616 research outputs found

    Diffraction catastrophes and semiclassical quantum mechanics for Veselago lensing in graphene

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    We study the effect of trigonal warping on the focussing of electrons by n-p junctions in graphene. We find that perfect focussing, which was predicted for massless Dirac fermions, is only preserved for one specific sample orientation. In the general case, trigonal warping leads to the formation of cusp caustics, with a different position of the focus for graphene's two valleys. We develop a semiclassical theory to compute these positions and find very good agreement with tight-binding simulations. Considering the transmission as a function of potential strength, we find that trigonal warping splits the single Dirac peak into two distinct peaks, leading to valley polarization. We obtain the transmission curves from tight-binding simulations and find that they are in very good agreement with the results of a billiard model that incorporates trigonal warping. Furthermore, the positions of the transmission maxima and the scaling of the peak width are accurately predicted by our semiclassical theory. Our semiclassical analysis can easily be carried over to other Dirac materials, which generally have different Fermi surface distortions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, plus supplemental material. Important reference added and text update

    Modeling Klein tunneling and caustics of electron waves in graphene

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    We employ the tight-binding propagation method to study Klein tunneling and quantum interference in large graphene systems. With this efficient numerical scheme, we model the propagation of a wave packet through a potential barrier and determine the tunneling probability for different incidence angles. We consider both sharp and smooth potential barriers in n-p-n and n-n' junctions and find good agreement with analytical and semiclassical predictions. When we go outside the Dirac regime, we observe that sharp n-p junctions no longer show Klein tunneling because of intervalley scattering. However, this effect can be suppressed by considering a smooth potential. Klein tunneling holds for potentials changing on the scale much larger than the interatomic distance. When the energies of both the electrons and holes are above the Van Hove singularity, we observe total reflection for both sharp and smooth potential barriers. Furthermore, we consider caustic formation by a two-dimensional Gaussian potential. For sufficiently broad potentials we find a good agreement between the simulated wave density and the classical electron trajectories.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Electronic optics in graphene in the semiclassical approximation

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    We study above-barrier scattering of Dirac electrons by a smooth electrostatic potential combined with a coordinate-dependent mass in graphene. We assume that the potential and mass are sufficiently smooth, so that we can define a small dimensionless semiclassical parameter h1h \ll 1. This electronic optics setup naturally leads to focusing and the formation of caustics, which are singularities in the density of trajectories. We construct a semiclassical approximation for the wavefunction in all points, placing particular emphasis on the region near the caustic, where the maximum of the intensity lies. Because of the matrix character of the Dirac equation, this wavefunction contains a nontrivial semiclassical phase, which is absent for a scalar wave equation and which influences the focusing. We carefully discuss the three steps in our semiclassical approach: the adiabatic reduction of the matrix equation to an effective scalar equation, the construction of the wavefunction using the Maslov canonical operator and the application of the uniform approximation to the integral expression for the wavefunction in the vicinity of a caustic. We consider several numerical examples and show that our semiclassical results are in very good agreement with the results of tight-binding calculations. In particular, we show that the semiclassical phase can have a pronounced effect on the position of the focus and its intensity.Comment: 103 pages, 11 figure

    Mapping individual electromagnetic field components inside a photonic crystal

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    We present a method to map the absolute electromagnetic field strength inside photonic crystals. We apply the method to map the electric field component Ez of a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab at microwave frequencies. The slab is placed between two mirrors to select Bloch standing waves and a subwavelength spherical scatterer is scanned inside the resulting resonator. The resonant Bloch frequencies shift depending on the electric field at the position of the scatterer. To map the electric field component Ez we measure the frequency shift in the reflection and transmission spectrum of the slab versus the scatterer position. Very good agreement is found between measurements and calculations without any adjustable parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Hall states and boson triplet condensate for rotating spin-1 bosons

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    We propose and analyze two series of clustered quantum Hall states for rotating systems of spin-1 bosons. The first series (labelled SU(4)_k) includes the exact ground states of a model Hamiltonian at large angular momentum L, and also for N=3k particles at L=N. The latter is a spin-singlet boson triplet condensate (BTC). The second series, labelled SO(5)_k, includes exact ground states at large LL for different parameter values.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX. v2: some rewording. v3: shortened, references added, explanation of validity of LLL approx improved, energies correcte

    Optical investigation of thermoelectric topological crystalline insulator Pb0.77_{0.77}Sn0.23_{0.23}Se

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    Pb0.77_{0.77}Sn0.23_{0.23}Se is a novel alloy of two promising thermoelectric materials PbSe and SnSe that exhibits a temperature dependent band inversion below 300 K. Recent work has shown that this band inversion also coincides with a trivial to nontrivial topological phase transition. To understand how the properties critical to thermoelectric efficiency are affected by the band inversion, we measured the broadband optical response of Pb0.77_{0.77}Sn0.23_{0.23}Se as a function of temperature. We find clear optical evidence of the band inversion at 160±15160\pm15 K, and use the extended Drude model to accurately determine a T3/2T^{3/2} dependence of the bulk carrier lifetime, associated with electron-acoustic phonon scattering. Due to the high bulk carrier doping level, no discriminating signatures of the topological surface states are found, although their presence cannot be excluded from our data.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Semiclassical theory for plasmons in two-dimensional inhomogeneous media

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    The progress in two-dimensional materials has led to rapid experimental developments in quantum plasmonics, where light is manipulated using plasmons. Although numerical methods can be used to quantitatively describe plasmons in spatially inhomogeneous systems, they are limited to relatively small setups. Here, we present a novel semi-analytical method to describe plasmons in two-dimensional inhomogeneous media within the framework of the Random Phase Approximation (RPA). Our approach is based on the semiclassical approximation, which is formally applicable when the length scale of the inhomogeneity is much larger than the plasmon wavelength. We obtain an effective classical Hamiltonian for quantum plasmons by first separating the in-plane and out-of-plane degrees of freedom and subsequently employing the semiclassical Ansatz for the electrostatic plasmon potential. We illustrate this general theory by considering scattering of plasmons by radially symmetric inhomogeneities. We derive a semiclassical expression for the differential scattering cross section and compute its numerical values for a specific model of the inhomogeneity.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure


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    This entry presents an overview of the development and current state of fan studies, exploring the “reverse image” of media effects. The field of fan studies offers the ultimate rebuttal of the traditional media effects-model, by stressing the independence, agency and power of media consumers vis-à-vis media producers. After providing a short historiography of the discipline, this entry dives deeper into three themes that have been central to discussions within fan studies since its early beginnings: fan fiction, fan communities, and places of fandom