78 research outputs found

    Effect of litter type and perches on footpad dermatitis and hock burn in broilers housed at different stocking densities

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of litter type and environmental enrichment on the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns in broilers housed at low and high stocking densities. Chopped straw and sand were used as litter, and perches as environmental enrichment. Low and high stocking density implied 12 chickens/m2 and 20 chickens/m2, respectively. The study sample was divided into four groups of 50 birds, which were observed during a six-week fattening period. A significantly higher rate of severe footpad dermatitis was recorded in the group of chickens raised on sand at high stocking density, compared with low stocking density, whereas no significant difference was found between the groups of chickens raised on straw at different stocking densities. The rate of footpad dermatitis was also significantly higher in the group of chickens raised on sand at high stocking density, compared with chickens raised on straw at the same stocking density. There were no group differences in the occurrences of hock burns and perching. However, a significant negative correlation was recorded between perching and the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns. According to the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns, the study results suggested that chopped straw and sand were equally acceptable as litter for broilers, yet sand should be avoided at high stocking densities. There was no effect of stocking density and litter type on perching, but perches as a form of environmental enrichment proved efficient in reducing the rate of footpad dermatitis and hock burns.Keywords: chickens, contact dermatitis, environmental enrichment, housing, san

    Über die Lumineszenz des Luminols. XIII. die Wirkung von Halogeniden auf die Chemilumineszenz des Luminols

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    Istraživan je utjecaj koncentracije luminola na ovisnost jakosti kemiluminescencije u reakcionom vremenu, a u prisutnosti sarina u reakcionoj smjesi. Ustanovljeno je katalatičko djelovanje DFP-a, tabuna i sarina na otopine perborata. Dobiveni rezultatati korišćeni su za interpretaciju mehanizma djelovanja nervnih otrova na Iuminolsku reakciju.Durch Messungen der Intensität der Chemiluminiscenz des Luminols in Abhängigkeit von der Reaktionszeit und bei Anwesenheit v:on Nerwengiften (Sarin, bew. Tabun, oder DFP) wurde der Wirkungsmechanismus dieser Gifte auf die Luminolreaktion näher untersucht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Intensität-Zeitkurve der Luminolreaktion bei Anwesenheit von Sarin zwei Maxirnume aufweist (vergl. Abb. 1), deren gegenseitiges Verhältnis von der Luminolkonzentration abhängt. Die anderen Nervengifte ergeben Kurven nur mit einem Maximum. Es wurde versucht auf die Reaktion die Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Kinetik enzymatischer Reaktionen anzuwenden, wobei dem Luminol die Role des Substrates und dem Nervengift die des Enzyms zukommt. Die Gifte sind als Modellsubstanzen für Peroxydase bzw. Katalase aufzufassen, indem sie den Sauerstoff des Perborats auf das Luminol übertragen, bzw. das Perborat (alkalische H202 – Lösung) zersetzen. In beiden Fällen wind das Luminol dehydriert und die Reaktionsenergie in Form von Luminescenzlicht ausgestrahlt. Bei der Betrachtung der Wirkung von Sarin (iso Propoxymethyl-phosphoryl Fluorid) auf die Luminolreaktion ist es mm zweckmassig anzunehmen, dass gleichzeitig zwei Reaktionen mit verschuedenem Mechanismus verlaufen. Eine »rasche«, die das erste Maximum der Luminiscenzintensität bedingt und eine »langsame« mit dem zweiten Maximum der Intensität-Zeitkurve. Die rasche Reaktion verursacht eine stetige Zunahme der maximalen Luminiscenzintensität ( (/) m) (Abb. 2) mit der Substrat-(Luminol-) Konzentration, während die langsame Reaktion eine ausgesprochene inhibition durch den Überschuss des Substrates aufweist (Kurve 2. der Abb.2). Diese Tatsachen, sowie die Messungen der Luminiscenzintensitä für verschiedene Sarinkonzentrationen (Abb. 3). stützen die Annahme, dass die rasche Reaktion eine Peroxydasenwirkung, etwa nach den Reaktionsgleichungen I. und 2., darstellt, während die langsame Reaktion als eine Katalasewirkung im Sinne der Reaktionsgleichungen 3. und 4. aufzufassen ist. Durch Änderung der Reaktionsbedingungen, besonders der Luminolkonzentration, kann bewirkt werden, dass die eine bzw. andere Wirkungsweise des Sarins überwiegt. Durch gesonderte Versuche wurde festgestellt, dass dem Sarin tatsächlich eine angesprochene Katalasewirkung dem Perborat gegen über zukommt (vergl, Abb. 4). Diese Wirkung ist für Tabun und DFP wesentlich geringer. Damit ist erklärlich, dass die beiden letzteren Nervengifte auf die Luminolreaktion nur eine Peroxydasenwirkung ausüben und dementsprechend ihre Intensität-Zeitkurwen nur ein Maximum aufweisen


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    Determination of organophosphorus insecticides by indole reaction

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    Primijenjena je oksidaciona reakcija indola, čiji se tok prati mjerenjima intenziteta fluorescencije međuprodukata oksidacije, za kvantitativno određivanje organofosfornih insekticida. Rad je izveden s preparatima insekticida koji se praktički mnogo upotrebljavaju, kao i s nekim živežnim namirnicama onečišćenima insekticidima. Ustanovljene su konstante baždarnih pravaca za izvedbu takvih analiza, a određene su granice osjetljivosti ove analitičke metode za pojedine insekticide.A method for the quantitative determination of organophosphorus insecticides was devised which is based on the oxidation reaction of indole, 2, 3 benz(o)pyrrole, whose course is easily followed by photoelectric measurements of the intensity ,of fluorescence of oxidation products(indoxyl and indigo white). The preparations of insecticides which are widely applied in practice were used. Insecticides act as activators of the oxidation reaction, the time curves of the fluorescence intensity (Ø - t curve) being dependent upon the nature and concentration of the particular insecticide. These curves always show a maximum (Fig. I.) the maximal intensity of fluorescence (Ø m) being in linear relationship with the concentration (c) of insecticide (Fig. 2). The calibration lines (Ø m - c) were obtained with the constants which are characteristic of the particular insecticide. For some insecticides were found the values of these constants (a and b in Table 1). The concentration range (g/100 ml) in which a particular calibration line is valid, as well as the standard error of regression r. The sensitivity of the method varies from 5 to 350 µg of the lowest determinable quantity of the particular insecticide - Table 2. The method is not applicable for the determination of all organophosphorus insecticides but can be well supplemented with the absorptiometric (9) and luminol (10) method for the determination of organophosphorus insecticides

    Ober die inhibitorischen Eigenschaften der Oxime. II. Die Löschung der Fluoreszenz des luminols durch Oxime

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    U vezi s inhibitorskim djelovanjem oksima na luminolsku reakciju u prisutnosti organofosfornih otrova vršena su mjerenja gašenja fluorescencije luminola utjecajem raznih oksima. Ustanovljene su brojčane vrijednosti polovičnih koncentracija gašenja i konstanata gašenja po hiperboličnoj jednadžbi. Ove vrijednosti su korigirane u pogledu sekundarnih efekata, kao što je filtarsko djelovanje na primarno svjetlo i utjecaj aniona (joda) nekih oksima na luminol. Specijalnim pokusima ustanovljeno je, da oksirni gase fluorescenciju luminola dinamičkim mehanizmom gašenja.Nachdem in einer früheren Arbeit festgestellt wurde (1), dass verschiedene Oxime die Chemiluminescenz des Luminols (3-Aminophthalhydrazid), die durch komplexe Eisenverbindungen, bzw. durch Gifte aus der Gruppe der Organophosphorverbindungen hervorgerufen war, wirksam zu inhibieren vermögen, war es nun von Interesse festzustellen, ob die Oxime auch die Fluorescenz des Luminols löschen. Es wurden in dieser \u27Richtung Versuche mit Luminollösungen in Phosphatpuffer (PH = 4,8) und mit verschiedenen Oximen, die in der Tabelle 1. verzeichnet sind, durchgeführt. Die C1/3 Werte in dieser Tabelle geben die Halbwertskonzentration der Löschung (molare Konzentration des Oxims, die die Fluorescenz zur Hälfte löscht) an. Die Abbildung l. zeigt als Beispiele die Löschkurven für zwei Oxime. Die ß-Werte in der Tabelle l. sind die Werte der Löschkonstanten nach der hyperbolischen Gleichung 1. Dass diese Gleichung tatsächlich zutrifft, ist aus dem Verlauf der Geraden der Abbildung 2. ersichtlich. Diese dienten auch zur Berechnung der ß-Werte. Da die Oxirne in Lösungen teilweise schwach gelb gefärbt sind und also das primäre ultraviolette Licht bei den Fluorescenzversuchen teilweise absorbieren, war es notwendig diese innere Filterwirkung experimentell und rechnerisch zu berücksichtigen. Es wurden deshalb die Werte der molaren Extinktionskoeffizienten (e) der Oxime und des Luminols für λ = 365 mµ fluorometrisch bestimmt (Tabelle 2). Aus den Werten der Extinktionskoeffizienten wurden die Einzelabsorptionen der Oxime (A2) im Gemisch mit dem Luminol in den Lösungen, die den Extinktionskoeffizienten entsprechen, nach der Gleichung (4) berechnet. Mit Hilfe der erhaltenen Werte konnten die Halbwertskonzentrationen und die Löschkonstanten bezüglich der inneren Filterwirkung korrigiert werden (Gleichungen 1a und 1 b; c\u271/2 und ß\u27 in der Tabelle 1.). In einigen Fällen musste aber auch noch die Wirkung des Anions (Jodion) berücksichtigt werden. Dies geschah mit Hilfe der Gleichungen (5), (5a) und (5b). Die so korrigierten Werte ß\u27\u27 und c\u27\u271/2 für die Kationen der Oximjodide sind in der Tabelle 3- verzeichnet. Mit Hilfe von Bestimmungen der Lichtabsorption der Luminollösungen bei Ab- und Anwesenheit von Oximen, sowie durch Messungen der Löschkurven der Adsorbate an Filtrierpapier (7) konnte festgestellt werden (Kurven der Abbildung 3), dass der Löschung der Luminolfluorescenz durch Oxime ein dynamischer Löschmechanismus zukommt

    On the inhibitory properties of oximes I. action of oximes on the chemiluminescence of luminol

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    Utvrđeno je da razni oksimi djelomično veoma izrazito inhibiraju luminolsku reakciju (gase kemiluminescenciju luminola), koja je katalizirana utjecajem organofosfornih spojeva, odnosno kompleksnih spojeva željeza. U okviru ove radnje ispitane su. kvantitativnim mjere-njima intenziteta luminescencije, inhibitorske osobine 16 oksima. Kao modelni sistem za istraživanje inhibicije enzimskih reakcija utjecajem oksima služila je luminolska reakcija u prisutnosti hemiglobina, odnosno kalijeva željeznog (lII) heksacijanida kao katalizatora. Određene su polovične inhibitorske koncentracije upotrebljenih oksima, a kinetičkom analizom utvrđeno je da se radi o kompetitivnoj inhibiciji. Kvantitativnim mjerenjima apsorpcije svijetla utvrđeno je da žuta boja nekih oksima u lužnatim otopinama igra samo podređenu ulogu pri gašenju kemiluminescencije luminola utjecajem oksima. Pokusi s luminolskom reakcijom mogu poslužiti za brzo eksperimentalno ispitivanje inhibitorskih osobina oksima.It has been found that oximes with widely different chemical structure are effective inhibitors of the luminol reaction catalysed by organophosphorus compounds (esters of phosphoric or thiophosphoric acid, insecticides. nerve gases) or various complexes with iron. The reaction mechanism of the inhibition is closely related to the reactivation of cholinesterase inhibited by organo-phosphorus compounds with oximes. The reactivation of the inhibited cholinesterase is generally considered as due to the chemical interaction of oximes with inhibitor (organophosphorus compounds). The mechanism of the inhibition of luminol reaction probably consist of the interaction of inhibitor (oxime) with catalyst (organophosphorus compound. complex of iron). The study of inhibition of the luminol reaction with oximes provides a means for a simple evaluation of inhibitory properties of various oximes. The results of the measurements of inhibitory effect of 16 oximes on the luminol reaction catalysed by hemoglobin or potassium ferricyanide are described in this paper. By means of photoelectric measurements the relationship between the intensity (G) of chemiluminescence of luminol (in alkaline solutions in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and appropriate catalyst). and reaction time (t) with or without oximes (Fig. 1, 2, 3, and 4) was established. Maximal intensity of chemiluminescence (Gm) was used as a relative value of the maximal velocity of luminol reaction. From the relationship between maximal velocity and oxime concentration, the concentration for 50% inhibition (i1/2) can be determined. These concentrations are listed in Tables 1 and 2. It is evident that these concentrations are within relatively broad range, between 6,5,10-5 M and 5,9,10-3 M, and that they depend upon the nature and concentration of inhibitors used in the reaction. lt was further found that the yellow colour of some oximes in the alkaline solution has an insignificant role in the process of inhibition caused by oximes. This fact has been established by quantitative measurement of light absorption of oxime solution at various wave lengths (Curves 3 and 4, Fig. 7), followed by the numerical interpretation of the obtained results taking into account the spectral distribution of emitted light of luminol (Curve 2, Fig. 7) and the sensitivity of the photoelement (Curve I, Fig. 7). Spectral curves obtained as a result of these proceedings are shown in Fig. 8. It is evident that the absorption of light by oximes does not influence the luminescence appreciably. Tables 3 and 4 show the experimentally determined i1/2 and mathematically corrected i1/2 concentrations of P3AM and P4AM. The inhibition of the luminol reaction with oximes represents a competitive inhibition (Fig. 9 and JO) as shown by means of kinetic analysis (13. 14). The dissociation constant (Ki) of the compound obtained by the chemical combination of oximes (DAM and C-4-dioxime) with catalysts (hemoglobin or K3[Fe(CN)6]) was determined by the use of Dixon equation (2). The constant of inhibition, according to the equation (3) or (4), decreases when the concentration of substrate increases, what is in agreement with the theory of competitive inhibition. The possible influence of the ionic state of some oximes on the mechanism of inhibition is discussed. Ions of oximes (I- and Br-) evidently have no influence on the velocity of the luminol reaction. The results of the studies of the influence of oximes on the luminol reaction catalyzed by organophosphorus compounds will be published elsewhere


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    U radu je prikazano istraživanje dva sustava smještaja nesilica za proizvodnju konzumnih jaja, klasični i alternativni (aviarij) s posebnim osvrtom na higijenu zraka, dobrobit i ponašanje neslica. Higijenska kakvoća zraka u alternativnim sustavima držanja značajno je lošija u odnosu na konvencionalne sustave glede sadržaja bakterija, gljivica, prašine i endotoksina. Što se tiče dobrobiti i zadovoljenja bihevioralnih potreba alternativni sustavi odnosno aviariji su prihvatljiviji, međutim ovi sustavi s higijenskog stajališta ne zadovoljavaju s obzirom na veći broj zaprljanih i polomljenih jaja, kao i povećanu mogućnost izbijanja bolesti.This paper demonstrate two housing systems for production consume eggs, clasical and alternative (aviary) with special overview on air hygiene, welfare and laying hens behaviour. Hygienic air quality in alternative housing systems is significantly worse in relations with conventional systems regarding content of bacteria, fungi, dust and endotoxins. Considering welfare and satisfaction of behavioral needs alternative systems are acceptable, however this systems from hygienic point of view do not satisfy considering more dirty and broken eggs as well as great possibility of diseases emerge

    Evidence of major dry mergers at M* > 2 x 10^11 Msun from curvature in early-type galaxy scaling relations?

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    For early-type galaxies, the correlations between stellar mass and size, velocity dispersion, surface brightness, color, axis ratio and color-gradient all indicate that two mass scales, M* = 3 x 10^10 Msun and M* = 2 x 10^11 Msun, are special. The smaller scale could mark the transition between wet and dry mergers, or it could be related to the interplay between SN and AGN feedback, although quantitative measures of this transition may be affected by morphological contamination. At the more massive scale, mean axis ratios and color gradients are maximal, and above it, the colors are redder, the sizes larger and the velocity dispersions smaller than expected based on the scaling at lower M*. In contrast, the color-sigma relation, and indeed, most scaling relations with sigma, are not curved: they are well-described by a single power law, or in some cases, are almost completely flat. When major dry mergers change masses, sizes, axis ratios and color gradients, they are expected to change the colors or velocity dispersions much less. Therefore, the fact that scaling relations at sigma > 150 km/s show no features, whereas the size-M*, b/a-M*, color-M* and color gradient-M* relations do, suggests that M* = 2 x 10^11 Msun is the scale above which major dry mergers dominate the assembly histories of early-type galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA