365 research outputs found

    Hell is other people? A Sartrean analysis of the Local Gaze

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    Tourism has often been defined as a linear “way of seeing”, where tourists gaze upon the world in order to consume it as a tourism product. It is now largely understood that “the Gaze” is more complex and overarching, comprising of diverse “gazers” and “gazees”. This paper adopts a Sartrean perspective through building on the concept of “being-for-others”, where human consciousness is brought to light through being gazed upon by an outstander. Accordingly, this research aims at understanding the lived experience of tourists of being exposed to the Local Gaze as a “being-for-others”. An emic perspective is adopted through a methodology and method underpinned in the philosophical underpinnings of phenomenology. Eight participants were recruited through experience-based, purposive sampling and interviewed in-depth. Findings show that the look of the Other increases tourists’ self-awareness and reflection, confronting them with the existential question of being in the world. This results in a struggle of meaning making through the Sartrean concepts of sadism, masochism and indifference, which makes authentic relationship between the tourist and the toured ephemeral at best


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    Purposes: This article is devoted to the study of realityн translation, the identification of the main types and difficulties of translation based on the material of literary works translated from Russian into Tatar. Implication/Application: Among the objective difficulties of the works of Russian writer translation into the Tatar language, one can note the mismatch of Russian and Tatar words or phrases expressing realities. It is especially difficult to translate those words and expressions that are close in meaning, but differ in “volume”. Results: The authors show the dependence of translation strategy choice on external sociocultural and pragmatic factors. The study also found out what problems may arise during the transfer of realities in translation, and the main difficulties are highlighted that arise during the translation of realities, in particular, during the absence of an equivalent, correspondence or analogue in the translated language, the need to convey not only the meaning of reality but also its color. Novelty: In our work, the essence of the realities was determined, the main aspects of reality transfer during translation were analyzed, the types of correspondences by a value between the realities, which can be grouped into three main ones, are considered: full, partial correspondence and its absence

    Hell is other people? An existential-phenomenological analysis of the local gaze in tourism.

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    The “Gaze” is a complex and overarching phenomenon comprised of diverse “Gazers” and “Gazees”. This paper adopts an existential-phenomenological perspective to understand tourists’ lived experiences of being gazed upon by local people. Based on thirty experiences collected from interviews with ten participants, we show that experiencing the “Local Gaze” exposes the tourist as Sartrean “Tourist-esque”: an inauthentic experiencer of positivity, discrimination, alienation and self-consciousness. Moments of true human connections are at best ephemeral. Through an existentialist lens, the study questions the possibility of authentic host-guest relationship in tourism and argues that to maintain hopes for an authentic relationship, the concepts of “Gaze” and – perhaps even of “Tourism” – need to be transcended

    The effect of crystallization conditions on tantalum distribution in molybdenum and tungsten during electron beam zone melting

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    The distribution of tantalum in molybdenum and tungsten single crystals during electron beam floating zone melting under different crystallization conditions was investigated. The performed line chemical analysis of specimens proved creation of tantalum micro segregation, so-called growth striations, which showed themselves on concentration profiles as periodically alternating areas with increased and decreased concentrations of tantalum. The existence of these chemical inhomogeneities suggests that stationary conditions of the crystal growth were disturbed during the zone melting, i.e. fluctuations of microscopic rate of growth occurred due to convection in the melt. The determined effective distribution coefficients of tantalum in molybdenum and tungsten approach to calculated theoretical values of the equilibrium distribution coefficient

    A theoretical study of the structural phases of Group 5B - 6B metals and their transport properties

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    In order to predict the stable and metastable phases of the bcc metals in the block of the Periodic Table defined by groups 5B to 6B and periods 4 to 6, as well as the structure dependence of their transport properties, we have performed full potential computations of the total energies per unit cell as a function of the c/a ratio at constant experimental volume. In all cases, a metastable body centered tetragonal (bct) phase was predicted from the calculations. The total energy differences between the calculated stable and metastable phases ranged from 0.09 eV/cell (vanadium) to 0.39 eV/cell (tungsten). The trends in resistivity as a function of structure and atomic number are discussed in terms of a model of electron transport in metals. Theoretical calculations of the electrical resistivity and other transport properties show that bct phases derived from group 5B elements are more conductive than the corresponding bcc phases, while bct phases formed from group 6B elements are less conductive than the corresponding bcc phases. Special attention is paid to the phases of tantalum where we show that the frequently observed beta phase is not a simple tetragonal distortion of bcc tantalum

    Linguo-didactic peculiarities of Tatar language teaching course

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    The paper deals with linguo-didactic peculiarities of course Tatar language teaching. The article presents a historical insight into 1920-1930 of the XX century in respect of short-term Tatar language courses for Russian. Linguistic and methodological peculiarities of modern educational means, used in the process of adult linguistic education, are also studied. In present-day situation, the teaching system for Tatar, as a state language of the Tatarstan Republic, combines traditional and innovative components, aimed at further improvement of the communicative competence of the students. Integral scientific investigation of linguo-didactic peculiarities of Tatar course teaching as a second language provides an opportunity to elaborate the methodological recommendations to implement them into educational process

    Optical and magneto-optical properties of ferromagnetic full-Heusler films: experiments and first-principles calculations

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    We report a joint theoretical and experimental study focused on understanding the optical and magneto-optical properties of Co-based full-Heusler compounds. We show that magneto-optical spectra calculated within ab-initio density functional theory are able to uniquely identify the features of the experimental spectra in terms of spin resolved electronic transitions. As expected for 3d-based magnets, we find that the largest Kerr rotation for these alloys is of the order of 0.3o in polar geometry. In addition, we demonstrate that (i) multilayered structures have to be carefully handled in the theoretical calculations in order to improve the agreement with experiments, and (ii) combined theoretical and experimental investigations constitute a powerful approach to designing new materials for magneto-optical and spin-related applicationsComment: 20 pages, including 6 figures and 1 table. 40 refs. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Special competence in the structure of vocational pedagogical integrity in the sphere of vocational education

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    The significance of the issue under study lies in research of the subject matter, character and components of special competences, as well as defining feasible ways of their formation in the framework of a higher vocational pedagogical institution. The article is aimed at providing the rationale for necessary formation of special competences in education for vocational teachers with implementation of Vocational and Federal State Education Standards. The main method of studying the given issue consists in pedagogical modeling of educational procedures for vocational teachers which allows it to outline the formation process of a special competence in learning specialist disciplines after determining its structure and contents. It was deemed necessary and proved to form special competence in education of future vocational teachers. The process of special training was structured with relevant amendments and supplements to its contents. On the top of it, this process of was accompanied by specially designed learning and teaching materials. The contents of the article could be of interest for graduate students and postgraduates as well as teachers who are involved in working on educational projects for vocational teachers. © Authors

    Multimedia technologies in vocational education

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    Modern higher professional education is aimed at the formation of a highly qualified competent specialist. In the conditions of the competence approach, there is an active introduction in the educational process of multimedia technologies. This is one of the most rapidly developing areas of information technology. Therefore, the training of students should be carried out with the use of various information and communication tools, ensuring the improvement of the quality of education. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of training students of pedagogical University using multimedia technologies. The analysis of the impact of these technologies on the motivation and training of students when studying discipline "technology of training teachers of the past" (media technologies have been embedded in the discipline content). For the study, we measured the motivation of students. We compared the indicators of motivation diagnostics in 2017 (before the introduction of multimedia technologies) and 2018 (after the introduction of technologies). We compared the motives of creative realization (MTR) and professional motives (PM). According to the control event on the discipline "Technologies of teaching teachers of the past", we found that the percentage of "excellent" in 2018 has increased significantly, the percentage of unsatisfactory ratings have decreased. The obtained data allowed detecting positive changes after the introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process. The motivation of students to study the discipline has increased, their preparedness has increased, and the quality of education has increased. The high efficiency of multimedia technologies was determined, so their implementation in the training of students of pedagogical University will continue

    The willingness of teachers to use modern educational technologies in educational process

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    Among the most significant trends in the development of vocational education, introduction and use of educational technologies can be distinguished. Since the main goal of higher schools is to prepare a competent competitive specialist, they search for the most suitable methods that contribute to rapid achievement of results. The use of technologies by educational institutions is explained by their advantage over other methods of developing professional competence. Due to implementation of a certain algorithm of actions, they allow you to achieve guaranteed results in a timely manner. The purpose of the article is to form future teachers ' the level of competency development, reflecting students’ willingness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional teaching activities. To do this, we checked the level of motivation of future teachers, the level of knowledge of the theoretical foundations of educational technologies, their design and implementation in professional and pedagogical activities, and the level of formation of the ability to reflect. The development of competencies reflecting the student’s readiness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional pedagogical activity was carried out in a certain logical sequence, so that the student possessed versatile knowledge about educational technologies, was capable of their systematic creative application and his reflective activity was associated with self-actualization and striving for the implementation of constructive professional activities. The development process was carried out in the course of students solving research and design problems. Research activity was carried out by students in the study of the course “Pedagogical technologies”, fundamental for future teachers of vocational training. The implementation of the projects was carried out during the development of the course "Project Activities of a Professional Education Teacher"