497 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Determination of Nitrite and Nitrate in Milk Samples by Ion Chromatography Method and Estimation of Dietary Intake

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    The presence of nitrate and nitrite in foods may be considered hazardous after ingestion in the gastrointestinal tract due to their reaction with naturally occurred secondary amines to form potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines. Due to this fact, a new method was developed in this study for the simultaneous determination of nitrite and nitrate in milk samples using by ion chromatography. Proposed mobile phase composed of sodium hydrogen carbonate and sodium carbonate (1.0 and 3.2 mmol/L) with a flow rate of 0.7 ml/min. The average recoveries for nitrate and nitrite were higher than 86 and 88, respectively. The limit of detection for nitrate and nitrite were 0.24 and 0.09 mg/L, respectively. The results of 102 real milk samples showed nitrate was found in all of the samples (100) with a mean of 34 ± 11 mg/L, while nitrite was found in none of the samples. The mean intake of nitrate in all age groups was lower than World Health Organization guideline. The present assessment concludes that the maximum contaminant level was equal to 82.8 mg/L nitrate. This method was fast, sensitive and accurate and is capable of being an alternative method in food control laboratories for investigation of nitrite and nitrate content. This is the first study of the determination and survey of nitrite and nitrate and exposure assessment of the Iranian population to nitrite and nitrate level in milk, which was widely used in infants and adolescents as one of the basic food components. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Role of annexin II in reorganization of cytoskeleton in lung type II cells

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    Copyright and Patent Protection of Cloud Storage Software in the BRICS Member States

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    In the BRICS Member States, serious attention is paid to Information Technology development in terms of both technology and law. These countries are at the forefront in the development of the digital economy and digital innovations. Cloud storage software is an important element in this sector and is intensively applied in civil law transactions. The processes of approval, storage and sorting of documents are being automated on the basis of the relevant computer programs. This helps companies and government agencies to systemize their operations. At present, the most pressing issues are those related to copyright and copyright holders of computer programs since software code may be copied, even illegally or unconscientiously, and used as the basis for another software product. Cloud storage software is copyright-protected, but, depending on the scope of its use, additional patent protection may be required. Given the rapid development of the IT sector, a software product may be one of the components in an invention subject to patenting. The article focuses on the relationship between copyright and patent protection of software and offers a comparison of the approaches taken by the BRICS countries. Approaches taken by Germany as a European Union Member State and the United States of America are shown in the all-out comparison. The article also analyzes the views of academics on the relationship between copyright and patent protection of software

    Multiple myeloma: what a non-haematologist should know

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a type of haematological bone marrow malignancy. Cancer Research UK reports that MM is the 18th most common cancer in the UK, accounting for 2% of all new cancer cases, yet, non-haematologists often lack familiarity with the pathology and initial investigations. This paper aims to demonstrate the diagnostic features, relevant investigations and basic management plan for the non-specialist

    High emission rate of sulfuric acid from Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka

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    High concentrations of primary sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in fumarolic gases and high emission rate of sulfuric acid aerosol in the plume were measured at Bezymianny volcano, an active dome-growing andesitic volcano in central Kamchatka. Using direct sampling, filter pack sampling, and differential optical absorption spectroscopy measurements, we estimated an average emission of H2SO4 at 243 ± 75 t/d in addition to an average SO2 emission of 212 ± 65 t/d. The fumarolic gases of Bezymianny correspond to arc gases released by several magma bodies at different stages of degassing and contain 25-92% of entrained air. H2SO4 accounts for 6-87 mol% of the total sulfur content, 42.8 mol% on average, and SO2 is the rest. The high H2SO4 in Bezymianny fumaroles can be explained by catalytic oxidation of SO2 inside the volcanic dome. Because sulfate aerosol is impossible to measure remotely, the total sulfur content in a plume containing significant H2SO4 may be seriously underestimated

    N-фенетил-2-гідрокси-4-оксо-4Н-піридо[1,2-а]піримідин-3-карбоксаміди як можливі про- тивірусні агенти

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    Based on the preliminary calculated screening performed by the PASS programme the synthesis of the group of the corresponding N-phenethyl-2-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxamides as potential antiviral agents has been carried out by the interaction of ethyl esters of 2-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxylic acids with 2-arylethylamines in boiling ethanol. Their structure has been confirmed by the data of elemental analysis and NMR 1H spectroscopy. Of the Herpesviruses family such viruses as Herpes Simplex Viruses Type 1 and 2, Varicella-Zoster Virus, Epstein-Barr Virus, as well as Cytomegalovirus have been involved in the screening research. Influenza Virus was presented by two types: A (subtypes H1N1, H3N2, H5N1) and B. The group of viruses affecting different sections of the respiratory tract included Parainfluenza Virus, SARS Virus, Rhinovirus, Adenovirus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Besides, Measles Virus, Vaccinia Virus and related Cowpox Virus, Hepatitis B and C Viruses, as well as Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus were involved. The group of viruses causing febrile states of varying severity in human was presented by Rift Valley Fever Virus, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever Virus, Dengue Virus and Tacaribe Virus. According to the results of the tests performed N-(4-chlorophenethyl)- 2-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxamide has been recommended for further research. Having a low cytotoxicity this compound revealed a high antiviral activity in relation to the West Nile fever virus agent.На основании проведенного по программе PASS предварительного расчетного скрининга в качестве потенциальных противовирусных агентов взаимодействием этиловых эфиров 2-гидрокси-4-оксо-4Н-пиридо[1,2-а] пиримидин-3-карбоновых кислот с 2-арилэтиламинами в кипящем этиловом спирте осуществлен синтез группы соответствующих N-фенетил-2-гидрокси-4-оксо-4Н-пиридо[1,2-а]пиримидин-3-карбоксамидов. Их строение подтверждено данными элементного анализа и спектроскопии ЯМР 1Н. Из семейства герпесвирусов в скрининговых исследованиях были задействованы вирусы простого герпеса 1 и 2 типов, вирус Варицелла-Зостера, вирус Эпштейна-Барра, а также цитомегаловирус. Вирус гриппа был представлен двумя типами: А (подтипы H1N1, H3N2, H5N1) и В. Группа вирусов, поражающих различные отделы дыхательной системы, включала вирус парагриппа, вирус SARS, риновирус, аденовирус и респираторный синцитиальный вирус. Кроме того, были задействованы вирусы кори, коровьей оспы, родственный ему Cowpox вирус, вирусы гепатитов В и С, а также вирус Венесуэльского конского энцефалита. Группа вирусов, вызывающих у человека лихорадочные состояния различной степени тяжести, представлена вирусом лихорадки долины Рифт, вирусом Западного Нила, вирусом желтой лихорадки, вирусом Денге и вирусом Такарибе. По результатам проведенных испытаний для дальнейшего изучения рекомендован N-(4-хлорфенетил)-2-гидрокси-4- оксо-4H-пиридо-[1,2-a]пиримидин-3-карбоксамид. При низкой цитотоксичности это соединение проявило высокую противовирусную активность по отношению к возбудителю лихорадки Западного Нила.На підставі проведеного за програмою PASS попереднього розрахункового скринінгу як потенційні противірусні агенти взаємодією етилових естерів 2-гідрокси-4-оксо-4Н-піридо[1,2-а]піримідин-3-карбонових кислот з 2-арилетиламінами у киплячому етиловому спирті здійснено синтез групи відповідних N-фенетил- 2-гідрокси-4-оксо-4Н-піридо[1,2-а]піримідин-3-карбоксамідів. Їх будова підтверджена даними елементного аналізу та спектроскопії ЯМР 1Н. З сімейства герпесвірусів у скринінгових дослідженнях були задіяні віруси простого герпесу 1 та 2 типів, вірус Варіцелла-Зостера, вірус Епштейна-Барра, а також цитомегаловірус. Вірус грипу було представлено двома типами: А (підтипи H1N1, H3N2, H5N1) та В. Група вірусів, що викликають ураження різних відділів дихальної системи, включала вірус парагрипу, вірус SARS, риновірус, аденовірус та респіраторний синцитіальний вірус. Крім того, були задіяні віруси кору, коров’ячої віспи, споріднений йому Cowpox вірус, віруси гепатитів В і С, а також вірус Венесуельського кінського енцефаліту. Група вірусів, що викликають у людини лихоманки різного ступеня тяжкості, представлена вірусом лихоманки долини Рифт, вірусом Західного Нілу, вірусом жовтої лихоманки, вірусом Денге та вірусом Такарібе. За результатами проведених випробовувань для подальшого вивчення рекомендовано N-(4-хлорфенетил)- 2-гідрокси-4-оксо-4H-піридо[1,2-a]піримідин-3-карбоксамід. При низькій цитотоксичності ця сполука виявила високу противірусну активність по відношенню до збудника лихоманки Західного Нілу

    Genes Involved in Feed Efficiency Identified in a Meta-Analysis of Rumen Tissue from Two Populations of Beef Steers

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    In cattle, the rumen is an important site for the absorption of feed by-products released by bacterial fermentation, and variation in ruminal function plays a role in cattle feed efficiency. Studies evaluating gene expression in the rumen tissue have been performed prior to this. However, validating the expression of genes identified in additional cattle populations has been challenging. The purpose of this study was to perform a meta-analysis of the ruminal transcriptome of two unrelated populations of animals to identify genes that are involved in feed efficiency across populations. RNAseq data from animals with high and low residual feed intake (RFI) from a United States population of cattle (eight high and eight low RFI) and a Canadian population of cattle (nine high and nine low RFI) were analyzed for differences in gene expression. A total of 83 differentially expressed genes were identified. Some of these genes have been previously identified in other feed efficiency studies. These genes included ATP6AP1, BAG6, RHOG, and YPEL3. Differentially expressed genes involved in the Notch signaling pathway and in protein turnover were also identified. This study, combining two unrelated populations of cattle in a meta-analysis, produced several candidate genes for feed efficiency that may be more robust indicators of feed efficiency than those identified from single populations of animals

    Сharacterization of ARC-PVD ZrN nanostructured coatings by using the fractals theory

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    Nanostructured ZrN coatings for hardening of a thin-walled cutting tools operating under cyclic loads conditions have been obtained and investigated. The structure and mechanical properties of nanocoatings have been examined. It was revealed that the ZrN coating improved the properties of thin-walled cutting tools. ZrN surface morphology was theoretically substantiated with the application of the fractals theory.Отримано та досліджено наноструктуровані покриття ZrN для зміцнення тонкостінних ріжучих інструментів, що працюють в умовах циклічних навантажень. Досліджено структуру та механічні властивості нанопокриттів. Виявлено, що покриття ZrN покращує властивості тонкостінних ріжучих інструментів. Морфологія поверхні ZrN теоретично обґрунтована із застосуванням теорії фракталів