10,199 research outputs found

    The free jet as a simulator of forward velocity effects on jet noise

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    A thorough theoretical and experimental study of the effects of the free-jet shear layer on the transmission of sound from a model jet placed within the free jet to the far-field receiver located outside the free-jet flow was conducted. The validity and accuracy of the free-jet flight simulation technique for forward velocity effects on jet noise was evaluated. Transformation charts and a systematic computational procedure for converting measurements from a free-jet simulation to the corresponding results from a wind-tunnel simulation, and, finally, to the flight case were provided. The effects of simulated forward flight on jet mixing noise, internal noise and shock-associated noise from model-scale unheated and heated jets were established experimentally in a free-jet facility. It was illustrated that the existing anomalies between full-scale flight data and model-scale flight simulation data projected to the flight case, could well be due to the contamination of flight data by engine internal noise

    Basic experimental study of the coupling between flow instabilities and incident sound

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    Whether a solid trailing edge is required to produce efficient coupling between sound and instability waves in a shear layer was investigated. The differences found in the literature on the theoretical notions about receptivity, and a need to resolve them by way of well-planned experiments are discussed. Instability waves in the shear layer of a subsonic jet, excited by a point sound source located external to the jet, were first visualized using an ensemble averaging technique. Various means were adopted to shield the sound reaching the nozzle lip. It was found that the low frequency sound couples more efficiently at distances downstream of the nozzle. To substantiate the findings further, a supersonic screeching jet was tested such that it passed through a small opening in a baffle placed parallel to the exit plane. The measured feedback or screech frequencies and also the excited flow disturbances changed drastically on traversing the baffle axially thus providing a strong indication that a trailing edge is not necessary for efficient coupling between sound and flow

    Integer programming based solution approaches for the train dispatching problem

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    Railroads face the challenge of competing with the trucking industry in a fastpaced environment. In this respect, they are working toward running freight trains on schedule and reducing travel times. The planned train schedules consist of departure and arrival times at main stations on the rail network. A detailed timetable, on the other hand, consists of the departure and arrival times of each train in each track section of its route. The train dispatching problem aims to determine detailed timetables over a rail network in order to minimize deviations from the planned schedule. We provide a new integer programming formulation for this problem based on a spacetime network; we propose heuristic algorithms to solve it and present computational results of these algorithms. Our approach includes some realistic constraints that have not been previously considered as well as all the assumptions and practical issues considered by the earlier works

    Acoustic interactions between an altitude test facility and jet engine plumes: Theory and experiments

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    The overall objective of the described effort was to develop an understanding of the physical mechanisms involved in the flow/acoustic interactions experienced in full-scale altitude engine test facilities. This is done by conducting subscale experiments and through development of a theoretical model. Model cold jet experiments with an axisymmetric convergent nozzle are performed in a test setup that stimulates a supersonic jet exhausting into a cylindrical diffuser. The measured data consist of detailed flow visualization data and acoustic spectra for a free and a ducted plume. It is shown that duct resonance is most likely responsible by theoretical calculations. Theoretical calculations also indicate that the higher discrete tones observed in the measurements are related to the screech phenomena. Limited experiments on the sensitivity of a free 2-D, C-D nozzle to externally imposed sound are also presented. It is shown that a 2-D, C-D nozzle with a cutback is less excitable than a 2-D C-D nozzle with no cutback. At a pressure ratio of 1.5 unsteady separation from the diverging walls of the nozzle is noticed. This separation switches from one wall to the opposite wall thus providing an unsteady deflection of the plume. It is shown that this phenomenon is related to the venting provided by the cutback section

    Numerical Investigation of Shock-Induced Combustion Past Blunt Projectiles

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    A numerical study is conducted to simulate shock-induced combustion in premixed hydrogen-air mixtures at various free-stream conditions and parameters. Two-dimensional axisymmetric, reacting viscous flow over blunt projectiles is computed to study shock-induced combustion at Mach 5.11 and Mach 6.46 in hydrogen-air mixture. A seven-species, seven reactions finite rate hydrogen-air chemical reaction mechanism is used combined with a finite-difference, shock-fitting method to solve the complete set of Navier-Stokes and species conservation equations. In this approach, the bow shock represents a boundary of the computational domain and is treated as a discontinuity across which Rankine-Hugoniot conditions are applied. All interior details of the flow such as compression waves, reaction front, and the wall boundary layer are captured automatically in the solution. Since shock-fitting approach reduces the amount of artificial dissipation, all the intricate details of the flow are captured much more clearly than has been possible with the shock-capturing approach. This has allowed an improved understanding of the physics of shock-induced combustion over blunt projectiles and the numerical results can now be explained more readily with one-dimensional wave-interaction model than before. For Mach 5.11 the flow field is found to be unsteady with regular periodic oscillations of the reaction front. There is a progression of higher frequency and lower amplitude oscillations as the Mach number is increased with a steady flow observed at some point above the C-J velocity. Numerical results show good qualitative agreement with the ballistic range shadowgraphs. In addition, the frequency of oscillations, determined by using the Fourier power spectrum is found to be in good agreement with the experiment. Various parameters for the triggering of the instabilities have been identified. Projectile diameter is one of the parameter and an unstable reaction front can be made stable by choosing an appropriate small diameter projectile. The other parameter is the heat release rate which, in turn, depends upon the free-stream pressure. A number of simulations of shock-induced combustion past blunt projectiles in regular and large-disturbance regimes are also made at a Mach number of approximately 5 and pressures in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 atm. For a free-stream pressure of 0.1 atm, the reaction front is steady; at a pressure of 0.25 atm, the reaction front develops regular, periodic oscillations. As the pressure is increased to 0.5 atm, the oscillations become highly pronounced and irregular. Combustion with periodic oscillations has been classified as a regular regime and combustion with large, irregular oscillations has been classified as a large-disturbance regime. These calculations are in agreement with the experimental observations from ballistic-range tests. The transition from steady reaction front to regular, periodic oscillations, and then to large-disturbance regime is explained by a one-dimensional wave-interaction model

    Coherent large-scale structures in high Reynolds number supersonic jets

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    The flow structure of a 50.8 mm (2 in) diameter jet operated at a full expanded Mach number of 1.37, with Reynolds numbers in the range 1.7 to 2.35 million, was examined for the first 20 jet diameters. To facilitate the study of the large scale structure, and determine any coherence, a discrete tone acoustic excitation method was used. Phase locked flow visualization as well as laser velocimeter quantitative measurements were made. The main conclusions derived from this study are: (1) large scale coherent like turbulence structures do exist in large Reynolds number supersonic jets, and they prevail even beyond the potential core; (2) the most preferential Strouhal number for these structures is in the vicinity of 0.4; and (3) quantitatively, the peak amplitudes of these structures are rather low, and are about 1% of the jet exit velocity. Finally, since a number of unique problems related to LV measurements in supersonic jets were encountered, a summary of these problems and lessons learned therefrom are also reported

    Tone-excited jet: Theory and experiments

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    A detailed study to understand the phenomenon of broadband jet-noise amplification produced by upstream discrete-tone sound excitation has been carried out. This has been achieved by simultaneous acquisition of the acoustic, mean velocity, turbulence intensities, and instability-wave pressure data. A 5.08 cm diameter jet has been tested for this purpose under static and also flight-simulation conditions. An open-jet wind tunnel has been used to simulate the flight effects. Limited data on heated jets have also been obtained. To improve the physical understanding of the flow modifications brought about by the upstream discrete-tone excitation, ensemble-averaged schlieren photographs of the jets have also been taken. Parallel to the experimental study, a mathematical model of the processes that lead to broadband-noise amplification by upstream tones has been developed. Excitation of large-scale turbulence by upstream tones is first calculated. A model to predict the changes in small-scale turbulence is then developed. By numerically integrating the resultant set of equations, the enhanced small-scale turbulence distribution in a jet under various excitation conditions is obtained. The resulting changes in small-scale turbulence have been attributed to broadband amplification of jet noise. Excellent agreement has been found between the theory and the experiments. It has also shown that the relative velocity effects are the same for the excited and the unexcited jets

    A study of the transmission characteristics of suppressor nozzles

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    The internal noise radiation characteristics for a single stream 12 lobe 24 tube suppressor nozzle, and for a dual stream 36 chute suppressor nozzle were investigated. An equivalent single round conical nozzle and an equivalent coannular nozzle system were also tested to provide a reference for the two suppressors. The technique utilized a high voltage spark discharge as a noise source within the test duct which permitted separation of the incident, reflected and transmitted signals in the time domain. These signals were then Fourier transformed to obtain the nozzle transmission coefficient and the power transfer function. These transmission parameters for the 12 lobe, 24 tube suppressor nozzle and the reference conical nozzle are presented as a function of jet Mach number, duct Mach number polar angle and temperature. Effects of simulated forward flight are also considered for this nozzle. For the dual stream, 36 chute suppressor, the transmission parameters are presented as a function of velocity ratios and temperature ratios. Possible data for the equivalent coaxial nozzle is also presented. Jet noise suppression by these nozzles is also discussed

    Effects of cavity dimensions, boundary layer, and temperature on cavity noise with emphasis on benchmark data to validate computational aeroacoustic codes

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    This report documents the results of an experimental investigation on the response of a cavity to external flowfields. The primary objective of this research was to acquire benchmark of data on the effects of cavity length, width, depth, upstream boundary layer, and flow temperature on cavity noise. These data were to be used for validation of computational aeroacoustic (CAA) codes on cavity noise. To achieve this objective, a systematic set of acoustic and flow measurements were made for subsonic turbulent flows approaching a cavity. These measurements were conducted in the research facilities of the Georgia Tech research institute. Two cavity models were designed, one for heated flow and another for unheated flow studies. Both models were designed such that the cavity length (L) could easily be varied while holding fixed the depth (D) and width (W) dimensions of the cavity. Depth and width blocks were manufactured so that these dimensions could be varied as well. A wall jet issuing from a rectangular nozzle was used to simulate flows over the cavity

    Studies of the acoustic transmission characteristics of coaxial nozzles with inverted velocity profiles, volume 1

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    The efficiency of internal noise radiation through coannular exhaust nozzle with an inverted velocity profile was studied. A preliminary investigation was first undertaken to: (1) define the test parameters which influence the internal noise radiation; (2) develop a test methodology which could realistically be used to examine the effects of the test parameters; (3) and to validate this methodology. The result was the choice of an acoustic impulse as the internal noise source in the in the jet nozzles. Noise transmission characteristics of a nozzle system were then investigated. In particular, the effects of fan nozzle convergence angle, core extention length to annulus height ratio, and flow Mach number and temperatures were studied. The results are presented as normalized directivity plots