45 research outputs found

    Integral and fractional Quantum Hall Ising ferromagnets

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    We compare quantum Hall systems at filling factor 2 to those at filling factors 2/3 and 2/5, corresponding to the exact filling of two lowest electron or composite fermion (CF) Landau levels. The two fractional states are examples of CF liquids with spin dynamics. There is a close analogy between the ferromagnetic (spin polarization P=1) and paramagnetic (P=0) incompressible ground states that occur in all three systems in the limits of large and small Zeeman spin splitting. However, the excitation spectra are different. At filling factor 2, we find spin domains at half-polarization (P=1/2), while antiferromagnetic order seems most favorable in the CF systems. The transition between P=0 and 1, as seen when e.g. the magnetic field is tilted, is also studied by exact diagonalization in toroidal and spherical geometries. The essential role of an effective CF-CF interaction is discussed, and the experimentally observed incompresible half-polarized state is found in some models

    Intraband and interband spin-orbit torques in non-centrosymmetric ferromagnets

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    Intraband and interband contributions to the current-driven spin-orbit torque in magnetic materials lacking inversion symmetry are theoretically studied using Kubo formula. In addition to the current-driven field-like torque TFL=τFLm×uso{\bf T}_{\rm FL}= \tau_{\rm FL}{\bf m}\times{\bf u}_{\rm so} (uso{\bf u}_{\rm so} being a unit vector determined by the symmetry of the spin-orbit coupling), we explore the intrinsic contribution arising from impurity-independent interband transitions and producing an anti-damping-like torque of the form TDL=τDLm×(uso×m){\bf T}_{\rm DL}= \tau_{\rm DL}{\bf m}\times({\bf u}_{\rm so}\times{\bf m}). Analytical expressions are obtained in the model case of a magnetic Rashba two-dimensional electron gas, while numerical calculations have been performed on a dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As modeled by the Kohn-Luttinger Hamiltonian exchanged coupled to the Mn moments. Parametric dependences of the different torque components and similarities to the analytical results of the Rashba two-dimensional electron gas in the weak disorder limit are described.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Anisotropic Magnetoresistance components in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Our experimental and theoretical study of the non-crystalline and crystalline components of the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in (Ga,Mn)As is aimed at exploring the basic physical aspects of this relativistic transport effect. The non-crystalline AMR reflects anisotropic lifetimes of the holes due to polarized Mn impurities while the crystalline AMR is associated with valence band warping. We find that the sign of the non-crystalline AMR is determined by the form of spin-orbit coupling in the host band and by the relative strengths of the non-magnetic and magnetic contributions to the impurity potential. We develop experimental methods directly yielding the non-crystalline and crystalline AMR components which are then independently analyzed. We report the observation of an AMR dominated by a large uniaxial crystalline component and show that AMR can be modified by local strain relaxation. We discuss generic implications of our experimental and theoretical findings including predictions for non-crystalline AMR sign reversals in dilute moment systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Systematic study of magnetic linear dichroism and birefringence in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Magnetic linear dichroism and birefringence in (Ga,Mn)As epitaxial layers is investigated by measuring the polarization plane rotation of reflected linearly polarized light when magnetization lies in the plane of the sample. We report on the spectral dependence of the rotation and ellipticity angles in a broad energy range of 0.12-2.7 eV for a series of optimized samples covering a wide range on Mn-dopings and Curie temperatures and find a clear blue shift of the dominant peak at energy exceeding the host material band gap. These results are discussed in the general context of the GaAs host band structure and also within the framework of the k.p and mean-field kinetic-exchange model of the (Ga,Mn)As band structure. We find a semi-quantitative agreement between experiment and theory and discuss the role of disorder-induced non-direct transitions on magneto-optical properties of (Ga,Mn)As.Comment: 18 page

    Low voltage control of ferromagnetism in a semiconductor p-n junction

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    The concept of low-voltage depletion and accumulation of electron charge in semiconductors, utilized in field-effect transistors (FETs), is one of the cornerstones of current information processing technologies. Spintronics which is based on manipulating the collective state of electron spins in a ferromagnet provides complementary technologies for reading magnetic bits or for the solid-state memories. The integration of these two distinct areas of microelectronics in one physical element, with a potentially major impact on the power consumption and scalability of future devices, requires to find efficient means for controlling magnetization electrically. Current induced magnetization switching phenomena represent a promising step towards this goal, however, they relay on relatively large current densities. The direct approach of controlling the magnetization by low-voltage charge depletion effects is seemingly unfeasible as the two worlds of semiconductors and metal ferromagnets are separated by many orders of magnitude in their typical carrier concentrations. Here we demonstrate that this concept is viable by reporting persistent magnetization switchings induced by short electrical pulses of a few volts in an all-semiconductor, ferromagnetic p-n junction.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic Structure of Three-Dimensional Superlattices Subject to Tilted Magnetic Fields

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    Full quantum-mechanical description of electrons moving in 3D structures with unidirectional periodic modulation subject to tilted magnetic fields requires an extensive numerical calculation. To understand magneto-oscillations in such systems it is in many cases sufficient to use the quasi-classical approach, in which the zero-magnetic-field Fermi surface is considered as a magnetic-field-independent rigid body in k-space and periods of oscillations are related to extremal cross-sections of the Fermi surface cut by planes perpendicular to the magnetic-field direction. We point out cases where the quasi-classical treatment fails and propose a simple tight-binding fully-quantum-mechanical model of the superlattice electronic structure.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spectral properties of rotating electrons in quantum dots and their relation to quantum Hall liquids

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    The exact diagonalization technique is used to study many-particle properties of interacting electrons with spin, confined in a two-dimensional harmonic potential. The single-particle basis is limited to the lowest Landau level. The results are analyzed as a function of the total angular momentum of the system. Only at angular momenta corresponding to the filling factors 1, 1/3, 1/5 etc. the system is fully polarized. The lowest energy states exhibit spin-waves, domains, and localization, depending on the angular momentum. Vortices exist only at excited polarized states. The high angular momentum limit shows localization of electrons and separation of the charge and spin excitations.Comment: 14 pages 18 figure

    Curie point singularity in the temperature derivative of resistivity in (Ga,Mn)As

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    We observe a singularity in the temperature derivative dρ/dTd\rho/dT of resistivity at the Curie point of high-quality (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductors with TcT_c's ranging from approximately 80 to 185 K. The character of the anomaly is sharply distinct from the critical contribution to transport in conventional dense-moment magnetic semiconductors and is reminiscent of the dρ/dTd\rho/dT singularity in transition metal ferromagnets. Within the critical region accessible in our experiments, the temperature dependence on the ferromagnetic side can be explained by dominant scattering from uncorrelated spin fluctuations. The singular behavior of dρ/dTd\rho/dT on the paramagnetic side points to the important role of short-range correlated spin fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Multiple-stable anisotropic magnetoresistance memory in antiferromagnetic MnTe

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    Commercial magnetic memories rely on the bistability of ordered spins in ferromagnetic materials. Recently, experimental bistable memories have been realized using fully compensated antiferromagnetic metals. Here we demonstrate a multiple-stable memory device in epitaxial MnTe, an antiferromagnetic counterpart of common II–VI semiconductors. Favourable micromagnetic characteristics of MnTe allow us to demonstrate a smoothly varying zero-field antiferromagnetic anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) with a harmonic angular dependence on the writing magnetic field angle, analogous to ferromagnets. The continuously varying AMR provides means for the electrical read-out of multiple-stable antiferromagnetic memory states, which we set by heat-assisted magneto recording and by changing the writing field direction. The multiple stability in our memory is ascribed to different distributions of domains with the Neel vector aligned along one of the three magnetic easy axes. The robustness against strong magnetic field perturbations combined with the multiple stability of the magnetic memory states are unique properties of antiferromagnets