75 research outputs found

    On the thermodynamic limit of form factors in the massless XXZ Heisenberg chain

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    We consider the problem of computing form factors of the massless XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field in the (thermodynamic) limit where the size M of the chain becomes large. For that purpose, we take the particular example of the matrix element of the third component of spin between the ground state and an excited state with one particle and one hole located at the opposite ends of the Fermi interval (umklapp-type term). We exhibit its power-law decrease in terms of the size of the chain M, and compute the corresponding exponent and amplitude. As a consequence, we show that this form factor is directly related to the amplitude of the leading oscillating term in the long-distance asymptotic expansion of the two-point correlation function of the third component of spin.Comment: 28 page

    Exact Ground States in Spin Systems with Orbital Degeneracy

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    We present exact ground states in spin models with orbital generacy in one and higher dimensions. A method to obtain the exact ground states of the models when the Hamiltonians are composed of the products of two commutable operators is proposed. For the case of the spin-1/2 model with two-fold degeneracy some exact ground states are given, such as the Valence-Bond (VB), the magnetically ordered, and the orbitally ordered states under particular parameter regimes. We also find the models with the higher spin and degeneracy which have the new types of VB ground states in the spin and the orbital sectors.Comment: 4 pages(JPSJ.sty), 2 figures(EPS), to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, No.2 (1999) 32

    C5AC_5^A axial form factor from bubble chamber experiments

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    A careful reanalysis of both Argonne National Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory data for weak single pion production is done. We consider deuteron nuclear effects and normalization (flux) uncertainties in both experiments. We demonstrate that these two sets of data are in good agreement. For the dipole parametrization of C5A(Q2)C_5^A(Q^2), we obtain C5A(0)=1.19±0.08C_5^A(0)=1.19\pm 0.08, MA=0.94±0.03M_A=0.94\pm 0.03 GeV. As an application we present the discussion of the uncertainty of the neutral current 1π0\pi^0 production cross section, important for the T2K neutrino oscillation experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Three-leg Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Ladder with Frustrated Boundary Condition; Ground State Properties

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    The antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin systems on the three-leg ladder are investigated. Periodic boundary condition is imposed in the rung direction. The system has an excitation gap for all antiferromagnetic inter-chain coupling (J⊥>0J_{\perp}>0). The estimated gap for the strong coupling limit (J⊥/J1→∞J_{\perp}/J_1 \to \infty) is 0.28J1J_1. Although the interaction is homogeneous and only nearest-neighbor, the ground states of the system are dimerized and break the translational symmetry in the thermodynamic limit. Introducing the next-nearest neighbor coupling (J2J_2), we can see that the system is solved exactly. The ground state wave function is completely dimer-ordered. Using density matrix renomalization group algorithm, we show numerically that the original model (J2=0J_2=0) has the same nature with the exactly solvable model. The ground state properties of the ladder with a higher odd number of legs are also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, to be published in J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. Vol. 66 No. 1

    Form factors and complete spectrum of XXX antiperiodic higher spin chains by quantum separation of variables

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    The antiperiodic transfer matrix associated to higher spin representations of the rational 6-vertex Yang-Baxter algebra is analyzed by generalizing the approach introduced recently in [1], for the cyclic representations, in [2], for the spin-1/2 highest weight representations, and in [3], for the spin 1/2 representations of the reflection algebra. Here, we derive the complete characterization of the transfer matrix spectrum and we prove its simplicity in the framework of Sklyanin's quantum separation of variables (SOV). Then, the characterization of local operators by Sklyanin's quantum separate variables and the expression of the scalar products of separates states by determinant formulae allow to compute the form factors of the local spin operators by one determinant formulae similar to the scalar product ones. Finally, let us comment that these results represent the SOV analogous in the antiperiodic higher spin XXX quantum chains of the results obtained for the periodic chains in [4] in the framework of the algebraic Bethe ansatz.Comment: 20 pages, introduction improved by taking into account some relevant references on the spectrum of the model under general boundary conditions, no further relevant modification

    Generalized Valence Bond State and Solvable Models for Spin-1/2 Systems with Orbital degeneracy

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    A spin-1/2 system with double orbital degeneracy may possess SU(4) symmetry. According to the group theory a global SU(4) singelt state can be expressed as a linear combination of all possible configurations consisting of four-site SU(4) singlets. Following P. W. Andersion's idea for spin 1/2 system, we propose that the ground state for the antiferromagnetic SU(4) model is SU(4) resonating valence bond (RVB) state. A short-range SU(4) RVB state is a spin and orbital liquid, and its elementary excitations has an energy gap. We construct a series of solvale models which ground states are short-range SU(4) RVB states. The results can be generalized to the antiferromagnetic SU(N) models.Comment: 4 page

    Fine Structure and Fractional Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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    We find a fine structure in the Aharonov-Bohm effect, characterized by the appearence of a new type of periodic oscillations having smaller fractional period and an amplitude, which may compare with the amplitude of the conventional Aharonov-Bohm effect. Specifically, at low density or strong coupling on a Hubbard ring can coexist along with the conventional Aaronov-Bohm oscillations with the period equal to an integer, measured in units of the elementary flux quantum, two additional oscillations with periods 1/N1/N and M/NM/N. The integers NN and MM are the particles number and the number of down-spin particles, respectively. {}From a solution of the Bethe ansatz equations for NN electrons located on a ring in a magnetic field we show that the fine structure is due to electron-electron and Zeeman interactions. Our results are valid in the dilute density limit and for an arbitrary value of the Hubbard repulsion UUComment: 40 pages (Latex,Revtex) 12 figures by request, in Technical Reports of ISSP , Ser. A, No.2836 (1994

    Tricritical Behavior in the Extended Hubbard Chains

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    Phase diagrams of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model (including nearest-neighbor interaction VV) at half- and quarter-filling are studied by observing level crossings of excitation spectra using the exact diagonalization. This method is based on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory including logarithmic corrections which stem from the renormalization of the Umklapp- and the backward-scattering effects. Using this approach, the phase boundaries are determined with high accuracy, and then the structure of the phase diagram is clarified. At half-filling, the phase diagram consists of two Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition lines and one Gaussian transition line in the charge sector, and one spin-gap transition line. This structure reflects the U(1) ⊗\otimes SU(2) symmetry of the electron system. Near the U=2VU=2V line, the Gaussian and the spin-gap transitions take place independently from the weak- to the intermediate-coupling region, but these two transition lines are coupled in the strong-coupling region. This result demonstrates existence of a tricritical point and a bond-charge-density-wave (BCDW) phase between charge- and spin-density-wave (CDW, SDW) phases. To clarify this mechanism of the transition, we also investigate effect of a correlated hopping term which plays a role to enlarge BCDW and bond-spin-density-wave (BSDW) phases. At quarter-filling, a similar crossover phenomenon also takes place in the large-VV region involving spin-gap and BKT-type metal-insulator transitions.Comment: 18 pages(REVTeX), 17 figures(EPS(color)), 3 tables, Detailed paper of JPSJ 68 (1999) 3123 (cond-mat/9903227), see also cond-mat/000341

    Antiperiodic dynamical 6-vertex model I: Complete spectrum by SOV, matrix elements of the identity on separate states and connections to the periodic 8-vertex model

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    The spin-1/2 highest weight representations of the dynamical 6-vertex and the standard 8-vertex Yang-Baxter algebra on a finite chain are considered in this paper. For the antiperiodic dynamical 6-vertex transfer matrix defined on chains with an odd number of sites, we adapt the Sklyanin's quantum separation of variable (SOV) method and explicitly construct SOV representations from the original space of representations. We provide the complete characterization of eigenvalues and eigenstates proving also the simplicity of its spectrum. Moreover, we characterize the matrix elements of the identity on separated states by determinant formulae. The matrices entering in these determinants have elements given by sums over the SOV spectrum of the product of the coefficients of separate states. This SOV analysis is not reduced to the case of the elliptic roots of unit and the results here derived define the required setup to extend to the dynamical 6-vertex model the approach recently developed in [1]-[5] to compute the form factors of the local operators in the SOV framework, these results will be presented in a future publication. For the periodic 8-vertex transfer matrix, we prove that its eigenvalues have to satisfy a fixed system of equations. In the case of a chain with an odd number of sites, this system of equations is the same entering in the SOV characterization of the antiperiodic dynamical 6-vertex transfer matrix spectrum. This implies that the set of the periodic 8-vertex eigenvalues is contained in the set of the antiperiodic dynamical 6-vertex eigenvalues. A criterion is introduced to find simultaneous eigenvalues of these two transfer matrices and associate to any of such eigenvalues one nonzero eigenstate of the periodic 8-vertex transfer matrix by using the SOV results. Moreover, a preliminary discussion on the degeneracy of the periodic 8-vertex spectrum is also presented.Comment: 36 pages, main modifications in section 3 and one appendix added, no result modified for the dynamical 6-vertex transfer matrix spectrum and the matrix elements of identity on separate states for chains with an odd number of site

    νd→μ−Δ++n\nu d \to \mu^- \Delta^{++} n Reaction and Axial Vector N−ΔN-\Delta Coupling

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    The reaction νd→μ−Δ++n\nu d \to \mu^- \Delta^{++} n is studied in the region of low q2q^2 to investigate the effect of deuteron structure and width of the Δ\Delta resonance on the differential cross section. The results are used to extract the axial vector N−ΔN-\Delta coupling C5AC^{A}_5 from the experimental data on this reaction. The possibility to determine this coupling from electroweak interaction experiments with high intensity electron accelerators is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, REVTEX, 5 figure
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