2,030 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized stable phases of the 2-D electron fluid at finite temperatures

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    The Helmholtz free energy F of the interacting 2-D electron fluid is calculated nonperturbatively using a mapping of the quantum fluid to a classical Coulomb fluid [Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 87, 206404 (2001)]. For density parameters rs such that rs<~25, the fluid is unpolarized at all temperatures t=T/EF where EF is the Fermi energy. For lower densities, the system becomes fully spin polarized for t<~0.35, and partially polarized for 0.35<t< 2, depending on the density. At rs ~25-30, and t ~0.35, an ''ambispin'' phase where F is almost independent of the spin polarization is found. These results support recent claims, based on quantum Monte Carlo results, for a stable, fully spin-polarized fluid phase at T = 0 for rs larger than about 25-26.Comment: Latex manuscript (4-5 pages) and two postscript figures; see also http://nrcphy1.phy.nrc.ca/ims/qp/chandre/chnc

    Cosmic-ray propagation properties for an origin in SNRs

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    We have studied the impact of cosmic-ray acceleration in SNR on the spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei in the Galaxy using a series expansion of the propagation equation, which allows us to use analytical solutions for part of the problem and an efficient numerical treatment of the remaining equations and thus accurately describes the cosmic-ray propagation on small scales around their sources in three spatial dimensions and time. We found strong variations of the cosmic-ray nuclei flux by typically 20% with occasional spikes of much higher amplitude, but only minor changes in the spectral distribution. The locally measured spectra of primary cosmic rays fit well into the obtained range of possible spectra. We further showed that the spectra of the secondary element Boron show almost no variations, so that the above findings also imply significant fluctuations of the Boron-to-Carbon ratio. Therefore the commonly used method of determining CR propagation parameters by fitting secondary-to-primary ratios appears flawed on account of the variations that these ratios would show throughout the Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Measurement of forward neutral pion transverse momentum spectra for s\sqrt{s} = 7TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC

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    The inclusive production rate of neutral pions in the rapidity range greater than y=8.9y=8.9 has been measured by the Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment during LHC s=7\sqrt{s}=7\,TeV proton-proton collision operation in early 2010. This paper presents the transverse momentum spectra of the neutral pions. The spectra from two independent LHCf detectors are consistent with each other and serve as a cross check of the data. The transverse momentum spectra are also compared with the predictions of several hadronic interaction models that are often used for high energy particle physics and for modeling ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray showers.Comment: 18 Pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The 2-D electron gas at arbitrary spin polarizations and arbitrary coupling strengths: Exchange-correlation energies, distribution functions and spin-polarized phases

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    We use a recent approach [Phys. Rev. Letters, {\bf 84}, 959 (2000)] for including Coulomb interactions in quantum systems via a classical mapping of the pair-distribution functions (PDFs) for a study of the 2-D electron gas. As in the 3-D case, the ``quantum temperature'' T_q of a classical 2-D Coulomb fluid which has the same correlation energy as the quantum fluid is determined as a function of the density parameter r_s. Spin-dependent exchange-correlation energies are reported. Comparisons of the spin-dependent pair-distributions and other calculated properties with any available 2-D quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) results show excellent agreement, strongly favouring more recent QMC data. The interesting novel physics brought to light by this study are: (a) the independently determined quantum-temperatures for 3-D and 2-D are found to be approximately the same, (i.e, universal) function of the classical coupling constant Gamma. (b) the coupling constant Gamma increases rapidly with r_s in 2-D, making it comparatively more coupled than in 3-D; the stronger coupling in 2-D requires bridge corrections to the hyper- netted-chain method which is adequate in 3-D; (c) the Helmholtz free energy of spin-polarized and unpolarized phases have been calculated. The existence of a spin-polarized 2-D liquid near r_s = 30, is found to be a marginal possibility. These results pertain to clean uniform 2-D electron systems.Comment: This paper replaces the cond-mat/0109228 submision; the new version include s more accurate numerical evaluation of the Helmholtz energies of the para- and ferromagentic 2D fluides at finite temperatures. (Paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    The Path Integral Monte Carlo Calculation of Electronic Forces

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    We describe a method to evaluate electronic forces by Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC). Electronic correlations, as well as thermal effects, are included naturally in this method. For fermions, a restricted approach is used to avoid the ``sign'' problem. The PIMC force estimator is local and has a finite variance. We applied this method to determine the bond length of H2_2 and the chemical reaction barrier of H+H2⟶_2\longrightarrow H2_2+H. At low temperature, good agreement is obtained with ground state calculations. We studied the proton-proton interaction in an electron gas as a simple model for hydrogen impurities in metals. We calculated the force between the two protons at two electronic densities corresponding to Na (rs=3.93r_s=3.93) and Al (rs=2.07r_s=2.07) using a supercell with 38 electrons. The result is compared to previous calculations. We also studied the effect of temperature on the proton-proton interaction. At very high temperature, our result agrees with the Debye screening of electrons. As temperature decreases, the Debye theory fails both because of the strong degeneracy of electrons and most importantly, the formation of electronic bound states around the protons.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    The performance of the LHCf detector for hadronic showers

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    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment has been designed to use the LHC to benchmark the hadronic interaction models used in cosmic-ray physics. The LHCf experiment measures neutral particles emitted in the very forward region of LHC collisions. In this paper, the performances of the LHCf detectors for hadronic showers was studied with MC simulations and beam tests. The detection efficiency for neutrons is from 60% to 70% above 500 GeV. The energy resolutions are about 40% and the position resolution is 0.1 to 1.3mm depend on the incident energy for neutrons. The energy scale determined by the MC simulations and the validity of the MC simulations were examined using 350 GeV proton beams at the CERN-SPS.Comment: 15pages, 19 figure

    Measurement of zero degree single photon energy spectra for sqrt(s) = 7TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC

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    In early 2010, the Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment measured very forward neutral particle spectra in LHC proton-proton collisions. From a limited data set taken under the best beam conditions (low beam-gas background and low occurance of pile-up events), the single photon spectra at sqrt(s)=7TeV and pseudo-rapidity (eta) ranges from 8.81 to 8.99 and from 10.94 to infinity were obtained for the first time and are reported in this paper. The spectra from two independent LHCf detectors are consistent with one another and serve as a cross check of the data. The photon spectra are also compared with the predictions of several hadron interaction models that are used extensively for modeling ultra high energy cosmic ray showers. Despite conservative estimates for the systematic errors, none of the models agree perfectly with the measurements. A notable difference is found between the data and the DPMJET 3.04 and PYTHIA 8.145 hadron interaction models above 2TeV where the models predict higher photon yield than the data. The QGSJET II-03 model predicts overall lower photon yield than the data, especially above 2TeV in the rapidity range 8.81<eta<8.99

    Circadian rhythm of hepatic cytosolic and nuclear estrogen receptors

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    The distribution of estrogen receptor between the cytosolic and nuclear compartments were evaluated in liver of male rats to determine whether a circadian rhythm exists. Cytosolic receptor reached a maximum level at 400 hours and a minimum at 2000 and 2400 hr. Nuclear receptor reached a maximum level at 800 hr and was lowest at 1600 and 2000 hr. Serum estradiol levels were also highest at 800 hr and lowest at 1600 hr. The variations in cytosolic and nuclear receptors are not reciprocal; in fact, the overall content of receptor in the liver is not constant and also displays a circadian rhythm. © 1986 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Thermal Density Functional Theory in Context

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    This chapter introduces thermal density functional theory, starting from the ground-state theory and assuming a background in quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. We review the foundations of density functional theory (DFT) by illustrating some of its key reformulations. The basics of DFT for thermal ensembles are explained in this context, as are tools useful for analysis and development of approximations. We close by discussing some key ideas relating thermal DFT and the ground state. This review emphasizes thermal DFT's strengths as a consistent and general framework.Comment: Submitted to Spring Verlag as chapter in "Computational Challenges in Warm Dense Matter", F. Graziani et al. ed
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