4,229 research outputs found

    Women without a Voice: The Paradox of Silence in the Works of Sandra Cisneros, Shashi Deshpande and Azar Nafisi

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    Women of every culture face a similar problem: loss of voice. Their lives are permeated with silence. Whether their silence results from a patriarchal society that prohibits women from asserting their identity or from a social expectation of gender roles that confine women to an expressive domain-submissive, nurturing, passive, and domestic-rather than an instrumental role where men are dominant, affective and aggressive-women share the common bond of a debilitating silence. Maria Racine, in her analysis of Janie in Zora Neale Hurston\u27s Their Eyes Were Watching God, reaffirms the pervasiveness of this bond: For women, silence has crossed every racial and cultural boundary (283). Indeed, Elaine Mar, a Chinese-American writer, in her memoir, Paper Daughter, elucidates the implications of silence for women, Like Mother I was learning to disappear. Frequently, I sought refuge with her in the basement room, in the silence of empty spaces. But I was also learning to vanish in full sight of others, retreating into myself when physical flight wasn\u27t possible. My voice withered. Silent desire parched my throat (48). Silence and loss of voice debilitate and stifle women, as they are forced to sublimate their identity in order to survive in their worlds

    Non-Markovian Dynamics of Charge Carriers in Quantum Dots

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    We have investigated the dynamics of bound particles in multilevel current-carrying quantum dots. We look specifically in the regime of resonant tunnelling transport, where several channels are available for transport. Through a non-Markovian formalism under the Born approximation, we investigate the real-time evolution of the confined particles including transport-induced decoherence and relaxation. In the case of a coherent superposition between states with different particle number, we find that a Fock-space coherence may be preserved even in the presence of tunneling into and out of the dot. Real-time results are presented for various asymmetries of tunneling rates into different orbitals.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, International Workshop on Physics-Based Mathematical Models for Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures. BIRS, November 18-23, 200

    राष्ट्रीय शीतजल मात्स्यिकी अनुसंधन केंद्र – एक परिचय

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    Mixed System Electrochemiluminescence Involving a Nucleoside or a Nucleotide

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    The Quantum States and the Statistical Entropy of the Charged Black Hole

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    We quantize the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole using an adaptation of Kucha\v{r}'s canonical decomposition of the Kruskal extension of the Schwarzschild black hole. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation turns into a functional Schroedinger equation in Gaussian time by coupling the gravitational field to a reference fluid or dust. The physical phase space of the theory is spanned by the mass, MM, the charge, QQ, the physical radius, RR, the dust proper time, τ\tau, and their canonical momenta. The exact solutions of the functional Schroedinger equation imply that the difference in the areas of the outer and inner horizons is quantized in integer units. This agrees in spirit, but not precisely, with Bekenstein's proposal on the discrete horizon area spectrum of black holes. We also compute the entropy in the microcanonical ensemble and show that the entropy of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole is proportional to this quantized difference in horizon areas.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, PHYZZX macros. Comments on the wave-functional in the interior and one reference added. To appear in Phys. Rev.


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    Three species of salmon in the Snake River Basin have been listed as endangered. Recovery efforts for these fish include attempts to obtain increased quantities of water during smolt migration periods to improve habitat in the lower basin. Agriculture is the dominant user of surface flows in this region. This study investigates farmer cost of a contingent water contract requiring the agricultural release of stored irrigation supplies in low flow years during critical flow periods. Results show that contingent contracts can provide substantial quantities of water at a relatively modest cost without significantly affecting the agricultural base of the area.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Safety and acceptability of tubal ligation procedures performed by trained clinical officers in rural Uganda.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess safety associated with tubal ligation performed by trained clinical officers (COs) in rural Uganda. METHODS: Between March and June 2012, 518 women in 4 regions of Uganda were recruited into a prospective cohort study and followed at days 3, 7, and 45 after undergoing tubal ligation performed by a trained CO. Intraoperative and postoperative adverse events (minor, moderate, or major), and acceptability were assessed. RESULTS: Mean age was 36 years (range, 20-49 years) and mean number of living children was 6.7 (range, 0-15). The overall rate of major adverse events was 1.5%: 0.4% intraoperatively; 1.9% at day 3; and 0.2% at day 7. The majority of women who underwent tubal ligation reported a good/very good experience at the facility (range, 94%-99%) and would recommend the health services to a friend (range, 93%-98%). CONCLUSION: In the present study, task sharing of tubal ligation to trained COs in private facilities was safe. Women reported high levels of satisfaction with the procedure. Training COs could be an effective strategy for expanding family-planning services to rural Uganda

    Statistical analysis of entropy correction from topological defects in Loop Black Holes

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    In this paper we discuss the entropy of quantum black holes in the LQG formalism when the number of punctures on the horizon is treated as a quantum hair, that is we compute the black hole entropy in the grand canonical (area) ensemble. The entropy is a function of both the average area and the average number of punctures and bears little resemblance to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. In the thermodynamic limit, both the "temperature" and the chemical potential can be shown to be functions only of the average area per puncture. At a fixed temperature, the average number of punctures becomes proportional to the average area and we recover the Bekenstein-Hawking area-entropy law to leading order provided that the Barbero-Immirzi parameter, γ\gamma, is appropriately fixed. This also relates the chemical potential to γ\gamma. We obtain a sub-leading correction, which differs in signature from that obtained in the microcanonical and canonical ensembles in its sign but agrees with earlier results in the grand canonical ensemble.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Switching of +/-360deg domain wall states in a nanoring by an azimuthal Oersted field

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    We demonstrate magnetic switching between two 360360^\circ domain wall vortex states in cobalt nanorings, which are candidate magnetic states for robust and low power MRAM devices. These 360360^\circ domain wall (DW) or "twisted onion" states can have clockwise or counterclockwise circulation, the two states for data storage. Reliable switching between the states is necessary for any realistic device. We accomplish this switching by applying a circular Oersted field created by passing current through a metal atomic force microscope tip placed at the center of the ring. After initializing in an onion state, we rotate the DWs to one side of the ring by passing a current through the center, and can switch between the two twisted states by reversing the current, causing the DWs to split and meet again on the opposite side of the ring. A larger current will annihilate the DWs and create a perfect vortex state in the rings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure