1,308 research outputs found

    Photovoltaic performance of injection solar cells and other applications of nanocrystalline oxide layers

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    The direct conversion of sunlight to electricity via photoelectrochemical solar cells is an attractive option that has been pursued for nearly two decades in several laboratories. In this paper, we review the principles and performance features of very efficient solar cells that are being developed in our laboratories. These are based on the concept of dye-sensitization of wide bandgap semiconductors used in the form of mesoporous nanocrystalline membrane-type films. The key feature is charge injection from the excited state of an anchored dye to the conduction band of an oxide semiconductor such as TiO2. In the use of the semiconductor in the form of high surface area, highly porous film offers several unique advantages: monomeric distribution of a large quantity of the dye in a compact (few micron thick) film, efficient charge collection and drastic inhibition of charge recombination (‘capture of charge carriers by oxidized dye'). Near quantitative efficiency for charge collection for monochromatic light excitation gives rise to sunlight conversion efficiency in the range of 8-10% This has led to fruitful collaboration with several industrial partners. Possible applications and commercialization of these solar cells and also other practical applications of nanosized films are briefly outline

    An Efficient Method to Improve the Audio Quality Using AAC Low Complexity Decoder

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    This paper presents a new approach to design a Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) audio decoder is introduced to improve the superiority of audio. Countries all over the world use DAB broadcasting systems more prominently, in Europe. DAB+ is the upgraded version of digital audio broadcasting. DAB and DAB+ coexist in many countries, so receivers are essential to be compatible with both standards. DAB+ is approximately twice as efficient as DAB due to the adoption of the AAC+ audio codec, and DAB+ can provide high quality audio with bit rates as low as 64 kbit/s. Integrating an MPEG-1 Layer II (MP2) decoder and Advanced Audio Coding Low Complexity (AAC LC) decoder provides a fundamental audio decoding for DAB and DAB+. The generated audio frames data from the DAB channel decoders are stored in RAM. The bit stream demultiplexer parses the quantized spectrum data in the audio. The inverse quantization performs the inverse quantization computation and synthesis filter generates the time domain Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) samples, all the above operation results writes them back to the audio RAM. The existing system of this project uses HE AAC V2 decoder, that system consists has SBR and PS technologies. This two technologies are used to improve the sound quality in low bit rate program. The proposed scheme is uses AAC LC and MP2 decoder it improve the sound quality in high bit rate. The simulation of this project is carried out by using MATLAB R2011a and Xilinx ISE 9.2i. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15039

    Effect of soaking time and concentration of NaOH solution on mechanical properties of coir-polyester composites

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    The green husk coir fibres were treated with different levels of soaking time and concentration of alkali solution. As a result of alkali treatment, the surface modifications were done on the fibre surface and were studied using scanning electron micrographs. The coir–polyester composites were fabricated using hand lay up process and the mechanical properties (tensile, flexural and impact strength) were evaluated as per ASTM standards. The effect of soaking time and concentration of NaOH solution were studied based on evaluated values of mechanical properties to find out optimum fibre treatment parameters

    Ultrasonic Examination of Thin Walled Stainless Steel Tubes by Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique

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    The objective of Nondestructive Testing (NDT) is to detect flaws in the components, and characterize them by their size, shape, orientation etc. so that decision on fitness for service of the components can be made. In the case of thin walled tubes, ultrasonic or eddy current examination is generally performed for detection of defects. During the inspection of thin walled stainless steel tubes used in nuclear application, defect indications were obtained by eddy current examination in two of the tubes. From the eddy current examination results, accurate sizing and orientation of these defects could not be determined. Hence a complementary inspection method was required for better characterisation of defects in the two tubes. Even though ultrasonic testing is a most promising technique for detection and characterization of defects, the interpretation of results with A-scan presentation, relies heavily on the skill and experience of the operator performing the test, which comes only by extensive training [1]. This problem is still complicated in the case of thin walled tubes since resolution achievable is poor due to small wall thickness and diameter, and also due to poor signal-to-noise ratio obtainable from fine size defects

    Neuroprotective effect of secretin in chronic hypoxia induced neurodegeneration in rats

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    Background: Hypoxia is a condition in any stage in the delivery of oxygen to cells which include decreased partial pressures of oxygen, less diffusion of oxygen in the lungs, insufficient hemoglobin, inefficient blood flow to the end tissue, and breathing rhythm. Secretin is an amino acid which plays proper functioning of gastro intestinal system.Methods: The current study was conducted to evaluvate the effect of exogenously administrated secretin on chronic hypoxic damage of brain in rat model. Experimental design consists of control animals, Control animals + secretin hypoxia exposed animals; hypoxia exposed animals +secretin (20ng/kg.bw).Results: The results of this study point to a possible role of Secretin as neuroprotectant.Conclusions: Further research on secretin needs to be conducted in order to confirm the deductions made by this study

    Approximating k-Forest with Resource Augmentation: A Primal-Dual Approach

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    In this paper, we study the kk-forest problem in the model of resource augmentation. In the kk-forest problem, given an edge-weighted graph G(V,E)G(V,E), a parameter kk, and a set of mm demand pairs V×V\subseteq V \times V, the objective is to construct a minimum-cost subgraph that connects at least kk demands. The problem is hard to approximate---the best-known approximation ratio is O(min{n,k})O(\min\{\sqrt{n}, \sqrt{k}\}). Furthermore, kk-forest is as hard to approximate as the notoriously-hard densest kk-subgraph problem. While the kk-forest problem is hard to approximate in the worst-case, we show that with the use of resource augmentation, we can efficiently approximate it up to a constant factor. First, we restate the problem in terms of the number of demands that are {\em not} connected. In particular, the objective of the kk-forest problem can be viewed as to remove at most mkm-k demands and find a minimum-cost subgraph that connects the remaining demands. We use this perspective of the problem to explain the performance of our algorithm (in terms of the augmentation) in a more intuitive way. Specifically, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the kk-forest problem that, for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0, removes at most mkm-k demands and has cost no more than O(1/ϵ2)O(1/\epsilon^{2}) times the cost of an optimal algorithm that removes at most (1ϵ)(mk)(1-\epsilon)(m-k) demands

    Yield maximization of direct sown rice (Oryza sativa l.) under water constraint situation

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    More efficient water management practices need to be adopted for better sustainable rice production grown under traditional areas due to increased water scarcity. Among the different water management practices, efficient new generation water-saving chemicals and organic products were used to conserve water under field condition.  An experiment was conducted to evaluate the yield maximization in direct sown CO51 rice (Oryza sativa L.) under water constraint situation.  The main plot treatments comprised of three levels of irrigation viz., Conventional irrigation (M1), Tensiometer based irrigation (M2) and Deficit irrigation (M3), respectively and were tested with four different water conservation practices in sub-plots viz., soil application of water-saving crystals (WSC) @ 5 kg ha-1 (S1), foliar application of drought shield @ 3 litres ha-1 (S2 ), soil application of humic granules @ 2.5 kg ha-1 (S3) and soil application of FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1 (S4). Experimental results indicated that Tensiometer based irrigation with soil application humic granules @ 2.5 kg ha-1 M2S3) recorded higher number of panicles m-2  (411) and number of filled grains panicle-1 (108.16) in direct-sown rice.  However, M2S3 recorded significantly maximum grain yield (6352 kg ha-1) and minimum (3940 kg ha-1) in (M3S4) deficit irrigation applied with FYM @12.5 t ha-1 in the year 2018 Sornavari season, respectively. Thus the Tensiometer based irrigation with soil application of humic granules @ 2.5 kg ha-1 can be a feasible approach for increasing grain yield and conserve water in north eastern region of Tamil Nadu, by promoting water use efficiency method in direct rice cultivation areas.

    A Generalized case of Electromagnetic Scattering from a finite number of Ferromagnetic cylinders

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    A generalized solution of the scattering problem from an array containing a finite number of axially magnetized ferromagnetic cylinders of infinite length placed in free space is presented in this paper. The analysis is carried out by matching the tangential boundary conditions at the surface of each cylinder to find the unknown expansion coefficients of the scattered field. Planar arrays consist of a finite number of ferromagnetic microwires are considered to obtain the numerical results for TMz and TEz polarizations in terms of the variation in scattered field components of the near field and scattering cross section (SCS) with respect to angle of incidence, radius of microwires, spacing among the microwires and operating frequency. For validation purpose, numerical results of the proposed analysis specialized for the case of single microwire and normal incidence for TMz polarization are compared with the results available in the literature for the specialized case and both are found to be matched completely

    Incremental Medians via Online Bidding

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    In the k-median problem we are given sets of facilities and customers, and distances between them. For a given set F of facilities, the cost of serving a customer u is the minimum distance between u and a facility in F. The goal is to find a set F of k facilities that minimizes the sum, over all customers, of their service costs. Following Mettu and Plaxton, we study the incremental medians problem, where k is not known in advance, and the algorithm produces a nested sequence of facility sets where the kth set has size k. The algorithm is c-cost-competitive if the cost of each set is at most c times the cost of the optimum set of size k. We give improved incremental algorithms for the metric version: an 8-cost-competitive deterministic algorithm, a 2e ~ 5.44-cost-competitive randomized algorithm, a (24+epsilon)-cost-competitive, poly-time deterministic algorithm, and a (6e+epsilon ~ .31)-cost-competitive, poly-time randomized algorithm. The algorithm is s-size-competitive if the cost of the kth set is at most the minimum cost of any set of size k, and has size at most s k. The optimal size-competitive ratios for this problem are 4 (deterministic) and e (randomized). We present the first poly-time O(log m)-size-approximation algorithm for the offline problem and first poly-time O(log m)-size-competitive algorithm for the incremental problem. Our proofs reduce incremental medians to the following online bidding problem: faced with an unknown threshold T, an algorithm submits "bids" until it submits a bid that is at least the threshold. It pays the sum of all its bids. We prove that folklore algorithms for online bidding are optimally competitive.Comment: conference version appeared in LATIN 2006 as "Oblivious Medians via Online Bidding