10,031 research outputs found

    Collision and Diffusion in Microwave Breakdown of Nitrogen Gas in and around Microgaps

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    The microwave induced breakdown of N2 gas in microgaps was modeled using the collision frequency between electrons and neutral molecules and the effective electric field concept. Low pressure breakdown at the threshold electric field occurs outside the gap, but at high pressures it is found to occur inside the microgap with a large threshold breakdown electric field corresponding to a very large electron oscillation amplitude. Three distinct pressure regimes are apparent in the microgap breakdown: a low pressure multipactor branch, a mid-pressure Paschen branch, both of which occur in the space outside the microgap, and a high pressure diffusion-drift branch, which occurs inside the microgap. The Paschen and diffusion-drift branches are divided by a sharp transition and each separately fits the collision frequency model. There is evidence that considerable electron loss to the microgap faces accompanies the diffusion-drift branch in microgaps.Comment: 4 figure

    Novel inferences of ionisation & recombination for particle/power balance during detached discharges using deuterium Balmer line spectroscopy

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    The physics of divertor detachment is determined by divertor power, particle and momentum balance. This work provides a novel analysis technique of the Balmer line series to obtain a full particle/power balance measurement of the divertor. This supplies new information to understand what controls the divertor target ion flux during detachment. Atomic deuterium excitation emission is separated from recombination quantitatively using Balmer series line ratios. This enables analysing those two components individually, providing ionisation/recombination source/sinks and hydrogenic power loss measurements. Probabilistic Monte Carlo techniques were employed to obtain full error propagation - eventually resulting in probability density functions for each output variable. Both local and overall particle and power balance in the divertor are then obtained. These techniques and their assumptions have been verified by comparing the analysed synthetic diagnostic 'measurements' obtained from SOLPS simulation results for the same discharge. Power/particle balance measurements have been obtained during attached and detached conditions on the TCV tokamak.Comment: The analysis results of this paper were formerly in arXiv:1810.0496

    The viability of cattle ranching intensification in Brazil as a strategy to spare land and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions

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    Proton NMR studies of the electronic structure of ZrH/sub x/

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    The proton spin lattice relaxation times and Knight shifts were measured in f.c.c. (delta-phase) and f.c.t. (epsilon-phase) ZrH/sub x/ for 1.5 or = to x or = to 2.0. Both parameters indicate that N(E/sub F/) is very dependent upon hydrogen content with a maximum occurring at ZrH1 83. This behavior is ascribed to modifications in N(E/sub F/) through a fcc/fct distortion in ZrH/sub x/ associated with a Jahn-Teller effect

    Discovery of β Cep pulsations in the eclipsing binary V453 Cygni

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    V453 Cyg is an eclipsing binary containing 14 and 11 Mødot\, \rm M_ødot stars in an eccentric short-period orbit. We have discovered β Cep-type pulsations in this system using Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite data. We identify seven significant pulsation frequencies, between 2.37 and 10.51 d−1, in the primary star. These include six frequencies that are separated by yet significantly offset from harmonics of the orbital frequency, indicating they are tidally perturbed modes. We have determined the physical properties of the system to high precision: V453 Cyg A is the first β Cep pulsator with a precise mass measurement. The system is a vital tracer of the physical processes that govern the evolution of massive single and binary stars

    Structural characterization of Si(m)Ge(n) strained layer superlattices

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    SimGen strained layer superlattice (SLS) structures were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GexSi1-x buffer layers on Si substrates to determine the effects of buffer layer composition, SLS thickness ratio, and superlattice periodicity, on the overall quality of these structures. X-ray diffraction methods were used to determine how closely actual periodicities and compositions met targeted values, and to evaluate the quality of these samples. In most instances the as-grown structures matched the targeted values to within 10%, though in some instances deviations of 20-25% in either the period or composition were observed. The quality of the SLS structures was greatly dependent on the composition of the buffer layer on which it was grown. SimGen SLS structures grown on Si- and Ge-rich buffer layers were of much higher quality than SimGem SLSs grown on Ge0.50Si0.50 layers, but the x-ray rocking curves of the SimGen samples indicated that they were far from perfect and contained moderate levels of defects. These results were confirmed by cross sectional transmission electron microscopy, which showed that the SimGem structures contained significant numbers of dislocations and that the layers were nonuniform in thickness and wavy in appearance. SimGen structures, however, displayed fewer defects but some dislocations and nonparallelism of layers were still observed

    SU(3) monopoles and their fields

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    Some aspects of the fields of charge two SU(3) monopoles with minimal symmetry breaking are discussed. A certain class of solutions look like SU(2) monopoles embedded in SU(3) with a transition region or ``cloud'' surrounding the monopoles. For large cloud size the relative moduli space metric splits as a direct product AH\times R^4 where AH is the Atiyah-Hitchin metric for SU(2) monopoles and R^4 has the flat metric. Thus the cloud is parametrised by R^4 which corresponds to its radius and SO(3) orientation. We solve for the long-range fields in this region, and examine the energy density and rotational moments of inertia. The moduli space metric for these monopoles, given by Dancer, is also expressed in a more explicit form.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, latex, version appearing in Phys. Rev.

    An analytical study of resonant transport of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the stationary nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, or Gross-Pitaevskii equation, for a one--dimensional finite square well potential. By neglecting the mean--field interaction outside the potential well it is possible to discuss the transport properties of the system analytically in terms of ingoing and outgoing waves. Resonances and bound states are obtained analytically. The transmitted flux shows a bistable behaviour. Novel crossing scenarios of eigenstates similar to beak--to--beak structures are observed for a repulsive mean-field interaction. It is proven that resonances transform to bound states due to an attractive nonlinearity and vice versa for a repulsive nonlinearity, and the critical nonlinearity for the transformation is calculated analytically. The bound state wavefunctions of the system satisfy an oscillation theorem as in the case of linear quantum mechanics. Furthermore, the implications of the eigenstates on the dymamics of the system are discussed.Comment: RevTeX4, 16 pages, 19 figure