1,002 research outputs found

    Effects of supersymmetric grand unification scale physics on Γ(bsγ)\Gamma \left( b\to s\gamma\right)

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    Although calculations of the bsγb\rightarrow s\gamma rate in supersymmetric grand unified models have always either ignored the gluino mediated contribution or found it to be negligible, we show that taking universal supersymmetry breaking masses at the Planck scale, rather than at the gauge unification scale as is customary, leads to the gluino contribution being more significant and in fact sometimes even larger than the chargino mediated contributions when μ>0\mu >0 and tanβ\tan{\beta} is of order 1. The impact is greatest felt when the gluinos are relatively light. Taking the universal boundary condition at the Planck scale also has an effect on the chargino contribution by increasing the effect of the wino and higgsino-wino mediated decays. The neutralino mediated contribution is found to be enhanced, but nevertheless it remains relatively insignificant.Comment: Title changed, final version as accepted for PRD, 12 pages, 6 Figures (Figs.2-6 included, uuencoded, epsf.tex

    The Superpartner Spectrum of Gaugino Mediation

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    We compute the superpartner masses in a class of models with gaugino mediation (or no-scale) boundary conditions at a scale between the GUT and Planck scales. These models are compelling because they are simple, solve the supersymmetric flavor and CP problems, satisfy all constraints from colliders and cosmology, and predict the superpartner masses in terms of very few parameters. Our analysis includes the renormalization group evolution of the soft-breaking terms above the GUT scale. We show that the running above the GUT scale is largely model independent and find that a phenomenologically viable spectrum is obtained.Comment: 15 page

    Two-Fluid RANS-RSTM-PDF Model for Turbulent Particulate Flows

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    A novel three-dimensional (3D) model based on Reynolds turbulence stress model (RSTM) closure of equations of carrier and particulate phases was elaborated for channel turbulent flows. The essence of the model is the direct calculation of normal and shear components of the Reynolds stresses for the particulate phase similar to the carrier fluid. The model is based on the Eulerian approach, which is applied for the 3D RANS modeling of the carrier flow and the particulate phase and the statistical probability dense function (PDF) approach focusing on the mathematical description of the second moments of the particulate phase

    On the Observability of "Invisible" / "Nearly Invisible" Charginos

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    It is shown that if the charginos decay into very soft leptons or hadrons + \not{E} due to degeneracy/ near- degeneracy with the LSP or the sneutrino, the observability of the recently proposed signal via the single photon (+ soft particles) + \not{E} channel crucially depends on the magnitude of the \SNU mass due to destructive interferences in the matrix element squared. If the \SNU's and, consequently, left-sleptons are relatively light, the size of the signal, previously computed in the limit \MSNU \to \infty only, is drastically reduced. We present the formula for the signal cross section in a model independent way and discuss the observability of the signal at LEP 192 and NLC energies.Comment: 27 pages, Late

    Probing Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Through Polarized Electron Beams in an e+ee^+e^- Collider

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    Using the facts that in Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking schemes, masses of the right and the left sfermions can differ widely, and the gravitino is the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle, we show that it is possible to obtain unambiguous signatures of such schemes in a high energy e+ee^+e^- collider if one looks at the asymmetries in the cross-sections for certain final states with left-and right-polarized beams.Comment: Plain LaTeX file, with four postscript figures adde

    An Exact Approach to the Oscillator Radiation Process in an Arbitrarily Large Cavity

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    Starting from a solution of the problem of a mechanical oscillator coupled to a scalar field inside a reflecting sphere of radius RR, we study the behaviour of the system in free space as the limit of an arbitrarily large radius in the confined solution. From a mathematical point of view we show that this way of facing the problem is not equivalent to consider the system {\it a} {\it priori} embedded in infinite space. In particular, the matrix elements of the transformation turning the system to principal axis, do not tend to distributions in the limit of an arbitrarily large sphere as it should be the case if the two procedures were mathematically equivalent. Also, we introduce "dressed" coordinates which allow an exact description of the oscillator radiation process for any value of the coupling, strong or weak. In the case of weak coupling, we recover from our exact expressions the well known decay formulas from perturbation theory.Comment: 27 page

    Fast Simulators for Satellite Cloud Optical Centroid Pressure Retrievals, 1. Evaluation of OMI Cloud Retrievals

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    The cloud Optical Centroid Pressure (OCP), also known as the effective cloud pressure, is a satellite-derived parameter that is commonly used in trace-gas retrievals to account for the effects of clouds on near-infrared through ultraviolet radiance measurements. Fast simulators are desirable to further expand the use of cloud OCP retrievals into the operational and climate communities for applications such as data assimilation and evaluation of cloud vertical structure in general circulation models. In this paper, we develop and validate fast simulators that provide estimates of the cloud OCP given a vertical profile of optical extinction. We use a pressure-weighting scheme where the weights depend upon optical parameters of clouds and/or aerosol. A cloud weighting function is easily extracted using this formulation. We then use fast simulators to compare two different satellite cloud OCP retrievals from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) with estimates based on collocated cloud extinction profiles from a combination of CloudS at radar and MODIS visible radiance data. These comparisons are made over a wide range of conditions to provide a comprehensive validation of the OMI cloud OCP retrievals. We find generally good agreement between OMI cloud OCPs and those predicted by CloudSat. However, the OMI cloud OCPs from the two independent algorithms agree better with each other than either does with the estimates from CloudSat/MODIS. Differences between OMI cloud OCPs and those based on CloudSat/MODIS may result from undetected snow/ice at the surface, cloud 3-D effects, low altitude clouds missed by CloudSat, and the fact that CloudSat only observes a relatively small fraction of an OMI field-of-view

    The MSSM fine tuning problem: a way out

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    As is well known, electroweak breaking in the MSSM requires substantial fine-tuning, mainly due to the smallness of the tree-level Higgs quartic coupling, lambda_tree. Hence the fine tuning is efficiently reduced in supersymmetric models with larger lambda_tree, as happens naturally when the breaking of SUSY occurs at a low scale (not far from the TeV). We show, in general and with specific examples, that a dramatic improvement of the fine tuning (so that there is virtually no fine-tuning) is indeed a very common feature of these scenarios for wide ranges of tan(beta) and the Higgs mass (which can be as large as several hundred GeV if desired, but this is not necessary). The supersymmetric flavour problems are also drastically improved due to the absence of RG cross-talk between soft mass parameters.Comment: 28 pages, 9 PS figures, LaTeX Published versio