733 research outputs found

    Obser vations on the Embryonic Development of Octopus mimus (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) from Northern Chile

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    Analyzing the higher order structure of proteins with conformer-selective ultraviolet photodissociation

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    The top-down approach in protein sequencing requires simple methods in which the analyte can be readily dissociated at every position along the backbone. In this context, ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) recently emerged as a promising tool because, in contrast to slow heating techniques such as collision induced dissociation (CID), the absorption of UV light is followed by a rather statistically distributed cleavage of backbone bonds. As a result, nearly complete sequence coverage can be obtained. It is well-known, however, that gas-phase proteins can adopt a variety of different, sometimes coexisting conformations and the influence of this structural diversity on the UVPD fragmentation behavior is not clear. Using ion mobility-UVPD-mass spectrometry we recently showed that UVPD is sensitive to the higher order structure of gas-phase proteins. In particular, the cis/trans isomerization of certain proline peptide bonds was shown to significantly influence the UVPD fragmentation pattern of two extended conformers of 11+ ubiquitin. Building on these results, we here provide conformer-selective UVPD data for 7+ ubiquitin ions, which are known to be present in a much more diverse and wider ensemble of different structures, ranging from very compact to highly extended species. Our data show that certain conformers fall into groups with similar UVPD fragmentation pattern. Surprisingly, however, the conformers within each group can differ tremendously in their collision cross section. This indicates that the multiple coexisting conformations typically observed for 7+ ubiquitin are caused by a few, not easily inter-convertible, subpopulations

    Photodissociation of Conformer-Selected Ubiquitin Ions Reveals Site-Specific Cis/Trans Isomerization of Proline Peptide Bonds

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    Ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) of gas-phase proteins has attracted increased attention in recent years. This growing interest is largely based on the fact that, in contrast to slow heating techniques such as collision induced dissociation (CID), the cleavage propensity after absorption of UV light is distributed over the entire protein sequence, which can lead to a very high sequence coverage as required in typical top-down proteomics applications. However, in the gas phase, proteins can adopt a multitude of distinct and sometimes coexisting conformations, and it is not clear how this three-dimensional structure affects the UVPD fragmentation behavior. Using ion mobility–UVPD–mass spectrometry in conjunction with molecular dynamics simulations, we provide the first experimental evidence that UVPD is sensitive to the higher order structure of gas-phase proteins. Distinct UVPD spectra were obtained for different extended conformations of 11+ ubiquitin ions. Assignment of the fragments showed that the majority of differences arise from cis/trans isomerization of one particular proline peptide bond. Seen from a broader perspective, these data highlight the potential of UVPD to be used for the structural analysis of proteins in the gas phas

    From Compact to String—The Role of Secondary and Tertiary Structure in Charge-Induced Unzipping of Gas-Phase Proteins

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    In the gas phase, protein ions can adopt a broad range of structures, which have been investigated extensively in the past using ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS)-based methods. Compact ions with low number of charges undergo a Coulomb-driven transition to partially folded species when the charge increases, and finally form extended structures with presumably little or no defined structure when the charge state is high. However, with respect to the secondary structure, IM-MS methods are essentially blind. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, on the other hand, is sensitive to such structural details and there is increasing evidence that helices as well as β-sheet-like structures can exist in the gas phase, especially for ions in low charge states. Very recently, we showed that also the fully extended form of highly charged protein ions can adopt a distinct type of secondary structure that features a characteristic C5-type hydrogen bond pattern. Here we use a combination of IM-MS and IR spectroscopy to further investigate the influence of the initial, native conformation on the formation of these structures. Our results indicate that when intramolecular Coulomb-repulsion is large enough to overcome the stabilization energies of the genuine secondary structure, all proteins, regardless of their sequence or native conformation, form C5-type hydrogen bond structures. Furthermore, our results suggest that in highly charged proteins the positioning of charges along the sequence is only marginally influenced by the basicity of individual residues

    Online monitoring the isomerization of an azobenzene-based dendritic bolaamphiphile using ion mobility-mass spectrometry

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    Ion mobility-mass spectrometry was used to obtain detailed information about the kinetics of the light-induced cis/trans isomerization process of a new supramolecular azobenzene-based bolaamphiphile. Further experiments revealed that the investigated light-induced structural transition dramatically influences the aggregation behaviour of the molecule

    Going Beyond Promoting: Preparing Students to Creatively Solve Future Problems

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    While we cannot know what problems the future will bring, we can be almost certain that solving them will require creativity. In this article we describe how our course, a first-year undergraduate mathematics course, supports creative problem solving. Creative problem solving cannot be learned through a single experience, so we provide our students with a blend of experiences. We discuss how the course structure enables creative problem solving through class instruction, during class activities, during out of class assessments, and during in class assessments. We believe this course structure increases student comfort with solving open-ended and ill-defined problems similar to what they will encounter in the real world

    Native like helices in a specially designed β peptide in the gas phase

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    In the natural peptides, helices are stabilized by hydrogen bonds that point backward along the sequence direction. Until now, there is only little evidence for the existence of analogous structures in oligomers of conformationally unrestricted β amino acids. We specifically designed the β peptide Ac-(β2hAla)6-LysH+ to form native like helical structures in the gas phase. The design follows the known properties of the peptide Ac-Ala6-LysH+ that forms a α helix in isolation. We perform ion-mobility mass-spectrometry and vibrational spectroscopy in the gas phase, combined with state-of-the-art density-functional theory simulations of these molecular systems in order to characterize their structure. We can show that the straightforward exchange of alanine residues for the homologous β amino acids generates a system that is generally capable of adopting native like helices with backward oriented H-bonds. By pushing the limits of theory and experiments, we show that one cannot assign a single preferred structure type due to the densely populated energy landscape and present an interpretation of the data that suggests an equilibrium of three helical structures

    Die Erhaltung nativer Proteinstrukturen unter Ausschluss von Lösungsmittel: eine Untersuchung mit Hilfe der Kombination von Ionenmobilität mit Spektroskopie

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    Kann die Struktur kleinerer bis mittelgroßer Proteine beim Übergang aus der Lösung in die Gasphase bewahrt werden? Zwar haben sich eine Vielzahl von Studien dieser Frage gewidmet, jedoch steht eine eindeutige Antwort noch aus. Die Klärung dieses Problems ist gleichwohl wichtig, denn davon hängt es ab, ob die empfindlichen Methoden der nativen Massenspektrometrie Probleme der Strukturbiologie adressieren können. Mithilfe einer Kombination aus Ionenmobilitäts-Massenspektrometrie und Infrarotspektroskopie untersuchen wir sowohl Sekundär- als auch Tertiärstruktur von Proteinen, die unter milden Bedingungen aus der Lösung in die Gasphase gebracht werden. In dieser Studie wurden die Moleküle Myoglobin und β-Lactoglobulin untersucht, die prototypische Beispiele für helikale bzw. β-Faltblatt-reiche Proteine sind. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass für niedrige Ladungszustände und unter sanften Bedingungen Aspekte der nativen Sekundär- und Tertiärstuktur bewahrt werden können

    Genetic and metabolic predictors of chemosensitivity in oligodendroglial neoplasms

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    The −1p/−19q genotype predicts chemosensitivity in oligodendroglial neoplasms, but some with intact 1p/19q also respond and not all with 1p/19q loss derive durable benefit from chemotherapy. We have evaluated the predictive and prognostic significance of pretherapy 201Tl and 18F-FDG SPECT and genotype in 38 primary and 10 recurrent oligodendroglial neoplasms following PCV chemotherapy. 1p/19q loss was seen in 8/15 OII, 6/15 OAII, 7/7 OIII, 3/11 OAIII and was associated with response (Fisher-Exact: P=0.000) and prolonged progression-free (log-rank: P=0.002) and overall survival (OS) (log-rank: P=0.0048). Response was unrelated to metabolism, with tumours with high or low metabolism showing response. Increased 18F-FDG or 201Tl uptake predicted shorter progression-free survival (PFS) in the series (log-rank: 201Tl P=0.0097, 18F-FDG P=0.0170) and in cases with or without the −1p/−19q genotype. Elevated metabolism was associated with shorter OS in cases with intact 1p/19q (log-rank: 18F-FDG P=0.0077; 201Tl P=0.0004) and shorter PFS in responders (log-rank: 18F-FDG P=0.005; 201Tl P=0.0132). 201Tl uptake and 1p/19q loss were independent predictors of survival in multivariate analysis. In this initial study, 201Tl and 18F-FDG uptake did not predict response to PCV, but may be associated with poor survival following therapy irrespective of genotype. This may be clinically useful warranting further study
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