91 research outputs found

    Enhanced convnet based Latent Finger Print Recognition

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    Latent finger print recognition plays an important role in forensic, criminal cases etc. The latent images will not be recognised easily since they are impartial images, which find difficult to match with the registered database. Due to noisy images, it is very difficult for recognition. Autoencoder plays an important role in pre-processing the latent image. ConvNetbased method is an efficient approach used for latent image recognition. For each minutiae extraction, ConvNet descriptor is performed. Both minutiae and texture matcher is considered for comparison. This technique is compared with existing methods which shows, that the proposed method provides a higher accuracy than the existing methods like CNN, skeleton approach nonlinear mapping and product quantization. The proposed method provides an accuracy of 76.4%, 80.4% and 86.4% for rank1,5 and 10 respectively

    NPK Deficiency Detection in Paddy Leaf Images

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    Majority of people in India has got their source of income by means of rice cultivation (approximately 70%). But if they easily prone to deficiencies the entire crop field will be wasted. So, in order to get the paddy field high we need to predict the diseases or deficiencies caused to that paddy fields. Paddy leaves will be deficient with multiple nutrient components at a same time. The deviation from being healthy can be identified based on the color and pattern because the healthy leaves are dominant in green color rather than any other color, whereas unhealthy leaves are not dominant in green. The proposed work is to identify individual N, P, K and combination of nitrogen phosphorous (NP), nitrogen-potassium (NK), phosphorous-potassium (PK) and nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium (NPK) deficiencies in a leaf at a same time. Here pattern analysis and RGB color options are extracted to spot defected paddy leaves. Multiple color and multiple pattern comparison is done against the healthy leaves thereby we can easily identify the exact deficiency of nutrient (like N, P, K, NP, NK, PK, NPK) of that unhealthy leaf

    Environmental concerns in Asia-Pacific region

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    This study primarily identifies major environmental concerns in the Asia-Pacific region. It also addresses regional policy responses and directions. Further, it deals with (a) issues that the international community needs to address, (b) priorities among the plethora of environmental concerns, and (c) policy responses in the Asia-Pacific region

    Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance estimates in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines

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    Forty three genotypes of maize were evaluated for eleven traits at the College Farm, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad to study the genetic divergence and various genetic parameters. There was a significant (P<0.01) difference between genotypes for all the characters, which revealed wide range of variability and high heritability for all the characters. The genetic advance as percent of mean was high for grain yield per plant (73.19%), ear height (51.05%), number of kernels per row (44.40%), plant height (43.46%), 100 grain weight (42.88%), ear length (30.79%), number of kernel rows per ear (25.23%), and ear girth (22.37%) indicating additive gene action for these traits. D2 analysis partitioned the forty three genotypes in to six clusters. The maximum inter cluster distance (39.38) was observed between cluster I and cluster V. Grain yield per plant (38.43%), plant height (14.29%), 100 grain weight (12.85%) and number of kernels per row (12.07%) contributed greatly towards diversity

    Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Green Synthesis CdO Nanoparticles and Its Ag/CdO/P-Si Junction Diode Fabricated Via JNS Pyrolysis Techniqu

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    CdO nanoparticle is synthesized using green tea extract as solvent by microwave irradiation method. Its crystalline structure is confirmed by the well define peaks of powder XRD study. The surface morphology is analyzed by SEM and TEM spectrograph. The percentage composition of cadmium present in the synthesized material is confirmed by EDS study also presence of various functional groups is analysis using FTIR spectrum. The band gap energy of composed material is calculated with the help of cut off peak of diffused reflectance spectrum of UV study. The thermal conductance of the substance is increasing with increasing the temperature. The good rectifying character of CdO is explained with the help of I-V character study

    Secured Data Retrieval System in Unfriendly Regions Using CP-ABE Based in Ad Hoc Disruption- Tolerant Networks

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    This paper mainly focuses on a secure data collection mechanism using CP-ABE for ad hoc DTNs where more than one key authority manages their attributes dynamically and independently. The Military environments like battlefield and hostile networks operate in ad hoc mode and they suffer isolated network connectivity. Deployment of Disruption-tolerant networks (DTN) enhances the connectivity between wireless devices carried by soldiers in battle field; this provides them to communicate effectively and share the information confidently. Cipertext -policy attribute based encryption (CP-ABE) is effective cryptographic technique to access control issues. Ad hoc network are decentralized and resource constrained networks, applying CP-ABE to such networks is a challenging issue, in turn it introduces new security and privacy issues related to attribute revocation, coordination of attributes, and key escrow. The major research issue is to achieve effective and secure communication in Delay-Tolerant Networks by implementing authorization policies and the policies update for secure data collection. We analyzed the proposed mechanism and applied to the disruption-tolerant military network to access the information securely

    A high-precision interpolation method for pulsed radio signals from cosmic-ray air showers

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    Analysis of radio signals from cosmic-ray induced air showers has been shown to be a reliable method to extract shower parameters such as primary energy and depth of shower maximum. The required detailed air shower simulations take 1 to 3 days of CPU time per shower for a few hundred antennas. With nearly 60,000 antennas envisioned to be used for air shower studies at the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), simulating all of these would come at unreasonable costs. We present an interpolation algorithm to reconstruct the full pulse time series at any position in the radio footprint, from a set of antennas simulated on a polar grid. Relying on Fourier series representations and cubic splines, it significantly improves on existing linear methods. We show that simulating about 200 antennas is sufficient for high-precision analysis in the SKA era, including e.g. interferometry which relies on accurate pulse shapes and timings. We therefore propose the interpolation algorithm and its implementation as a useful extension of radio simulation codes, to limit computational effort while retaining accuracy