5,907 research outputs found

    Analysis of direct CP violation in BD0Ds,D0DB^- \to D^0 D_s^-, D^0 D^- decays

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    We investigate the possibility of observing the direct CP violation in the decay modes BD0DsB^- \to D^0 D_s^- and D0DD^0 D^- within the Standard Model. Including the contributions arising from the tree, annihilation, QCD as well as electroweak penguins with both time- and space-like components, we find that the direct CP asymmetry in BD0DsB^- \to D^0 D_s^- is very small 0.2\sim 0.2 % but in BD0DB^- \to D^0 D^- decay it can be as large as 4%. Approximately 10710^7 charged BB mesons are required to experimentally observe the CP asymmetry parameter for the later case. Since this is easily accessible with the currently running B factories, the decay mode BD0DB^- \to D^0 D^- may be pursued to look for CP violation.Comment: Latex, 14 page

    Statistical Mechanics

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    Corrosion resistant coating

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    A method of coating a substrate with an amorphous metal is described. A solid piece of the metal is bombarded with ions of an inert gas in the presence of a magnetic field to provide a vapor of the metal which is deposited on the substrate at a sufficiently low gas pressure so that there is formed on the substrate a thin, uniformly thick, essentially pinhole-free film of the metal

    Scalable parallel communications

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    Coarse-grain parallelism in networking (that is, the use of multiple protocol processors running replicated software sending over several physical channels) can be used to provide gigabit communications for a single application. Since parallel network performance is highly dependent on real issues such as hardware properties (e.g., memory speeds and cache hit rates), operating system overhead (e.g., interrupt handling), and protocol performance (e.g., effect of timeouts), we have performed detailed simulations studies of both a bus-based multiprocessor workstation node (based on the Sun Galaxy MP multiprocessor) and a distributed-memory parallel computer node (based on the Touchstone DELTA) to evaluate the behavior of coarse-grain parallelism. Our results indicate: (1) coarse-grain parallelism can deliver multiple 100 Mbps with currently available hardware platforms and existing networking protocols (such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and parallel Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) rings); (2) scale-up is near linear in n, the number of protocol processors, and channels (for small n and up to a few hundred Mbps); and (3) since these results are based on existing hardware without specialized devices (except perhaps for some simple modifications of the FDDI boards), this is a low cost solution to providing multiple 100 Mbps on current machines. In addition, from both the performance analysis and the properties of these architectures, we conclude: (1) multiple processors providing identical services and the use of space division multiplexing for the physical channels can provide better reliability than monolithic approaches (it also provides graceful degradation and low-cost load balancing); (2) coarse-grain parallelism supports running several transport protocols in parallel to provide different types of service (for example, one TCP handles small messages for many users, other TCP's running in parallel provide high bandwidth service to a single application); and (3) coarse grain parallelism will be able to incorporate many future improvements from related work (e.g., reduced data movement, fast TCP, fine-grain parallelism) also with near linear speed-ups

    Optimalisasi Mibew Messenger Guna Meningkatkan Pelayanan Iduhelp! Online Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Informasi yang cepat dan akurat sangat diperlukan dalam zaman yang pesat ini. Di dalam suatu perkuliahan pun sangatlah membutuhkan pelayanan yang sama yaitu informasi yang sangat baik dan sangat optimal. Pelayanan yang diberikan merupakan pelayanan yang sangat baik dan customer pun dapat memiliki pelayanan yang sangat bermanfaat. Media pelayanan yang digunakan biasanya secara Online dan Offline. Untuk saat ini media pelayanan yang diberikan dapat dilakukan secara online yaitu menggunakan media internet/browsing langsung antara customer dan operator iDuHelp! secara Langsung, dengan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik untuk customer dan operator pun memberikan menjawab semua keluhan dan pertanyaan yang di ajukan oleh customer hingga customer  mendapatkan pelayanan dan informasi seputar Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Pada penelitian menggunakan mind mapping. iDuHelp! Online adalah pelayanan informasi kampus yang sangat cepat untuk para mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi seputar perkuliahan yang ada di Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Sistem iDuHelp! adalah sistem untuk melayani Pribadi Raharja atau mahasiswa yang kesulitan dalam mencari informasi mengenai seputar Green Campus. Didalam sistem iDuHelp! Terdapat banyak sekali menu2 seperti  Home, Visitors, Chat History, Statistics, dan untuk administration terdapat menu2 seperti Canned Messages, Button code, Operators, Groups, Settings, Localize, Updates, Notifications, Profile dan Exit.  Dengan demikian mahasiswa terhindar dari segala kesulitan. Mahasiswa juga dapat melakukan layanan iDuHelp! Offline,  yang dilakukan dengan cara meninggalkan pesan  melalui email Rinfo dengan meninggalkan pesan kepada email iDuHelp!. Penyediaaan iDuHelp! Offline  diharapkan bisa memberikan kemudahan yang sama dengan iDuHelp! Online bagi setiap mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Raharja.   Kata kunci : Optimalisasi, Pelayanan, iDuHelp! Online

    Bio Characterization via FTIR and GCMS Analysis of Cucurbita variety (Yellow and White Pumpkin)

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    The current study aimed to conduct phytochemical screening, FTIR, and GCMS analysis in squash (Cucurbita pepo L.,) also known as a yellow and white selected pumpkin. It’s one of the dicotyledonous vegetables consumed in daily diets that imparts high inhibitor properties of inflammation, cancer, and diabetes. Traditionally it is used as an anti-helminthic remedy. The phytochemical characterization can facilitate seeking out the substance with a therapeutic property. The peel, flesh, and seed sample of each pumpkin variety were used as sources and extracted consecutively with ethyl acetate and acetonitrile using the maceration method. Phytochemical screening and quantification were carried out by standard analytical methods. The functional groups of the sample extracts were analyzed using FT-IR methods. Further, phytochemical profiling was carried out utilizing the GCMS technique to identify the therapeutically important chemicals contained in the sample. Phytochemical analysis of ethyl acetate and acetonitrile extracts showed the presence of major components like alkaloids, phenol, carbohydrate, and proteins. The farthest alkaloid, phenol, carbohydrate, and protein varied consequently for different parts like peel, flesh, and seed. The FT-IR analysis of each extract in the peel, flesh, and seed revealed that the ethyl acetate extract had the most functional groups. The major peak was characterized at wavelength 3004.24 to 3421.05 nm which indicates O-H functional group. Further quantification and GC-MS analysis were performed in ethyl acetate extract. Remarkably, GC-MS analysis of yellow and white pumpkin ethyl acetate extracts showed the utmost 6 - 8 compounds within the flesh part. Further, employing these compounds for anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial assays may aid in the discovery of new drugs for therapeutic applications

    Thermal nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in the real time formalism

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    The real-time formalism at finite temperature and chemical potential for the nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model is developed in the presence of a Gaussian covariant regulator. We construct the most general thermal propagator, by means of the spectral function. As a result, the model involves the propagation of massive quasiparticles. The appearance of complex poles is interpreted as a confinement signal, and in this case we have unstable quasiparticles with a finite decay width. An expression for the propagator along the critical line, where complex poles start to appear, is also obtained. A generalization to other covariant regulators is proposed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Determination of energy gap directly from phase shift for nuclear systems with large neutron excess

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    507-510Considering 1S0 pairing in infinite neutron matter and nuclear matter, and knowing the fact that in the lowest order approximation, the pairing interaction has been taken to be the bare nucleon-nucleon interaction in the 1S0 channel, the energy gap has been determined directly from the 1S0 phase shifts. The values of energy gaps have been found to increase rapidly for low values of phase shifts, up to around 16°, and it is roughly constant with a value approximately equal to 1.08 MeV for phase shifts1 greater than 16°

    Executive Information System Penjualan Bahan Kimia

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    Kebutuhan informasi sekarang ini menjadi kebutuhan mutlak bagi suatu organisasi atau Perusahaan untuk memenangkan sebuah persaingan. Dimana informasi digunakan sebagai penunjang pembuat keputusan, sehingga dibutuhkan penyampaian informasi yang akurat dan cepat dalam mendapatkannya agar tidak kalah dari pesaingnya. Informasi tersebut berisi kondisi yang terjadi di dalam maupun di luar Perusahaan yang selanjutnya akan digunakan sebagai dasar untuk perencanaan strategis dan program kerja. Seiring dengan berkembangnya kebutuhan informasi khususnya untuk para executive guna pengambilan keputusan dan untuk mengetahui kondisi kinerja Perusahaan, maka berkembanglah sebuah sistem informasi yang disebut Executive Information System (EIS). Dengan EIS informasi dapat ditampilkan dalam bentuk secara ringkas dan menampilkan data sesuai dengan kebutuhan sehingga mempermudah seorang eksekutif dalam pengontrolan setiap saat. Proses penjualan yang berjalan saat ini masih menggunakan sistem yang manual yaitu masih menggunakan proses pencatatan data sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk pembuatan laporan dan laporan yang dihasilkan datanya belum tentu akurat. Dengan permasalahan diatas maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu pekerjaan pegawai sehingga laporan yang dihasilkan bisa tepat pada waktunya dan data yang dihasilkan lebih akurat