1,651 research outputs found

    System design of the Pioneer Venus spacecraft. Volume 2: Science

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    The objectives of the low-cost Pioneer Venus space probe program are discussed. The space mission and science requirements are analyzed. The subjects considered are as follows: (1) the multiprobe mission, (2) the orbiter mission, (3) science payload accomodations, and (4) orbiter spacecraft experimental interface specifications. Tables of data are provided to show the science allocations for large and small probes. Illustrations of the systems and components of various probe configurations are included


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    Ireland is at an important junction in refining and implementing its municipal waste management policies. While significant progress has been made in recent years in encouraging the use of recycling as an alternative to landfill, the State has to meet legally binding targets that will become increasingly challenging from 2010 onwards

    Liquid drop splashing on smooth, rough and textured surfaces

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    Splashing occurs when a liquid drop hits a dry solid surface at high velocity. This paper reports experimental studies of how the splash depends on the roughness and the texture of the surfaces as well as the viscosity of the liquid. For smooth surfaces, there is a "corona" splash caused by the presence of air surrounding the drop. There are several regimes that occur as the velocity and liquid viscosity are varied. There is also a "prompt" splash that depends on the roughness and texture of the surfaces. A measurement of the size distribution of the ejected droplets is sensitive to the surface roughness. For a textured surface in which pillars are arranged in a square lattice, experiment shows that the splashing has a four-fold symmetry. The splash occurs predominantly along the diagonal directions. In this geometry, two factors affect splashing the most: the pillar height and spacing between pillars.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    A note on leapfrogging vortex rings

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    In this paper we provide examples, by numerical simulation using the Navier-Stokes equations for axisymmetric laminar flow, of the 'leapfrogging' motion of two, initially identical, vortex rings which share a common axis of symmetry. We show that the number of clear passes that each ring makes through the other increases with Reynolds number, and that as long as the configuration remains stable the two rings ultimately merge to form a single vortex ring

    Thermic effect of glucose in obese subjects studied by direct and indirect calorimetry

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    1. The thermic effect of a glucose load (50 g) was studied in ten control and eleven obese female subjects, using both direct and indirect calorimetry simultaneously. Experiments were done under conditions of thermal equilibrium (28° and 30% relative humidity).. 2. Thermal balance (heat production measured by indirect calorimetry minus heat losses measured directly) was negative in the control group during the fasting period (heat deficit - 14.2 ± 5.0 kJ/m2 per h), whereas that of the obese group was in equilibrium (+ 1.4 ± 4.8 kJ/m2 per h).. 3. After the glucose load, metabolic rate increased 13.0 ± 1.5 and 5.2 ± 1.3% in the control and obese groups respectively.. 4. In contrast to the metabolic rate, total heat losses were not significantly altered in either group after the glucose load. Total heat losses of the obese group were significantly lower than those of the control group throughout the experimental period.. 5. During the experiments the amount of heat stored was increased in both groups. Thermal balance in the control group became positive while that of the obese group remained positive.. 6. During the fasting period, the control subjects oxidized more carbohydrates (90.4 mg/min) than lipids (68.8 mg/min), whereas obese subjects oxidized more lipids (103.7 mg/min) than carbohydrates (50.2 mg/min). After the glucose load, the oxidation rate of carbohydrates was increased in both groups to 158.1 mg/min in control subjects and 95.6 mg/min in obese subjects.. 7. The mean skin temperature of the control subjects was significantly higher than that of the obese subjects and remained higher throughout the postprandial period.. 8. These results indicate that: (a) during the fasting period, the energy sources utilized and the thermal balance of the two groups were different; (b) the thermic effect of glucose was less in the obese subjects and, therefore, might be a factor contributing to their low energy expenditur

    Retinal nerve fibre layer thinning is associated with drug resistance in epilepsy.

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    Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness is related to the axonal anterior visual pathway and is considered a marker of overall white matter 'integrity'. We hypothesised that RNFL changes would occur in people with epilepsy, independently of vigabatrin exposure, and be related to clinical characteristics of epilepsy

    Cultural Issues in Trade Agreements: Multiculturalism, Liberalism and the NICD Initiative

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    The development of an appropriate regime for trade, investment and the movement of creative and professional workers in the cultural industries will be among the issues for negotiation at the WTO in 2002 and beyond. One proposal calls for a New Instrument on Cultural Diversity (NICD), an international agreement outside the WTO. Cultural diversity at the international level is akin to a domestic policy of multiculturalism adopted by some countries. We examine the rationale and enforcement of multicultural policies within Canada, a country that historically has been committed to biculturalism, English and French, and to the concerns of aboriginal cultures. The Canadian multicultural budget is insignificant in comparison to government expenditure encouraging better communication and understanding among the two established cultures and multiculturalism has had almost no effect on the complex of regulatory, tax, and subsidy policies supporting the Canadian cultural industries. The Canadian case illustrates that a modern democracy is unlikely to support multicultural policies that do more than recognize and integrate immigrant cultures into the polity. An international trade agreement cannot impose by force the cultural preferences of a majority, as a country can opt out of the agreement. There is more diversity, both of a good and bad type depending on the perspective, among those countries opting in than would occur if a global democratic state existed. A cultural industry agreement negotiated under the WTO would permit more degrees of bargaining freedom in accommodating different cultural interests among members and be enforceable on members. The NICD, in contrast, consists of gratuitous promises and fails to address the problems at issue. Proponents of the NICD believe that policies of its member countries could not be challenged under international law. Since the United States would surely retaliate to restrictions imposed on it, either the NICD’s interpretation of international law is incorrect or international law has the same status as the Ten Commandments and far less moral authority

    Carbohydrate utilization in obese subjects after an oral load of 100 g naturally-labelled [13C] glucose

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    1. Total carbohydrate (CHO) and ingested glucose oxidation was measured in five obese subjects with normal glucose tolerance after an oral load of 100g naturally-labelled [13C]glucose using indirect calorimetry and mass spectrometry respectively. 2. CHO utilization rate (107 ± 14 mg/min in the post-absorptive state) increased 30 min after the glucose load to reach a plateau (245±25 mg/min) between 90 and 120 min. It then decreased to basal values at 330 min. Cumulative CHO oxidation over 480 min was 66±7 g and the CHO oxidized above basal levels was 26 ± 7g. 3. Enrichment of expired carbon dioxide with 13c began at 45 min and maximum values were observed between 210 and 300 min. At 480 min, cumulative oxidation of the ingested glucose was 24± 2 g. 4. Compared with controls, the obese subjects exhibit an impairment of CHO utilization which precedes glucose intolerance. This impairment can be explained by an increased availability of free fatty acids which favours lipid oxidation at the expense of ingested [13C]glucose oxidatio
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