237 research outputs found

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    Drug metabolizing enzyme activities versus genetic variances for drug of clinical pharmacogenomic relevance

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    Enzymes are critically important in the transportation, metabolism, and clearance of most therapeutic drugs used in clinical practice today. Many of these enzymes have significant genetic polymorphisms that affect the enzyme's rate kinetics. Regarding drug metabolism, specific polymorphisms to the cytochrome (CYP) P450 enzyme family are linked to phenotypes that describe reaction rates as "ultra", "intermediate", and "poor," as referenced to "extensive" metabolizers that are assigned to wildtype individuals. Activity scores is an alternate designation that provides more genotype-to-phenotype resolution. Understanding the relative change in enzyme activities or rate of clearance of specific drugs relative to an individual's genotypes is an important component in the interpretation of pharmacogenomic data for personalized medicine. Currently, the most relevant drug metabolizing enzymes are CYP 2D6, CYP 2C9, CYP 2C19, thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT). Each of these enzymes is reactive to a host of different drug substrates. Pharmacogenomic tests that are in routine clinical practice include CYP 2C19 for clopidogrel, TPMT for thiopurine drugs, and UDP-1A1 for irinotecan. Other tests where there is considerable data but have not been widely implemented includes CYP 2C9 for warfarin, CYP 2D6 for tamoxifen and codeine, and CYP 2C19 for the proton pump inhibitors

    Genetički polimorfizmi u dijabetesu: Utjecaj na terapiju oralnim antidijabeticima

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    Due to new genetic insights, etiologic classification of diabetes is under constant scrutiny. Hundreds, or even thousands, of genes are linked with type 2 diabetes. Three common variants (Lys23 of KCNJ11, Pro12 of PPARG, and the T allele at rs7903146 of TCF7L2) have been shown to be predisposed to type 2 diabetes mellitus across many large studies. Individually, each of these polymorphisms is only moderately predisposed to type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, monogenic forms of diabetes such as MODY and neonatal diabetes are characterized by unique clinical features and the possibility of applying a tailored treatment. Genetic polymorphisms in drug-metabolizing enzymes, transporters, receptors, and other drug targets have been linked to interindividual differences in the efficacy and toxicity of a number of medications. Mutations in genes important in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) play a critical role in pharmacogenetics of diabetes. There are currently five major classes of oral pharmacological agents available to treat type 2 diabetes: sulfonylureas, meglitinides, metformin (a biguanide), thiazolidinediones, and α-glucosidase inhibitors. Other classes are also mentioned in literature. In this work, different types of genetic mutations (mutations of the gene for glucokinase, HNF 1, HNF1ß and Kir6.2 and SUR1 subunit of KATP channel, PPAR-γ, OCT1 and OCT2, cytochromes, direct drug-receptor (KCNJ11), as well as the factors that influence the development of the disease (TCF7L2) and variants of genes that lead to hepatosteatosis caused by thiazolidinediones) and their influence on the response to therapy with oral antidiabetics will be reviewed.Dijabetes tipa 2 dosegao je proporcije epidemije u SAD (> 18 milijuna) i cijelom svijetu (170 milijuna oboljelih osoba) te ima tendenciju daljnjeg dramatičnog rasta. Stoga se u posljednje vrijeme ulažu napori da se otkriju i razviju novi farmakološki agensi za liječenje ove bolesti. Klasifikacija šećerne bolesti proširena je uspjesima istraživača na području genetike. Da bismo razumjeli farmakogenetiku antidijabetika neophodno je razumjeti genetiku samog dijabetesa. Kao što će biti prikazano u ovom radu veliki broj gena koji su povezani s razvojem dijabetesa takođe utječu i na odgovor na terapiju antidijabeticima. S druge strane, mutacije gena koji utječu na ADME (apsorpcija, distribucija, metabolizam i ekskrecija) lijeka imaju značajan utjecaj na farmakogenetiku oralnih antidijabetika. Utvrđeno je da je dijabetes genetički heterogena bolest. Uobičajeni oblici dijabetesa su gotovo uvijek poligenski i za razvoj same bolesti vrlo su značajne snažne interakcije među različitim genima kao i između gena i okoliša. Zbog toga mutacije ili polimorfizmi koji u manjoj mjeri utječu na funkciju gena mogu postati klinički značajni samo u slučaju kada se kombiniraju s drugim faktorima odnosno genima. Smatra se da u razvoju dijabetesa mogu sudjelovati stotine pa čak i tisuće gena. Do 2006. identificirano je nekoliko uobičajenih alela koji povećavaju rizik za razvoj dijabetesa, od kojih su najznačajniji PPARG (Pro12), KCNJ11 (Lys23) i TCF7L2 (T na rs7903146). Do danas je najveći uspjeh postignut u identifikaciji gena odgovornih za razmjerno rijetke oblike ove bolesti poput ”Maturity-onset diabetes of the young” (MODY) i neonatalnog dijabetesa. Monogenske oblike dijabetesa odlikuju jedinstvene kliničke karakteristike i mogućnost primjene individualnog tretmana. Genetički polimorfizmi enzima koji utječu na metabolizam lijekova, transportera, receptora i drugih ciljeva djelovanja lijekova povezani su s interindividualnim razlikama u efikasnosti i toksičnosti mnogih lijekova. Vrlo je važno da se na temelju farmakogenetičkih istraživanja mogu predvidjeti neki neželjeni efekti lijekova. Trenutačno postoji pet glavnih klasa oralnih antidijabetika: sulfoniluree, meglitinidi, metformin (bigvanid), tiazolidindioni i inhibitori α-glukozidaze. U literaturi se također spominju inhibitori dipeptidil peptidaze IV (DPP-IV), selektivni antagonisti kanabinoidnog receptora 1 (CB-1), glukagonu slični peptid 1 mimetici i amilin mimetici. Razumijevanje mehanizama koji rezultiraju disfunkcijom β stanica na fiziološkom i molekularnom nivou neophodno je za napredak u razumijevanju tretmana dijabetesa. U ovom radu dat je pregled različitih genetičkih mutacija (mutacije gena za glukokinazu, HNF 1, HNF1ß, Kir6.2 i SUR 1 podjedinicu KATP kanala ß stanica, PPAR-γ, OCT1 i OCT2, citohrome, KCNJ11, faktore koji utječu na razvoj bolesti (TCF7L2) i varijante gena koji dovode do hepatosteatoze uzrokovane tiazolidindionima) te njihov utjecaj na odgovor na terapiju oralnim antidijabeticima

    Towards the clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics in bipolar disorder.

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    BackgroundBipolar disorder (BD) is a psychiatric illness defined by pathological alterations between the mood states of mania and depression, causing disability, imposing healthcare costs and elevating the risk of suicide. Although effective treatments for BD exist, variability in outcomes leads to a large number of treatment failures, typically followed by a trial and error process of medication switches that can take years. Pharmacogenetic testing (PGT), by tailoring drug choice to an individual, may personalize and expedite treatment so as to identify more rapidly medications well suited to individual BD patients.DiscussionA number of associations have been made in BD between medication response phenotypes and specific genetic markers. However, to date clinical adoption of PGT has been limited, often citing questions that must be answered before it can be widely utilized. These include: What are the requirements of supporting evidence? How large is a clinically relevant effect? What degree of specificity and sensitivity are required? Does a given marker influence decision making and have clinical utility? In many cases, the answers to these questions remain unknown, and ultimately, the question of whether PGT is valid and useful must be determined empirically. Towards this aim, we have reviewed the literature and selected drug-genotype associations with the strongest evidence for utility in BD.SummaryBased upon these findings, we propose a preliminary panel for use in PGT, and a method by which the results of a PGT panel can be integrated for clinical interpretation. Finally, we argue that based on the sufficiency of accumulated evidence, PGT implementation studies are now warranted. We propose and discuss the design for a randomized clinical trial to test the use of PGT in the treatment of BD

    Non-compartment model to compartment model pharmacokinetics transformation meta-analysis – a multivariate nonlinear mixed model

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    Background To fulfill the model based drug development, the very first step is usually a model establishment from published literatures. Pharmacokinetics model is the central piece of model based drug development. This paper proposed an important approach to transform published non-compartment model pharmacokinetics (PK) parameters into compartment model PK parameters. This meta-analysis was performed with a multivariate nonlinear mixed model. A conditional first-order linearization approach was developed for statistical estimation and inference. Results Using MDZ as an example, we showed that this approach successfully transformed 6 non-compartment model PK parameters from 10 publications into 5 compartment model PK parameters. In simulation studies, we showed that this multivariate nonlinear mixed model had little relative bias (<1%) in estimating compartment model PK parameters if all non-compartment PK parameters were reported in every study. If there missing non-compartment PK parameters existed in some published literatures, the relative bias of compartment model PK parameter was still small (<3%). The 95% coverage probabilities of these PK parameter estimates were above 85%. Conclusions This non-compartment model PK parameter transformation into compartment model meta-analysis approach possesses valid statistical inference. It can be routinely used for model based drug development

    Association between 5-HT2A, TPH1 and GNB3 genotypes and response to typical neuroleptics: a serotonergic approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Schizophrenia is a common psychiatric disease affecting about 1% of population. One major problem in the treatment is finding the right the drug for the right patients. However, pharmacogenetic results in psychiatry can seldom be replicated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We selected three candidate genes associated with serotonergic neurotransmission for the study: serotonin 2A (<it>5-HT2A</it>) receptor gene, tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (<it>TPH1</it>) gene, and G-protein beta-3 subunit (<it>GNB3</it>) gene. We recruited 94 schizophrenia patients representing extremes in treatment response to typical neuroleptics: 43 were good responders and 51 were poor responders. The control group consisted of 392 healthy blood donors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We do, in part, replicate the association between <it>5-HT2A </it>T102C polymorphism and response to typical neuroleptics. In female patients, C/C genotype was significantly more common in non-responders than in responders [OR = 6.04 (95% Cl 1.67–21.93), p = 0.005] or in the control population [OR = 4.16 (95% CI 1.46–11.84), p = 0.005]. <it>TPH1 </it>A779C C/A genotype was inversely associated with good treatment response when compared with non-responders [OR = 0.59 (95% Cl 0.36–0.98), p = 0.030] or with the controls [OR = 0.44 (95% CI 0.23–0.86, p = 0.016], and <it>GNB3 </it>C825T C/T genotype showed a trend-like positive association among the male patients with a good response compared with non-responders [OR = 3.48 (95% Cl 0.92–13.25), p = 0.061], and a clearer association when compared with the controls [OR = 4.95 (95% CI 1.56–15.70), p = 0.004].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>More findings on the consequences of functional polymorphisms for the role of serotonin in the development of brain and serotonergic neurotransmission are needed before more detailed hypotheses regarding susceptibility and outcome in schizophrenia can be formulated. The present results may highlight some of the biological mechanisms in different courses of schizophrenia between men and women.</p

    Pain Management in Patients with Cancer: Focus on Opioid Analgesics

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    Cancer pain is generally treated with pharmacological measures, relying on using opioids alone or in combination with adjuvant analgesics. Weak opioids are used for mild-to-moderate pain as monotherapy or in a combination with nonopioids. For patients with moderate-to-severe pain, strong opioids are recommended as initial therapy rather than beginning treatment with weak opioids. Adjunctive therapy plays an important role in the treatment of cancer pain not fully responsive to opioids administered alone (ie, neuropathic, bone, and visceral colicky pain). Supportive drugs should be used wisely to prevent and treat opioids’ adverse effects. Understanding the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, interactions, and cautions with commonly used opioids can help determine appropriate opioid selection for individual cancer patients