102 research outputs found

    Nose Structure Delineation of Bouguer Anomaly as the Interpretation Basis of Probable Hydrocarbon Traps: a Case Study on the Mainland Area of Northwest Java Basin

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v7i3.144Two important aspects in the exploration of oil and gas are technology and exploration concepts, but the use of technology is not always suitable for areas with geological conditions covered by young volcanic sediments or limestone. The land of the Northwest Java Basin is mostly covered by young volcanic products, so exploration using seismic methods will produce less clear image resolution. To identify and interpret the subsurface structure and the possibility of hydrocarbon trap, gravity measurements have been carried out. Delineation of nose structures of a Bouguer anomaly map was used to interpret the probability of hydrocarbon traps. The result of the study shows that the gravity anomalies could be categorized into three groups : low anomaly (< 34 mgal), middle anomaly (34 - 50 mgal), and high anomaly (> 50 mgal). The analysis of Bouguer anomaly indicates that the low anomaly is concentrated in Cibarusa area as a southern part of Ciputat Subbasin, and in Cikampek area. The result of delineation of the Bouguer anomaly map shows the nose structures existing on Cibinong-Cileungsi and Pangkalan-Bekasi Highs, while delineation of residual anomaly map shows the nose structures occurs on Cilamaya-Karawang high. Locally, the gas fields of Jatirangon and Cicauh areas exist on the flank of the nose structure of Pangkalan-Bekasi High, while the oil/gas field of Northern Cilamaya is situated on the flank of the nose structure of Cilamaya-Karawang High. The concept of fluid/gas migration concentrated on nose structures which are delineated from gravity data can be applied in the studied area. This concept needs to be tested in other oil and gas field areas

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memahami Bacaan Bahasa Jepang Tingkat Dasar Melalui Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Teknik Script (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Mahasiswa Semester II Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Unnes)

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    The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve the quality of teaching and learning process for Dokkai Shokyu Kohan (basic level of reading comprehension) which was held at the Japanese Language Education Program, Semarang State University. This is because in the course there is the unequal distribution of activity and participation of students in following the learning process. To overcome these problems, the application of Script Cooperative Learning Techniques in Dokkai Shokyu Kohan's course regarded as the right solution. The application of this model of learning is more motivating the lecturer and students to interact actively in Dokkai Shokyu Kohan learning process. After going through two cycles, the positive results of the application this Technique Script is starting to look. The positive result is the improvement of the role of teachers and increasing the student activity and participation in lectures. In addition, the average value of student learning outcomes also increased

    Penentuan Daya Tampung Beban Cemaran Fecal Coliform Akibat Kondisi Sanitasi Menggunakan Program Qual2e (Studi Kasus Kali Semarang, Jawa Tengah)

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    Semarang river is located in Central Semarang City which has length 8,25 Km and the large of the watershed or catchment area is 4,430 Km2. With a density of settlements and high population, lack of sanitation infrastructure, rob sometimes happened and land subsidence which is occurred makes Semarang River area is susceptible in health risks.Degradation of water quality occurs due to the contamination of bacterium category of Coliform because of high population, bad of sewage system, lavatory fabrication, septic tank, and infiltration wells which is not eligible both in quality and layout based on pollutant source. Knowing the level of the contamination in Semarang River is needed by identified the load capacity Fecal Coliform contamination by using software QUAL2E.The result of its simulation based on the minimum capacity of Fecal Coliform compared by quality standard of PP No. 82 year 2001 that Semarang River is not comply the requirements of the quality standards of class I Fecal Coliform is > 1.23 E +13 cell/day , class II is> 1.23 E +14 cell/day, class III is > 2,46 E +14 cell/day and IV is > 2.46 E +14 cell/day. Simulation based on the maximum capacity of Fecal Coliform compared by quality standard of PP No. 82 year 2001 that Semarang River is not comply the requirements of the quality standards of class I Fecal Coliform is > 7,70 E +13 cell/day, class II is > 7.70 E +14 cell/day, class III is > 1.54 E +15 cell/day and class IV is > 1.54 E +15 cell/day. The domestic contamination is the largest source of pollution in Semarang River area. It is because the lack of good sanitation in Semarang River area. There are so many things that cause the bad sanitary condition in Semarang River area, such as there's no waste treatment and there are so many septic tank which are not working property

    Studi Penurunan Besi (Fe) Dan Mangan (Mn) Dalam Air Tanah Dengan Menggunakan Clay Filter

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    The use of groundwater as a source of fresh water to the people would become a problem when it contains of Fe and Mn. This happens because in the ground water there is no directly contact with the air outside and the weathering of rocks, so that Fe and Mn in the ground water is still soluble. Meanwhile the amount of Fe and Mn in the ground is never the same in every location. This case could be some impacts to people\u27s kidney health. In this study, content of Fe and Mn in the ground water will be reduced by using Clay filter media. This study uses 3 wells water samples character with different level of Fe and Mn in sample A is 0.001 mg / l Fe, 0.16 mg / l Mn, sample is B 0.019 mg / l Fe, 0.05 mg / l Mn, and sample C is 3,242 mg / l Fe, 0.27 mg / l Mn. The height level of water influence to the Clay filter becomes the consideration in this study, they are 50 cm, 100 cm and 150 cm. Clay Filter is operated for 12 hours continuously with taking the reuslt of filtration sampling per 2 hours. Based on the research, this study finds the operating time to decrease the concentration of Fe and Mn with Clay Filter optimally from the three height levels in all kinds of different water samples and its categorization has reached 100% at the fourth hours


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    ABSTRAK Radio merupakan media massa yang memiliki jaringan terluas di dunia. Sebingga pendengarnya mudah menikmati siaran radio dimanapun mereka berada. Setiap pendengar memiliki kebutuhan yang harus terpenuhi oleh radio. Ketika pendengar aktif dan selektif memilih acara radio maka mereka menyesuaikan dengan kepuasan yang bisa didapat. Dalam teori uses and gratifications, kepuasan (gratifications obtained) dapat tercapai apabila kebutuhan (gratifications sought) dapat terpenuhi. Kebutuhan inilah yang menjadi motif pendengar untuk mendengarkan acara radio tertentu. Persaingan antar radio untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak pendengar tidak terelakkan. Di Surabaya, salah satu persaingan yang terjadi adalah antara Hard Rock FM Surabaya dan Colors Radio. Hal ini disebabkan karena kesamaan profil kedua radio. Salah satu acara yang memiliki format yang relatif sarna dari kedua radio terse but adalah Good Morning Hardrockers dan Coffe Mix. Sebingga peneliti tertarik untuk mengkomparasikan kepuasan antara Good Morning Hardrockers dengan Coffe Mix. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian survey. Kerangka konseptual menggunakan konsep kepuasan khalayak, radio sebagai media komunikasi, radio sebagai pemuas khalayak, dan program acara radio. Jumlah sampeI sebesar 100 responden dengan menggunakan rumus Yamane. Penentuan lokasi menggunakan cluster sampling dengan pengambilan sampel stratifikasi di setiap cluster. Unit analisis adalah individu yang berusia 20-30 tahun, pernah mendengarkan Good Morning Hardrockers dan Coffe Mix minimal 1 tahun terakhir, dan bertempat tinggal di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data menggunakan t-test dengan dibantu SPSS ver. 11.0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh jawaban mengenai kepuasan pendengar kedua acara tersebut. Acara Good Morning Hardrockers dapat memuaskan pendengarnya, acara Coffe Mix tidak dapat memuaskan pendengarnya, dan acara Good Morning Hardrockers lebih memuaskan pendengarnya dibandingkan Coffe Mix

    Pengaruh Kompetensi pada Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah dengan Komitmen Organisasi sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    This research was conducted to examine the performance accountability of government, specifically the government institution of Tabanan regency. The aims of this research are to find out the influence of competency to the performance accountability of government institution and to determine the influence of organizational commitment in strengthening the effects of competency into the performance accountability of government institution. Sampling technique used is saturation sampling. The respondents as many as 41 people. Secondary data used was obtained from the score of the performance accountability evaluation report of Tabanan regencys government institution in 2013, while the primary data was obtained through questionnaire. The analyzing technique used is Moderated Regression Analysis. Result of the study indicates that competency positive affects on the performance accountability of government institution while organizational commitment strengthening the influence of competency to the performance accountability of the government institution

    Variasi Kekencangan Mula (Pre-Tension) Satu Arah Pada Reinforcement Fibre Panel Komposit Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik

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    Composites consist of more than one type of material that is designed to get a combination of the best characteristics of each constituent components. This research was conducted to determine the effect of variations in one direction of the pre tension on reinforcement fibre to the tensile strength of composite panel. The produced composite composed of woven roving type E-glass fibres and polyester resin 108. The resulted composites were made by hand lay-up method. The applied pre tension variations in the experiment are 0N, 5N, 10N, 15N, and 20N. Tensile testing was done by using a universal tensile testing machine in accordance with ASTM D 3039. From the measurements known that the applied pre tension on reinforcement fibre influence the tensile strength of the composite. Variations of pre tension from F = 0 N up to F = 20 N showed that the composite's tensile strength tend to increase. Reinforcement fibre without pre tension or F= 0 N has the lowest tensile strength value 235.33 N/mm2, while the highest tensile strength of composite 367.02 N/mm2 belong to the reinforcement fibre with one direction pre tension of 20 N

    Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Kedisiplinan Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ipa Siswa Kelas Tinggi Di Sd Muhammadiyah Alam Surya Mentari Surakarta Tahun 2015/2016

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    Adhitya Wardhana/ A510120212. INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION AND DISCIPLINE TO LEARN LEARNING OUTCOMES IN HIGH GRADE SD MUHAMMADIYAH ALAM SURYA MENTARI SURAKARTA 2015/2016. Thesis the Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. June, 2016. The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the effect of learning motivation on learning outcomes of high-grade science students at SD Muhammadiyah ASM. 2)the effect of the discipline of learning the learning outcomes of high-grade science students at SD Muhammadiyah ASM. 3) the influence of motivation and discipline to learn the learning outcomes of high-grade science students at SD Muhammadiyah ASM. This research is a quantitative research. This study took place in SD Muhammadiyah ASM. The population in this study were students of class IV, V, and VI SD Muhammadiyah ASM taken as a sample of 30 students. The technique of taking the side by using simple random sampling. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires and documentation techniques. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The conclusion of this study are 1) learning motivation positive and significant impact on learning outcomes of the IPA on the high grade students of SD Muhammadiyah ASM. Based on t test obtained t> t table, namely 3.604> 2.042 and the significance value <0.05 is 0.005 <0.05. Learn discipline and significant positive effect on the learning achievement in grade high IPA SD Muhammadiyah ASM. Based on t test obtained t> t table, namely 2.775> 2.042 and the significance value <0.05 is 0.010 <0.05. Learning motivation and discipline to learn together positive and significant impact on learning outcomes of the IPA on the high grade students of SD Muhammadiyah. Based on F test obtained Fhitung 27.822> F table 3.37, with a probability value 0.000 <0.05. Learning motivation variables contribute effectively 35,615%. Variable discipline of learning contribute effectively to 31,678%. By comparing the value of the effective contribution appears that learning motivation has a more dominant influence on learning achievement than the variable of learning motivation. Keywords: Learning Outcomes IPA, Motivation, Discipline Study
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