775 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan CV Bukit Sanomas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari kepuasan kerja (gaji pokok, peluang kenaikan gaji, penghargaan atas hasil kerja karyawan, dan promosi jabatan) terhadap kinerja karyawan (kualitas, kuantitas, pelaksanaan pekerjaan, tanggung jawab). Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 73 karyawan Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menyebar angket kepada karyawan di bagian produksi pada CV Bukit Sanomas. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kuantitatif dengan metode regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan CV Bukit Sanoma

    Audit Sistem Informasi Penjualan Tunai dengan Pendekatan Resiko dan Pengawasan: Study Kasus pada PT. PKJ

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    This research was conducted based on the evaluation about the performance of Sales information system in current system in PT PKJ. General control and application control had contributed in reducing any risk that migh occur in daily operations. Some recommendations had been submitted to the management in order to prevent any fraud or leak in any financial control. To improve the security and control in every process in sales and operational, system should have a proper control in input and output. Standarizations must be implemented in every step in applications to reduce the treats and vulnerabilities. This research can be used as a model for small medium company to grow better with proper control using optimalization of Information System and Technology in every aspect in the management

    Determination of the Cascade Reservoir Operation for Optimal Firm-Energy Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Abstract - Indonesia today face a new paradigm in water management where aim to apply integrated water resources management has become unavoidable task in purpose of achieving greater level of effectiveness and efficiency. On of most interesting case study is the case of Citarum river, one of the most potential river for water supply in West Java, Indonesia. Alongside the river, Saguling, Cirata and Djuanda Reservoirs had been constructed in series/cascade. Saguling and Cirata reservoirs are particularly operated for hydroelectric power and Djuanda is multipurpose reservoir mainly operated for irrigation and contribute domestic water supply for Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia). Basically all reservoirs are relying on same resources, therefore this condition has considered addressing management and operational problem. Therefore, an approach toward new management and operation system are urgently required in order to achieve the effective and efficient output and to avoid conflicts of water used. This study aims to obtain energy production from Citarum Cascade Reservoir System using Genetic Algorithms optimization with the objective function to maximize firm-energy. Firm-energy is the minimum energy requirements must be available in a certain time period. Then, the result obtained by using the energy produced by GA is compared to the conventional searching technique of Non-Linier Programming (NLP). The GA derived operating curves reveal the higher energy and firm-energy than NLP model. Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Citarum Cascade Reservoir, Firm-Energy, Electrical Energ

    Effectiveness Of Sediment Flushing by Using Overflow Flush Canal

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    This research is aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the overflow flush canal with 1 door, 2 doors and 3 doors at a floodway. The object chosen in this research is Sedayu Lawas Floodway. This research applies a physical model test method and carried out at the Laboratorium Balai Sungai Surakarta. The variables of this research is the weight of flush sediment (W), the height of water level (H), the sediment mass density (ρs), sediment diameter (ds), the rate of water flow (Q), and the width of the flush canal (B). The result of this research

    The Constitutional Court\u27s Role in Consolidating Democracy and Reforming Local Election

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    Within the same group as the USA and India Indonesia is one of the largest democracies in the world. After experiencing authoritarian rule for a few decades since its independence the country finally at the beginning of the twenty first century managed to chart along its new direction along democratic course and values. More than a decade has passed since the democratic transition begun yet the country still faces various constitutional dilemmas and enigmas. One of organs of the government which has been entrusted to transform the country into a democratic nation is the Constitutional Court. The objective of this paper is to provide critical analyses of the role of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia in the process of consolidating local democracy. The scope of analysis is confined to a number of important cases heard by the court on local election disputes from the year 2008 to 2013. The rationale to focus on local election is because local government provides the second layer of government for this unitary country making the governance more democratic and more in touch with local population. The result of the study is the Constitutional Court through its decisions has created conducive political situation and has provided significant contributions in the process of consolidating local democracy. In spite of limited number of judges and short period of settlement to disputes brought before it the Court have settled all disputes regarding local elections without much delay and complaint. Nevertheless there are some areas that need to be addressed by the court to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness. A few factors have been identified to be the cause of the problems namely problem of design of structure of the Court, extension of the scope of authority, period of settlement, over-dosis of authority and the breach of code of ethics of the judges.Thus it is recommended that in order to perpetuate the excellent achievements of the court the institution need to be strengthened by addressing the problems