120 research outputs found

    Formation of giant planets around stars with various masses

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    We examine the predictions of the core accretion - gas capture model concerning the efficiency of planet formation around stars with various masses. First, we follow the evolution of gas and solids from the moment when all solids are in the form of small grains to the stage when most of them are in the form of planetesimals. We show that the surface density of the planetesimal swarm tends to be higher around less massive stars. Then, we derive the minimum surface density of the planetesimal swarm required for the formation of a giant planet both in a numerical and in an approximate analytical approach. We combine these results by calculating a set of representative disk models characterized by different masses, sizes, and metallicities, and by estimating their capability of forming giant planets. Our results show that the set of protoplanetary disks capable of giant planet formation is larger for less massive stars. Provided that the distribution of initial disk parameters does not depend too strongly on the mass of the central star, we predict that the percentage of stars with giant planets should increase with decreasing stellar mass. Furthermore, we identify the radial redistribution of solids during the formation of planetesimal swarms as the key element in explaining these effects.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 9 pages, 9 figure

    Formation of giant planets in disks with different metallicities

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    We present the first results from simulations of processes leading to planet formation in protoplanetary disks with different metallicities. For a given metallicity, we construct a two-dimensional grid of disk models with different initial masses and radii (M0M_0, R0R_0). For each disk, we follow the evolution of gas and solids from an early evolutionary stage, when all solids are in the form of small dust grains, to the stage when most solids have condensed into planetesimals. Then, based on the core accretion - gas capture scenario, we estimate the planet-bearing capability of the environment defined by the final planetesimal swarm and the still evolving gaseous component of the disk. We define the probability of planet-formation, PpP_p, as the normalized fractional area in the (M0M_0, logR0\log R_0) plane populated by disks that have formed planets inside 5 AU. With such a definition, and under the assumption that the population of planets discovered at RR << 5 AU is not significantly contaminated by planets that have migrated from RR >> 5 AU, our results agree fairly well with the observed dependence between the probability that a star harbors a planet and the star's metal content. The agreement holds for the disk viscosity parameter α\alpha ranging from 10310^{-3} to 10210^{-2}, and it becomes much poorer when the redistribution of solids relative to the gas is not allowed for during the evolution of model disks.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 6 pages, 6 figure

    Measurement of the rate of water flow in plants.

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    A non-destructive thermo-electric method is described for the measurement of water flow in the stems of plants such as wheat and potatoes. The 2 temp. sensors are 10 or 20 mm apart. The miniature sensing is made by evaporation techniques. The sensor is suitable for laboratory as well as for field work. Flow rate in the stem can be monitored for several wk at relatively low cost. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission

    Models of the formation of the planets in the 47 UMa system

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    Formation of planets in the 47 UMa system is followed in an evolving protoplanetary disk composed of gas and solids. The evolution of the disk is calculated from an early stage, when all solids, assumed to be high-temperature silicates, are in the dust form, to the stage when most solids are locked in planetesimals. The simulation of planetary evolution starts with a solid embryo of ~1 Earth mass, and proceeds according to the core accretion -- gas capture model. Orbital parameters are kept constant, and it is assumed that the environment of each planet is not perturbed by the second planet. It is found that conditions suitable for both planets to form within several Myr are easily created, and maintained throughout the formation time, in disks with α0.01\alpha \approx 0.01. In such disks, a planet of 2.6 Jupiter masses (the minimum for the inner planet of the 47 UMa system) may be formed at 2.1 AU from the star in \~3 Myr, while a planet of 0.89 Jupiter masses (the minimum for the outer planet) may be formed at 3.95 AU from the star in about the same time. The formation of planets is possible as a result of a significant enhancement of the surface density of solids between 1.0 and 4.0 AU, which results from the evolution of a disk with an initially uniform gas-to-dust ratio of 167 and an initial radius of 40 AU.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 10 pages, 10 figure

    An alternative look at the snowline in protoplanetary disks

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    We have calculated an evolution of protoplanetary disk from an extensive set of initial conditions using a time-dependent model capable of simultaneously keeping track of the global evolution of gas and water-ice. A number of simplifications and idealizations allows for an embodiment of gas-particle coupling, coagulation, sedimentation, and evaporation/condensation processes. We have shown that, when the evolution of ice is explicitly included, the location of the snowline has to be calculated directly as the inner edge of the region where ice is present and not as the radius where disk's temperature equals the evaporation temperature of water-ice. The final location of the snowline is set by an interplay between all involved processes and is farther from the star than implied by the location of the evaporation temperature radius. The evolution process naturally leads to an order of magnitude enhancement in surface density of icy material.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 8 pages, 4 figure

    AMBER/VLTI observations of 5 giant stars

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    While the search for exoplanets around main sequence stars more massive than the Sun have found relatively few such objects, surveys performed around giant stars have led to the discovery of more than 30 new exoplanets. The interest in studying planet hosting giant stars resides in the possibility of investigating planet formation around stars more massive than the Sun. Masses of isolated giant stars up to now were only estimated from evolutionary tracks, which led to different results depending on the physics considered. To calibrate the theory, it is therefore important to measure a large number of giant star diameters and masses as much as possible independent of physical models. We aim in the determination of diameters and effective temperatures of 5 giant stars, one of which is known to host a planet. AMBER/VLTI observations with the ATs were executed in low resolution mode on 5 giant stars. In order to measure high accurate calibrated squared visibilities, a calibrator-star-calibrator observational sequence was performed. We measured the uniform disk and limb-darkened angular diameters of 4 giant stars. The effective temperatures were also derived by combining the bolometric luminosities and the interferometric diameters. Lower effective temperatures were found when compared to spectroscopic measurements. The giant star HD12438 was found to have an unknown companion star at an angular separation of ~ 12 mas. Radial velocity measurements present in the literature confirm the presence of a companion with a very long orbital period (P ~ 11.4 years).}Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The structure of cool accretion disc in semidetached binaries

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    We present the results of qualitative consideration of possible changes occurring during the transition from the hot accretion disc to the cool one. We argue the possible existence of one more type of spiral density waves in the inner part of the disc where gasdynamical perturbations are negligible. The mechanism of formation of such a wave as well as its parameters are considered. We also present the results of 3D gasdynamical simulation of cool accretion discs. These results confirm the hypothesis of possible formation of the spiral wave of a new, "precessional" type in the inner regions of the disc. Possible observational manifestations of this wave are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Astron. Z

    Wall shear stress as measured in vivo: consequences for the design of the arterial system

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    Based upon theory, wall shear stress (WSS), an important determinant of endothelial function and gene expression, has been assumed to be constant along the arterial tree and the same in a particular artery across species. In vivo measurements of WSS, however, have shown that these assumptions are far from valid. In this survey we will discuss the assessment of WSS in the arterial system in vivo and present the results obtained in large arteries and arterioles. In vivo WSS can be estimated from wall shear rate, as derived from non-invasively recorded velocity profiles, and whole blood viscosity in large arteries and plasma viscosity in arterioles, avoiding theoretical assumptions. In large arteries velocity profiles can be recorded by means of a specially designed ultrasound system and in arterioles via optical techniques using fluorescent flow velocity tracers. It is shown that in humans mean WSS is substantially higher in the carotid artery (1.1–1.3 Pa) than in the brachial (0.4–0.5 Pa) and femoral (0.3–0.5 Pa) arteries. Also in animals mean WSS varies substantially along the arterial tree. Mean WSS in arterioles varies between about 1.0 and 5.0 Pa in the various studies and is dependent on the site of measurement in these vessels. Across species mean WSS in a particular artery decreases linearly with body mass, e.g., in the infra-renal aorta from 8.8 Pa in mice to 0.5 Pa in humans. The observation that mean WSS is far from constant along the arterial tree implies that Murray’s cube law on flow-diameter relations cannot be applied to the whole arterial system. Because blood flow velocity is not constant along the arterial tree either, a square law also does not hold. The exponent in the power law likely varies along the arterial system, probably from 2 in large arteries near the heart to 3 in arterioles. The in vivo findings also imply that in in vitro studies no average shear stress value can be taken to study effects on endothelial cells derived from different vascular areas or from the same artery in different species. The cells have to be studied under the shear stress conditions they are exposed to in real life

    Planet Populations as a Function of Stellar Properties

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    Exoplanets around different types of stars provide a window into the diverse environments in which planets form. This chapter describes the observed relations between exoplanet populations and stellar properties and how they connect to planet formation in protoplanetary disks. Giant planets occur more frequently around more metal-rich and more massive stars. These findings support the core accretion theory of planet formation, in which the cores of giant planets form more rapidly in more metal-rich and more massive protoplanetary disks. Smaller planets, those with sizes roughly between Earth and Neptune, exhibit different scaling relations with stellar properties. These planets are found around stars with a wide range of metallicities and occur more frequently around lower mass stars. This indicates that planet formation takes place in a wide range of environments, yet it is not clear why planets form more efficiently around low mass stars. Going forward, exoplanet surveys targeting M dwarfs will characterize the exoplanet population around the lowest mass stars. In combination with ongoing stellar characterization, this will help us understand the formation of planets in a large range of environments.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Handbook of Exoplanet