761 research outputs found

    Characterization of NDE Transducers

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    Characterization of NDE transducers is an important part of current and future programs in quantative flaw detection. In the work reported here, emphasis has been placed on beam pattern measurements or profiling and circuit modeling of the transducer using electrical network scattering parameters, or S-parameters. The latter topic is relatively new and was developed in the last six to eight months in order to handle the problems of existing commercial transducers whose internal details are unknown. A subset of this goal is to: {a) explore single crystal or very high quality ceramic materials as the piezoelectric element, (b) examine the single disk in water as a transducer or reference element, and (c) look into electrical loading as an alternative to mechanical loading

    Renal Cell Carcinoma and Co-existing Polysplenia Syndrome

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    On the Lipophilic Nature of Autoreactive IgE in Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria

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    Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a skin disease related to autoreactive IgE in at least a subgroup of patients. However, the nature of this autoreactive IgE remains poorly characterized. This investigation had three objectives: first, to quantity CSU autoreactive IgE; second, to recognize the patterns of CSU autoreactive IgE compared with healthy control IgE; and third, to investigate the physiochemical nature of CSU autoreactive IgE. Methods: IgE autoreactivity was assessed in sera from 7 CSU and 7 healthy individuals. Autoantigen recognition patterns were assessed using principal component analysis (PCA) and heatmap visualization. Lipophilicity was assessed using NanoOrange reagent. Results: First, although total IgE levels did not differ significantly, the autoreactive proportion of IgE of CSU patients was 62% +/- 37%, 1000-fold higher than that of healthy controls 0.03% +/- 0.008% (P = 0.0006). Second, CSU autoreactive IgE differed from healthy control IgE by recognizing more and different autoantigens (226 vs. 34; P = 0.01). Third, the median (with 10-90% percentiles) serum level of lipophilic IgE was 39% (38-40%) in 232 CSU patients, 1.4-fold higher than the 28% (26-29%) of 173 healthy controls (P < 0.0001). Furthermore, lipophilicity correlated with autoreactivity (r = 0.8; P < 0.0001), connecting these two observed features. Conclusion: We believe that these novel observations about CSU autoreactive IgE, particularly the finding that it is more lipophilic than that of IgE from healthy individuals, will lead to the development of new diagnostic tests and therapies for autoreactive IgE-mediated diseases

    Effects of aspect ratio on the mode couplings of thin-film bulk acoustic wave resonators

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    We studied mode couplings in thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators of a piezoelectric film on a dielectric layer operating with the fundamental thickness-extensional mode. A system of plate equations derived in our previous paper was used which includes the couplings to the unwanted in-plane extension, flexure, fundamental and second-order thickness shear modes. It was shown that the couplings depend strongly on the plate length/thickness ratio. For a relatively clean operating mode with weak couplings to unwanted modes, a series of discrete values of the plate length/thickness ratio should be avoided and these values were determined in the present paper. The results can be of great significance to the design and optimization of film bulk acoustic wave resonators

    The Inverse Born Approximation: Exact Determination of Shape of Convex Voids

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    The Inverse Born Approximation (IBA) to the elastic wave inverse scattering problem is known to give highly accurate results for the shape of complex voids. In this paper we present an argument demonstrating that the IBA is, in fact, exact for determining the size, shape and orientation of a wide class of these scatterers given infinite bandwidth and unlimited aperture information. Essentially, our argument demonstrates how the IBA algorithm picks out the singular contribution to the impulse response function and correctly relates it to the shape of the scatterer. Some specific examples will be used to illustrate the more intuitive aspects of the discussion

    Learning Two-input Linear and Nonlinear Analog Functions with a Simple Chemical System

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    The current biochemical information processing systems behave in a predetermined manner because all features are defined during the design phase. To make such unconventional computing systems reusable and programmable for biomedical applications, adaptation, learning, and self-modification baaed on external stimuli would be highly desirable. However, so far, it haa been too challenging to implement these in real or simulated chemistries. In this paper we extend the chemical perceptron, a model previously proposed by the authors, to function as an analog instead of a binary system. The new analog asymmetric signal perceptron learns through feedback and supports MichaelisMenten kinetics. The results show that our perceptron is able to learn linear and nonlinear (quadratic) functions of two inputs. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first simulated chemical system capable of doing so. The small number of species and reactions allows for a mapping to an actual wet implementation using DNA-strand displacement or deoxyribozymes. Our results are an important step toward actual biochemical systems that can learn and adapt

    Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Slow Light with Optomechanics

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    Controlling the interaction between localized optical and mechanical excitations has recently become possible following advances in micro- and nano-fabrication techniques. To date, most experimental studies of optomechanics have focused on measurement and control of the mechanical subsystem through its interaction with optics, and have led to the experimental demonstration of dynamical back-action cooling and optical rigidity of the mechanical system. Conversely, the optical response of these systems is also modified in the presence of mechanical interactions, leading to strong nonlinear effects such as Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and parametric normal-mode splitting. In atomic systems, seminal experiments and proposals to slow and stop the propagation of light, and their applicability to modern optical networks, and future quantum networks, have thrust EIT to the forefront of experimental study during the last two decades. In a similar fashion, here we use the optomechanical nonlinearity to control the velocity of light via engineered photon-phonon interactions. Our results demonstrate EIT and tunable optical delays in a nanoscale optomechanical crystal device, fabricated by simply etching holes into a thin film of silicon (Si). At low temperature (8.7 K), we show an optically-tunable delay of 50 ns with near-unity optical transparency, and superluminal light with a 1.4 microseconds signal advance. These results, while indicating significant progress towards an integrated quantum optomechanical memory, are also relevant to classical signal processing applications. Measurements at room temperature and in the analogous regime of Electromagnetically Induced Absorption (EIA) show the utility of these chip-scale optomechanical systems for optical buffering, amplification, and filtering of microwave-over-optical signals.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Detection of C3_{3} in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds

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    The smallest polyatomic carbon chain, C3_{3}, has been identified in interstellar clouds (Av_{v}\sim1 mag) towards ζ\zeta Ophiuchi, 20 Aquilae, and ζ\zeta Persei by detection of the origin band in its A1ΠuX1Σg+A^{1}\Pi_{u}-X^{1}\Sigma^{+}_{g} electronic transition, near 4052\AA. Individual rotational lines were resolved up to JJ=30 enabling the rotational level column densities and temperature distributions to be determined. The inferred limits for the total column densities (\sim1 to 2×1012\times10^{12} cm2^{-2}) offer a strong incentive to laboratory and astrophysical searches for the longer carbon chains. Concurrent searches for C2+_2^{+}, C2_2^{-} and C3_3^{-} were negative but provide sensitive estimates for their maximum column densities.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa