958 research outputs found

    Somatic, mood, and vasomotor symptoms at midlife in relation to family structure and household workloads in Sylhet, Bangladesh

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    The purpose of this study was to test whether the frequencies of vasomotor, somatic, and emotional symptoms at midlife were associated with household composition or workloads. Patrilocal family arrangements are common in Bangladesh and, since mothers-in-law hold a position of power vis-à-vis their daughters-in-law, we hypothesized that living with a mother-in-law would increase the likelihood of symptoms at midlife, while living with a daughter-in-law would decrease likelihood of symptoms. We also hypothesised that women with high levels of household workloads would be more likely to report symptoms associated with midlife. Women aged 35-59 living in Sylhet, Bangladesh, (n=157) participated in interviews and anthropometric measures. Symptom frequencies during the past two weeks were collected. Household workloads were computed as minutes spent in housework, caring for dependents, and cooking. Daily values were multiplied by times per week the activity was carried out. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between family composition, workloads, and symptoms. Dizzy spells, nervous tension, lack of energy, aches/stiffness in joints, and trouble sleeping were most frequent. Hot flashes were reported by 46% of participants. Women spent more hours caring for dependents than cooking or doing housework. The likelihood of hot flashes increased with time spent in housework and cooking, with daughters in the household, and with chewing betel nut. Daughters-in-law in the household decreased the likelihood of hot flashes. The likelihood of nervous tension increased with peri-menopausal status, stress, and sons in the household, and decreased with more hours spent caring for dependents. The frequency of somatic symptoms and depressed mood exceeded the frequency of hot flashes. Household composition and workloads were more important than menopausal status in explaining variation in symptom frequencies. After controlling for other variables, the presence of mothers-in-law did not increase the likelihood of reporting symptoms at midlife; however, the presence of a daughter-in-law reduced the likelihood of hot flashes, perhaps because of fewer hours spent on housework and cooking

    OnabotulinumtoxinA 100U provides significant improvements in overactive bladder symptoms in patients with urinary incontinence regardless of the number of anticholinergic therapies used or reason for inadequate management of overactive bladder

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    INTRODUCTION: A prespecified pooled analysis of two placebo-controlled, phase 3 trials evaluated whether the number of prior anticholinergics used or reason for their discontinuation affected the treatment response to onabotulinumtoxinA 100U in overactive bladder (OAB) patients with urinary incontinence (UI). METHODS: Patients with symptoms of OAB received intradetrusor injections of onabotulinumtoxinA 100U or placebo, sparing the trigone. Change from baseline at week 12 in UI episodes/day, proportion of patients reporting a positive response (‘greatly improved’ or ‘improved’) on the treatment benefit scale (TBS), micturition and urgency were evaluated by number of prior anticholinergics (1, 2 or ≥ 3) and reason for their discontinuation (insufficient efficacy or side effects). Adverse events (AE) were assessed. RESULTS: Patients had taken an average of 2.4 anticholinergics before study enrolment. OnabotulinumtoxinA reduced UI episodes/day from baseline vs. placebo, regardless of the number of prior anticholinergics (−2.82 vs. −1.52 for one prior anticholinergic; −2.58 vs. −0.58 for two prior anticholinergics; and −2.92 vs. −0.73 for three or more prior anticholinergics; all p < 0.001). The proportion of TBS responders was higher with onabotulinumtoxinA vs. placebo (69.0% vs. 37.2% for one prior anticholinergic; 58.8% vs. 24.8% for two prior anticholinergics and 56.4% vs. 22.5% for three or more prior anticholinergics; all p < 0.001). Similar results were observed regardless of the reason for discontinuation. OnabotulinumtoxinA reduced the episodes of urgency and frequency of micturition vs. placebo in all groups. AEs were well tolerated, with a comparable incidence in all groups. CONCLUSION: In patients with symptoms of OAB who were inadequately managed by one or more anticholinergics, onabotulinumtoxinA 100U provided significant and similar treatment benefit and safety profile regardless of the number of prior anticholinergics used or reason for inadequate management of OAB. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00910845, NCT00910520

    Religious minority identity associates with stress and psychological health among Muslim and Hindu women in Bangladesh and London

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    This study examined the association of minority religious identification (Hindu or Muslim) with self-reported stress and psychological symptoms among sedentee and immigrant Bangladeshi women. Women, aged 35-59 (n = 531) were drawn from Sylhet, Bangladesh and London, England. Muslim immigrants in London and Hindu sedentees in Sylhet represented minority religious identities. Muslim sedentees in Sylhet and Londoners of European descent represented majority religious identities. In bivariate analyses, minority religious identity was examined in relation to self-reported measures of stress, nervous tension, and depressed mood. Logistic regression was applied to examine the relationship between these variables while adjusting for marital status, parity, daily walking, and perceived financial comfort. In bivariate analyses, religious minorities reported more stress than religious majorities in all group comparisons (p < .05), and minority Muslims reported more nervous tension and depressed mood than majority Muslims (p < .05). In logistic regression models, minority Muslims had greater odds of high stress than majority Muslims (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.18-3.39). Minority Muslims had greater odds of stress (OR 3.05, 95% CI 1.51-6.17) and nervous tension (OR 3.37, 95% CI 1.66-6.87) than majority Londoners. Financial comfort reduced odds of stress and symptoms in all models. Socioeconomic situation, immigration history, and minority ethnicity appear to influence the relationship between religious identity and psychosomatic symptoms in Bangladeshi women. Attention to personal and socioeconomic context is important for research examining the association between religion and mental health

    Fluid flow stimulates chemoautotrophy in hydrothermally influenced coastal sediments

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Sievert, S. M., Buehring, S., Gulmann, L. K., Hinrichs, K.-U., Ristova, P. P., & Gomez-Saez, G. Fluid flow stimulates chemoautotrophy in hydrothermally influenced coastal sediments. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), (2022): 96, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00426-5.Hydrothermalism in coastal sediments strongly impacts biogeochemical processes and supports chemoautotrophy. Yet, the effect of fluid flow on microbial community composition and rates of chemoautotrophic production is unknown because rate measurements under natural conditions are difficult, impeding an assessment of the importance of these systems. Here, in situ incubations controlling fluid flow along a transect of three geochemically distinct locations at a shallow-water hydrothermal system off Milos (Greece) show that Campylobacteria dominated chemoautotrophy in the presence of fluid flow. Based on injected 13C-labelled dissolved inorganic carbon and its incorporation into fatty acids, we constrained carbon fixation to be as high as 12 µmol C cm−3 d−1, corresponding to areal rates up to 10-times higher than previously reported for coastal sediments, and showed the importance of fluid flow for supplying the necessary substrates to support chemoautotrophy. Without flow, rates were substantially lower and microbial community composition markedly shifted. Our results highlight the importance of fluid flow in shaping the composition and activity of microbial communities of shallow-water hydrothermal vents, identifying them as hotspots of microbial productivity.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL

    Prospectus, January 15, 1971

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    STUDENT SENATE TO PICK ORANGIZATION OF THE YEAR; Speakers, Films, Panel To Highlight Teach-In Titled About Drugs ; Editors Of Student Newspapers See Censorship As Growing Threat; Problems Of Our Times: Emotion As A Cause; Guest Column; Letters;Bull Page: Ice Skating Party, SWAMP, Wit N\u27 Wisdom, Family Night, Decals, Drug Program, IOC, Student Transfers, Financial Aids, SIU Guest Day, Used Book Store, College Play, Debates Team, Yearbook, Flash Gordon, Vets Meeting, Student Government, Attention All Clubs; Parkland Holds Music Building Workshops; Chemistry Teacher Is Ex-Hockey Plater; Picture Schedule; Illini Freshman Defeat Cobras; I\u27m For Real: Apathy Strikes Cobras; Indoor Track; Danville Over PC; Sport Briefs; Athlete Of The Monthhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1971/1016/thumbnail.jp

    The accident insurance as a promising direction for insurance in Russia

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    Статья посвящена анализу состояния рынка услуг страхования от несчастных случаев. Актуальность исследования определяется тем, что страхование является неотъемлемым атрибутом цивилизованного общества, позволяющим сохранить обеспеченность доходами при неблагоприятных ситуациях. По статистике в России уровень травматизма и непредвиденных обстоятельств весьма велик. Люди традиционно уделяют мало внимания формированию резервов на случай временной или постоянной нетрудоспособности. Цель работы: рассмотреть систему страхования от несчастных случаев. Методы исследования: метод сопоставления, необходимый для выявления главных тенденций на рынке страховых услуг; аналитический метод, позволяющий понять, какие проблемы характерны для этого вида страхования; статистический метод, выявляющий масштабы страхования от несчастных случаев. Результаты: раскрывается сущность и виды страхования от несчастных случаев.The article is devoted to analysis of service market of accident insurance. The relevant of the study is determined by the fact that insurance is an integral attribute of a civilized society that allows you to save security income in adverse situations. According to statistics, in Russia the level of injury and unforeseen circumstances is very great. People traditionally pay little attention to formation of reserves in case of temporary or permanent incapacity for work. The main aim of the study is to consider the system of the accident insurance. Methods: the matching method required to identify the main trends in the insurance market; the analytical technique which allows understanding the typical problems for this type of insurance; the statistical method allows us to identify the extent of accident insurance. Results. The paper reveals the essence and types of accident insurance and considers the model events when the insurance company indemnifies for the damage. The causes of the demand for this type of insurance in Russia are identified. Based on the statistical data the author has determined the proportion of the accident insured people

    The effect of insulin on cardiac autonomic balance predicts weight reduction after gastric bypass

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    Aims/hypothesis: The aim of this study was to assess the predictive role of autonomic reactivity in body weight loss induced by gastric bypass. Methods: A group of 22 morbidly obese subjects, who were due to undergo a gastric bypass, were submitted, before surgery, to a euglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic clamp, during which a continuous recording of the ECG was performed. The effect of insulin on cardiac autonomic balance was evaluated by performing power spectral analysis of heart rate variability. The low-to-high frequency ratio was calculated before and during the clamp and its modifications were expressed as % delta low-to-high frequency ratio (%Δ L: H). Results: Preoperative %Δ L: H showed a significant (p=0.0009, r 2=0.43), positive relationship to the reduction of body weight, measured 1 year after surgery and expressed as % excess weight loss (% EWL). Preoperative BMI was also significantly (p=0.0009, r 2=0.43) negatively related to the 12-month % EWL. In a multiple regression analysis, %Δ L: H remained a significant (p=0.003), independent predictor of body weight loss, even when preoperative BMI or age, % fat mass, insulinaemia and glucose disposal were taken into account. Conclusions/interpretation: The best correction of excess body weight was achieved by those obese subjects who had a preserved capacity to shift their cardiac autonomic balance towards a sympathetic prevalence in response to an euglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic clamp. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms through which the autonomic nervous system influences weight reductio