164 research outputs found

    Shuffle on array languages generated by array grammars

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    Motivated by the studies done by G. Siromoney et al. (1973) and Alexan- dru Mateescu et al. (1998) we examine the language theoretic results related to shuf- fle on trajectories by making use of Siromoney array grammars such as (R : R)AG, (R : C F )AG, (C F : R)AG, (C F : C F )AG, (C S : R)AG, (C S : C S)AG and (C F : C S)AG which are more powerful than the Siromoney matrix grammars (1972) and are used to make digital pictures

    Prospects of biodrainage to mitigate problems of waterlogging and soil salinity in context of India - A review

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    Major parts of agricultural lands in arid and semi-arid regions of India are affected by soil salinity and waterlogging in canal command area and outside. Waterlogging is caused by a rising water table and poor drainage conditions.  Stress due to waterlogging and salinity are serious to plants in all stages from seed germination to active growth and maturity. Unmanaged affected agricultural lands turn into low productive marshlands in the long run. Physical provision of surface or sub-surface drainage structures can rescue in such a situation. Yet, high skill and investment are required in the installation and maintenance of such structures. Alternatively, biodrainage method has been evolved as an effective method recently world over. In biodrainage, plants are raised over a larger area, which can transpire and remove an enormous amount of water from the soil. Plants having adequate adaptive traits and tolerance mechanisms are desirable to mitigate waterlogging and salinity. Biodrainage is suitable in rainfed and irrigated conditions. Planting of right plant species in optimum population and geometry decides the efficiency of biodrainage. Further, combining biodrainage with the conventional drainage can improve land and water productivity. Eucalyptus is the most suitable tree species for biodrainage as it has well performed in versatile environments. It possesses appreciable tolerance to salinity, sodicity and waterlogged conditions of the soil.  Fast-growing with a straight trunk, deep rooting ability, low shading effect and high transpiration capacity are promising characteristics of this tree.  Prominent woody species like Acacia nilotica, Dalbergia sissoo, Hardwickia binata can also be grown for high profit


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the anti-cancer activity using the phytoconstituents of Indigofera aspalathoides.Methods: The plant extract has been largely used as cell proliferation inhibitors. In this study, specific phytoconstituent has been targeted towardsmatrix metalloproteinases (MMPs).Results: MMPs are group of proteinases that are associated with cell invasion inhibition and also inhibit proliferation. The C-terminal domain ofMMPs mimics the serum protein hemopexin (HPX). According to various literatures, a reason for the failure of MMP as anti-cancer agent is thepresence of this HPX binding at the active site.Conclusion: A novel approach was carried to inhibit this binding by Carotal, (-)-Spathulenol, Tau.-Cadinol proteins from the plant I. aspalathoides. Keywords: Hemopexin, Matrix metalloproteinase, Indigofera aspalathoides, Molecular docking, Carotal, (-)-Spathulenol, Tau.-Cadinol

    Design, Development and Evaluation of Oral Controlled Drug Delivery System (for Aceclofenac, An Anti-inflammatory Drug)

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    Oral drug delivery is the most common and frequently used system to deliver drugs and it is one of the most suitable, convenient, safe, economic and effective way to deliver the drug. Aceclofenac is a drug commonly used in the management of pain and inflammation in various conditions like post-traumatic, cervical and low back pain, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. This drug, on long term usage, specifically by oral route is reported to cause adverse effects including gastritis. So the situation demands development of safe and effective oral drug delivery system for aceclofenac. Its short half-life (4- 4.3hrs), which demands frequent administration and severe gastrointestinal (GI) irritation and other side effects demands the development of a controlled release formulation. Thus the overall aim and objective of the present work was to: • Enhance the overall therapeutic efficacy of aceclofenac by controlled release, • Minimize the adverse effects, • Reduce the overall dose and dosing frequency of aceclofenac, • Achieve improved patient compliance. To achieve the above goals oral controlled drug delivery systems like Osmotic tablets, Microspheres and Nanosuspensions of Aceclofenac were developed, optimized and evaluated in vitro and in vivo. The preformulation studies were performed for the drug and excipients. The melting point, loss on drying, angle of repose, bulk density, tap density, Hausner’s ratio compressibility index were calculated. The flow property studies indicated that the aceclofenac has poor flow properties. Compatibility studies of IR and DSC studies were performed and these reports suggested no chemical interaction between aceclofenac and the polymers/excipients used for the development of various formulations. Aceclofenac osmotic tablets were prepared by wet granulation method using different osmotic agents - sodium bicarbonate sodium chloride, and potassium chloride and their concentrations were optimized performing 13 trails (OT1-OT13). Cellulose acetate was used as semipermeable membrane and PEG 400 as pore forming agent. The precompressional parameters of aceclofenac granules like bulk density, tapped density, angle of repose, compressibility index, hausner ratio were evaluated. The results of pre compression parameters and post compression parameters were found to be within the limits and there was no significant change in the pre compression parameters and post compression parameters of all the formulations (OT1-OT13). The maximum drug content was obtained with the OT10 which was found to be 99.80 ± 0.58%. The invitro release studies carried out on the osmotic tablets indicated the effect of same amount of three different osmogens (sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride) and the combinations of these osmogens exhibits significant increase in rate and extent on drug release. All the prepared push pull osmotic tablets of Aceclofenac (OT9- OT13) had shown one hour delayed drug release, which may be attributed to time elapsed for imbibition of osmotic core with the release medium. After one hour, almost all the batches exhibited linear and controlled drug release profiles. Sodium chloride(25mg) and sodium bicarbonate(50mg) based push pull osmotic tablets of aceclofenac (OT10) exhibited little higher rate and extent of drug release than potassium chloride(25mg) and sodium bicarbonate(50mg) based tablets. The drug release also increased significantly with increase in the concentration of osmotic agent. Three different medium simulating the GI pH were used to carry out the in vitro dissolution studies and the results indicated that the rate of release was moderately affected by pH. The invitro drug release results of formulations (OT1- OT6) were not found to be official limits for controlled release due to lesser concentration of osmogens. Further, the formulations (OT7-OT13) showed profound increase in the dissolution profile due the increased concentration of osmogens in combination mode. The formulation (OT10) gave desired drug release profile of 94.3% in 24 hrs in which a combination of sodium chloride (25mg) and sodium bicarbonate (50mg) were used as osmogens in this formulation. The microsphere formulations were made with varying proportion of the drug polymer ratios as well as varying concentrations of two polymers (polymer mix) Eudragit L 100 and PLGA. For this polymer mix of Eudragit L100: PLGA in the ratios of 1:1,1:2 and 1:3. The internal variation in the polymer mix were designated as a, b and c. Aceclofenac loaded Eudragit:PLGA microspheres were prepared by using PVA (3%w/v) as stabilizer. Eudragit L100 and drug were dissolved in ethanol and PLGA was dissolved in acetone, respectively. Subsequently the Eudragit solution in ethanol was added slowly to the PLGA solution in acetone with a constant stirring and stirring is continued to remove the solvent. Then the microspheres were washed and resuspended in distilled water and lyophilized. The prepared microspheres were characterized by determining the particle size, drug content, entrapment efficiency, invitro release and stability studies. The determination of the particle size was carried out by optical microscopy and there was an increase in particle size with increase in polymer concentration. The mean particle size of the formulation M4 was 20±10μm and M13was 630±36μm, indicated the lowest and the highest particle size. The entrapment efficiency of the microspheres were also found to be varying and was maximum of 86.6±0.6% with M4 and minimum 25±1.1% with M3. The morphology of the optimized formulation of microspheres was found to be discrete, smooth and spherical. Based on the particle size and entrapment efficiency the optimized formulations (M4, M5 and M13) were selected for further studies. The in vitro release profile of M4, M5 and M13 indicated controlled release of aceclofenac with maximum of 96.6±1.6, 88.6±1.8 and 76.2±1.9%, respectively. The formulation M4 was subjected for in vivo anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and gastro intestinal tolerability tests as it exhibited maximum release at 24 hrs along with other optimal characters. M4 was exhibited for stability studies. Samples were withdrawn at predetermined time intervals of 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days, and then evaluated for the particle size and drug content. Aceclofenac loaded Eudragit L100 nanosuspension was prepared by o/w emulsion method. The product and process parameters involved were optimized by the application of multifactorial design. The prepared NS were characterized by study of morphological characters, determination of particle size analysis, zeta potential, drug content, entrapment efficiency, invitro release and stability studies. From the results of the optimization studies data, the formulations F-14BYM, F-15BYH, F-23CYM and F-24CYH were considered as ideal and selected for further studies. They have particle size of 210±15nm, 212±23nm, 225±30nm and 220±42nm and entrapment efficiency of 89.6±0.9%, 86.2±1.6%, 88.9±1.3% and 88.6±1.5%, respectively. The formulations with F-14BYM, F-15BYH, F-23CYM and F-24CYH were identified as the optimized formulations with respect to particle size, drug content and entrapment efficiency, and these were selected for the other studies. The SEM analysis was performed and the SEM photos of aceclofenac nanosupension were recorded. The particles of all the batches are almost spherical with smooth surface, however they shown variation in size. Increase in sonication time/agitation speed there is reduction in particle size. Entrapment efficiency increased with the increase in polymer concentration. It is well evident that the concentration of tween 80 played a significant role in achieving the particle size and entrapment efficiency. The increase in tween 80 concentration, from 0.01% to 0.02% there is an increase in entrapment efficiency and decrease in particle size. But the increase in the concentration of tween 80 from 0.02 to 0.03% the particle size increased and entrapment efficiency decreased. The zeta potential values were found to be -18.6±0.3mV, -18.3±0.4 mV, -16.3±0.4 mV and -16.4±0.3 mV for the formulations F-14BYM, F-15BYH, F-23CYM and F-24CYH respectively. These results indicate that the four batches of the nanosuspension had more stability on storage. Eudragit L100 is an anionic polymer and the hence the formulations indicated negative surface charge and the variation in the charge may be attributed by the presence of aceclofenac and tween 80. The drug content of formulations varied from minimum of 16±1.6% to maximum of 82±1.1%. F-1AXL showed minimum of 16±1.6% and F-14BYM exhibited maximum of 82±1.1%. The optimization studies suggested that the increase in the ratio of the polymer indicated increase in the drug content, except in formulations F-8AZM, F-15BYH, F-18BZH, F-24CYH and F-27CZH. The entrapment efficiencies of formulations vary from minimum of 22.2±0.6% and maximum of 89.6±0.9%. F-1AXL showed minimum of 22.2±0.6% and F-14BYM exhibited maximum of 89.6±0.9%. The increase in polymer proportion caused increase in the entrapment efficiency of the nanosuspensions, except in F-15BYH (86.2±1.6%), F-24CYH (88.6±1.5%), F-26CZM (74.3±1.3%), F-27CZH (72.6±1.3%). Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the above studies, four formulations, F-14BYM, F-15BYH, F-23CYM and F-24CYH with minimal particle size and appreciable drug content and entrapment efficiency were selected for further studies. The in vitro release of the four formulations, F-14BYM, F-15BYH, F-23CYM and F-24CYH were 98.7±1.2, 94.1±1.4, 85.7±2.0, and 88.5±2.2% at the end of 24 hrs, respectively. F-15BYH released 8.3±1.2% of drug loaded in 1hr. F-23CYM and F-24CYH releases 4.5±1% and 8.3±0.4% of drug release in 1hr. Hence it suggests that the release profile of F-14BYM is ideal to consider the formulation for performing the in vivo studies. None of the NS formulations indicated any symptoms of agglomeration, sedimentation or colour change during the period of assessment. However the formulations were subjected to particle size analysis and drug content evaluation which are considered to be very critical parameters in deciding the stability of the nanosuspensions. The formulation F-14BYM stored at 2-8oC retained the particle size (210nm) with minor variation (0.5%) until 90days. The formulations stored at 25oC exhibited a negligible increase in particle size (5nm) with a minor decrement in the drug content (0.75%). A considerable increase in particle size (8nm) was recorded with parallel drug degradation (1.75%) with in the period of 90 days. The study suggests storage in cool condition for the NS F-14BYM, although the product is stable even above 25oC. The selected formulations of microsphere (M4) and nanosuspensions (NS F-14BYM) were subjected for the evaluation of in vivo anti-inflammatory activity in rats. The paw edema induced by the injection of Carrageenan is the commonly used experimental model for acute inflammation. Administrations of carrageenan to normal animals showed significant (P< 0.05) increase in paw inflammation from 1hr to 5 hrs when compared to control. Paw edema in rats reached its peak at 4 hrs after carrageenan administration. Per oral treatment of nanosuspension of aceclofenac showed higher significant (P<0.01) reduction paw volume in rats from 1 hrs and maintained its effect throughout the study period. In addition, microspheres (M4) also produced a significant inhibition (P<0.05) of paw volume in rats with carrageenan administration. Among the two different drug formulations, nanosuspension (NS F-14BYM) treated inflammatory rats exhibited high anti-inflammatory response than the microspheres. No ulcers were observed in nanosuspension treated arthritic rats, even if in some rats treated with reference and microspheres and nanosuspension of aceclofenac thin inflammatory reactions of the wall and hemorrhagic effusions were present after administration of the highest dose. From the above studies, the formulated controlled release dosage forms of aceclofenac showed an improved therapeutic effect and a better dosage form with decreased side effects (mainly the ulcerogenic potential) for the management of inflammation. CONCLUSION: The present work was aimed at the development of controlled drug delivery of aceclofenac for oral route. Three dosage forms were developed. 1. Osmotic controlled tablets, 2. Microspheres, 3. Nanosuspension. The osmotic tablets (OT10) contain sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride s osmogen indicated ideal controlled release of aceclofenac. It released 94.3 ± 0.2% of the drug at the pH 7.4. This formulation do not cause any gastric irritation because, the release of drug on the acidic pH is very low. The therapeutic efficacy will be improved due to the controlled release for 24 hrs. The microspheres containing aceclofenac M4 indicated excellent flow properties when compared with pure aceclofenac. Thus the micronized particles (20±10μm) and higher entrapment efficiency (86.6±0.6%) were achieved. The formulation was stable atleast for 90 days and indicated controlled release for 24 hrs. The formulation exhibited better score in ulcerative index in the in vivo studies carried out in rats. The nanosuspension containing aceclofenac exhibited most of the ideal characters required for an oral controlled release dosage forms. The colloid particles (F-14BYM) of lower particle size (210± 15 nm) aided with negatively charged surface charge (-18.6±0.3 mV) has been achieved. The release profile indicated an intial burst release for achieving the initial loading dose followed by continuous release up to 24 hr. The in vivo animal studies indicated


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    ABSTRACTObjective: In this study, silver nanoparticles (SNPs) were synthesized using an aqueous extract of Trainthema portulacastrum and silver ions (Ag+)which have been proven against certain pathogenic bacterial strains and hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell line.Methods: The bio fabricated nanoparticles were confirmed by surface plasmon resonance which were characterized by biophysical measuresutilizing the ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray, and transmission electron microscope(TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, particle size analyzer, and X-ray diffraction. Antibacterial efficacy against Enterobacter aerogens,Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermis, and Bacillus subtilis. The effect of SNPs tested against HepG2 and NIH/3T3 cell lineexhibits a dose-dependent toxicity.Results and Conclusion: The SEM and TEM images confirmed the presence of spherical and hexagonal shape (0.3-4 μm) of nanocrystalline particleswith the size range of 11.5-29.2 nm. The average particles size of SNPs is 190.3±17.0 nm. Antibacterial activity was carried out by agar well diffusionmethod against different pathogenic bacteria of which B. subtilis showed a significant zone of inhibition 8.66 mm and 12.0 mm for aqueous plantextract and synthesized SNPs. The effect of SNPs tested against HepG2 and NIH/3T3 cell line exhibits a dose-dependent toxicity. In case of HepG2, thecell viability was decreased to 50% (IC50) at the concentration of 173.8±0.84 μg/mL. From the results, it can be concluded that the SNPs fabricatedusing green synthesis method will be a promising candidate in the biomedical field, due to its high bioactive properties.Keywords: Silver nanoparticles, Trainthema portulacastrum, Antibacterial activity, Cytotoxic activity

    Formulation and Evaluation of Pregabalin Loaded Eudragit S100 Nanoparticles

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    In this work, polymeric nanoparticles containing Pregabalin was prepared and optimized the ideal concentration of polymer based on its in vitro release profile for a period of 24hrs.The nanoparticles were prepared by solvent displacement method using various concentrations of Eudragit S100 (EPNP1-EPNP5). The prepared nanoparticles were characterized for its particle size, zeta potential, drug content, entrapment efficiency and invitro drug release profile. The preformulation study results confirmed the compatibility between the drug and other excipients used in the formulation. The optimized formulation was selected based on its particle size, entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release profile. The formulation which contains 300mg of Eudragit S100 (EPNP5) was selected as optimized concentration for the controlled release of Pregabalin for a period of 24hrs

    Inhibitory effects of flavonoids isolated from Givotia rottleriformis bark and Cassia tora leaves on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in LPS stimulated human whole blood

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    The plants Givotia rottleriformis bark and Cassia tora leaves were used in indigenous medicine in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases like psoriasis. In previous work, three flavonoids namely Rutin (I), Luteolin-7-O-β-D-Glucuronide (II) and Kaempferol 3-O-[2-O-(6-O-feruloyl)-β-D-glucopyranosyl]-β-D-galactopyranoside (III) were isolated from G. rottleriformis bark and three flavonoids viz quercetin-3-O-β-d-glucuronide (IV), Luteolin-7-O-β-glucopyranoside (V) and Formononetin-7-O-β-D-Glucoside (VI) were isolated from C. tora leaves and evaluated for antipsoriatic activity. The cytotoxic effect of isolated compounds I-VI was evaluated using HaCaT cells, a rapidly multiplying human keratinocyte cell line, as a model of epidermal hyperproliferation in psoriasis. Among the isolated compounds, compound II, III and VI showed significant antiproliferant activity in HaCaT cells. Pro-inflammatory cytokines viz., IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17 and TNF-α contributes to the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and has been a target for the development of the new anti-psoriatic drug. Hence the present study aimed to evaluate inhibitory effects of ethanol extract of selected plants and isolated compound II, III and VI (5-40 mg/mL) on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced pro-inflammatory cytokines viz., IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17 and TNF-α production. The level of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17 and TNF-α pro-inflammatory cytokines were detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The ethanol extract of both the plants was standardized by HPLC using chemical markers. Preincubation with isolated compounds II, III, VI and ethanol extract of selected plants strongly attenuated LPS-induced increase in the concentrations of IL-6 (50-73 %) and TNF-α (64-90 %). The compound II and III also showed significant inhibition (*p ≤0.05) of IL-1β, IL-8 and IL-17. The results showed that the selected plants and isolated flavonoids have potential effects as anti-inflammatory agents by inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines supporting the folkloric utilization

    Impact of the orientation of seed placement and depth of its sowing on germination: A review

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    Seed orientation and its impacts on germination and seedling establishment mainly depend on the type of germination (hypogeal (or) epigeal), seed size and shape. Higher germination per cent is noticed when seeds are sown in the horizontal position. Planting seeds in a downward position can lead to a variety of physiological, chemical and morphological changes in seedlings. Consequences are usually manifested as noticeable modifications in their development. Vigorous seeds have strong, resilient seedlings due to their well-balanced metabolism and coordinated subcellular activity, making them well-suited for tough environments. Proper plumule and radicle growth require additional hormones and energy to ensure seedling survival. Four necessary factors must be considered while deciding the sowing depth viz., soil moisture, optimum soil temperature, soil aeration and atmospheric humidity required for seed germination, emergence and seedling growth. Variations are observed in germination behaviour and seedling growth for different sowing depths. The necessary factors are very much important for efficient nursery seedlings production. This review looks at the effects of seed depth and orientation on the germination and growth of important agricultural, horticultural and silvicultural crops

    Effect of ageing on in vitro true seed and in vivo drupe germination and its dormancy mechanism in teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f)

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    The germination percentage of teak seed is generally very poor due to its higher percentage of empty seed and poor seed viability. The viable seeds exhibit protracted germination behaviour due to their inherent seed dormancy and other physiochemical characteristics. Hence establishing a teak nursery for largescale plantation activities is a challenging task. This study was undertaken to study the effect of ageing on in vitro true seed and in vivo drupe germination and its dormancy mechanism in teak. Fresh, one-year and two-year stored drupes were used to represent different levels of ageing. Under in vivo conditions, poor drupe germination was observed in fresh drupes (3%) and germination percentage was increased when the drupes were subjected to ageing for one year (17%) or two years (32%). When true seeds separated from fresh drupes and germinated under in vitro conditions, enhanced germination (58.3%) was observed. Biochemical analysis showed that indole-3- acetic acid, indole butyric acid, abscisic acid and coumarin are not present in fresh, one year and two-year-old true seeds. The gibberellic acid was increased with an increase in ageing, but the GA3 did not influence the germination percent under in vitro conditions. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of fresh teak true seed showed that embryo tip was shrivelled, whereas one and two-year-old true seed embryo tip bulged; this was confirmed that one and two-year-old true seed embryos were matured and satisfied the after-ripening requirement. Nursery studies revealed that one and two-year-old drupes recorded the highest germination compared to fresh drupes.                


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    Abstract. Motivated by the studies done by G