525 research outputs found

    On the Fertilization of the Triploid Ginbuna

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    The ferilization process of the gynogenetic triploid ginbuna Carassius auratus langsdorfii were observed histologically. In the triploid female, it has been reported that the sperm nucleus remains in condensed condition throughout the ferilization to first cleavage. This sperm nucleus does not fuse with female pronucleus, producing the all female triploid offsprings gynogenetically. On the other hand, in the present experiment, in some triploid eggs, the penetrated sperm nucleus swells to form male pronucleus. Some of these eggs develop into tetraploid other than triploid fish. On the scale transplantation experiments between these offsprings, in which all of the sperm nuclei had swollen at the time of fertilization, the unidirectional rejection were observed in two combinations. One of these donors was tetraploid and other was triploid. It seems probable that the former unidirectional rejection might be caused by the introduction of paternal genome, and the later might be caused by the recombination of genes at meiosis or the mutation of the donor and/or the host. From these observation, it was ascertained that the offsprings of triploid ginbuna were not always belonging to the same clone but that some of them differenciated their genome during the gametogenesis or early developmental stage.ArticleäżĄć·žć€§ć­Šç†ć­ŠéƒšçŽ€èŠ 19(1): 53-61(1984)departmental bulletin pape

    Integrating Kinetic Model of E. coli with Genome Scale Metabolic Fluxes Overcomes Its Open System Problem and Reveals Bistability in Central Metabolism

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    An understanding of the dynamics of the metabolic profile of a bacterial cell is sought from a dynamical systems analysis of kinetic models. This modelling formalism relies on a deterministic mathematical description of enzyme kinetics and their metabolite regulation. However, it is severely impeded by the lack of available kinetic information, limiting the size of the system that can be modelled. Furthermore, the subsystem of the metabolic network whose dynamics can be modelled is faced with three problems: how to parameterize the model with mostly incomplete steady state data, how to close what is now an inherently open system, and how to account for the impact on growth. In this study we address these challenges of kinetic modelling by capitalizing on multi-omics steady state data and a genome-scale metabolic network model. We use these to generate parameters that integrate knowledge embedded in the genome-scale metabolic network model, into the most comprehensive kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism of E. coli realized to date. As an application, we performed a dynamical systems analysis of the resulting enriched model. This revealed bistability of the central carbon metabolism and thus its potential to express two distinct metabolic states. Furthermore, since our model-informing technique ensures both stable states are constrained by the same thermodynamically feasible steady state growth rate, the ensuing bistability represents a temporal coexistence of the two states, and by extension, reveals the emergence of a phenotypically heterogeneous population

    Bi-stability of mixed states in neural network storing hierarchical patterns

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    We discuss the properties of equilibrium states in an autoassociative memory model storing hierarchically correlated patterns (hereafter, hierarchical patterns). We will show that symmetric mixed states (hereafter, mixed states) are bi-stable on the associative memory model storing the hierarchical patterns in a region of the ferromagnetic phase. This means that the first-order transition occurs in this ferromagnetic phase. We treat these contents with a statistical mechanical method (SCSNA) and by computer simulation. Finally, we discuss a physiological implication of this model. Sugase et al. analyzed the time-course of the information carried by the firing of face-responsive neurons in the inferior temporal cortex. We also discuss the relation between the theoretical results and the physiological experiments of Sugase et al.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Stochastic transitions of attractors in associative memory models with correlated noise

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    We investigate dynamics of recurrent neural networks with correlated noise to analyze the noise's effect. The mechanism of correlated firing has been analyzed in various models, but its functional roles have not been discussed in sufficient detail. Aoyagi and Aoki have shown that the state transition of a network is invoked by synchronous spikes. We introduce two types of noise to each neuron: thermal independent noise and correlated noise. Due to the effects of correlated noise, the correlation between neural inputs cannot be ignored, so the behavior of the network has sample dependence. We discuss two types of associative memory models: one with auto- and weak cross-correlation connections and one with hierarchically correlated patterns. The former is similar in structure to Aoyagi and Aoki's model. We show that stochastic transition can be presented by correlated rather than thermal noise. In the latter, we show stochastic transition from a memory state to a mixture state using correlated noise. To analyze the stochastic transitions, we derive a macroscopic dynamic description as a recurrence relation form of a probability density function when the correlated noise exists. Computer simulations agree with theoretical results.Comment: 21 page

    Scrutinizing LSP Dark Matter at the LHC

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    We show that LHC experiments might well be able to determine all the parameters required for a prediction of the present density of thermal LSP relics from the Big Bang era. If the LSP is an almost pure bino we usually only need to determine its mass and the mass of the SU(2) singlet sleptons. This information can be obtained by reconstructing the cascade q~L→χ~20q→ℓ~Rℓq→χ~10ℓ+ℓ−q\tilde{q}_L \to \tilde{\chi}_2^0 q \to \tilde{\ell}_R \ell q \to \tilde{\chi}_1^0 \ell^+ \ell^- q. The only requirement is that mℓ~R<mχ~20m_{\tilde{\ell}_R} < m_{\tilde{\chi}_2^0}, which is true for most of the cosmologically interesting parameter space. If the LSP has a significant higgsino component, its predicted thermal relic density is smaller than for an equal--mass bino. We show that in this case squark decays also produce significant numbers of χ~40\tilde{\chi}_4^0 and χ~2±\tilde{\chi}_2^\pm. Reconstructing the corresponding decay cascades then allows to determine the higgsino component of the LSP

    The coordination of cell growth during fission yeast mating requires Ras1-GTP hydrolysis

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    The spatial and temporal control of polarity is fundamental to the survival of all organisms. Cells define their polarity using highly conserved mechanisms that frequently rely upon the action of small GTPases, such as Ras and Cdc42. Schizosaccharomyces pombe is an ideal system with which to study the control of cell polarity since it grows from defined tips using Cdc42-mediated actin remodeling. Here we have investigated the importance of Ras1-GTPase activity for the coordination of polarized cell growth during fission yeast mating. Following pheromone stimulation, Ras1 regulates both a MAPK cascade and the activity of Cdc42 to enable uni-directional cell growth towards a potential mating partner. Like all GTPases, when bound to GTP, Ras1 adopts an active conformation returning to an inactive state upon GTP-hydrolysis, a process accelerated through interaction with negative regulators such as GAPs. Here we show that, at low levels of pheromone stimulation, loss of negative regulation of Ras1 increases signal transduction via the MAPK cascade. However, at the higher concentrations observed during mating, hyperactive Ras1 mutations promote cell death. We demonstrate that these cells die due to their failure to coordinate active Cdc42 into a single growth zone resulting in disorganized actin deposition and unsustainable elongation from multiple tips. These results provide a striking demonstration that the deactivation stage of Ras signaling is fundamentally important in modulating cell polarity

    Tests of model of color reconnection and a search for glueballs using gluon jets with a rapidity gap

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    Gluon jets with a mean energy of 22 GeV and purity of 95% are selected from hadronic Z0 decay events produced in e+e- annihilations. A subsample of these jets is identified which exhibits a large gap in the rapidity distribution of particles within the jet. After imposing the requirement of a rapidity gap, the gluon jet purity is 86%. These jets are observed to demonstrate a high degree of sensitivity to the presence of color reconnection, i.e. higher order QCD processes affecting the underlying color structure. We use our data to test three QCD models which include a simulation of color reconnection: one in the Ariadne Monte Carlo, one in the Herwig Monte Carlo, and the other by Rathsman in the Pythia Monte Carlo. We find the Rathsman and Ariadne color reconnection models can describe our gluon jet measurements only if very large values are used for the cutoff parameters which serve to terminate the parton showers, and that the description of inclusive Z0 data is significantly degraded in this case. We conclude that color reconnection as implemented by these two models is disfavored. The signal from the Herwig color reconnection model is less clear and we do not obtain a definite conclusion concerning this model. In a separate study, we follow recent theoretical suggestions and search for glueball-like objects in the leading part of the gluon jets. No clear evidence is observed for these objects.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figure
