910 research outputs found

    The Fermi Surface Effect on Magnetic Interlayer Coupling

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    The oscillating magnetic interlayer coupling of Fe over spacer layers consisting of Cux_{x}Pd1x_{1-x} alloys is investigated by first principles density functional theory. The amplitude, period and phase of the coupling, as well as the disorder-induced decay, are analyzed in detail and the consistency to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (RKKY) theory is discussed. For the first time an effect of the Fermi surface nesting strength on the amplitude is established from first principles calculations. An unexpected variation of the phase and disorder-induced decay is obtained and the results are discussed in terms of asymptotics

    Stellar wind interaction and pick-up ion escape of the Kepler-11 "super-Earths"

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    We study the interactions between stellar wind and the extended hydrogen-dominated upper atmospheres of planets and the resulting escape of planetary pick-up ions from the 5 "super-Earths" in the compact Kepler-11 system and compare the escape rates with the efficiency of the thermal escape of neutral hydrogen atoms. Assuming the stellar wind of Kepler-11 is similar to the solar wind, we use a polytropic 1D hydrodynamic wind model to estimate the wind properties at the planetary orbits. We apply a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Model to model the hydrogen coronae and the stellar wind plasma interaction around Kepler-11b-f within a realistic expected heating efficiency range of 15-40%. The same model is used to estimate the ion pick-up escape from the XUV heated and hydrodynamically extended upper atmospheres of Kepler-11b-f. From the interaction model we study the influence of possible magnetic moments, calculate the charge exchange and photoionization production rates of planetary ions and estimate the loss rates of pick-up H+ ions for all five planets. We compare the results between the five "super-Earths" and in a more general sense also with the thermal escape rates of the neutral planetary hydrogen atoms. Our results show that for all Kepler-11b-f exoplanets, a huge neutral hydrogen corona is formed around the planet. The non-symmetric form of the corona changes from planet to planet and is defined mostly by radiation pressure and gravitational effects. Non-thermal escape rates of pick-up ionized hydrogen atoms for Kepler-11 "super-Earths" vary between approximately 6.4e30 1/s and 4.1e31 1/s depending on the planet's orbital location and assumed heating efficiency. These values correspond to non-thermal mass loss rates of approximately 1.07e7 g/s and 6.8e7 g/s respectively, which is a few percent of the thermal escape rates.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted to A&

    Transit Ly-α\alpha signatures of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of M dwarfs

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    We modeled the transit signatures in the Lya line of a putative Earth-sized planet orbiting in the HZ of the M dwarf GJ436. We estimated the transit depth in the Lya line for an exo-Earth with three types of atmospheres: a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere, a nitrogen-dominated atmosphere, and a nitrogen-dominated atmosphere with an amount of hydrogen equal to that of the Earth. We calculated the in-transit absorption they would produce in the Lya line. We applied it to the out-of-transit Lya observations of GJ 436 obtained by the HST and compared the calculated in-transit absorption with observational uncertainties to determine if it would be detectable. To validate the model, we also used our method to simulate the deep absorption signature observed during the transit of GJ 436b and showed that our model is capable of reproducing the observations. We used a DSMC code to model the planetary exospheres. The code includes several species and traces neutral particles and ions. At the lower boundary of the DSMC model we assumed an atmosphere density, temperature, and velocity obtained with a hydrodynamic model for the lower atmosphere. We showed that for a small rocky Earth-like planet orbiting in the HZ of GJ436 only the hydrogen-dominated atmosphere is marginally detectable with the STIS/HST. Neither a pure nitrogen atmosphere nor a nitrogen-dominated atmosphere with an Earth-like hydrogen concentration in the upper atmosphere are detectable. We also showed that the Lya observations of GJ436b can be reproduced reasonably well assuming a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere, both in the blue and red wings of the Lya line, which indicates that warm Neptune-like planets are a suitable target for Lya observations. Terrestrial planets can be observed in the Lya line if they orbit very nearby stars, or if several observational visits are available.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Flow of forces and couples to the cylindrical solids through system asymmetry thin-walled elements of varying stiffness

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    Задача про передачу силового і моментного навантаження до криволінійного отвору нескінченної ізотропної пластинки через систему несиметричних відносно серединної площини тонкостінних елементів змінної жорсткості зведена до системи чотирьох сингулярних інтегрально– диференціальних рівнянь з ядрами Гільберта. Методом колокації досліджується вплив на напружений стан пластинки несиметричності підсилень, способу їх розміщення на контурі отвору.The problem of flow of forces and couples to the curvilinear hole in a infinite isotropic plate through system of asymmetrical by a middle plane the thin-walled elements of varying stiffness reduce to the system of four singular integral-differential equations with cores of Hilbert. The effect of asymmetry strengthens and location mode by method of collocation does investigate

    Protons in the near-lunar wake observed by the Sub-keV Atom Reflection Analyzer on board Chandrayaan-1

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    Significant proton fluxes were detected in the near wake region of the Moon by an ion mass spectrometer on board Chandrayaan-1. The energy of these nightside protons is slightly higher than the energy of the solar wind protons. The protons are detected close to the lunar equatorial plane at a 140140^{\circ} solar zenith angle, i.e., ~50^{\circ} behind the terminator at a height of 100 km. The protons come from just above the local horizon, and move along the magnetic field in the solar wind reference frame. We compared the observed proton flux with the predictions from analytical models of an electrostatic plasma expansion into a vacuum. The observed velocity was higher than the velocity predicted by analytical models by a factor of 2 to 3. The simple analytical models cannot explain the observed ion dynamics along the magnetic field in the vicinity of the Moon.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure