211 research outputs found

    Trees of Yadahalli Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India: A checklist

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    Yadahalli Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary is located in semi-arid zone of north Karnataka with heterogeneous vegetation types within it. The forest has variable geographical features such as rocky slopes, open grass lands, scrub forest, seasonal minor waterfalls and lakes. The present paper provides a checklist of tree species of Yadahalli Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary, Bagalkot, which spreads over the Bilagi and Mudhol taluka. The list comprises of 80 tree species belonging to 67 genera of 34 families. The family Fabaceae contributes 23 species followed by Moraceae, Rubiaceae and Rutaceae 4 species each. Out of 80 species, three species are endemic to Peninsular India, four species are Vulnerable (VU), and one species is Near Threatened (NT) at global level. The present work is an inventory of tree species of Yadahalli Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary, Bagalkot, in view to create awareness among the local people and to support the conservation activities in the forest

    Five Level Flying-Capacitor Multilevel Converter Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)

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    This paper deals with dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) controlled by a five-level flying-capacitor multi level converter. To decrease the power-quality disturbances in distribution system, such as voltage imbalances, harmonic voltages, and voltage sags. The organisation of this paper has been divided into three parts; the first one eliminates the modulation high-frequency harmonics using filter increase the transient response. The second one deal with the load voltage; and the third is flying capacitors charged with balanced voltages. The MATLAB simulation results effectively for five level flying capacitor multilevel converters charged with balanced voltage regulation

    Implementation of MPPT Algorithm for Solar Photovoltaic Cell by Comparing Short-circuit Method and Incremental Conductance Method

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    AbstractThis paper presents simulation of incremental conductance (IncCond) maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm used in solar array power systems with direct control method. The main difference between the proposed system to that of the existing MPPT systems includes the elimination of the proportional–integral control loop and investigation of the effect of simplifying the control circuit. Contributions are made in several aspects of the whole system, including converter design, system simulation and controller programming. The resultant system is capable of tracking MPPs accurately and rapidly without steady-state oscillation, and also, its dynamic performance is satisfactory. The IncCond algorithm is used to track MPPs because it performs precise control under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. MATLAB and Simulink were employed for simulation studies

    NMR studies on truncated sequences of human telomeric DNA: observation of a novel A-tetrad

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    The structure of the telomeric DNA has been a subject of extensive investigation in recent years due to the realization that it has important functional roles to play in vivo and the observations that truncated telomeric sequences exhibit a great variety of 3D structures in aqueous solutions. In this context, we describe here NMR structural studies on two truncated human telomeric DNA sequences, d-AG3T and d-TAG3T in solutions containing K+ ions. The G3 stretches in both the oligonucleotides were seen to form parallel-stranded quadruplexes. However, the AG3 segment as a whole, had different structural characteristics. The structure of d-AG3T revealed the formation of a novel A-tetrad, which was not seen in d-TAG3T. The A's in the tetrad had syn glycosidic conformation as opposed to the anti conformation of the G's in the G-tetrads. The A-tetrad stacked well over the adjacent G-tetrad and the twist angle at this step was smaller in d-AG3T than in d-TAG3T. These observations are expected to be significant from the point of view of structural diversity and recognition in telomeres

    An Efficient Information Extraction Mechanism with Page Ranking and a Classification Strategy based on Similarity Learning of Web Text Documents

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    Users have recently had more access to information thanks to the growth of the www information system. In these situations, search engines have developed into an essential tool for consumers to find information in a big space. The difficulty of handling this wealth of knowledge grows more difficult every day. Although search engines are crucial for information gathering, many of the results they offer are not required by the user because they are ranked according on user string matches. As a result, there were semantic disparities between the terms used in the user inquiry and the importance of catch phrases in the results. The problem of grouping relevant information into categories of related topics hasn't been solved. A Ranking Based Similarity Learning Approach and SVM based classification frame work of web text to estimate the semantic comparison between words to improve extraction of information is proposed in the work. The results of the experiment suggest improvisation in order to obtain better results by retrieving more relevant results

    Can We Do Away With PTBD?

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    Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage (PTBD) is performed in surgical jaundice to decompress the biliary tree and improve hepatic functions. However, the risk of sepsis is high in these patients due to immunosuppression and surgical outcome remains poor. This raises a question—can we do away with PTBD? To answer this query a study was carried out in 4 groups of patients bearing in mind the high incidence of sepsis and our earlier studies, which have demonstrated immunotherapeutic potential of Tinospora cordifolia (TC): (A) those undergoing surgery without PTBD (n = 14), (B) those undergoing surgery after PTBD (n = 13). The mortality was 57.14% in Group A as compared to 61.54% in Group B. Serial estimations of bilirubin levels carried out during the course of drainage (3 Wks) revealed a gradual and significant decrease from 12.52 ± 8.3 mg% to 5.85 ± 3.0 mg%. Antipyrine half-life did not change significantly (18.35 ± 4.2 hrs compared to basal values 21.96 ± 3.78 hrs). The phagocytic and intracellular killing (ICK) capacities of PMN remained suppressed (Basal: 22.13 ± 3.68% phago, and 19.1 ± 4.49% ICK; Post drainage: 20 ± 8.48% Phago and 11.15 ± 3.05% ICK). Thus PTBD did not improve the metabolic capacity ofthe liver and mortality was higher due to sepsis. Group (C) patientg received TC during PTBD (n = 16) and Group (D) patients received TC without PTBD (n = 14). A significant improvement in PMN functions occurred by 3 weeks in both groups (30.29 ± 4.68% phago, 30 ± 4.84% ICK in Group C and 30.4 ± 2.99% phago, 27.15 ± 6.19% ICK in Group D). The mortality in Groups C and D was 25% and 14.2% respectively during the preoperative period. There was no mortality after surgery. It appears from this study that host defenses as reflected by PMN functions play an important role in influencing prognosis. Further decompression of the biliary tree by PTBD seems unwarranted

    The Conditional Analysis of Principals Bullying Teachers Reasons in The Surroundings of The City

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    Centered on teachers intimidation by officials, this paper (a) discusses how management incompetence favors their emergence, (b) how teachers can see it, and (c) whether or not this issue impairs teacher success. Empirical findings indicate that teacher efficiency improves with inspiration, a good environment, and not bullied or upset by principals. The results suggest that the principal cause to be blamed is the teachers negligence. Teacher teamwork will play a part in curbing this violence. Take the time and position constraints into account for the analysis, where 15 hours of monitoring may not be enough time to analyze this kind. Furthermore, qualitative research was conducted in and out of Beirut classrooms. As a consequence, the findings of this study are generalized in the surroundings of the city

    Dancing eyes and dancing feet in scrub typhus

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    A 26-year-old male, presented to us with complaints of fever for five days and breathlessness for one day. During the hospital stay, he developed myoclonic jerks in all four limbs, head titubation, and saccadomania. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain ruled out structural lesions and cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) analysis ruled out meningo-encephalitis. Weil Felix was strongly positive, OX K titres were one in 640, and IgM for scrub typhus was positive. He was treated with doxycycline for one week. On follow-up he was found to be doing well with resolution of opsoclonus myoclonus


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    Accurate monitoring of satellites plays a pivotal role in analysing critical mission specific parameters for estimating orbital position uncertainties. An appropriate database management system (DBMS) at the software end, could prove its potential as a convenient solution over the existing file based two line element (TLE) data structure. The current web-based satellite tracking systems, such as n2yo, satview, and satflare, are unable to provide location-based satellite monitoring. Moreover, the users need to zoom into the displayed world map for obtaining information of the satellites that are currently over the respective area. Also, satellite searching is a cumbersome task in these web-based systems. In this research work, a systematic approach has been utilised to develop a generic open-source Web-GIS based tool for addressing the aforementioned issues. This tool incorporates a PostgreSQL database for storing the parsed TLE data which are freely available on the CelesTrak (NORAD) repository. Our choice of selecting PostgreSQL as a backend DB is primarily due to its open source and scalable properties compared to other resource intensive databases. Using suitable python libraries (e.g. Skyfield and Orbit-Predictor), the position and velocity at any point of time can be accurately estimated. For this purpose, the tool has been tested on several cities for displaying location-based satellite tracking that includes different types of space-objects
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