51,848 research outputs found

    A flexible mandatory access control policy for XML databases

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    A flexible mandatory access control policy (MAC) for XML databases is presented in this paper. The label type and label access policy can be defined according to the requirements of applications. In order to preserve the integrity of data in XML databases, a constraint between a read access rule and a write access rule in label access policy is introduced. Rules for label assignment and propagation are proposed to alleviate the workload of label assignment. Also, a solution for resolving conflicts of label assignments is proposed. At last, operations for implementation of the MAC policy in a XML database are illustrated

    Event-by-event simulation of the Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment with coherent light

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    We present a computer simulation model for the Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment that is entirely particle-based and reproduces the results of wave theory. The model is solely based on experimental facts, satisfies Einstein's criterion of local causality and does not require knowledge of the solution of a wave equation. The simulation model is fully consistent with earlier work and provides another demonstration that it is possible to give a particle-only description of wave phenomena, rendering the concept of wave-particle duality superfluous.Comment: Submitted to Commmun. Comput. Phy

    Nonclassical effects in two-photon interference experiments: event-by-event simulations

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    It is shown that both the visibility V=1/2{\cal V} = 1/2 predicted for two-photon interference experiments with two independent sources\textcolor{black}{, like the Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment,} and the visibility V=1{\cal V} = 1 predicted for two-photon interference experiments with a parametric down-conversion source\textcolor{black}{, like the Ghosh-Mandel experiment,} can be explained \textcolor{black}{by a discrete event simulation. This simulation approach reproduces the statistical distributions of wave theory not by requiring the knowledge of the solution of the wave equation of the whole system but by generating detection events one-by-one according to an unknown distribution.} There is thus no need to invoke quantum theory to explain the so-called nonclassical effects in the interference of signal and idler photons in parametric down conversion. Hence, a revision of the commonly accepted criterion of the nonclassical nature of light\textcolor{black}{, V>1/2{\cal V} > 1/2,} is called for.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1208.2368, arXiv:1006.172

    Data analysis of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm laboratory experiments

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    Data sets produced by three different Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm (EPRB) experiments are tested against the hypothesis that the statistics of this data is described by quantum theory. Although these experiments generate data that violate Bell inequalities for suitable choices of the time-coincidence window, the analysis shows that it is highly unlikely that these data sets are compatible with the quantum theoretical description of the EPRB experiment, suggesting that the popular statements that EPRB experiments agree with quantum theory lack a solid scientific basis and that more precise experiments are called for.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1112.262

    Turbulent transport and dynamo in sheared MHD turbulence with a non-uniform magnetic field

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    We investigate three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics turbulence in the presence of velocity and magnetic shear (i.e., with both a large-scale shear flow and a nonuniform magnetic field). By assuming a turbulence driven by an external forcing with both helical and nonhelical spectra, we investigate the combined effect of these two shears on turbulence intensity and turbulent transport represented by turbulent diffusivities (turbulent viscosity, α and β effect) in Reynolds-averaged equations. We show that turbulent transport (turbulent viscosity and diffusivity) is quenched by a strong flow shear and a strong magnetic field. For a weak flow shear, we further show that the magnetic shear increases the turbulence intensity while decreasing the turbulent transport. In the presence of a strong flow shear, the effect of the magnetic shear is found to oppose the effect of flow shear (which reduces turbulence due to shear stabilization) by enhancing turbulence and transport, thereby weakening the strong quenching by flow shear stabilization. In the case of a strong magnetic field (compared to flow shear), magnetic shear increases turbulence intensity and quenches turbulent transport

    Thermodynamics of lattice QCD with 2 sextet quarks on N_t=8 lattices

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    We continue our lattice simulations of QCD with 2 flavours of colour-sextet quarks as a model for conformal or walking technicolor. A 2-loop perturbative calculation of the β\beta-function which describes the evolution of this theory's running coupling constant predicts that it has a second zero at a finite coupling. This non-trivial zero would be an infrared stable fixed point, in which case the theory with massless quarks would be a conformal field theory. However, if the interaction between quarks and antiquarks becomes strong enough that a chiral condensate forms before this IR fixed point is reached, the theory is QCD-like with spontaneously broken chiral symmetry and confinement. However, the presence of the nearby IR fixed point means that there is a range of couplings for which the running coupling evolves very slowly, i.e. it 'walks'. We are simulating the lattice version of this theory with staggered quarks at finite temperature studying the changes in couplings at the deconfinement and chiral-symmetry restoring transitions as the temporal extent (NtN_t) of the lattice, measured in lattice units, is increased. Our earlier results on lattices with Nt=4,6N_t=4,6 show both transitions move to weaker couplings as NtN_t increases consistent with walking behaviour. In this paper we extend these calculations to Nt=8N_t=8. Although both transition again move to weaker couplings the change in the coupling at the chiral transition from Nt=6N_t=6 to Nt=8N_t=8 is appreciably smaller than that from Nt=4N_t=4 to Nt=6N_t=6. This indicates that at Nt=4,6N_t=4,6 we are seeing strong coupling effects and that we will need results from Nt>8N_t > 8 to determine if the chiral-transition coupling approaches zero as NtN_t \rightarrow \infty, as needed for the theory to walk.Comment: 21 pages Latex(Revtex4) source with 4 postscript figures. v2: added 1 reference. V3: version accepted for publication, section 3 restructured and interpretation clarified. Section 4 future plans for zero temperature simulations clarifie

    NuSTAR observations and broadband spectral energy distribution modeling of the millisecond pulsar binary PSR J1023+0038

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    We report the first hard X-ray (3-79 keV) observations of the millisecond pulsar (MSP) binary PSR J1023+0038 using NuSTAR. This system has been shown transiting between a low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) state and a rotation-powered MSP state. The NuSTAR observations were taken in both LMXB state and rotation-powered state. The source is clearly seen in both states up to ~79 keV. During the LMXB state, the 3-79 keV flux is about a factor of 10 higher that in the rotation-powered state. The hard X-rays show clear orbital modulation during the X-ray faint rotation-powered state but the X-ray orbital period is not detected in the X-ray bright LMXB state. In addition, the X-ray spectrum changes from a flat power-law spectrum during the rotation-powered state to a steeper power-law spectrum in the LMXB state. We suggest that the hard X-rays are due to the intra-binary shock from the interaction between the pulsar wind and the injected material from the low-mass companion star. During the rotation-powered MSP state, the X-ray orbital modulation is due to Doppler boosting of the shocked pulsar wind. At the LMXB state, the evaporating matter of the accretion disk due to the gamma-ray irradiation from the pulsar stops almost all the pulsar wind, resulting the disappearance of the X-ray orbital modulation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap