Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Green Synthesis CdO Nanoparticles and Its Ag/CdO/P-Si Junction Diode Fabricated Via JNS Pyrolysis Techniqu


CdO nanoparticle is synthesized using green tea extract as solvent by microwave irradiation method. Its crystalline structure is confirmed by the well define peaks of powder XRD study. The surface morphology is analyzed by SEM and TEM spectrograph. The percentage composition of cadmium present in the synthesized material is confirmed by EDS study also presence of various functional groups is analysis using FTIR spectrum. The band gap energy of composed material is calculated with the help of cut off peak of diffused reflectance spectrum of UV study. The thermal conductance of the substance is increasing with increasing the temperature. The good rectifying character of CdO is explained with the help of I-V character study

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