1,189 research outputs found

    A Note on the Late Wittgenstein"s Use of the Picture Concept

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    In the following I wish to draw your attention to two related\ud ideas that occur in Wittgenstein"s later writings. In making\ud this emphasis I am at the same time claiming a certain\ud continuity in Wittgenstein"s thought – a continuity of a quite\ud particular kind. The argument that I shall present in the\ud following can be summarised under three points: 1. in both\ud his early and his late writings, Wittgenstein makes a\ud natural-historical claim that, as humans, we are picturecreating\ud and picture-using creatures; 2. the crucial analogy\ud between the picture and the sentence that appears in the\ud Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is retained in Wittgenstein"s\ud later descriptions of language; and 3. the use of this\ud analogy serves two diametrically opposed purposes when\ud considered in relation to religious language, whereby the\ud earlier use determines the propositions of natural science\ud and delimits these from religious propositions, and the later\ud use of the analogy provides the impetus for a grammatical\ud investigation of religious language and religious beliefs

    Filosofiens arbejde er... et tilløb

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    Indledning til den efterfølgende Wittgenstein-oversættelse ”Filosofi”, der er et uddrag fra det efterladte manuskript The Big Typescript (s. 405-435

    CPN Tools 4: Multi-formalism and Extensibility

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    Abstract. CPN Tools is an advanced tool for editing, simulating, and analyzing colored Petri nets. This paper discusses the fourth major re-lease of the tool, which makes it simple to use the tool for ordinary Petri nets, including adding inhibitor and reset arcs, and PNML export. This version also supports declarative modeling using constraints, and adds an extension framework making it easy for third parties to extend CPN Tools using Java.

    Musikforståelsen er en af menneskets livsytringer - et indkredsningsforsøg

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    I Ludwig Wittgensteins brug af en metodisk undren indkredses en afgørende indgang til Wittgensteins spredte tematisering af forståelses- og meningsproblematikken inden for æstetikken – herunder begrebernes snævre brug inden for musikken. Indkredsningsforsøget former sig dels som en afdækning af selve forståelsesbegrebet og introduktionen af ideen om æstetiske reaktioner, dels som en nærmere undersøgelse af Wittgensteins kriterier for en tilskrivelse af en forståelse af et stykke musik, og endelig perspektiveres dette på tværs af den tidlige og sene tænkning

    The role of cosmic rays and Alfven waves in the structure of the galactic halo

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    The effect that cosmic rays and the Alfven waves they generate have on the structure of the plasma distribution perpendicular to the galactic disk is examined. It is shown that the plasma distribution exhibits two length scales and the predicted values of gas density far from the galactic plane indicate that models involving hydrostatic equilibrium should be replaced by those allowing for a galactic wind

    Mixing Paradigms for More Comprehensible Models

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    Petri nets efficiently model both data- and control-flow. Control-flow is either modeled explicitly as flow of a specific kind of data, or implicit based on the data-flow. Explicit modeling of control-flow is useful for well-known and highly structured processes, but may make modeling of abstract features of models, or processes which are highly dynamic, overly complex. Declarative modeling, such as is supported by Declare and DCR graphs, focus on control-flow, but does not specify it explicitly; instead specifications come in the form of constraints on the order or appearance of tasks. In this paper we propose a combination of the two, using colored Petri nets instead of plain Petri nets to provide full data support. The combined approach makes it possible to add a focus on data to declarative languages, and to remove focus from the explicit control-flow from Petri nets for dynamic or abstract processes. In addition to enriching both procedural processes in the form of Petri nets and declarative processes, we also support a flow from modeling only abstract data- and control-flow of a model towards a more explicit control-flow model if so desired. We define our combined approach, and provide considerations necessary for enactment. Our approach has been implemented in CPN Tools 4

    Undersøkelser på loddas gytefelt i 1974

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    From 15 March to 6 April the R.V. «Johan Hjort» carried out investigations at the spawning grounds of capelin. The greatest quantities of eggs were found on rather coarse bottom as gravel, shell gravel and pebbles and at depths between 15 and 50 m. No eggs were observed deeper than 120 m. The temperature at the spawning grounds varied between 2.5ºC and 3.5ºC. Eiders and haddock were observed feeding on capelin eggs

    Wittgenstein og videnskaberne

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    Nietzsches 'pile' - Sentenser og ordsprog - sommeren 1883

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    This introduction to the Danish translation of the collection of Nietzsche’s aphorisms and proverbs known as “Evil Wisdom” or “Arrows” (from Nietzsche’s Nachlass, notebook Z I 3) explores questions concerning the collection’s origin, context and content. It concludes with a look at some of the philosophical issues that Nietzsche touches on in the collection

    ”Lad os tænke denne tanke” – En indledende bemærkning til Nietzsches Lenzerheide-notat

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    Indledning til Den europæiske nihilisme af Friedrich Nietzsch
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