891 m. The newly discovered Osedax species hosted Oceanospirillales symbionts that are related to Gammaproteobacteria associated with the previously described O. frankpressi and Osedax rubiplumus (S. K. Goffredi, V. J. Orphan, G. W. Rouse, L. Jahnke, T. Embaye, K. Turk, R. Lee, and R. C. Vrijenhoek, Environ. Microbiol. 7:1369-1378, 2005). In addition, Osedax sp. MB3 hosts a diverse and abundant population of additional bacteria dominated by Epsilonproteobacteria. Ultrastructural analysis of symbiont-bearing root tissues verified the enhanced microbial diversity of Osedax sp. MB3. Root tissues from the newly described host species and O. frankpressi all exhibited collagenolytic enzyme activity, which covaried positively with the abundance of symbiont DNA and negatively with mean adult size of the host species. Members of this unusual genus of bone-eating worms may form variable associations with symbiotic bacteria that allow for the observed differences in colonization and success in whale fall environments throughout the world's oceans

    Light Element Synthesis in High Entropy Relativistic Flows Associated with Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We calculate and discuss the light element freeze-out nucleosynthesis in high entropy winds and fireballs for broad ranges of entropy-per-baryon, dynamic timescales characterizing relativistic expansion, and neutron-to-proton ratios. With conditions characteristic of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) we find that deuterium production can be prodigious, with final abundance values 2H/H approximately 2%, depending on the fireball isospin, late time dynamics, and the effects of neutron decoupling- induced high energy non-thermal nuclear reactions. This implies that there potentially could be detectable local enhancements in the deuterium abundance associated with GRB events.Comment: 14 pages 3 figure

    Dynamics of the Fisher Information Metric

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    We present a method to generate probability distributions that correspond to metrics obeying partial differential equations generated by extremizing a functional J[gμν(θi)]J[g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i)], where gμν(θi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is the Fisher metric. We postulate that this functional of the dynamical variable gμν(θi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is stationary with respect to small variations of these variables. Our approach enables a dynamical approach to Fisher information metric. It allows to impose symmetries on a statistical system in a systematic way. This work is mainly motivated by the entropy approach to nonmonotonic reasoning.Comment: 11 page

    Foundations of Quantum Discord

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    This paper summarizes the basics of the notion of quantum discord and how it relates to other types of correlations in quantum physics. We take the fundamental information theoretic approach and illustrate our exposition with a number of simple examples.Comment: 3 pages, special issue edited by Diogo de Oliveira Soares Pinto et a

    Negative thermal expansion in the plateau state of a magnetically-frustrated spinel

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    We report on negative thermal expansion (NTE) in the high-field, half-magnetization plateau phase of the frustrated magnetic insulator CdCr2O4. Using dilatometry, we precisely map the phase diagram at fields of up to 30T, and identify a strong NTE associated with the collinear half-magnetization plateau for B > 27T. The resulting phase diagram is compared with a microscopic theory for spin-lattice coupling, and the origin of the NTE is identified as a large negative change in magnetization with temperature, coming from a nearly-localised band of spin excitations in the plateau phase. These results provide useful guidelines for the discovery of new NTE materials.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    A Classical Bound on Quantum Entropy

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    A classical upper bound for quantum entropy is identified and illustrated, 0Sqln(eσ2/2)0\leq S_q \leq \ln (e \sigma^2 / 2\hbar), involving the variance σ2\sigma^2 in phase space of the classical limit distribution of a given system. A fortiori, this further bounds the corresponding information-theoretical generalizations of the quantum entropy proposed by Renyi.Comment: Latex2e, 7 pages, publication versio

    Information Flow through a Chaotic Channel: Prediction and Postdiction at Finite Resolution

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    We reconsider the persistence of information under the dynamics of the logistic map in order to discuss communication through a nonlinear channel where the sender can set the initial state of the system with finite resolution, and the recipient measures it with the same accuracy. We separate out the contributions of global phase space shrinkage and local phase space contraction and expansion to the uncertainty in predicting and postdicting the state of the system. Thus, we determine how the amplification parameter, the time lag, and the resolution influence the possibility for communication. A novel representation for real numbers is introduced that allows for a visualization of the flow of information between scales.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Maximum Entropy for Gravitational Wave Data Analysis: Inferring the Physical Parameters of Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    The gravitational wave signal arising from the collapsing iron core of a Type II supernova progenitor star carries with it the imprint of the progenitor's mass, rotation rate, degree of differential rotation, and the bounce depth. Here, we show how to infer the gravitational radiation waveform of a core collapse event from noisy observations in a network of two or more LIGO-like gravitational wave detectors and, from the recovered signal, constrain these source properties. Using these techniques, predictions from recent core collapse modeling efforts, and the LIGO performance during its S4 science run, we also show that gravitational wave observations by LIGO might have been sufficient to provide reasonable estimates of the progenitor mass, angular momentum and differential angular momentum, and depth of the core at bounce, for a rotating core collapse event at a distance of a few kpc.Comment: 44 pages, 12 figures; accepted version scheduled to appear in Ap J 1 April 200

    Universal geometric approach to uncertainty, entropy and information

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    It is shown that for any ensemble, whether classical or quantum, continuous or discrete, there is only one measure of the "volume" of the ensemble that is compatible with several basic geometric postulates. This volume measure is thus a preferred and universal choice for characterising the inherent spread, dispersion, localisation, etc, of the ensemble. Remarkably, this unique "ensemble volume" is a simple function of the ensemble entropy, and hence provides a new geometric characterisation of the latter quantity. Applications include unified, volume-based derivations of the Holevo and Shannon bounds in quantum and classical information theory; a precise geometric interpretation of thermodynamic entropy for equilibrium ensembles; a geometric derivation of semi-classical uncertainty relations; a new means for defining classical and quantum localization for arbitrary evolution processes; a geometric interpretation of relative entropy; and a new proposed definition for the spot-size of an optical beam. Advantages of the ensemble volume over other measures of localization (root-mean-square deviation, Renyi entropies, and inverse participation ratio) are discussed.Comment: Latex, 38 pages + 2 figures; p(\alpha)->1/|T| in Eq. (72) [Eq. (A10) of published version

    Specific protein-protein binding in many-component mixtures of proteins

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    Proteins must bind to specific other proteins in vivo in order to function. The proteins must bind only to one or a few other proteins of the of order a thousand proteins typically present in vivo. Using a simple model of a protein, specific binding in many component mixtures is studied. It is found to be a demanding function in the sense that it demands that the binding sites of the proteins be encoded by long sequences of bits, and the requirement for specific binding then strongly constrains these sequences. This is quantified by the capacity of proteins of a given size (sequence length), which is the maximum number of specific-binding interactions possible in a mixture. This calculation of the maximum number possible is in the same spirit as the work of Shannon and others on the maximum rate of communication through noisy channels.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures (changes for v2 mainly notational - to be more in line with notation in information theory literature