2,731 research outputs found

    Occurrence and extent of hybridisation between the invasive Mallard Duck and native Yellow-billed Duck in South Africa

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    Hybridisation between invasive and native species represents a significant threat to biodiversity. The Mallard Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is known to hybridise with numerous closely related Anas species in regions where they have been introduced, threatening the genetic integrity of native ducks and in some instances contributing to their extinction risk. Mallard Ducks were introduced into South Africa in the 1940s and are now naturalised and widespread in the country. It has been speculated that Mallard Ducks are hybridising with native Yellow-billed Ducks (A. undulata) in South Africa, but evidence for this remains observational or purely anecdotal. Here we use data from nuclear microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA sequencing to show that hybridisation is indeed occuring between these two species. We found evidence for the occurance of hybridisation, mostly as crosses between Mallard Duck hens and Yellow-billed Duck drakes. Surprisingly, our results suggest that introgressive hybridisation is primarily occuring into the invasive Mallard Duck population (mostly Mallard Duck backcrosses were detected), evidenced by directionally-skewed gene flow and sex-biased mating. Whether these findings reflect true assortative mating or a case of Haldane’s rule remains unknown. We also found evidence of high connectivity between Yellow-billed Duck populations, as far as 1000 km apart, in South Africa. Taken together these results suggest that hybrid genotypes can disperse over vast distances between populations and lead to genetic pollution, even in the absence of invasive Mallard Ducks. Active management of Mallard Duck populations has been met by public resistance in some areas in South Africa, partly because of a lack of evidence showing clear impacts by these birds. This study provides some of the first scientifically-documented evidence for such impacts

    The consumption response to positive and negative income shocks

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    A set of newly added questions in the 2011 to 2014 Bank of England/NMG Consulting Survey reveals that British households tend to change their consumption by significantly more in reaction to temporary and unanticipated falls in income than to rises of the same size. Household balance sheet characteristics such as high debt-to-income ratios and small liquidity buffers, concerns about credit market access and higher subjective risk of lower future income account for a sizable share of this spending asymmetry. Our findings have important implications for predicting the response of aggregate consumption to expansionary and contractionary macroeconomic policies

    Block Coordinate Descent for Sparse NMF

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a ubiquitous tool for data analysis. An important variant is the sparse NMF problem which arises when we explicitly require the learnt features to be sparse. A natural measure of sparsity is the L0_0 norm, however its optimization is NP-hard. Mixed norms, such as L1_1/L2_2 measure, have been shown to model sparsity robustly, based on intuitive attributes that such measures need to satisfy. This is in contrast to computationally cheaper alternatives such as the plain L1_1 norm. However, present algorithms designed for optimizing the mixed norm L1_1/L2_2 are slow and other formulations for sparse NMF have been proposed such as those based on L1_1 and L0_0 norms. Our proposed algorithm allows us to solve the mixed norm sparsity constraints while not sacrificing computation time. We present experimental evidence on real-world datasets that shows our new algorithm performs an order of magnitude faster compared to the current state-of-the-art solvers optimizing the mixed norm and is suitable for large-scale datasets

    Adapting the Dyna-CLUE model for simulating land use and land cover change in the Western Cape Province

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    Models which integrate and evaluate diverse factors of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) change can be used to guide planners in making more informed decisions and achieving a balance between urban growth and preservation of the natural environment. The implementation of these models at a provincial scale is however very limited in South Africa. LULC change models are valuable if their structures are based on a deep knowledge of the system under investigation and if they produce credible results. This study therefore investigates the suitability of LULC change models in simulating LULC changes at a provincial scale in a South African context. The Dyna-CLUE model was implemented using the following as inputs: spatial policies and restrictions; land-use type conversions; land use requirements (demands) and location characteristics. The model produced probability maps and simulation maps for the years between 1990 and 2014. Validation of the simulated maps was conducted using both visual and statistical analysis and the results indicated that the simulated maps were in good agreement with the validation map. This study contributes to the implementation of LULC change models at a provincial scale in a South African context. Knowledge derived from this study can be used by planners as a guide to effectively gauge the impacts that planning policies and other driving factors might have on future LULC patterns in the Western Cape Province

    Lymphomatoid granulomatosis A report of 4 cases

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    Only 1 case of lymphomatoid granulomatosis has previously been reported from South Africa. Experience with 4 such adult patients (2 blacks and 2 whites) is described. These patients were followed up for 15 - 48 months and none developed evidence of a lymphoma during this period. Fever, weight loss, cough and breathlessness were prominent symptoms in all patients. One patient, a black woman, with a diffuse interstitial paUern of lung involvement, had digital clubbing - a rare accompaniment that resolved after therapy. Dilated congestive cardiomyopathy was found in association with pulmonary nodules in a black male patient. All 4 patients were treated with cytotoxic regimens. The 2 patients treated with oral cyclophosphamide and prednisolone responded favourably. The possible explanation for paucity of reports of lymphomatoid granulomatosis from South Africa could be under-reporting, underdiagnosis or a true geographic/ethnic variation in the incidence of this condition

    Reconstructing faulty measurements at a tailings treatment surge tank

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    Measurement faults in processing plants can cause the performance of a process to deteriorate. Once the failure of a sensor is identified, it is possible to reconstruct the missing measurement using the measurements of other sensors. Plant operators or controllers can use the reconstructed measurement to make informed decisions. Although the theory to reconstruct faulty measurements is well-developed, various issues remain when applying the method in practice. In this study, a tailings treatment surge tank, which is a very simple process, is used to investigate issues surrounding measurement reconstruction using Principal Component Analysis. Different sets of faulty and correct sensors were created to investigate measurement reconstruction accuracy. The state observability of the surge tank model states was compared to the ability to reconstruct faulty measurements. It was found that the system does not necessarily need to be observable in terms of the available correct measurements for successful reconstruction. In addition, a fault in the measurement of the volume of slurry in the tank could not be reconstructed, even if it was the only faulty measurement. This indicates that the success of measurement reconstruction by Principal Component Analysis may depend on the dynamics of the process and the associated model.https://www.journals.elsevier.com/ifac-papersonlineam2022Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    The cyclo-synchrotron process and particle heating through the absorption of photons

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    We propose a new approximation for the cyclo-synchrotron emissivity of a single electron. In the second part of this work, we discuss a simple application for our approximation, and investigate the heating of electrons through the self-absorption process. Finally, we investigate the self-absorbed part of the spectrum produced by a power-law population of electrons. In comparison to earlier approximations, our formula provides a few significant advantages. Integration of the emissivity over the whole frequency range, starting from the proper minimal emitting frequency, gives the correct cooling rate for any energy particle. Further, the spectrum of the emission is well approximated over the whole frequency range, even for relatively low particle energies (beta << 0.1), where most of the power is emitted in the first harmonic. In order to test our continuous approximation, we compare it with a recently derived approximation of the first ten harmonics. Finally, our formula connects relatively smooth to the synchrotron emission at beta=0.9. We show that the self-absorption is a very efficient heating mechanism for low energy particles, independent of the shape of the particle distribution responsible for the self-absorbed synchrotron emission. We find that the energy gains for low energy particles are always higher than energy losses by cyclo-synchrotron emission. We show also that the spectral index of the self-absorbed part of the spectrum at very low frequencies differs significantly from the well known standard relation I(nu) ~ nu^(5/2).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Meal Patterns and Food Choices of Female Rats Fed a Cafeteria-Style Diet Are Altered by Gastric Bypass Surgery

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    After Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB), rats tend to reduce consumption of high-sugar and/or high-fat foods over time. Here, we sought to investigate the behavioral mechanisms underlying these intake outcomes. Adult female rats were provided a cafeteria diet comprised of five palatable foodstuffs varying in sugar and fat content and intake was monitored continuously. Rats were then assigned to either RYGB, or one of two control (CTL) groups: sham surgery or a nonsurgical control group receiving the same prophylactic iron treatments as RYGB rats. Post-sur-gically, all rats consumed a large first meal of the cafeteria diet. After the first meal, RYGB rats reduced intake primarily by decreasing the meal sizes relative to CTL rats, ate meals more slowly, and displayed altered nycthemeral timing of intake yielding more daytime meals and fewer nighttime meals. Collectively, these meal patterns indicate that despite being motivated to consume a cafeteria diet after RYGB, rats rapidly learn to modify eating behaviors to consume foods more slowly across the entire day. RYGB rats also altered food preferences, but more slowly than the changes in meal patterns, and ate proportionally more energy from complex carbohydrates and protein and proportionally less fat. Overall, the pattern of results suggests that after RYGB rats quickly learn to adjust their size, eating rate, and distribution of meals without altering meal number and to shift their macronutrient intake away from fat; these changes appear to be more related to postingestive events than to a fundamental decline in the palatability of food choices

    Proteolysis in milk during experimental Escherichia coli mastitis

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    This work consisted of the intramammary infections (IMI) of 8 heifers by high doses of Escherichia coli to study both the proteolytic activity in milk and the resulting peptides. Therefore, a milking kinetic has been followed, and several parameters have been studied, such as proteose peptones ( PP) fraction ( quantitative and qualitative changes), plasmin activity (PA), milk somatic cell count (SCC), and bacterial count. A qualitative study of milk proteins and PP was performed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE, and the peptides recovered in PP during the acute phase of inflammation were amino-terminal micro-sequenced. A BSA increase in milk over time supported the hypothesis of an increase in the permeability of the epithelial barrier. A significant increase in PP content, considered to be an indicator of proteolysis, was observed from postinfusion hours (PIH) 12 to 48. Both the E. coli bacterial count and the SCC increased from PIH 3 to 216. Plasmin activity was increased noticeably from PIH 15 to 24. The respective increases in SCC, bacterial count, and PA suggest their involvement in a global mechanism responsible for the increase in proteolysis in milk after E. coli challenge. Somatic cell count and E. coli may be involved from PIH 3 to 216, and PA involvement might be highlighted during the maximum proteolysis, from PIH 15 to 24. A qualitative study of PP fraction by electrophoresis revealed the apparition of 5 peptide bands: P1 and P2 previously recovered during the lipopolysaccharide challenge, and E1 (27.0 kDa), E2 (15.5 kDa), and E3 (9.0 kDa) were specific to E. coli challenge; E1, E2, and E3 contained casein fragments. The roles played by leukocytes and E. coli are discussed
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