116 research outputs found

    Spatial operator algebra framework for multibody system dynamics

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    The Spatial Operator Algebra framework for the dynamics of general multibody systems is described. The use of a spatial operator-based methodology permits the formulation of the dynamical equations of motion of multibody systems in a concise and systematic way. The dynamical equations of progressively more complex grid multibody systems are developed in an evolutionary manner beginning with a serial chain system, followed by a tree topology system and finally, systems with arbitrary closed loops. Operator factorizations and identities are used to develop novel recursive algorithms for the forward dynamics of systems with closed loops. Extensions required to deal with flexible elements are also discussed

    Classification of Nonenzymatic Homologues of Protein Kinases

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    Protein Kinase-Like Non-kinases (PKLNKs), which are closely related to protein kinases, lack the crucial catalytic aspartate in the catalytic loop, and hence cannot function as protein kinase, have been analysed. Using various sensitive sequence analysis methods, we have recognized 82 PKLNKs from four higher eukaryotic organisms, namely, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Drosophila melanogaster. On the basis of their domain combination and function, PKLNKs have been classified mainly into four categories: (1) Ligand binding PKLNKs, (2) PKLNKs with extracellular protein-protein interaction domain, (3) PKLNKs involved in dimerization, and (4) PKLNKs with cytoplasmic protein-protein interaction module. While members of the first two classes of PKLNKs have transmembrane domain tethered to the PKLNK domain, members of the other two classes of PKLNKs are cytoplasmic in nature. The current classification scheme hopes to provide a convenient framework to classify the PKLNKs from other eukaryotes which would be helpful in deciphering their roles in cellular processes


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    Information Deduplication is one of imperative information pressure systems for wiping out copy duplicates of rehashing information, and has been generally utilized as a part of distributed storage to decrease the measure of storage room and spare data transmission. To secure the secrecy of touchy information while supporting Deduplication, the concurrent encryption system has been proposed to scramble the information before outsourcing. To better ensure information security, this methodology makes the main endeavor to formally address the issue of approved information Deduplication. Unique in relation to customary Deduplication frameworks, the differential benefits of clients are further considered in copy check other than the information itself. It likewise exhibit a few new Deduplication developments supporting approved copy check in a half and half cloud engineering. Security examination exhibits that our plan is secure as far as the definitions indicated in the proposed security model. As a proof of idea, we actualize a model of proposed approved copy check plan and direct testbed tests utilizing model. It demonstrates that proposed approved copy check plan brings about insignificant overhead contrasted with typical operations

    High level language-based robotic control system

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    This invention is a robot control system based on a high level language implementing a spatial operator algebra. There are two high level languages included within the system. At the highest level, applications programs can be written in a robot-oriented applications language including broad operators such as MOVE and GRASP. The robot-oriented applications language statements are translated into statements in the spatial operator algebra language. Programming can also take place using the spatial operator algebra language. The statements in the spatial operator algebra language from either source are then translated into machine language statements for execution by a digital control computer. The system also includes the capability of executing the control code sequences in a simulation mode before actual execution to assure proper action at execution time. The robot's environment is checked as part of the process and dynamic reconfiguration is also possible. The languages and system allow the programming and control of multiple arms and the use of inward/outward spatial recursions in which every computational step can be related to a transformation from one point in the mechanical robot to another point to name two major advantages

    Maintaining Reeb Graphs of Triangulated 2-Manifolds

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    Let M be a triangulated, orientable 2-manifold of genus g without boundary, and let h be a height function over M that is linear within each triangle. We present a kinetic data structure (KDS) for maintaining the Reeb graph R of h as the heights of M\u27s vertices vary continuously with time. Assuming the heights of two vertices of M become equal only O(1) times, the KDS processes O((k + g) n polylog n) events; n is the number of vertices in M, and k is the number of external events which change the combinatorial structure of R. Each event is processed in O(log^2 n) time, and the total size of our KDS is O(gn). The KDS can be extended to maintain an augmented Reeb graph as well