121 research outputs found

    Exchange Rate Undervaluation and Manufactured Exports: A Deliberate Strategy?

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    Recent literature suggests that a proactive exchange rate policy in accordance with price incentives (i.e. undervaluation) can foster manufactured exports and growth. This paper is built on these recent developments and investigates, using a sample of 52 developing countries, whether such a proactive exchange rate policy is adopted. The results show that during the period 1991-2005 a number of countries has used undervaluation to foster the price competitiveness of manufactured exports.Exchange rate;Misalignment;Undervaluation;Exports diversification

    Exchange Rate Undervaluation to Foster Manufactured Exports: A Deliberate Strategy?

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    Recent literature suggests that a proactive strategy consisting of deliberate real exchange rate depreciation can promote exports diversification and growth. This paper is built on these recent developments and investigates whether four developing countries have adopted such a strategy. Data from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia are used to construct and compare the macroeconomic Real Effective exchange rate (REER), similar exchange rates at the sector level (SREER) and the macroeconomic Equilibrium Real Effective exchange rate (EREER). It shows that there are instances where the objective of diversifying exports through depreciation of exchange rate comes at the expense of further misalignment (REER departs from the EREER) and, then, monetary authorities are doomed to choose. The results show that Morocco and Tunisia are choosing the proactive exchange rate strategy while Egypt and Jordan are not. This fits with the observation that the former are doing much better than the latter in terms of exports diversification.Exchange rate;Misalignment;Undervaluation;Exports diversification

    Fibromatose desmoĂŻde Ă  localisation nasale

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    Introduction : Les fibromatoses desmoĂŻdes sont des lĂ©sions histologiquement bĂ©nignes infiltrant les muscles et les aponĂ©vroses. Ces tumeurs siĂšgent le plus souvent au niveau de la paroi abdominale et thoracique. La localisation cervicofaciale est rare. Observation : Nous rapportons le cas d’un nourrisson ĂągĂ© de 1 an 9 mois qui a prĂ©sentĂ© une fibromatose desmoĂŻde Ă  localisation nasale. Le patient a Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ© par voie endonasale sous guidage endoscopique avec exĂ©rĂšse tumorale en monobloc. L’évolution a Ă©tĂ© favorable sans rĂ©cidive pour un recul de 24 mois. Conclusion : Les fibromatoses desmoĂŻdes correspondent Ă  des prolifĂ©rations fibreuses infiltrantes mais non mĂ©tastasiantes. La chirurgie est le traitement de choix, toutefois ces tumeurs sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par un risque de rĂ©cidive imposant un suivi Ă  long terme. Mots clĂ©s : Fibromatose desmoĂŻde, cavitĂ© nasale, chirurgie

    Experience du service de medecine nucleaire sahloul sousse dans la prise en charge des carcinomes differencies de la thyroĂŻde a thyroglobuline elevee.

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    But : L’objectif de notre travail est de prĂ©senter notre expĂ©rience dans la prise en charge des cancer diffĂ©renciĂ© de la thyroĂŻde (CDT) à Thyroglobuline (Tg) Ă©levĂ©e, tout en identifiant les paramĂštres modifiant l’efficacitĂ© de l’IrathĂ©rapie et la valeur seuil de la Tg permettant avec un balayage post thĂ©rapeutique nĂ©gatif de conclure Ă  une rĂ©mission.MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective portant sur 150 patients opĂ©rĂ©s pour CDT, suivis entre 1990 et 2006 et prĂ©sentant une Tg>2ng/ml.RĂ©sultats : Il s’agit de 122 femmes et 28 hommes. L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 52 ans. La Tg ne dĂ©pendait pas du type histologique mais il existait une relation statistiquement significative entre la Tg et la taille tumorale, l’atteinte ganglionnaire, l’extension locorĂ©gionale, la prĂ©sence de mĂ©tastases et le stade TNM. La rĂ©ponse thĂ©rapeutique des CDT avec une Tg Ă©levĂ©e dĂ©pendait de l’ñge des patients, des caractĂ©ristiques anatomopathologiques de la tumeur et des valeurs de la Tg.Conclusion : L’efficacitĂ© ablative est optimisĂ©e par des cures d’iode 131 qui doivent ĂȘtre prolongĂ©es tant que la Tg reste Ă©levĂ©e. La surveillance Ă  vie, au cours de la quelle on exige des seuils de Tg infĂšrieurs Ă  2ng/ml, est nĂ©cessaire. Mots clĂ©s : Cancers diffĂ©renciĂ©s de la thyroide, Thyroglobuline, IrathĂ©rapie, Pronostic, Surveillance.Purpose: The aim of our work is to present our experience in the management of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) with high thyroglobulin (Tg) , to identify parameters changing iodine effectiveness and Tg threshold with negative post treatment scan conclude to remission.Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 150 patients undergoing CDT, followed between 1990 and 2006 and having a Tg > 2ng/ml .Results: Our study concerns 122 women and 28 men. The average age was 52 years . Tg value does not depend on the histological type but there was a statistically significant relationship between Tg and tumor size, lymph node involvement, locoregional , metastasis and TNM stage . The therapeutic response of CDT with a high Tg was dependent on the age of patients, the pathological characteristics of the tumor and the Tg values ofConclusion: The ablative efficiency is optimized by 131 cures iodine should be extended until the Tg remains high. Monitoring life is necessary and the thresholds Tg below 2ng/ml is required.Keywords: Differentiated thyroid Cancers, Thyroglobulin, Iodine 131, Prediction, Monitoring

    Facteurs predictifs de l’efficacite ablative de l’iode 131 dans les cancers differencies de la thyroïde

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    La prise en charge des cancers diffĂ©renciĂ©s de la thyroĂŻde (CDT) comporte souvent une radiothĂ©rapie mĂ©tabolique Ă  l’iode131 (IRA-thĂ©rapie). Le but de ce travail est d’évaluer le caractĂšre prĂ©dictif des diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments anatomopathologiques, de la classification pTNM et de la stadification pronostique sur l’activitĂ© ablative requise d’iode131. Notre travail est une Ă©tude analytique rĂ©trospective portant sur 275 cas de CDT ayant subit une thyroĂŻdectomie totale. Tous ces patients ont eu une ou plusieurs activitĂ©s ablatives. Nous avons cherchĂ© – au moyen d’une analyse statistique par test de Khi2 ou test Anova – toute corrĂ©lation entre les Ă©lĂ©ments de l’examen anatomopathologique de la tumeur, la classe pTNM, le stade pronostique correspondant d’une part  et l’efficacitĂ© de l’irathĂ©rapie ablative d’autre part. Dans notre sĂ©rie, une activitĂ© ablative plus Ă©levĂ©e est nĂ©cessaire lorsque la taille du foyer tumoral dĂ©passe les 6 cm (p=0,012), en cas de dĂ©passement de la graisse pĂ©ri thyroĂŻdienne (

    Hematome organise du sinus maxillaire a propos d’un cas

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    L’hĂ©matome organisĂ© du sinus maxillaire est une entitĂ© rare. Son Ă©tiopathogĂ©nie reste incertaine. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente ĂągĂ©e de 16 ans prĂ©sentant une Ă©pistaxis unilatĂ©rale droite de grande abondance avec une endoscopie nasale strictement normale. L’imagerie Ă©tait en faveur d’une tumeur vasculaire du sinus maxillaire. Une exĂ©rĂšse chirurgicale complĂšte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par voie combinĂ©e avec des suites simples. L’examen anatomopathologique a conclu Ă  un hĂ©matome organisĂ© du sinus maxillaire. Nous discutons, dans ce travail, l’étiopathogĂ©nie, les caractĂ©ristiques cliniques, radiologiques et les volets thĂ©rapeutiques de cette entitĂ©.Mots clĂ©s : HĂ©matome organisĂ©, sinus maxillaire, tomodensitomĂ©trie, chirurgie

    Los esfuerzos para direcciĂłn de bosque de alcornoque y sus efectos sobre conservaciĂłn de suelo, la meseta Shoul, regiĂłn de Rabat, Marruecos

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    The Shoul oak grove is a forested ecosystem inherited from a Holocene phase of ecological optimum; its evolution, through the double geologic and human temporality, and in relation with several processes of degradation, led to the progressive loss of its environmental equilibrium and further to the reduction of its economic contributions. The fragility of these forests is the consequence of the convergence of two main factors, i) the intrinsic fragility of the forested environment based on an unstable balance between the tree, the leached soils and their moisture content ; ii) the anthropological action on the forest environment and its degradation with the change of its floristic composition. During the colonization the new context was at the origin of the new social and economic relation between the forest and the surrounding populations. The current use of this oak grove is in a classic scheme of the reports society / forest in Morocco. The population is especially of pastoral main activity in the bordering communes. But the oak groves of Mamora-Sehoul are integrated into the area of influence of several cities, what exposes the forest to the risks of uncontrolled urbanization. These oak groves are thus in the centre of interest of several stakeholders with opposite behaviour and a new paradigm of relation rural/urban. Through a double approach, environmental and socio-economic, this paper will try to bring elements of answer by analyzing the interactions between a forest which reached an alarming threshold of degradation and a society affected by important changes in its modes of intervention and exploitation.La arboleda de roble Shoul es un ecosistema arbolado heredado de una fase de Holocene de grado óptimo ecológico; su evolución, por la doble temporalidad geológica y humana, y en relación con varios procesos de degradación, conducida a la pérdida progresiva de su equilibrio ambiental y con relación a la reducción de sus contribuciones económicas. La fragilidad de estos bosques es la consecuencia de la convergencia de dos factores principales, i) la fragilidad intrínseca del ambiente arbolado basado en un equilibrio(saldo) inestable entre el árbol, los suelos leached y su contenido de humedad; ii) la acción antropológica sobre el ambiente forestal y su degradación con el cambio de su composición floristic. Durante la colonización el nuevo contexto estaba en el origen de la nueva relación social y económica entre el bosque y las poblaciones circundantes. El empleo corriente de esta arboleda de roble está en un esquema clásico de la sociedad de informes / el bosque en Marruecos. La población es sobre todo de actividad pastoral principal en las comunas de lindar. Pero las arboledas de roble de Mamora-Sehoul son integradas en el área de influencia de varias ciudades, que expone el bosque a los riesgos de urbanización incontrolada. Estas arboledas de roble son así en el centro de interés de varios tenedores de apuestas con el comportamiento de enfrente y un nuevo paradigma de relación rural/urbana. Por un doble acercamiento, ambiental y socioeconómico, este papel(periódico) tratará de traer los elementos de respuesta por analizando las interacciones entre un bosque que alcanzó un umbral alarmante de degradación y una sociedad afectada por cambios importantes de sus modos de intervención y explotación

    Wet deposition of hydrocarbons in the city of Tehran-Iran

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    Air pollution in the city of Tehran has been a major problem for the past three decades. The direct effects of hydrocarbon contaminants in the air are particularly important such as their carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic effects which can be transported to other environments via dry and wet deposition. In the present study, rainwater samples were collected and analyzed for 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX) as well as fuel fingerprints in two ranges of gasoline (C5–C11) and diesel fuel (C12–C20) using a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC/FID). Mean concentrations of ∑16 PAHs varied between 372 and 527 ”g/L and for BTEX was between 87 and 188 ”g/L with maximum of 36 ”g/L for toluene. Both gasoline range hydrocarbons (GRH) and diesel range hydrocarbons (DRH) were also present in the collected rainwater at concentrations of 190 and 950 ”g/L, respectively. Hydrocarbon transports from air to soil were determined in this wet deposition. Average hydrocarbon transportation for ∑PAHs, BTEX, GRH, and DRH was 2,747, 627, 1,152, and 5,733 ”g/m2, respectively

    Giant primary adrenal hydatid cyst presenting with arterial hypertension: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A primary hydatid cyst of the adrenal gland is still an exceptional localization. The adrenal gland is an uncommon site even in Morocco, where echinococcal disease is endemic.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 64-year-old Moroccan man who presented with the unusual symptom of arterial hypertension associated with left flank pain. Computed tomography showed a cystic mass of his left adrenal gland with daughter cysts filing the lesion (Type III). Despite his negative serology tests, the diagnosis of a hydatid cyst was confirmed on surgical examination. Our patient underwent surgical excision of his left adrenal gland with normalization of blood pressure. No recurrence has occurred after 36 months of follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There are two remarkable characteristics of this case report; the first is the unusual location of the cyst, the second is the association of an adrenal hydatid cyst with arterial hypertension, which has rarely been reported in the literature.</p
