6,452 research outputs found

    Random copolymer: Gaussian variational approach

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    We study the phase transitions of a random copolymer chain with quenched disorder. We apply a replica variational approach based on a Gaussian trial Hamiltonian in terms of the correlation functions of monomer Fourier coordinates. This allows us to study collapse, phase separation and freezing transitions within the same mean field theory. The effective free energy of the system is derived analytically and analysed numerically. Such quantities as the radius of gyration or the average value of the overlap between different replicas are treated as observables and evaluated by introducing appropriate external fields to the Hamiltonian. We obtain the phase diagram and show that this system exhibits a scale dependent freezing transition. The correlations between replicas appear at different length scales as the temperature decreases. This indicates the existence of the topological frustration.Comment: 15 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Topological defect formation in quenched ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the dynamics of the quantum phase transition of a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate from the polar phase to the broken-axisymmetry phase by changing magnetic field, and find the spontaneous formation of spinor domain walls followed by the creation of polar-core spin vortices. We also find that the spin textures depend very sensitively on the initial noise distribution, and that an anisotropic and colored initial noise is needed to reproduce the Berkeley experiment [Sadler et al., Nature 443, 312 (2006)]. The dynamics of vortex nucleation and the number of created vortices depend also on the manner in which the magnetic field is changed. We point out an analogy between the formation of spin vortices from domain walls in a spinor BEC and that of vortex-antivortex pairs from dark solitons in a scalar BEC.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure


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    Digital information for financial markets and consumer insight are going to be extremely important in the near future. This paper is concluded that there is a problem with lack of trust to the banking system not only in Ukraine, but also in other more developed countries. The aim of this research is developing theoretical and organizational background of increasing public confidence in understanding and use of the banking system in Ukraine through building correlation between the trust levels and marketing trends in the banking industry. Basing on psychological analysis, it is aimed at improving current situation with trustless feelings to the banking system. As a background for developing the four-stage model the top 10 trends that have changed the way banks and credit unions were used. One of the main movers of this model is so-called ‘the boiling frog effect’. Research results lie in creating a four-stage marketing model ‘Nets for Trust’ to increase the trust level to the banking industry in Ukraine. The model has four steps of public sentiment changing in order to eradicate deterrent which manifest itself in lack of trust to the whole banking industry. For moving it into the one it is necessary to start discussions about the banking sphere initiated by scientists because they have no subjects they cannot discuss. Nowadays the banking sphere is considered to be in the middle of the first stage. As a result of these actions, people are going to find banks more reliable than they used to think. At the second stage it is very important to push on the nature. In the long run, this problem will finally be sorted out and the number of people who will be against the banking sphere will decrease. More and more people will think of keeping their savings and «mattress money» in banks which will give us an opportunity to initiate the third stage. At the fourth stage everything will become much easier because most people have put up with an idea that in banks their money will be safe and sound.Цифровая информация для финансовых рынков и понимание потребителями будут чрезвычайно важны в ближайшем будущем. Сделан вывод о том, что существует проблема отсутствия общественного доверия к банковской системе не только в Украине, но и в других более развитых странах. Целью данного исследования является разработка теоретических и организационных основ повышения доверия общественности к пониманию и использованию банковской системы в Украине путем выстраивания корреляции между уровнями доверия и тенденциями маркетинга в банковской отрасли. Основываясь на психологическом анализе, исследование направлено на улучшение текущей ситуации относительно недоверия к банковской системе. Результаты исследований заключаются в создании четырехэтапной маркетинговой модели «Сети для доверия» для повышения уровня доверия к банковской отрасли в Украине. Модель имеет четыре етапа изменения общественных настроений, чтобы искоренить сдерживающий фактор, который проявляется в отсутствии доверия ко всей банковской индустрии.Цифрова інформація для фінансових ринків та розуміння споживачів будуть надзвичайно важливими в найближчому майбутньому. Зроблено висновок, що існує проблема з браком довіри до банківської системи не тільки в Україні, а й в інших більш розвинених країнах. Метою нашого дослідження є розробка теоретичних та організаційних засад підвищення довіри громадськості до розуміння і використання банківської системи в Україні шляхом побудови кореляції між рівнями довіри і маркетинговими тенденціями в банківській сфері. Базуючись на психологічному аналізі, вона спрямована на вдосконалення поточної ситуації з невпевненими почуттями до банківської системи. Як основу для розробки чотириступінчастої моделі використовуються 10 основних маркетингових тенденцій, які змінили спосіб використання банків і кредитних спілок. Одним з основних рушіїв цієї моделі є так званий «ефект киплячої жаби». Результати досліджень полягають у створенні чотирьох етапів маркетингової моделі «Мережі для довіри» для підвищення рівня довіри до банківської індустрії України. Модель має чотири етапи зміни громадського настрою, щоб усунути стримування, яке проявляється у браку довіри до всієї банківської індустрії. Сьогодні банківська сфера вважається посередині першого етапу. Для перенесення її в єдине потрібно розпочати обговорення банківської сфери, ініційованої науковцями, оскільки вони не мають предметів, які вони не можуть обговорити. У результаті цих дій люди знайдуть банки більш надійними, ніж вони думали. На другому етапі дуже важливо натиснути на людську природу. У довгостроковій перспективі ця проблема нарешті розв’яжеться, і кількість людей, які будуть проти банківської сфери, скоротиться. Усе більше і більше людей думатимуть про збереження своїх заощаджень і «грошей з матраців» у банках, що дасть нам можливість ініціювати третій етап. На четвертому етапі все стане набагато простіше, оскільки більшість людей звикли до думки, що в банках їхні гроші будуть безпечними і здоровими

    Dark matter-wave solitons in the dimensionality crossover

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    We consider the statics and dynamics of dark matter-wave solitons in the dimensionality crossover regime from 3D to 1D. There, using the nonpolynomial Schr\"{o}dinger mean-field model, we find that the anomalous mode of the Bogoliubov spectrum has an eigenfrequency which coincides with the soliton oscillation frequency obtained by the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii model. We show that substantial deviations (of order of 10% or more) from the characteristic frequency ωz/2\omega_{z}/\sqrt{2} (ωz\omega_{z} being the longitudinal trap frequency) are possible even in the purely 1D regime.Comment: Phys. Rev. A, in pres

    Electrochemical behavior of a titanium electrode in hydrazine solutions

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    The kinetics of the establishment of the oxidation-reduction potential of a titanium electrode upon contact with hydrazine was studied in different media: H2SO4, NaOH, and Na2SO4. It was found that the nature of the potential shift depends little on the medium. The initial potential determines the rate of potential displacement upon contact with hydrazine, which is explained by the different condition of the electrode's surface

    Backlund transformations for the sl(2) Gaudin magnet

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    Elementary, one- and two-point, Backlund transformations are constructed for the generic case of the sl(2) Gaudin magnet. The spectrality property is used to construct these explicitly given, Poisson integrable maps which are time-discretizations of the continuous flows with any Hamiltonian from the spectral curve of the 2x2 Lax matrix.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, refs adde

    Formation of singularities on the surface of a liquid metal in a strong electric field

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    The nonlinear dynamics of the free surface of an ideal conducting liquid in a strong external electric field is studied. It is establish that the equations of motion for such a liquid can be solved in the approximation in which the surface deviates from a plane by small angles. This makes it possible to show that on an initially smooth surface for almost any initial conditions points with an infinite curvature corresponding to branch points of the root type can form in a finite time.Comment: 14 page

    A Wiener--Hopf Monte Carlo simulation technique for L\'{e}vy processes

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    We develop a completely new and straightforward method for simulating the joint law of the position and running maximum at a fixed time of a general L\'{e}vy process with a view to application in insurance and financial mathematics. Although different, our method takes lessons from Carr's so-called "Canadization" technique as well as Doney's method of stochastic bounds for L\'{e}vy processes; see Carr [Rev. Fin. Studies 11 (1998) 597--626] and Doney [Ann. Probab. 32 (2004) 1545-1552]. We rely fundamentally on the Wiener-Hopf decomposition for L\'{e}vy processes as well as taking advantage of recent developments in factorization techniques of the latter theory due to Vigon [Simplifiez vos L\'{e}vy en titillant la factorization de Wiener-Hopf (2002) Laboratoire de Math\'{e}matiques de L'INSA de Rouen] and Kuznetsov [Ann. Appl. Probab. 20 (2010) 1801--1830]. We illustrate our Wiener--Hopf Monte Carlo method on a number of different processes, including a new family of L\'{e}vy processes called hypergeometric L\'{e}vy processes. Moreover, we illustrate the robustness of working with a Wiener--Hopf decomposition with two extensions. The first extension shows that if one can successfully simulate for a given L\'{e}vy processes then one can successfully simulate for any independent sum of the latter process and a compound Poisson process. The second extension illustrates how one may produce a straightforward approximation for simulating the two-sided exit problem.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AAP746 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Features of pulsed synchronization of a systems with a tree-dimensional phase space

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    Features of synchronization picture in the system with the limit cycle embedded in a three-dimensional phase space are considered. By the example of Ressler system and Dmitriev - Kislov generator under the action of a periodic sequence of delta - function it is shown, that synchronization picture significantly depends on the direction of pulse action. Features of synchronization tons appeared in these models are observed.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure