172 research outputs found

    Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the devastating Black Sigatoka pathogen of bananas

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    Mycosphaerella fijiensis, M. musicola en M. eumusae veroorzaken de Sigatoka-ziekte in banaan. Op dit moment is de toepassing van fungiciden de enige optie om deze ziekte te bestrijden. Het PRPB (Pesticide Reduction Program for Banana) investeert in de ontwikkeling van technieken voor de genotype- en fenotypebepaling van M. fijiensis. Hierbij wordt gebruikt gemaakt van ATMT (Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation)

    Agronomic characteristics of the spring forms of the wheat landraces (einkorn, emmer, spelt, intermediate bread wheat) grown in organic farming

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    Organic farmers look to the possibilities of growing neglected crops, such as the spring forms of hulled wheat – einkorn, emmer and spelt – for support in developing the organic farming system. In 2008, 169 landraces from the gene bank at the Crop Research Institute in Prague were tested on certifi ed organic plots. The experiment was aimed at fi nding suitable varieties for the organic farming system. In summary, our fi ndings show that einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.) and emmer wheat [Triticum dicoccum Schrank (Schuebl)] are resistant to powdery mildew and brown rust, spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) is less resistant to these two diseases, and the intermediate forms of bread wheat are very sensitive to such infestation. The varieties evaluated incline to lodging, as they have long and weak stems. Einkorn and emmer wheat have short and dense spikes and a low thousand grains weight, whereas spelt wheat has long and lax spikes. The level of the harvest index is low. Potentially useful varieties were found during the fi eld experiment and evaluation, and our future efforts will therefore focus on improving resistance to lodging and increasing the productivity of the spike

    Phosphopantetheinyl transferase (Ppt)-mediated biosynthesis of lysine, but not siderophores or DHN melanin, is required for virulence of Zymoseptoria tritici on wheat

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    Zymoseptoria tritici is the causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch (STB) disease of wheat. Z. tritici is an apoplastic fungal pathogen, which does not penetrate plant cells at any stage of infection, and has a long initial period of symptomless leaf colonisation. During this phase it is unclear to what extent the fungus can access host plant nutrients or communicate with plant cells. Several important primary and secondary metabolite pathways in fungi are regulated by the post-translational activator phosphopantetheinyl transferase (Ppt) which provides an essential co-factor for lysine biosynthesis and the activities of non-ribosomal peptide synthases (NRPS) and polyketide synthases (PKS). To investigate the relative importance of lysine biosynthesis, NRPS-based siderophore production and PKS-based DHN melanin biosynthesis, we generated deletion mutants of ZtPpt. The ?ZtPpt strains were auxotrophic for lysine and iron, non-melanised and non-pathogenic on wheat. Deletion of the three target genes likely affected by ZtPpt loss of function (Aar- lysine; Nrps1-siderophore and Pks1- melanin), highlighted that lysine auxotrophy was the main contributing factor for loss of virulence, with no reduction caused by loss of siderophore production or melanisation. This reveals Ppt, and the lysine biosynthesis pathway, as potential targets for fungicides effective against Z. tritici

    Construction of gateway binary vector for selection with bialaphos or carboxin and GFP expression in fungi.

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    Genomic data has created a growing demand for tools and methodologies for studying the genes function, which can be realized through loss of function experiments (gene knockout) or by RNA silencing (knockdown). The develop-ment of binary vectors for Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT) has the advantage of being independent of protoplast formation and can be used directly on a wide variety of fungal species and tissue types. The selection of transformants using bialaphos and carboxin has the advantages of low cost in the transformation and availability of different selectable markers, also allowing the analysis of several genes and combination of study by knockout or knockdown, using selectable markers in the same transformant. Thus, this study aimed to build two binary vectors containing reporter gene and selectable markers that confer resistance to carboxin and bialaphos. The cassettes were constructed using the Gateway system to two fragments. The gene encoding the GFP protein and PtoxA and PtrpCpromoters were cloned into pDONR P1-P5R plasmid. Genes that confer bialaphos and carboxin resistance, bar and cbxr respectively, were cloned into pDONR P5-P2 plasmid. The pPGW plasmid was used as des-tination vector. The gfp gene transcription is controlled by PtoxA promoter and the bar and cbxr genes transcriptions are controlled by PtrpC promoter. These binary vectors were named pGWGFP-BAR and pGWGFP-CBXR. The assembly of cassettes was confi rmed by sequencing, and the validation of vectors is being accomplished through transformation (ATMT) with the plant pathogens Mycosphaerella fi jiensis and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense

    Effector-triggered defence against apoplastic fungal pathogens

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    Copyright 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). hR gene-mediated host resistance against apoplastic fungal pathogens is not adequately explained by the terms pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI) or effector-triggered immunity (ETI). Therefore, it is proposed that this type of resistance is termed ‘effector-triggered defence’ (ETD). Unlike PTI and ETI, ETD is mediated by R genes encoding cell surface-localised receptor-like proteins (RLPs) that engage the receptor-like kinase SOBIR1. In contrast to this extracellular recognition, ETI is initiated by intracellular detection of pathogen effectors. ETI is usually associated with fast, hypersensitive host cell death, whereas ETD often triggers host cell death only after an elapsed period of endophytic pathogen growth. In this opinion, we focus on ETD responses against foliar fungal pathogens of cropsPeer reviewe

    Other Radiopharmaceuticals for Imaging GEP‐NET

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    In GEP‐NETs, especially the catecholamine and serotonin biosynthetic pathways are upregulated. Therefore, increased biosynthesis of these specific amines in GEP‐NETs enables imaging with specific amine precursors. For the catecholamine pathway, 6‐18F ‐l‐3,4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine (18F‐DOPA) is available, while for the serotonin pathway, carbon‐11‐labeled 5‐hydroxy‐l‐tryptophan ([11C]‐5‐HTP) is available as tracer. 11C‐5‐HTP PET and 18F‐DOPA PET are excellent functional imaging techniques for evaluating patients with proven pancreatic islet cell tumors and carcinoids. For both tracers, the combination with CT further improves the detection rate of NET, which shows that performing PET scans with these tracers in PET/CT scanners is beneficial for patients.Since well‐differentiated GEP‐NETs generally have a low glucose metabolism, 18F‐fluorodexyglucose (18F‐FDG) PET scanning has limited value for the primary staging of patients with well‐differentiated GEP‐NETs. However, in patients with rapidly progressive disease, dedifferentiation of GEP‐NET tumors can lead to a higher glucose metabolism in tumor cells. In these patients, 18F‐FDG PET can be of benefit for tumor staging. Also, 18F‐FDG PET can be of value when other malignancies are suspected in patients with GEP‐NETs, since these patients experience a higher incidence of these malignancies compared to the general population.Nowadays, (GEP)‐NETs can also be imaged with 68Ga‐labeled analogues of somatostatin, which are also PET tracers. Advantages of 68Ga‐labeled somatostatin analogues are the relatively easy generator‐based synthesis and the possibility to evaluate whether peptide (somatostatin) receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) for NETs can be considered

    Plant sterols cause macrothrombocytopenia in a mouse model of sitosterolemia

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    Mutations in either ABCG5 or ABCG8 cause sitosterolemia, an inborn error of metabolism characterized by high plasma plant sterol concentrations. Recently, macrothrombocytopenia was described in a number of sitosterolemia patients, linking hematological dysfunction to disturbed sterol metabolism. Here, we demonstrate that macrothrombocytopenia is an intrinsic feature of murine sitosterolemia. Abcg5-deficient (Abcg5(-/-)) mice showed a 68% reduction in platelet count, and platelets were enlarged compared with wild-type controls. Macrothrombocytopenia was not due to decreased numbers of megakaryocytes or their progenitors, but defective megakaryocyte development with deterioration of the demarcation membrane system was evident. Lethally irradiated wild-type mice transplanted with bone marrow from Abcg5(-/-) mice displayed normal platelets, whereas Abcg5(-/-) mice transplanted with wild-type bone marrow still showed macrothrombocytopenia. Treatment with the sterol absorption inhibitor ezetimibe rapidly reversed macrothrombocytopenia in Abcg5(-/-) mice concomitant with a strong decrease in plasma plant sterols. Thus, accumulation of plant sterols is responsible for development of macrothrombocytopenia in sitosterolemia, and blocking intestinal plant sterol absorption provides an effective means of treatment

    Genomes of Gardnerella Strains Reveal an Abundance of Prophages within the Bladder Microbiome

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    Bacterial surveys of the vaginal and bladder human microbiota have revealed an abundance of many similar bacterial taxa. As the bladder was once thought to be sterile, the complex interactions between microbes within the bladder have yet to be characterized. To initiate this process, we have begun sequencing isolates, including the clinically relevant genus Gardnerella. Herein, we present the genomic sequences of four Gardnerella strains isolated from the bladders of women with symptoms of urgency urinary incontinence; these are the first Gardnerella genomes produced from this niche. Congruent to genomic characterization of Gardnerella isolates from the reproductive tract, isolates from the bladder reveal a large pangenome, as well as evidence of high frequency horizontal gene transfer. Prophage gene sequences were found to be abundant amongst the strains isolated from the bladder, as well as amongst publicly available Gardnerella genomes from the vagina and endometrium, motivating an in depth examination of these sequences. Amongst the 39 Gardnerella strains examined here, there were more than 400 annotated prophage gene sequences that we could cluster into 95 homologous groups; 49 of these groups were unique to a single strain. While many of these prophages exhibited no sequence similarity to any lytic phage genome, estimation of the rate of phage acquisition suggests both vertical and horizontal acquisition. Furthermore, bioinformatic evidence indicates that prophage acquisition is ongoing within both vaginal and bladder Gardnerella populations. The abundance of prophage sequences within the strains examined here suggests that phages could play an important role in the species’ evolutionary history and in its interactions within the complex communities found in the female urinary and reproductive tracts

    Genetic transformation of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense.

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    Edição dos Resumos do 42° Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, Rio de Janeiro, ago. 2009

    GFP and RFP transformation of Fusarium guttiforme (sin. Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. annanas).

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    Edição dos Resumos do 42° Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, Rio de Janeiro, ago. 2009