5,441 research outputs found

    No Signalling and Probabilistic Quantum Cloning

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    We show that the condition of no faster-than-light signalling restricts the number of quantum states that can be cloned in a given Hilbert space. This condition leads to the constraints on a probabilistic quantum cloning machine (PQCM) recently found by Duan and Guo.Comment: 5 page

    Kedudukan Hukum Adat Duan Lolat Terhadap Penyelesaian Delik Dalam Criminal Justice System

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    The State of Indonesia is a State of Law (rechtstaat/staats law), which completely separates positive law (positivism law) from customary law (adatrecht) as unwritten law (custom), so that when a criminal act/criminal action occurs (delict) the state with all its powers according to the law (formal criminal law and material criminal law) through the related judiciary (sub system) acts to defend state law in order to protect the interests of the injured legal subject (victim). The results show that the system and values ​​and laws of the Duan-Lolat customary law have a position in national law as a sub-system of the Indonesian customary law system so that Duan-Lolat customary law gets its position in the criminal justice system without invalidating the national law in this case. material criminal law and the ideal form of criminal justice system in accommodating Duan-Lolat customary law against the settlement of offenses at the pre-adjudication and adjudication stages carried out by the authorized sub-system as a component of criminal justice

    Faster Maximium Priority Matchings in Bipartite Graphs

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    A maximum priority matching is a matching in an undirected graph that maximizes a priority score defined with respect to given vertex priorities. An earlier paper showed how to find maximum priority matchings in unweighted graphs. This paper describes an algorithm for bipartite graphs that is faster when the number of distinct priority classes is limited. For graphs with kk distinct priority classes it runs in O(kmn1/2)O(kmn^{1/2}) time, where nn is the number of vertices in the graph and mm is the number of edges

    A question of Zhou, Shi and Duan on nonpower subgroups of finite groups

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    A subgroup H of a group G is called a power subgroup of G if there exists a non-negative integer m such that H= . Any subgroup of G which is not a power subgroup is called a nonpower subgroup of G. Zhou, Shi and Duan, in a 2006 paper, asked whether for every integer k (with k at least 3), there exist groups possessing exactly k nonpower subgroups. We answer this question in the affirmative by giving an explicit construction that leads to at least one group with exactly k nonpower subgroups, for all k greater than or equal to 3, and infinitely many such groups when k is composite and greater than 4. Moreover, we describe the number of nonpower subgroups for the cases of elementary abelian groups, dihedral groups, and 2-groups of maximal class


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    The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard for Design of Concrete Structures (A23.3-04) permits the use of moment magnifier method for computing the design ultimate strength of slender reinforced concrete (RC) columns that are part of non-sway frames. This computed strength is influenced by the column effective length factor K, effective flexural stiffness EI, and equivalent uniform bending moment diagram factor Cm among others. Previous investigations by the authors examined the equations available in literature for computing EI and Cm factor. For this study, nearly 3000 simple non-sway reinforced concrete frames subjected to short-term loads were simulated and used to investigate the effect of using different equations for the effective length factor K when computing the strength of columns in these frames by the moment magnifier approach. An elaborate theoretical model was developed and used for computing the ultimate strength of columns in simulated frames. The theoretically computed column ultimate strengths were compared to the ultimate strengths of the same columns computed from the CSA moment magnifier method using selected equations for K available in literature. For the purpose of analysis, the theoretically computed strengths were divided by the CSA strengths to obtain the so-called strength ratios. The statistical analyses of strength ratios presented in this paper show that, for computing the CSA ultimate strength of columns in non-sway frames, the current practice of using Jackson-Moreland Alignment Chart is the most accurate method for determining the effective length factor