88 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Proporsi Penduduk Miskin Kabupaten Dan Kota Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression

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    Regression analysis is a statistical analysis that aims to quantify the effect of predictor variables on the response variable. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a local form of regression and a statistical method used to analyze spatial data. Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression (GTWR) is the development of GWR models to handle data that is not stationary both in terms of spatial and temporal simultaneously. In obtaining estimates of parameters of the GTWR model can be used Weighted Least Square method (WLS). Selection of the optimum bandwidth used method of Cross Validation (CV). Conformance testing global regression and GTWR models approximated by the distribution of F, whereas the partial testing of the model parameters using the t distribution. Application GTWR models at the level of poverty in Central Java province in 2008 to 2012 showed GTWR models differ significantly from the global regression model. Based on R2 and Mean Squared Error (MSE) value between the global regression model and GTWR models, it is known that the GTWR model with exponential weighting kernel function is the best model is used to analyze proportion of poor people in Central Java province in 2008 to 2012 because it has a value of R2 larger and MSE is the smallest

    Natural Polarization and Electrooptics Comparison for Evaluation of Cooking Oil Total Quality

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    In this study, the phenomena of natural polarization and electrooptics effect have been compared as alternative methods for evaluation of vegetable oil quality. The sample used in the experiment was various vegetable oils. The change of light polarization was measured using a pair of polarizer for natural polarization and in case of electrooptics with addition of induced external electric field through DC high voltage. The result has shown that both methods are able to indicate the level of various oil quality. The natural polarization is very useful for preliminary test of oil quality. In the other hand, the electrooptics has a good prospect as single physical indicator for vegetable oil quality

    Metode Polarisasi Transmisi untuk Deteksi Cemaran Lemak Babi pada Minyak Goreng

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    This study was conducted to search for "fingerprint" of the existence of lard in vegetable oil contaminated by lard as an evaluation of the halal of cooking oil by using transmission polarization method. The sample used was palm oil that has been mixed with chicken oil and lard. The light source used was green laser with wavelenght 532 nm. Measurement was conducted based on change of polarization transmission angle, with addition of external electric field produced by two parallel plates connected to 0-6kV DC voltage. The result shows that contaminated palm oil has greater polarization angle changes than pure palm oil. And palm oil that has been contamined by lard has the greatest polarization angle than a pure palm oil and palm oil contaminated by chicken oil. Transmisson polarization method can be used to evaluate halal of cooking oil

    Metode Elektrooptis sebagai Pendeteksi Radikal Bebas dan Prospek untuk Evaluasi Total Mutu Minyak Goreng

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    ABSTRACT One main problem of standard methods for determination of frying oil quality is various parameter of indicators with their various wide of methods or equipments. In this research we proposed a new method for determination of oil quality using single electrooptics parameter to replace previous indicators. The samples used in the experiment were various conditions of palm oils from the same brand. The level of oil quality was proposed by the value of 2 , which represents as the relative number of free radicals produced in the sample. The change of polarization was measured by the value of as the samples were induced by an external electric field using high voltage dc power supply. At room temperature of 28 C electrooptics method seems capable to detect free radicals and to distinguish all kinds of palm oils. This method has an opportunity to provide a single parameter of oil quality and an evaluator of halal or authentic food from fats. Key words: electrooptics, frying oil quality, polarization angle, free radicals ABSTRAK Salah satu problem utama pada metode standar untuk uji kualitas minyak goreng adalah banyaknya parameter uji beserta variasi metode-metodenya. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan metode baru untuk penentuan kualitas minyak goreng nabati menggunakan satu parameter saja, yakni elektrooptis. Sampel yang digunakan adalah minyak goreng sawit baik yang masih layak pakai maupun yang sudah kadaluarsa. Tingkat mutu minyak dinyatakan oleh nilai 2 sebagai representatif jumlah relatif radikal bebas yang dihasilkan. Perubahan sudut polarisasi cahaya diukur ketika sampel diimbas oleh medan listrik luar yang dihasilkan melalui catu daya tegangan tinggi DC. Pada suhu kamar 28 C metode elektrooptis kelihatan mampu mendeteksi radikal bebas dan membedakan semua kondisi jenis minyak sawit. Selain berprospek sebagai indikator tunggal mutu minyak goreng, metode ini berpeluang pula sebagai evaluator mutu minyak goreng hewani, serta evaluator tingkat kehalalan bahan makan dari lemak. Kata kunci: elektrooptis, mutu minyak goreng, sudut polarisasi, radikal beba

    The Effect of Constructivistic Learning Models on Entrepreneurial Orientation

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    This research activity was carried out to analyze the influence of constructivist learning models on entrepreneurial orientation. The research population is all Vocational High School students in Malang with proportional random sampling sampling technique and a total sample of 100 students. Primary data was analyzed by structural equation model with Partial Least Square (PLS) data processing program. Based on the results of data analysis revealed that the constructivistic learning model influences the entrepreneurial orientation. It means, the constructivistic learning model really becomes an approach in building mental entrepreneurship


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    Pada tulisan ini telah dilakukan pengukuran langsung perubahan polarisasi fluoresens pada panjang gelombang datang 532 nm untuk evaluasi mutu minyak goreng berdasarkan tingkat kadaluwarsanya. Sampel yang digunakan adalah minyak zaitun dan sawit dengan berbagai tanggal kadaluwarsa. Sudut pengamatan cahaya hambur pada arah tegak lurus terhadap cahaya datang. Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa perubahan polarisasi akibat fluoresens tidak linier terhadap polarisasi cahaya datang, namun polarisasi terbesar diperoleh saat = 0. Dengan sudut = 0 diperoleh bahwa, baik untuk minyak zaitun maupun sawit, perubahan polarisasi fluoresens meningkat seiring dengan semakin kadaluwarsanya minyak. Metode polarisasi fluoresens ini identik dengan polarisasi transmisi dan dapat digunakan sebagai uji awal mutu minyak goreng layak pakai atau kadaluwarsa
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