2,945 research outputs found

    Orthotropic rotation-free thin shell elements

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    A method to simulate orthotropic behaviour in thin shell finite elements is proposed. The approach is based on the transformation of shape function derivatives, resulting in a new orthogonal basis aligned to a specified preferred direction for all elements. This transformation is carried out solely in the undeformed state leaving minimal additional impact on the computational effort expended to simulate orthotropic materials compared to isotropic, resulting in a straightforward and highly efficient implementation. This method is implemented for rotation-free triangular shells using the finite element framework built on the Kirchhoff--Love theory employing subdivision surfaces. The accuracy of this approach is demonstrated using the deformation of a pinched hemispherical shell (with a 18{\deg} hole) standard benchmark. To showcase the efficiency of this implementation, the wrinkling of orthotropic sheets under shear displacement is analyzed. It is found that orthotropic subdivision shells are able to capture the wrinkling behavior of sheets accurately for coarse meshes without the use of an additional wrinkling model.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Collapse of orthotropic spherical shells

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    We report on the buckling and subsequent collapse of orthotropic elastic spherical shells under volume and pressure control. Going far beyond what is known for isotropic shells, a rich morphological phase space with three distinct regimes emerges upon variation of shell slenderness and degree of orthotropy. Our extensive numerical simulations are in agreement with experiments using fabricated polymer shells. The shell buckling pathways and corresponding strain energy evolution are shown to depend strongly on material orthotropy. We find surprisingly robust orthotropic structures with strong similarities to stomatocytes and tricolpate pollen grains, suggesting that the shape of several of Nature's collapsed shells could be understood from the viewpoint of material orthotropy.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Subdivision Shell Elements with Anisotropic Growth

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    A thin shell finite element approach based on Loop's subdivision surfaces is proposed, capable of dealing with large deformations and anisotropic growth. To this end, the Kirchhoff-Love theory of thin shells is derived and extended to allow for arbitrary in-plane growth. The simplicity and computational efficiency of the subdivision thin shell elements is outstanding, which is demonstrated on a few standard loading benchmarks. With this powerful tool at hand, we demonstrate the broad range of possible applications by numerical solution of several growth scenarios, ranging from the uniform growth of a sphere, to boundary instabilities induced by large anisotropic growth. Finally, it is shown that the problem of a slowly and uniformly growing sheet confined in a fixed hollow sphere is equivalent to the inverse process where a sheet of fixed size is slowly crumpled in a shrinking hollow sphere in the frictionless, quasi-static, elastic limit.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Half-Life of 14^{14}O

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    We have measured the half-life of 14^{14}O, a superallowed (0+→0+)(0^{+} \to 0^{+}) ÎČ\beta decay isotope. The 14^{14}O was produced by the 12^{12}C(3^{3}He,n)14^{14}O reaction using a carbon aerogel target. A low-energy ion beam of 14^{14}O was mass separated and implanted in a thin beryllium foil. The beta particles were counted with plastic scintillator detectors. We find t1/2=70.696±0.052t_{1/2} = 70.696\pm 0.052 s. This result is 1.5σ1.5\sigma higher than an average value from six earlier experiments, but agrees more closely with the most recent previous measurement.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Water exchange at a hydrated platinum electrode is rare and collective

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the exchange kinetics of water molecules at a model metal electrode surface -- exchange between water molecules in the bulk liquid and water molecules bound to the metal. This process is a rare event, with a mean residence time of a bound water of about 40 ns for the model we consider. With analysis borrowed from the techniques of rare-event sampling, we show how this exchange or desorption is controlled by (1) reorganization of the hydrogen bond network within the adlayer of bound water molecules, and by (2) interfacial density fluctuations of the bulk liquid adjacent to the adlayer. We define collective coordinates that describe the desorption mechanism. Spatial and temporal correlations associated with a single event extend over nanometers and tens of picoseconds.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Capacitive Charging and Desalination by Porous Electrodes

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    The rapid and efficient exchange of ions between porous electrodes and aqueous solutions is important in many applications, such as electrical energy storage by super-capacitors, water desalination and purification by capacitive deionization (or desalination), and capacitive extraction of renewable energy from a salinity difference. Here, we present a unified mean-field theory for capacitive charging and desalination by ideally polarizable porous electrodes (without Faradaic reactions or specific adsorption of ions) in the limit of thin double layers (compared to typical pore dimensions). We illustrate the theory in the case of a dilute, symmetric, binary electrolyte using the Gouy-Chapman-Stern (GCS) model of the double layer, for which simple formulae are available for salt adsorption and capacitive charging of the diffuse part of the double layer. We solve the full GCS mean-field theory numerically for realistic parameters in capacitive deionization, and we derive reduced models for two limiting regimes with different time scales: (i) In the "super-capacitor regime" of small voltages and/or early times where the porous electrode acts like a transmission line, governed by a linear diffusion equation for the electrostatic potential, scaled to the RC time of a single pore. (ii) In the "desalination regime" of large voltages and long times, the porous electrode slowly adsorbs neutral salt, governed by coupled, nonlinear diffusion equations for the pore-averaged potential and salt concentration

    Amygdala fMRI Signal as a Predictor of Reaction Time

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    Reaction times (RTs) are a valuable measure for assessing cognitive processes. However, RTs are susceptible to confounds and therefore variable. Exposure to threat, for example, speeds up or slows down responses. Distinct task types to some extent account for differential effects of threat on RTs. But also do inter-individual differences like trait anxiety. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we investigated whether activation within the amygdala, a brain region closely linked to the processing of threat, may also function as a predictor of RTs, similar to trait anxiety scores. After threat conditioning by means of aversive electric shocks, 45 participants performed a choice RT task during alternating 30 s blocks in the presence of the threat conditioned stimulus [CS+] or of the safe control stimulus [CS-]. Trait anxiety was assessed with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and participants were median split into a high- and a low-anxiety subgroup. We tested three hypotheses: (1) RTs will be faster during the exposure to threat compared to the safe condition in individuals with high trait anxiety. (2) The amygdala fMRI signal will be higher in the threat condition compared to the safe condition. (3) Amygdala fMRI signal prior to a RT trial will be correlated with the corresponding RT. We found that, the high-anxious subgroup showed faster responses in the threat condition compared to the safe condition, while the low-anxious subgroup showed no significant difference in RTs in the threat condition compared to the safe condition. Though the fMRI analysis did not reveal an effect of condition on amygdala activity, we found a trial-by-trial correlation between blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal within the right amygdala prior to the CRT task and the subsequent RT. Taken together, the results of this study showed that exposure to threat modulates task performance. This modulation is influenced by personality trait. Additionally and most importantly, activation in the amygdala predicts behavior in a simple task that is performed during the exposure to threat. This finding is in line with “attentional capture by threat”—a model that includes the amygdala as a key brain region for the process that causes the response slowing

    Mineral composition of hypogeous fungi in Hungary

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    In the course of the work, 93 samples from 17 hypogeous fungus species belonging to 6 genera were taken from various habitats in Hungary and were analysed for the concentrations of 22 elements using the inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy ICP method. All the measurements were made in three independent replications.The data were compared with the element contents of 625 epigeous fungi, previously determined using the same method. For all the genera, the elements present in the highest concentrations on a dry matter basis were potassium (6990-29590 ppm) and phosphorus (3400-9140 ppm). These were followed by the macroelements calcium (330-2190 ppm), magnesium (810-1000 ppm) and sodium (110-2990), and the microelements aluminium (30-450 ppm), zinc (60-340 ppm), iron (30-120 ppm) and copper (25-75 ppm), in different orders for each genus.Until now the element contents of fungi have mostly been analysed to determine the nutritional value of edible fungi, and the data on other elements for instance total minerals are insuffi cient for further comparisons (MATTILA et al., 2001).Very little work has been published on the mineral contents of hypogeous large fungi, despite the fact that these include commercially important species such as Tuber aestivum and T. melanosporum (IAN et al., 2003). Most of the previous papers exhibited the following characteristics: (1) some species (e.g. Terfezia species, Tuber melanosporum) were investigated more frequently, and others rarely, if at all; (2) the analyses concentrated chiefly on toxicological and/or environmental aspects; (3) measurements were only made on a few elements (important from the nutritional point of view); (4) only cultivated fungi were included in the studies. The aim of the present work was to determine the element contents of various species of hypogeous fungi in order to answer the following questions: (1) Which characteristic differences can be observed between the element contents of hypogeous and epigeous fungi? (2) Which differences characterise the element contents of various genera of hypogeous fungi? (3) Is there any signifi cant difference between the element contents of hypogeous Ascomycota and Basidiomycota genera? (4) Can any significant difference be observed between the element contents of edible and non-edible hypogeous fungi

    In search of optimal stocking regimes in semi-arid grazing lands : one size does not fit all

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    We discuss the search for optimal stocking regimes in semi-arid grazing lands. We argue that ‘one size does not fit all’ and that different stocking regimes are appropriate under different conditions. This paper is an attempt to move beyond polarization of the current debate towards a more integrative and flexible approach to grazing management. We propose five different conditions as major influences on grazing regimes: environmental variability and predictability; degradation and thresholds; property right regimes; discount rates; and market stability and prices. We suggest a lack of connection between the micro-economics literature and natural science and social-anthropological literature. It is timely to achieve greater integration around some key questions and hypotheses, and recognize that policy prescriptions at national or even regional levels are likely to have limited value due to context specificity

    Mobile Object Tracking in Panoramic Video and LiDAR for Radiological Source-Object Attribution and Improved Source Detection

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    The addition of contextual sensors to mobile radiation sensors provides valuable information about radiological source encounters that can assist in adjudication of alarms. This study explores how computer-vision based object detection and tracking analyses can be used to augment radiological data from a mobile detector system. We study how contextual information (streaming video and LiDAR) can be used to associate dynamic pedestrians or vehicles with radiological alarms to enhance both situational awareness and detection sensitivity. Possible source encounters were staged in a mock urban environment where participants included pedestrians and vehicles moving in the vicinity of an intersection. Data was collected with a vehicle equipped with 6 NaI(Tl) 2 inch times 4 inch times 16 inch detectors in a hexagonal arrangement and multiple cameras, LiDARs, and an IMU. Physics-based models that describe the expected count rates from tracked objects are used to correlate vehicle and/or pedestrian trajectories to measured count-rate data through the use of Poisson maximum likelihood estimation and to discern between source-carrying and non-source-carrying objects. In this work, we demonstrate the capabilities of our source-object attribution approach as applied to a mobile detection system in the presence of moving sources to improve both detection sensitivity and situational awareness in a mock urban environment
