9 research outputs found

    Elucidating molecular diversity and grouping of Indian maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines using SNP markers

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    Information on genetic diversity and population structure in maize breeding lines can assist in selecting genetic resources and managing genetic variation in breeding programs. The ability to find ample single nucleotide polymorphisms in crops has recently been made possible by breakthroughs in sequencing technology. The present work is focused on the genetic diversity, population structure and clustering of 56 Indian maize inbreds using 1166 informative SNP markers. The inbreds were collected from eight different geographic locations across India. The average polymorphism information content, minor allele frequency and observed heterozygosity of the germplasm were 0.27, 0.25, and 0.10, respectively. The inbred lines were resolved into more meaningful groups based on the Bayesian structure model, Principal co-ordinate analysis, Neighbor-joining and Unweighted pair group with arithmetic mean clustering methods with slight variations in size and number. Inbreds maintained at the same geographical location were distributed into different clusters suggesting that classification based on geographical regions is ineffective. Additionally, information obtained from the study might be beneficial for grouping inbred lines into different heterotic groups and reducing cross-pollination between closely related lines

    Hybrid Machine Translation Oriented to Cross-Language Information Retrieval: English-Spanish Error Analysis

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    ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study focuses on analysing the automatic translation of questions (intended as query inputs to a Cross-Language Information Retrieval System) and on the creation of a taxonomy of translation errors present in hybrid machine translation (HMT) systems. An analysis of translations by HMT systems was carried out. From these, there is a proposal of a type 1, 2 or 3 error taxonomy weighted according to their level of importance. Results indicate that post-editing is an essential task in the automatic translation process

    Biolubricants and the potential of waste cooking oil

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    In the current decade, development of recycle, renewable, and sustainable products to replace fossil products is an essential and important matter from industrial,environment, and academic point of views. The excessive usage of Petroleum-based oils significantly contributes to the pollution of the environment and had caused environmental pollution and awareness from the environmental sectors. Researchers start exploring an alternative oil from natural resource aiming to replace the fossil oil and this becomes the main ambitious of many researchers, environmental, and government bodies. In this chapter, a comprehensive literature review is introduced and several issues are addressed with regards of the usage of newly developed lubricants that are based on vegetable oils. Furthermore, it is exploring the potential of using waste cooking oil as lubricant for tribological applications