356 research outputs found


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    The external load acting on an athlete during landing on area-elastic surfaces in gymnasiums is an important factor concerning overload injuries. Nevertheless, there is a lack of force measurements on this kind of surface. This study describes technical problems of these measurements and presents an easy method to calculate the most important characteristics of an area-elastic surface: spring and damping functions and accelerated mass. When using suitable non-linear spring and damping functions the simulations with the model of the surface lead to results, which agree very well with empirical measurements (r2 = .99,

    Pembinaan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Oleh Kepala Sekolah Pada SMP Negeri 2 Kota Sigli

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    Coaching of teachers is one form of business to enhance the professional competence of teachers in achieving quality learning period on SMP Negeri 2 Sigli. This study aims to determine teacher training in: (1) the process of preparing the learning program are: curriculum, syllabus, lesson plans, annual program, the semester program, and details of the effective week. (2) fostering the implementation of learning, namely: the initial activity to open the lesson, explaining the materials, instructional media, learning methods, learning resources, and KKM. (3) fostering enhancement of professional competence of teachers are: supervision, refresher courses, seminars, and MGMP. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach, this research sites in SMP Negeri 2 Sigli. Data collection techniques in the study carried out directly by the researcher through interviews, observation, and study documentation. The subject of this research is the principal, vice principal areas of the curriculum, and teacher SMP Negeri 2 Sigli. The results obtained are: (1) principals in the process of preparing teachers to foster learning programs such as the RPP, the annual program, the semester program, and details of the effective week. (2) fostering the principal teachers in the implementation of the learning done by describing the materials, instructional media, learning methods, learning resources. (3) school head teachers to foster improvement of professional competence by way of supervision, Panataran, seminars and enable MGMP as well as providing facilities and infrastructure

    Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mencari Solusi Altenatif pada Penyelesaian SoalMatematika Sekolah Dasar

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    Latar belakang dari penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil observasi ke SD di lingkungan Cileunyi Bandung, pada umumnya pembentukan keterampilan mencari solusi alternatif dari sebuah penyelesaian soal dalam pembelajaran matematika kurang diberikan pada siswa. Umumnya penyelesaian soal matematika, siswa digiring pada satu penyelesaian yang ada. Biasanya siswa diarahkan untuk menyelesaikan soal matematika dengan menggunakan cara yang biasa, yang diketahui guru dan cara tersebut merupakan satu-satunya cara yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah “Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam mencari solusi alternatif terhadap soal-soal matematika yang diberikan sebelum dan setelah belajar dengan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis masalah?” dan Apakah pembelajaran berbasis masalah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam mencari solusi alternatif ketika menyelesaikan soal-soal matematika? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mencari solusi alternatif dari sebuah penyelesaian soal matematika melalui pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif jenis eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pre-test pos-test tanpa kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes untuk melihat kemampuan siswa dalam mencari solusi alternatif terhadap soal-soal matematika, dan lembar observasi untuk melihat pembelajaran matematika berbasis masalah. Populasinya adalah seluruh siswa kelas III Sekolah Dasar yang terdapat di lingkungan Kecamatan Cileunyi Kabupaten Bandung. Sampel penelitiannya dipilih secara acak berdasarkan sekolah, bukan berdasarkan siswa. Untuk kebutuhan pengujian hipotesis penelitian dilakukan uji statistik menggunakan uji t ketika memenuhi persyaratan uji t, yaitu normal dan homogen. Ketika tidak dipenuhi persyaratan untuk uji t, maka dilakukan uji nonparametrik menggunakan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kemampuan siswa dalam mencari solusi alternatif, terhadap soal-soal matematika yang diberikan, sebelum belajar menggunakan pembelajaran matematika berbasis masalah tergolong rendah. Kemampuan siswa dalam mencari solusi alternatif, terhadap soal-soal matematika yang diberikan, setelah belajar menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis masalah mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan, yaitu dari rendah menjadi sangat tinggi. Pembelajaran berbasis masalah berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam mencari solusi alternatif terhadap penyelesaian soal-soal matematika

    Sistem Rekrutmen, Seleksi Dan Penempatan Kepala Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri Pada Dinas Pendidikan Kota Banda Aceh

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    Recruitment, selection, and replacement of the principal conducted in accordance with competence can improve the quality of education management. This research aimed at figuring out the description of process of recruitment, selection, and replacement and also the obstacles in recruitment, selection and replacement of State Junior High School principal at Education Agency of Banda Aceh. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected by using observation, interview, and documentation technique. Subject of the research was principal and teacher at State Junior High School. The result of the research showed that: first, the recruitment process, the Education Agency prepared a recruitment program comprising of implementation and technical guidance of recruitment implementation for the candidates of principal, then there was an official announcement from the Education Agency. Second, the selection process on the principal candidates comprised of administrative selection carried out through the assessment of the completeness of documents and academic selection carried out through the assessment of the leadership potential and initial mastery of toward competence of principal. Third, the replacement process of principal candidates was conducted because there was principal vacancy caused by the transfer, retirement, and dismissal. Fourth, the obstacles in recruitment, selection, and replacement of the principalwere lack of interest of the teachers to run for principal and lack of the budget for principal recruitment. It can be concluded that the recruitment, selection, and replacement of State Junior High School principal are still ineffective and inefficient

    Typology and inequality between island clusters and development areas in Maluku Province

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    This study aims to analyze patterns of economic growth and island cluster inequality in Maluku Province during the period 2010-2016. The data in this study are secondary data using quantitative descriptive methods and analytical typology analysis tools and theil index. The results showed that the VIII-IX island cluster which was classified as advanced and fast growing but had a very high inequality compared to other island cluster groups was Tual City, Southeast Maluku Regency and Aru Islands Regency. The division of the Maluku region in the Klassen typology is based on the center of growth with the hinterland area. Southern Maluku as a development area is classified as developed and fast-growing where Tual City is a center of growth but has a very high inequality compared to Maluku in the northern region


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    This research is aimed to see the use cooperative method for teaching to lead writing skill. this method is group method who can applied to all of the student, and the writer combined the method with recount text material, recount text material is one of the basic material for text, recount text is a text than telling everyone about the writer want to tell, the data are analysed from the results of the documentation study, observation, test, and questionnaire. The research was conducted in SMA 2 Pasundan Bandung, with 26 students as the participants. Cooperative script method is implemented when teaching recount text, student checks each other’s works and shares their thoughts in writing a recount text. The results show that there is improvement in writing after the model is implemented.