503 research outputs found

    Rumah Sakit Paru-paru Di Manado - Eco Friendly Design

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    Indonesia merupakan negara tropis yang termasuk dalam 10 peringkat tertinggi angka kesakitan (morbiditas) penyakit paru di dunia. Tingginya morbiditas penyakit paru di Indonesia, khususnya Sulawesi Utara secara umum disebabkan oleh kualitas udara yang tidak sehat (debu, asap, kelembaban, suhu, dll), bertambahnya jumlah perokok, Perubahan gaya hidup, penularan melalui virus, bakteri, tingkat pengetahuan yang rendah, tingginya angka kemiskinan dan sedikitnya jumlah fasilitas khusus kesehatan paru di tengah lingkungan urban kota. Karakteristik penyakit paru yang menular atau tidak menular dan mudah menyebabkan komplikasi pada organ tubuh lainnya, merupakan alasan kuat mengapa penyakit ini perlu ditangani secara khusus dan intensif. Selain itu proses penyembuhannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan (alami maupun buatan) yang sehat, nyaman dan udara yang bersih dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan pencahayaan alami. Melihat kompleksnya permasalahan diatas dan semakin kuatnya isu global warming, maka perlu dipertimbangkan kehadiran rumah sakit paru-paru dengan pendekatan desain yang ramah lingkungan (eco friendly design) di Manado. Pendekatan “eco friendly design” pada rumah sakit paru merupakan strategi desain untuk menghadirkan rancangan rumah sakit yang ramah lingkungan dan untuk mempertahankan kondisi lingkungan yang hijau, natural dan selaras atau serasi dengan alam. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memberikan rasa nyaman dan aman bagi pasien rawat jalan dan rawat inap, sekaligus sebagai sarana relaksasi bagi seluruh pengunjung dan pegawai rumah sakit sendiri, sehingga secara tidak langsung mempercepat proses penyembuhan (Natural Healing)

    Kajian Prinsip ‘Eco Friendly Architecture', Studi Kasus: Sidwell Friends Middle School

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    Era globalisasi sekarang ini, banyak perancangan bangunan yang tidak memerhatikan keselarasan antara bangunan dengan alam dan lingkungan sekitar. Contohnya: dalam hal pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, penggunaan material dan teknologi yang tidak ramah terhadap alam. Oleh karena itu, perancangan bangunan (Arsitektur) sebagai penyumbang 45% gas CO² di bumi mempunyai andil besar memicu Pemanasan Global (global warming) dan berakibat pada turunnya kualitas lingkungan. Dari semua gejala alam yang sudah terjadi, kini sudah saatnya untuk lebih memahami alam agar tidak terjadi kerusakan alam yang lebih parah. Salah satu upaya pendekatan rancangan Arsitektur yang selaras dan ramah terhadap alam yaitu melalui Eco Friendly Architecture. Dalam prinsipnya, pembangunan akan dirancang secara holistik atau memiliki hubungan dengan ekosistem secara keseluruhan. Selain itu melalui pendekatan ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan konsep-konsep perancangan Arsitektur yang hemat energi, ikut menjaga kelangsungan ekosistem, memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang dapat dan tidak dapat diperbarui secara efisien dan daur ulang. Salah satu contoh penerapan konsep bangunan yang bersertifikat Eco Friendly Architecture yaitu bangunan ‘Sidwell Friends Middle School'. Dalam bangunan ini, upaya penggunaan sumber daya alam secara efisien, daur ulang dan Eco-green dilakukan untuk menjaga keseimbangan alam dengan tidak merusak tanah, air dan udara, tanpa mengabaikan kesejahteraan dan Kenyamanan manusia secara fisik, sosial dan ekonomi secara berkelanjutan

    Proses Berpikir Logis Siswa Sekolah Dasar Bertipe Kecerdasan Logis Matematis Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika

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    This research aims to describe logical thinking process of a logical-mathematical intelligence student. We employ qualitative method to disclose the subject\u27s learning process. Data are collected by interview and modified think aloud methods. The results show that subject has capability to find and organize problems and data correctly. Subject describes conditions that are needed to do the steps of problem solving strategy. The steps are done systematically until the end of problem solving process

    Long Non Coding RNA in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Promising Biomarker in Tumorigenesis

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    Globally, Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an unsurpassed variant of breast cancer (BC) with a very high fatality rate, and disease burden. Nevertheless, the deficit of diagnostic markers and focused treatment are major hurdles for potent therapeutics. They are also the reason for bad outcomes and causes of a worse prognosis and a high rate of flare up in patients with TNBC diagnosis. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) are a new class of molecules that have recently gained interest in healthcare management due to their potential as biomarkers for human diseases especially cancers. The growing interest in lncRNA in clinical practice has created an unmet need for developing assays to test lncRNA quickly and accurately for early diagnostics. These lncRNA modulate multiple stages of tumor development, including growth, proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis, and metastases, by controlling several genes and changing metabolic networks. Highly invasive phenotype and chemo resistance are prominent characteristics of TNBC subtypes that require accurate diagnostic and prognostic instruments involving lncRNA. This review focusses on the evolving purpose and coalition of lncRNAs in TNBC and accentuates their capable effects in diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Moreover, the extensive literature analysis of our review creates an opportunity in the translational application concerning the TNBC lncRNAs described until now. The depiction of lncRNAs enrolled in TNBC is comprehensive, and sufficient substantiation studies are the need of the hour to authenticate the current outcomes and create imminent upcoming of elemental research setting into clinical practice

    Physiological effects of environmental acidification in the deep-sea urchin <i>Strongylocentrotus fragilis</i>

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    Anthropogenic CO<sub>2</sub> is now reaching depths over 1000 m in the Eastern Pacific, overlapping the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ). Deep-sea animals are suspected to be especially sensitive to environmental acidification associated with global climate change. We have investigated the effects of elevated <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> and variable O<sub>2</sub> on the deep-sea urchin <i>Strongylocentrotus fragilis</i>, a species whose range of 200–1200 m depth includes the OMZ and spans a <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> range of approx. 600–1200 μatm (approx. pH 7.6 to 7.8). Individuals were evaluated during two exposure experiments (1-month and 4 month) at control and three levels of elevated <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> at in situ O<sub>2</sub> levels of approx. 10% air saturation. A treatment of control <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> at 100% air saturation was also included in experiment two. During the first experiment, perivisceral coelomic fluid (PCF) acid-base balance was investigated during a one-month exposure; results show <i>S. fragilis</i> has limited ability to compensate for the respiratory acidosis brought on by elevated <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub>, due in part to low non-bicarbonate PCF buffering capacity. During the second experiment, individuals were separated into fed and fasted experimental groups, and longer-term effects of elevated <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> and variable O<sub>2</sub> on righting time, feeding, growth, and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were investigated for both groups. Results suggest that the acidosis found during experiment one does not directly correlate with adverse effects during exposure to realistic future <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> levels

    The Advent of A New Trade Governance After The Omnibus Law: Neraca Komoditas

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    Indonesia’s trade licensing practice has a lot of problems, including, among others, lengthy process, lack of transparency, and poor data quality. To address these issues, the Indonesian government introduced the concept of Neraca Komoditas (NK) as part of its implementation of the 2020 Omnibus Law of Job Creation. The aim of NK is to provide data and increase licensing process transparency. Indonesia’s trade licensing practice has a lot of problems, including, among others, lengthy process, lack of transparency, and poor data quality. To address these issues, the Indonesian government introduced the concept of Neraca Komoditas (NK) as part of its implementation of the 2020 Omnibus Law of Job Creation. The aim of NK is to provide data and increase licensing process transparency. A presidential regulation is expected to bring NK into effect. If the NK is implemented successfully, it will cut one step out of the licensing process and reduce opportunities for corruption. It will also increase transparency and reduce corruption through more public data reporting. NK faces multiple challenges to implementation. Collecting consumption and production data at the firm, consumer, product, industry and national levels is a sweeping and complicated task, as is the estimation and mapping of the impact of these data on industry value chains and global production networks. The existing system is plagued not only by these difficulties but by disagreements between the ministries collecting data about which data should be used. Collected data are also simplified quantitative production and consumption quantities likely to disregard issues such as quality, serviceability, and deliverability. While data disputes between ministries might be mitigated, data disputes between firms are harder to address. The intention of the NK is to improve transparency and efficiency in import and export licensing, so the government’s intention to expand it to many goods currently not subject to export and import controls is cause for concern. Exporting and importing in Indonesia is already relatively difficult even for experienced traders. Too many regulations reduce incentives for firms to trade and invest. Expanding trade restrictions is against the spirit of Omnibus Law of Job Creation, as well as running afoul of various international commitments. The government’s piloting the NK with five relatively simple goods will be a good test of how much more efficient, accurate, and transparent the system will be. Evaluation of the system should be complemented by user surveys from exporting and importing firms and through observation of international reactions to the new system. Before implementation, the government should improve its public communication about the NK. Until recently, various stakeholders, including government agencies, media, academics, and business, did not understand NK. This lack of public discussion may lead to uncertainty and a less business-friendly environment in Indonesia

    Komposisi Jenis Ikan dan Udang yang Tertangkap pada Periode Musim Penghujan

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    The wealth of fisheries resources of Merauke Regency is indeed very abundant. This is evidenced by the location of the fishing ground for fishermen who only catch from the beach, one of which is located in Payum Beach. This study aims to determine the composition of fish and shrimp catches during the wet season. Drift gillnet was used as a fishing gear during this study to collect the data. A Total of 13 species were captured, such as Mugil dussumieri and Megalops cyprinoides were the most dominant species during this period. However, based on the number, Penaeid shrimp such as Penaeus sp. and Penaeus semisulcatus are found to be very abundant during the wet season.Kekayaan sumberdaya perikanan di Kabupaten Merauke memang sangat melimpah. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan lokasi fishing ground nelayan yang hanya menangkap dari pinggiran pantai saja, salah satunya berlokasi di Pantai Payum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi hasil tangkapan yang tertangkap pada periode musim penghujan. Alat tangkap jaring insang hanyut digunakan selama penelitian ini dalam mengambil data tangkapan. Sebanyak 13 (tiga belas) spesies berhasil ditangkap, dimana Mugil dussumieri dan Megalops cyprinoides merupakan spesies yang paling dominan selama periode ini. Meskipun demikian, berdasarkan jumlahnya udang jenis penaeid yaitu Penaeus sp. dan Penaeus semisulcatus ditemukan sangat melimpah selang musim penghujan

    Knowledge, empathy, and willingness to counsel patients with HIV among Indonesian pharmacists:a national survey of stigma

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    This study aimed to assess the level of HIV treatment knowledge, empathy, and HIV stigma of pharmacy students and pharmacists working with patients as well as potential factors associated with stigma. This survey included 250 hospital pharmacists within 33 provinces and 1013 final-year pharmacy students from Java, the most populated island in Indonesia. The data were collected via Qualtrics® and distributed by WhatsApp. The mean age of the participants was (Mean ± SD) 24.68 ± 5.30 years, and 80.0% were female. The mean knowledge score of students and pharmacists were 14.14 ± 2.01 and 15.39 ± 1.87, respectively, out of the maximum score of 21. The mean empathy score of students and pharmacists was 72.06 ± 5.39 and 77.40 ± 1.35, respectively out of the maximum score of 105. The mean stigma score of students and pharmacists was 21.02 ± 4.65 and 20.66 ± 4.41, respectively, out of a maximum score of 48. Regression analysis showed that knowledge, empathy, and willingness to counsel patients were negatively associated with stigma. Working with patients was positively associated with stigma. A multi-level intervention including education may reduce stigma and strengthen the role of pharmacists in caring for patients