273 research outputs found

    Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Treatment- A Systematic Review

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    Introduction Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is an uncommon neurodegenerative disease associated with postural instability, falling, and memory loss. Because of clinical similarities, it is often classified as atypical Parkinson\u27s disease. PSP may present abruptly with a relatively rapid decline, leading to death in a few years. Different therapeutic approaches have been suggested for PSP, but their efficacy is unclear. To our knowledge, there has been no systematic review of PSP treatment. Objective To determine the effectiveness PSP treatments. Methods A systematic review of published literature was completed. We searched using PubMed and SCOPUS for related articles. The search terms are listed in the Table. To maximize sensitivity, we also searched gray literature. Our initial inclusion criteria were: English, published after January 1, 1994, provides data on a treatment intervention for PSP patients, and had measurable outcomes. Articles were then excluded if they had: no comparison group; no clear, defined interventions; outcome(s) that were not objective (we allowed opinion/observations recorded by the patient or a family member); and outcome assessors not blinded to the intervention. The control population needed to have an intervention similar to the experimental intervention (an attention sham). We then grouped the remaining articles according to the therapeutic domain: ophthalmic treatment, physical therapy, intra/trans cranial procedures and medications. Results The initial search obtained 617 publications. Of these, 28 met our inclusion criteria. These were grouped by therapy: 2 dealt with an ophthalmic interventions; 3 with a PT/rehabilitation intervention; 4 with some intracranial procedures; and 17 dealt with medications. 2 dealt with 2 or more types of intervention. Of these, none remained after application of our exclusion criteria. A meta-analysis was not possible. Authors’ conclusions No therapy has been established as efficacious for PSP. Studies of one medication, Co-Q 10, have been encouraging in phase 2 trial, and a phase 3 trial is currently active. An approach using physical therapy (balance training) and eye movement rehabilitation found some benefit in gait and general mobility, but there was no adequate control and the overall benefit to patients (falls, quality of life, hospitalization, etc.) was not evaluated

    The Potential Impact of Electronic Services to Rafah Municipality's Operational Excellence

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    This study investigates the potential impact of electronic services in achieving operational excellence, using the Rafah municipality as a case study. The ARIMA model was employed in the study to forecast changes in the municipal cost trend. Additionally, a questionnaire was designed, to collect data from the study population of 329 employees in the Rafah municipality, a descriptive-analytical technique using the least squares method was utilized to estimate the regression equation of the operational excellence components (time and cost). The results demonstrate that the anticipated costs will reduce, with a relative decline rate of 1% for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025. Furthermore, the statistical findings showed that a change in the level of software package measurement of one unit would result in a 0.50-degree improvement in the transaction time index and a 0.29-degree decrease in cost. According to the results cited, electronic services had a statistically significant impact on the municipality of Rafah's achievement of operational excellence. Therefore, this study recommends implementing digitization to achieve operational excellence and establishing a technology unit that would be entrusted with supervising all facets of managing and improving municipal systems. Keywords: Electronic services, Digital transformation, Software packages, Knowledge management, Website, Operational excellence. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-17-10 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Study of Changes in Cholesterol 7 Alpha Hydroxylase in Patients with Gall Stone in Babylon Province

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    المرارة (GB) هوالجهازالمساعدمنالجهاز الهضمي،وهي تقعتحتالكبد وتعلق علىنظامالصفراوي،وأنها مسؤولة عنالتحكم فيإطلاقالصفراءوالتخزين. مرضحصوةمشكلة صحية كبيرةفي جميع أنحاء العالم. في 10-15٪ من البالغيناحتواءمرضحصوة. هذه الدراسة (مراقبةحالة) ويتكون من 160 (160) وشملتالمرضىفيهذه الدراسةتم اختيارها عشوائيا، ويتألفمن 130 من الإناث و 30 من الذكور. ويتم فحصجميع المرضى 24 ساعة. قبل العملية،داخلالجراحةوبعدالجراحة 24hr. انخفاضالحركةالمرارةوانخفاضالكولسترول 7 -alpha النشاطهيدروكسيلاز،التي تنظمنوفوتوليفالصفراء الملح. والحد من معدل خطوةمنتركيب الحامض المرارييتصرفبين 7A1 CYP الكبدمعين (CYP450). وهكذا،والتعديلاتفي السيطرةالجينات CYP أيضا له تأثيرعلىتركيب الحامض المراريوالتمثيل الغذائي للدهون.The gallbladder (GB) is an assistant organ of the digestive system, It is  located under the liver and attached to the biliary system, And it is responsible for controlling release of bile and the storage. Gallstone disease a major health problem worldwide. In 10–15% of adults contain gallstone disease. This study (case control) consists of  one hundred sixty (160) patients are included in this study randomly selected  and consisted of 130 females and 30 males. All patients are examined 24 hr. Before operation, Intra operatively and 24hr post operatively. Decreased gallbladder motility and the decrease of cholesterol 7 –alpha hydroxylase activity, which regulate the novo bile salt synthesis. The rate-limiting step of bile acid synthesis is acting between the liver-specific CYP 7A1 (CYP450). Thus, Alteration in CYP gene control also has an impact on bile acid synthesis and lipid metabolism

    Étude expérimentale de la formulation de mortier a base de sable silteux du Togo et de liant de sachets plastiques type « voltic »

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    La présente étude est destinée à valoriser les déchets plastiques par la recherche d’une formule optimale de mortier à base de sable silteux du Togo et de sachets plastiques fondus du type « voltic » offrant des propriétés mécaniques optimales. Trente six (36) échantillons de mortier à base de mélange de sable silteux et de liant de sachets plastiques à des dosages variant de 7% à 28% ont été préparés et soumis aux essais physiques et mécaniques après imbibition ou non dans de l’eau. Il ressort des résultats que le dosage en liant de sachets plastiques offrant de résistance optimale en compression (σc), au fendage (τd), en traction par flexion (σf) et par fendage (σd) varient de 16% à 22% avec des résistances à la rupture respectives d’environ 10,3 MPa (à 22%), 2,2 MPa (à 16%), 5,3 MPa (à 18%) et 1,4 MPa (à 16%). Le matériau présente des modules d’élasticité en compression (Ec), en flexion (Ef) et au fendage (Gd) respectivement d’environ 3 800 MPa, 700 MPa et 60 MPa pour des taux de liants de 22%. Pour de faibles taux de liants (8 à 10%), la densité du mortier et son absorption d’eau (en masse) sont optimales (respectivement de 1,95% et 0,29%). Cette absorption d’eau est nulle pour les teneurs en liant supérieures à 18% montrant le comportement étanche des mortiers. Les mortiers peuvent donc être utilisés pour les travaux de pavages, d’étanchement des toitures et de murs pour des taux de liants compris entre 18 à 22%.Mots-clés : mortier, sachets plastiques, sable silteux, eau, propriétés physico-mécaniques

    Effects of selective laser melting process parameters on 3D-printing of Ti6Al4V/ST316L composite material and their optimization using response surface methodology

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    The mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V and ST316L bone implants make them superior to natural bone, which results in fewer contact points with the bone. Different manufacturing processes, such as selective laser melting (SLM), may result in different mechanical properties between Ti-6Al-4V and ST316L implants. Sustainable development for the composite implants was optimized (SLM) in this study to minimize their compressive strength and Young's modulus. A three-dimensional printing process using SLM was optimized based on laser power, hatch distance, laser velocity, and ST316L weight percentage. Composite implants made from titanium alloys and steel alloys were evaluated using response surface methodology (RSM). ST316L composition has been found to influence the mechanical properties of composites in a significant manner, based on the results of parameter optimization. Using Ti6Al4V/ST316L as a biomaterial in knee joint prostheses is possible

    Can quality of work life affect work performance among Government Agriculture Extension Officers? a case from Malaysia

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    The importance of agriculture industry in enhancing the country economy cannot be denied. Recently, a total of USD 1.7 billion has been allocated by the government to boost this industry. Beside of this huge allocation, do the policy implementers which are the agriculture extension officers have adequate work performance to carry out the responsibility given to them? Approach: This study would like to discover whether quality of work life among the agriculture extension employee do have impact their work performance or not. It is necessary to estimate quality of work life function in enhancing work performance, analyze the most important factor and variables on this work performance. The instruments used for collecting data were: A scale on individual and family life, a scale on safety and security on the organization, a scale on interpersonal relationship in the organization, a scale on job satisfaction, a scale on organizational policies and management style, a scale on personnel health and well being, a scale on work environment, a scale on remuneration and a scale on organizational support. The data were analyzed PASW software. Results: Results depict that all of the nine qualities of work life studied have significant and positive relationship with work performance where the highest relationship occurred between individual and family life with work performance. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that five factors which are individual and family life, job satisfaction, organization policy and management style, work environment and remuneration are the main contributors to work performance among government agricultural extension employees. Conclusion / Recommendations: From the results gained, it can be concluded that aspect of individual and family life is the highest contributor to work performance among government agriculture extension officer. It can be noted that more courses on how to manage individual and family life should be intensified. A specific counseling department should be established within agriculture agencies in Malaysia. From this study, it is recommended for the future researchers to investigate more on the influence of individual and family life on work performance and work satisfaction in Malaysia

    Impact of different IMRT techniques to improve conformity and normal tissue sparing in upper esophageal cancer

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    Purpose: Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for cervical esophageal cancer is challenging. Although IMRT techniques using inverse planning algorithms are facilitating the treatment planning process, the irradiation dose to the normal tissues can be a critical issue. This study was performed to investigate the effect of beam numbers and their directions and local optimization on: (1) dose conformity and homogeneity to the planning target volume (PTV) and (2) dose to the organ at risks (OARs).Methods: Four upper esophageal cancer cases were randomly selected for this treatment planning study. Eight IMRT plans were generated for each case with the same dose-volume constraints but with different beam numbers and arrangements. Local optimization using regular structures drawn automatically around the PTV with margins from 0.5-1.5 cm was performed. IMRT plans were evaluated with respect to isodose distributions, dose-volume histograms (DVHs) parameters, homogeneity index (HI), and conformity index (CI). The statistical comparison between the types of plans was done using the One Way ANOVA test.Results: The results showed that IMRT using three or five beams was not sufficient to obtain good dose optimization. The seven field plans showed the best coverage for the PTV with tolerable doses for the OARs, and the beam orientation was very critical. Increasing beams (Bs) number from 7 to 13 did not show significant differences in the PTV coverage, while the mean lung dose was increased. The PTV coverage were 95.1, 95.1, 98.1, 97.3, 97.3, 97.3, 97.0, and 97.0% for 3Bs, 5Bs, 7Bs, 9Bs, 13Bs, 7Bs(30), 7Bs(60) (beam angles were changed from 0o to 30o and 60o), and 7Bs(R) (seven IMRT plans with ring), respectively. The mean heart dose did not exceed 0.36 Gy with p < 0.05. For lung doses, the best plan was the one with 9Bs which reduced lung volume doses V20Gy (%) and V30Gy (%), and reduced mean lung dose from 5.4 to 4.5 Gy with p < 0.05 for 7Bs(R) plans. IMRT improved the homogeneity indices (p > 0.05), yet conformity was better with 9Bs and 7Bs(R) IMRT plans with p < 0.05.Conclusion: Seven equispaced coplanar intensity-modulated beams with an addition of a ring structure can produce desirable dose distributions to the PTV. Moreover, dose-volume of exposed normal lung can be reduced with 9Bs and 7Bs(R) IMRT plans

    The Effect Of Refolding Conditions On The Protein Solubility Recovered From Inclusion Bodies

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    Recombinant proteins are expressed as inclusion bodies in bacterial enriched native-like secondary structure and thus give a great potential in biotechnological utilities. However, the quality of soluble proteins recovered from inclusion bodies is questionable because the refolded protein with wrong conformation will assemble to form aggregates. In this study, enhanced green fluorescent protein-inclusion bodies was used as the model protein to investigate the effects of protein concentration and purity on protein refolding. Three different types of solubized enhanced green fluorescent protein-inclusion bodies were refolded which were solubized inclusion bodies with cell debris, solubized inclusion bodies with detergent washing, and purified solubized inclusion bodies using preparative native urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. For the first and second conditions, the solubized enhanced green fluorescent protein-inclusion bodies were refolded at a high protein concentration and low protein purity environment. Polyacrylamide gel images show the refolded protein changed in conformation and increased in size when the solubized inclusion bodies underwent various refolding periods. Meanwhile, the refolded protein under the third refolding condition has a correct protein conformation and achieved the highest refolding yield. Studying the effects of refolding conditions using different types of solubized inclusion bodies may provide researchers with possible approaches to avoid soluble aggregates formation

    Possible Potentiation by Certain Antioxidants of the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Diclofenac in Rats

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    In the present study, we investigated the potential beneficial impact of the addition of antioxidant supplements to diclofenac regimen in a model of carrageenan-induced paw. Rats were treated daily with antioxidants, that is, a-lipoic acid (50 mg/kg), selenium (2.5 mg/kg), vitamin C (1 g/kg), vitamin E (300 mg/kg), or zinc (25 mg/kg) on seven successive days and then received a single treatment with diclofenac or saline before carrageenan was injected to induce paw inflammation. The results indicated that these combinations did not significantly affect the percentage inhibition of paw edema caused by diclofenac alone; however, some combination treatments ameliorated signs of concomitant oxidative stress (such as alterations in plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, hemolysate reduced glutathione levels, and erythrocytic superoxide dismutase enzyme activities) imparted by diclofenac alone. In some cases, few tested antioxidants in combination with diclofenac resulted in increased plasma levels of interleukin- (IL-) 6 and C-reactive protein (CRP). In conclusion, the results of these studies suggested to us that the added presence of natural antioxidants could be beneficial as standard anti-inflammatory therapeutics for a patient under diclofenac treatment, albeit that these effects do not appear to significantly build upon those that could be obtained from this common anti-inflammatory agent per se