1,459 research outputs found

    Effect of Back Care Program in Preventing Back injuries among Nursing students.

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    Musculoskeletal disorders include a wide range of inflammatory and degenerative conditions affecting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, peripheral nerves and supporting blood vessels. These include clinical syndromes such as tendon inflammations and related conditions (tenosynovitis, epicondylitis, bursitis), nerve compression disorders (carpal tunnel syndromes, sciatica) and osteoarthorois, as well as less well standradised conditions such as myalgia, low back pain and other regional pain syndromes. Body regions most commonly involved are the low back, neck, shoulder, forearm and hand. Nevertheless, musculoskeletal disorders are the single largest category of work related illness. This study conducted in an effort to find out the effect of back care program in reducing the incidence of back pain among nursing students. The study included 40 nursing students who have regular clinical postings. This study was a pre and post test experimental study design. The results were analysed using paired t test. The results showed a significant reduction in the occurrence of back pain. From this study, it is concluded that the back care program given to the nursing students significantly reduced the occurrence of back injury and thereby reducing incidence of back pain. So it is also recommended to add back care programme in nursing programme of all level. It is also recommended to have frequent classes on back care with debriefing to ensure all nurses attending the back care programme understand the biomechanics of doing their job safely and with atmost energy conservation. It is also recommended to stick bills and circulate pamphlets on en back care to nurses and special information can be given in regard to the firm where they work

    Hepatitis C virus infection is the major cause of severe liver disease in India

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    The present study describes the status of hepatitis C virus infection in 167 patients with severe forms of liver diseases in India. The anti-HCV positivity rate was recorded as 43%, 47% and 42% in patients with FHF, SAHF and CAH respectively. HBV and HCV coinfection was recorded in 28% of FHF, 43% of SAHF and 75% of the CAH cases. Superinfection of HCV in HBsAg carriers was recorded in 54% cases of FHF, 60% of SAHF and 42% of the CAH. None of these 167 patients was positive of HAV-IgM. Further, 27.7% of FHF, 26.4% of SAHF and 15.2% of CAH cases were neither HBV nor HCV markers positive. These can be labelled as non-A, non-B and nonC infections

    Hormônios sexuais influenciam a resposta ao trauma e à sepsis: possíveis soluções terapêuticas

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    Uma série de estudos clínicos e experimentais demonstram a existência de dimorfismo sexual das respostas imunológicas e orgânicas, bem como da suscetibilidade e morbidade em relação ao choque, ao trauma e à sepse. Respostas imunes celularmente mediadas apresentam-se deprimidas em machos em resposta ao binômio trauma-hemorragia, mas conservados/enaltecidos em fêmeas em proestro. Adicionalmente demonstra-se que os hormônios sexuais são responsáveis por esta dicomotomia de resposta sexualmente específica, em condições cardiovasculares adversas. Estudos específicos indicam que os andrógenos produzem imunodepressão pós-trauma hemorragia em machos. Em contraste, esteróides sexuais femininos parecem exibir propriedades imunoprotetoras após episódios de trauma com ou sem perda importante de sangue. No terreno dos mecanismos subjacentes, foram identificados receptores para hormônios sexuais em várias células do sistema imunológico, sugerindo a existência de efeitos diretos destes hormônios sobre tais células. Alternativamente, observam efeitos indiretos de hormônios sexuais tais como modulação das respostas cardiovasculares das enzimas sintetizadores de andrógeno e estrógeno, que podem contribuir para as estas respostas sexualmente diferenciadas. Estudos recentes indicam que os hormônios sexuais, como por exemplo a dehidroepiandrosterona também modulam a função de células mononucleares da série branca em pacientes cirúrgicos. Assim, as propriedades imunomodulatórias de hormônios sexuais/antagonistas de receptores/enzimas sintetizadores de esteróides após a ocorrência de trauma ou de hemorragia sugerem o caminho para novas estratégias terapêuticas para o tratamento de imunodepressão em pacientes cirúrgicos.Several clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated gender dimorphism in immune and organ responsiveness and in the susceptibility to and morbidity from shock, trauma, and sepsis. In this respect, cell-mediated immune responses have been shown to be depressed in males following trauma-hemorrhage, whereas they were aintained/enhanced in proestrus females. Furthermore, sex hormones have been shown to be responsible for this gender-specific immune response following adverse circulatory conditions. More specifically, studies indicate that androgens produce immunodepression following trauma-hemorrhage in males. In contrast, female sex steroids appear to exhibit immunoprotective properties following trauma and severe blood loss. With regard to the underlying mechanisms, receptors for sex hormones have been identified on various immune cells suggesting direct effects of these hormones on the immune cells. Alternatively, indirect effects of sex hormones, ie, modulation of cardiovascular responses or androgen- and estrogen-synthesizing enzymes, might contribute to gender-specific immune responses. Recent studies indicate that sex hormones, eg, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), also modulate the function of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in surgical patients. Thus, the immunomodulatory properties of sex hormones/receptor antagonists/sex steroid synthesizing enzymes following trauma-hemorrhage suggests novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of immunodepression in surgical patients

    Bench-to-bedside review: Latest results in hemorrhagic shock

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    Hemorrhagic shock is a leading cause of death in trauma patients worldwide. Bleeding control, maintenance of tissue oxygenation with fluid resuscitation, coagulation support, and maintenance of normothermia remain mainstays of therapy for patients with hemorrhagic shock. Although now widely practised as standard in the USA and Europe, shock resuscitation strategies involving blood replacement and fluid volume loading to regain tissue perfusion and oxygenation vary between trauma centers; the primary cause of this is the scarcity of published evidence and lack of randomized controlled clinical trials. Despite enormous efforts to improve outcomes after severe hemorrhage, novel strategies based on experimental data have not resulted in profound changes in treatment philosophy. Recent clinical and experimental studies indicated the important influences of sex and genetics on pathophysiological mechanisms after hemorrhage. Those findings might provide one explanation why several promising experimental approaches have failed in the clinical arena. In this respect, more clinically relevant animal models should be used to investigate pathophysiology and novel treatment approaches. This review points out new therapeutic strategies, namely immunomodulation, cardiovascular maintenance, small volume resuscitation, and so on, that have been introduced in clinics or are in the process of being transferred from bench to bedside. Control of hemorrhage in the earliest phases of care, recognition and monitoring of individual risk factors, and therapeutic modulation of the inflammatory immune response will probably constitute the next generation of therapy in hemorrhagic shock. Further randomized controlled multicenter clinical trials are needed that utilize standardized criteria for enrolling patients, but existing ethical requirements must be maintained

    Anvil Design and Experimental Investigation for Ultrasonic Welding of Thin Dissimilar Metals

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    Ultrasonic Welding (USW) is a solid-state bonding process that produces joints by allowing transfer of high frequency vibratory energy in to the work pieces which are brought together under pressure. The whole process is done without melting of any of the material. It can be used as a micro-welding technique which is being widely used for vehicles, shipbuilding, and the welding of electric and electronic parts. Ultrasonic tooling is one which greatly affects the performance of whole welding system. Anvil is an important part which includes in ultrasonic tooling. Design of anvil is peculiarly based on the geometry. Very few studies are done on the effect of welding process on the geometrical changes of the anvil. In this work, ultrasonic anvil was designed in two different geometrical shapes with same material SS 304, which was then fabricated by series of operations and investigated the effects of Tensile strength, T-peel strength and weld quality. The experimental design was done in Taguchi method using L9 orthogonal array and MOORA method was used to convert the multiobjective optimization problem to single one. Then, Taguchi method was further used to optimize the response parameters

    Altered Lipid Composition and Enhanced Lipid Production in Green Microalga by Introduction of Brassica Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 2

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    Higher lipid biosynthesis and accumulation are important to achieve economic viability of biofuel production via microalgae. To enhance lipid content, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was genetically engineered with a key enzyme diacylglycerol acyltransferase (BnDGAT2) from Brassica napus,responsible for neutral lipid biosynthesis. The transformed colonies harbouring aph7 gene, screened on hygromycin-supplemented medium, achieved transformation frequency of ~120 ± 10 colonies/1 × 106cells. Transgene integration and expression were confirmed by PCR, Southern blots, staining lipid droplets, proteins and spectro-fluorometric analysis of Nile red-stained cells. The neutral lipid is a major class (over 80% of total lipids) and most significant requirement for biodiesel production; this was remarkably higher in the transformed alga than the untransformed control. The levels of saturated fatty acids in the transformed alga decreased to about 7% while unsaturated fatty acids increased proportionately when compared to wild type cells. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially α-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid, were enhanced up to 12% in the transformed line. Nile red staining confirmed formation of a large number of lipid globules in the transformed alga. Evaluation of long-term stability and vitality of the transgenic alga revealed that cryopreservation produced significantly higher quantity of lipid than those maintained continuously over 128 generations on solid medium. The overexpression of BnDGAT2significantly altered the fatty acids profile in the transformed alga. Results of this study offer a valuable strategy of genetic manipulation for enhancing polyunsaturated fatty acids and neutral lipids for biofuel production in algae

    Lupus anticoagulant in systemic lupus erythematosus and its association with complications

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    Background: The anti-phospholipid antibody which can occur secondary to SLE have a broad spectrum of both thrombotic and non-thrombotic manifestations. Among the three antiphospholipid antibodies, lupus anticoagulant has the strongest association with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and increased chance of recurrence of thrombotic events. Hence early screening of lupus anticoagulant is needed.Methods: 72 clinically diagnosed SLE patients were included. The PT, aPTT were done in all patients. The clotting time is assessed by semi-automated coagulation analyser by using dilute russell viper venom time (dRVV) screen and confirm kits. Lupus anticoagulant was considered to be positive if the screen to confirm ratio is ≥1.2. The patients were followed up for a period of 1 year at regular 3 months interval. The various complications like hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, deep vein thrombosis, cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack (CVA/TIA), myocardial infarction, abortions, pulmonary artery hypertension and lupus nephritis were recorded.Results: Lupus anticoagulant was positive in 38.8% among the study group. The most common thrombotic event observed was DVT (16.7%) followed by MI (11.1%) and CVA/TIA (8.3%). There is significant association between lupus anticoagulant positivity with hemolytic anemia, DVT and pulmonary artery hypertension.Conclusions: The lupus anticoagulant has the strongest association with APS in SLE patients and dRVVT is the test of choice in diagnosing APLA. Early recognition of APLA can reduce the risk of thrombotic complications and can prevent further episodes by giving adequate thromboprophylaxis to lupus anticoagulant positive patients

    L-arginine: A unique amino acid for improving depressed wound immune function following hemorrhage

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    Objective: To determine whether L-arginine has any salutary effects on wound immune cell function following trauma-hemorrhage. Background. Depressed wound immune function contributes to an increased incidence of wound infections following hemorrhage. Although administration of L-arginine has been shown to restore depressed cell-mediated immune responses following hemorrhage potentially by maintaining organ blood flow, it remains unknown whether Larginine has any salutary effects on the depressed local immune response at the wound site. Methods: Male mice were subjected to a midline laparotomy and polyvinyl sponges were implanted subcutaneously in the abdominal wound prior to hemorrhage (35 +/- 5 mm Hg for 90 min and resuscitation) or sham operation. During resuscitation mice received 300 mg/kg body weight L-arginine or saline (vehicle). Sponges were harvested 24 h thereafter, wound fluid collected and wound immune cells cultured for 24 h in the presence of LPS. Pro- (IL-1beta, IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines were determined in the supernatants and the wound fluid. In addition, wounds were stained for IL-6 immunohistochemically. In a separate set of animals, skin and muscle blood flow was determined by microspheres. Results: The capacity of wound immune cells to release IL-1beta and IL-6 in vitro was significantly depressed in hemorrhaged mice receiving vehicle. Administration of L-arginine, however, improved wound immune cell function. In contrast, in vivo the increased IL-6 release at the wound site was decreased in L-arginine-treated mice following hemorrhage. Moreover, IL-10 levels were significantly increased in the wound fluid in hemorrhaged animals receiving L-arginine compared to vehicle-treated mice. In addition, the depressed skin and muscle blood flow after hemorrhage was restored by L-arginine. Conclusions: Thus, L-arginine might improve local wound cell function by decreasing the inflammatory response at the wound site. Since L-arginine protected wound immune cell function this amino acid might represent a novel and useful adjunct to fluid resuscitation for decreasing wound complications following hemorrhage. Copyright beta 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Hepatitis B virus replication in patients with chronic liver diseases

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    One hundred and seventy five subjects with chronic liver diseases which included patients with chronic active hepatitis (90), liver cirrhosis (31) and asymptomatic hepatitis B carriers (54), were included in the study. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) specific DNA-polymerase activity and HBe-markers were tested as markers of HBV-multiplicaiton. In HBsAg positive samples, DNA-P activity was positive in 44.4% of the HBV carriers, 52.9% of the patients with chronic active hepatitis and 81.8% of the patients with liver cirrhosis. The corresponding figures for the presence of HBeAg in these groups were 18.5, 26.5 and 45.5% respectively. Virus multiplication was also observed in 41.1 and 44.4% patients with chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis respectively, in the absence of HBsAg. The results of the present study show that hepatitis B virus is the most important etiological factor of chronic liver diseases in India. Most of our patients of chronic liver diseases seems to have contacted HBV infection as young adults and the mode of transmission is likely to be horizontal rather than vertical. The virus replicating markers correlate well with the severity of the liver injury and decreased with the age. DNA-P activity is a more sensitive marker of viral multiplication than HBeAg. Viral multiplication was also found to occur in the absence of the usual HBV markers. Continued viral multiplication in patients with chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis is implicated in continued liver injury and progressive liver disease

    Significance of anti-pre-S antibodies in patients with fulminant hepatic failure

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    Anti-pre-S antibody was tested in 38 sera from patients with fulminant hepatitis (positive for HBsAg and/or IgM anti-HBc) using a specific solid phase enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Anti-pre-S activity was detected in 50 percent sera samples positive for HBsAg but negative for IgM antiHBc. There were 12.5% sera positive for both HBsAg as well as IgM anti-HBc and 75% sera negative for HBsAg but positive for IgM anti-HBc. The prevalence of HBV-specific DNA-polymerase activity was high in all the three groups whereas anti-HBs positivity was low. Anti-pre-S activity was observed both in the presence as well as in the absence of DNA-polymerase activity. High-anti-pre-S level in fulminant hepatitis B patients was assumed to be implicated in the fast clearance of HBsAg from circulation