730 research outputs found

    Short-time critical dynamics at perfect and non-perfect surface

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    We report Monte Carlo simulations of critical dynamics far from equilibrium on a perfect and non-perfect surface in the 3d Ising model. For an ordered initial state, the dynamic relaxation of the surface magnetization, the line magnetization of the defect line, and the corresponding susceptibilities and appropriate cumulant is carefully examined at the ordinary, special and surface phase transitions. The universal dynamic scaling behavior including a dynamic crossover scaling form is identified. The exponent β1\beta_1 of the surface magnetization and β2\beta_2 of the line magnetization are extracted. The impact of the defect line on the surface universality classes is investigated.Comment: 11figure

    Surface critical behavior in fixed dimensions d<4d<4: Nonanalyticity of critical surface enhancement and massive field theory approach

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    The critical behavior of semi-infinite systems in fixed dimensions d<4d<4 is investigated theoretically. The appropriate extension of Parisi's massive field theory approach is presented.Two-loop calculations and subsequent Pad\'e-Borel analyses of surface critical exponents of the special and ordinary phase transitions yield estimates in reasonable agreement with recent Monte Carlo results. This includes the crossover exponent Φ(d=3)\Phi (d=3), for which we obtain the values Φ(n=1)0.54\Phi (n=1)\simeq 0.54 and Φ(n=0)0.52\Phi (n=0)\simeq 0.52, considerably lower than the previous ϵ\epsilon-expansion estimates.Comment: Latex with Revtex-Stylefiles, 4 page

    Surface critical exponents at a uniaxial Lifshitz point

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    Using Monte Carlo techniques, the surface critical behaviour of three-dimensional semi-infinite ANNNI models with different surface orientations with respect to the axis of competing interactions is investigated. Special attention is thereby paid to the surface criticality at the bulk uniaxial Lifshitz point encountered in this model. The presented Monte Carlo results show that the mean-field description of semi-infinite ANNNI models is qualitatively correct. Lifshitz point surface critical exponents at the ordinary transition are found to depend on the surface orientation. At the special transition point, however, no clear dependency of the critical exponents on the surface orientation is revealed. The values of the surface critical exponents presented in this study are the first estimates available beyond mean-field theory.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures include

    Isolated adult hypoganglionosis presenting as sigmoid volvulus: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Isolated hypoganglionosis is a rare cause of intestinal innervation defects. It is characterized by sparse and small myenteric ganglia, absent or low acetylcholinesterase activity in the lamina propria and hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosae, principally in the region of the colon and rectum. It accounts for 5% of all intestinal neuronal malformations. To the best of our knowledge, only 92 cases of isolated hypoganglionosis were reported from 1978 to 2009. Isolated hypoganglionosis usually manifests as enterocolitis or poor bowel function, and is diagnosed in infancy or childhood. We report the first case of isolated hypoganglionosis presenting with sigmoid volvulus in a 34-year-old woman.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 34-year-old Asian woman had progressively increasing abdominal pain and had not passed stool or flatus for two days. A physical examination revealed a distended abdomen with sluggish gut sounds. A computerized tomography (CT) scan demonstrated gross dilatation of the sigmoid colon (maximal diameter 14.3 cm) suggestive of sigmoid volvulus. During emergency laparotomy, sigmoidectomy with a side-to-side colorectal anastomosis was performed. Histopathology of the resected specimen showed occasional ganglion cells and hypertrophied nerve bundles in the muscle layers, suggesting hypoganglionosis. Colonoscopy was performed, and multiple full-thickness biopsies were taken that showed hypoganglionosis of the entire large bowel. Our patient underwent total colectomy with an ileorectal anastomosis. Subsequently our patient reported a dramatic improvement in her bowel function.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Isolated hypoganglionosis is a rare cause of intestinal dysganglionosis and cannot be differentiated from Hirschsprung's disease based on clinical presentation. This case report describes an atypical presentation of the disease. A definitive diagnosis requires histopathological analysis of full-thickness intestinal biopsies. Treatment should be tailored to the extent of hypoganglionosis.</p

    Correlated percolation and the correlated resistor network

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    We present some exact results on percolation properties of the Ising model, when the range of the percolating bonds is larger than nearest-neighbors. We show that for a percolation range to next-nearest neighbors the percolation threshold Tp is still equal to the Ising critical temperature Tc, and present the phase diagram for this type of percolation. In addition, we present Monte Carlo calculations of the finite size behavior of the correlated resistor network defined on the Ising model. The thermal exponent t of the conductivity that follows from it is found to be t = 0.2000 +- 0.0007. We observe no corrections to scaling in its finite size behavior.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX, 6 figures include

    Development and validation of a gene expression test to identify hard-to-heal chronic venous leg ulcers

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    Background: Chronic venous leg ulcers pose a significant burden to healthcare systems, and predicting wound healing is challenging. The aim of this study was to develop a genetic test to evaluate the propensity of a chronic ulcer to heal. Methods: Sequential refinement and testing of a gene expression signature was conducted using three distinct cohorts of human wound tissue. The expression of candidate genes was screened using a cohort of acute and chronic wound tissue and normal skin with quantitative transcript analysis. Genes showing significant expression differences were combined and examined, using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, in a controlled prospective study of patients with venous leg ulcers. A refined gene signature was evaluated using a prospective, blinded study of consecutive patients with venous ulcers. Results: The initial gene signature, comprising 25 genes, could identify the outcome (healing versus non‐healing) of chronic venous leg ulcers (area under the curve (AUC) 0·84, 95 per cent c.i. 0·73 to 0·94). Subsequent refinement resulted in a final 14‐gene signature (WD14), which performed equally well (AUC 0·88, 0·80 to 0·97). When examined in a prospective blinded study, the WD14 signature could also identify wounds likely to demonstrate signs of healing (AUC 0·73, 0·62 to 0·84). Conclusion: A gene signature can identify people with chronic venous leg ulcers that are unlikely to heal

    A Scheme to Numerically Evolve Data for the Conformal Einstein Equation

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    This is the second paper in a series describing a numerical implementation of the conformal Einstein equation. This paper deals with the technical details of the numerical code used to perform numerical time evolutions from a "minimal" set of data. We outline the numerical construction of a complete set of data for our equations from a minimal set of data. The second and the fourth order discretisations, which are used for the construction of the complete data set and for the numerical integration of the time evolution equations, are described and their efficiencies are compared. By using the fourth order scheme we reduce our computer resource requirements --- with respect to memory as well as computation time --- by at least two orders of magnitude as compared to the second order scheme.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Neural representation of newly instructed rule identities during early implementation trials

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    By following explicit instructions, humans instantaneously get the hang of tasks they have never performed before. We used a specially calibrated multivariate analysis technique to uncover the elusive representational states during the first few implementations of arbitrary rules such as ‘for coffee, press red button’ following their first-time instruction. Distributed activity patterns within the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) indicated the presence of neural representations specific of individual stimulus-response (S-R) rule identities, preferentially for conditions requiring the memorization of instructed S-R rules for correct performance. Identity-specific representations were detectable starting from the first implementation trial and continued to be present across early implementation trials. The increasingly fluent application of novel rule representations was channelled through increasing cooperation between VLPFC and anterior striatum. These findings inform representational theories on how the prefrontal cortex supports behavioral flexibility specifically by enabling the ad-hoc coding of newly instructed individual rule identities during their first-time implementation

    Boundary critical behaviour at mm-axial Lifshitz points: the special transition for the case of a surface plane parallel to the modulation axes

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    The critical behaviour of dd-dimensional semi-infinite systems with nn-component order parameter ϕ\bm{\phi} is studied at an mm-axial bulk Lifshitz point whose wave-vector instability is isotropic in an mm-dimensional subspace of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Field-theoretic renormalization group methods are utilised to examine the special surface transition in the case where the mm potential modulation axes, with 0md10\leq m\leq d-1, are parallel to the surface. The resulting scaling laws for the surface critical indices are given. The surface critical exponent ηsp\eta_\|^{\rm sp}, the surface crossover exponent Φ\Phi and related ones are determined to first order in \epsilon=4+\case{m}{2}-d. Unlike the bulk critical exponents and the surface critical exponents of the ordinary transition, Φ\Phi is mm-dependent already at first order in ϵ\epsilon. The \Or(\epsilon) term of ηsp\eta_\|^{\rm sp} is found to vanish, which implies that the difference of β1sp\beta_1^{\rm sp} and the bulk exponent β\beta is of order ϵ2\epsilon^2.Comment: 21 pages, one figure included as eps file, uses IOP style file