984 research outputs found

    Rural poverty in transition countries.

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    Hervormingen, initiële condities en groei.Lessen uit de transitie van de landbouwsector in Centraal en Oost-Europa, de voormalige Soviet-Unie en Oost-Azië

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    Vijfentwintig jaar geleden begon China, later gevolgd door Vietnam, zijn succesvolle hervormingsstrategie door belangrijke hervormingen in de landbouw. Productie en welvaart stegen snel en de armoede daalde. De hervormingen in Centraal- en Oost-Europa en in de voormalige Soviet-Unie na de val van de Berlijnse Muur hadden een heel ander effect. Productie en inkomens, zowel in de landbouw als daarbuiten, daalden. Dit gaf aanleiding tot een intens debat tussen voorstanders van “radicale” en van “geleidelijke” hervormingen. In dit artikel analyseren we de oorzaken van de verschillen in performantie tijdens het transitieproces. We identificeren verschillende transitiepatronen, en tonen aan dat de oorzaak van de verschillen in performantie tussen landen een combinatie is van verschillen in initiële condities en in beleidskeuzes. We besluiten dat de Chinese hervormingen zeer radicaal waren op cruciale punten en men dus genuanceerd moet zijn wanneer het “Chinese wonder” gebruikt wordt als argument voor graduele hervormingen in andere transitielanden.

    New records of marine invertebrates from Ascension Island (central Atlantic)

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    The sea anemone Telmatactis forskalii, the zoanthid Isaurus tuberculatus, the nemertine Baseodiscus delineatus, the echinoderms Ophiocoma wendtii and Mithrodia clavigera, the molluscs Colubraria canariensis, Glyphepithema turtoni, Tonna pennata, Trivia candidula, Melanella eburnea, Melanella n.sp., Echineulima leucophaes, Stylocheilus striatus, Limaria hians, Pteria hirundo and Callistoctopus macropus, and the crustaceans Tetraclitella sp., Oxynaspis celata, Thor amboinensis and Parribacus antarcticus are recorded from Ascension Island for the first time. A new depth record is given for the sea anemone Telmatactis cricoides. An undescribed shrimp species of the genus Lysmata and the shrimp Lysmata moorei were observed to clean fish at night.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Properties and hormonal regulation of two structurally related cAMP phosphodiesterases from the rat Sertoli cell

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    Upon exposure to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), the gonadotropin-responsive Sertoli cell expresses increased rolipram-sensitive cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase (cAMP-PDE) activity. To understand the mechanisms leading to this activation, the cAMP-PDEs present in the Sertoli cell were characterized and their regulation studied. Comparison of the conceptual translates of two groups of PDE cDNA clones isolated from a Sertoli cell cDNA library (ratPDE3 and ratPDE4) showed that the encoded proteins were structurally similar, containing a core region of 455 amino acids with a sequence identity of 87%. The amino and carboxyl termini were divergent. Expression of these cDNAs in Escherichia coli and monkey COS-7 cells demonstrated that the encoded cAMP-PDEs had similar affinities for the cAMP substrate and were equally sensitive to a number of PDE inhibitors (rolipram greater than Ro 20-1724 greater than cilostamide). FSH stimulation of the Sertoli cell produced an increased rate of transcription of the ratPDE3 gene and elevated mRNA levels for ratPDE3 and to a lesser extent of ratPDE4. The increase in mRNA levels was detected after 1 h of stimulation. Forskolin, cholera toxin, and N6, O2'-dibutyryl cAMP produced a similar increase in rate of transcription and elevated mRNA levels, indicating that this activation is mediated by an increase in intracellular cAMP. RatPDE4 mRNA levels were maximal upon exposure to 10 ng of FSH/ml, whereas ratPDE3 mRNA levels could be further elevated, with higher FSH concentrations. The intensity of an immunoreactive band with characteristics identical to a purified cAMP-PDE, correlated with the increased cAMP hydrolytic activity after FSH or dibutyryl cAMP treatment, demonstrating that changes in cAMP-PDE protein levels are involved in this regulation. These data provide evidence that multiple cAMP-PDE forms are expressed in the rat Sertoli cell. Although differences in the pattern of activation of these forms were observed, these data show, that in the rat Sertoli cell, the cAMP-PDE activity is regulated by hormones via a novel mechanism that involves a cAMP-dependent activation of transcription of a PDE gene

    Policy instruments in the Common Agricultural Policy

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    Policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) can be explained in terms of the exhaustion and long-term contradictions of policy instruments. Changes in policy instruments have reoriented the policy without any change in formal Treaty goals. The social and economic efficacy of instruments in terms of evidence-based policy analysis was a key factor in whether they were delegitimized. The original policy instruments were generally dysfunctional, but reframing the policy in terms of a multifunctionality paradigm permitted the development of more efficacious instruments. A dynamic interaction takes place between the instruments and policy informed by the predominant discourses

    A marketing view of the customer value: Customer lifetime value and customer equity

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    Throughout this research the customer valuation trend in marketing is going to be reviewed, emphasizing Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Equity measures. The main theoretical contributions in the development and evolution of the Customer Lifetime Value concept are analysed. Customer Lifetime Value is also differentiated from Customer Equity and Customer Profitability analysis to estimate customer value in terms of firm profitability. Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Equity concepts are formally defined. Additionally, a classification of a set of published researches into Customer Lifetime Value and/or Customer Equity is developed. This classification has been posited according to several criteria that serves as a guide to key requirements for developing these types of models. Finally, several conclusions, suggestions and future research streams are highlighted

    Globalization's effects on world agricultural trade, 1960–2050

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    Recent globalization has been characterized by a decline in the costs of cross-border trade in farm and other products. It has been driven primarily by the information and communication technology revolution and—in the case of farm products—by reductions in governmental distortions to agricultural production, consumption and trade. Both have boosted economic growth and reduced poverty globally, especially in Asia. The first but maybe not the second of these drivers will continue in coming decades. World food prices will depend also on whether (and if so by how much) farm productivity growth continues to outpace demand growth and to what extent diets in emerging economies move towards livestock and horticultural products at the expense of staples. Demand in turn will be driven not only by population and income growth, but also by crude oil prices if they remain at current historically high levels, since that will affect biofuel demand. Climate change mitigation policies and adaptation, water market developments and market access standards particularly for transgenic foods will add to future production, price and trade uncertainties

    Food Price Shocks and the Political Economy of Global Agricultural and Development Policy

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    The recent spikes of global food prices induced a rapid increase in mass media coverage, public policy attention, and donor funding for food security and for agriculture and rural poverty. This has occurred while the shift from low to high food prices has induced a shift in (demographic or social) location of the hunger and poverty effects, but the total number of undernourished and poor people has declined over the same period. We suggest that the observed pattern can be explained by the presence of a global urban bias on agriculture and food policy in developing countries, and we discuss whether this global urban bias may actually benefit poor farmers. We argue that the food price spikes have succeeded where others have failed in the past: to move the problems of poor and hungry farmers to the top of the policy agenda and to induce development and donor strategies to help them

    Russia’s agro industrial complex: economic and political influence factors and state support

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    Authors consider changes in Russian agro-industrial complex un regard to international marketing, management and business strategies. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of the differentiation trends in the socioeconomic space of the Russia. Basing on the Russia’s Federal Agency of State Statistics official materials (from 1991 to 2016), authors of the proposed research have estimated Russia’s agricultural ability to react to external changes. They reveal natural and climatic factors which have direct and essential influence on agricultural development. Authors give practical recommendations for the formation of an agriculture state domestic support mechanis