688 research outputs found

    HST Morphologies of z~2 Dust Obscured Galaxies I: Power-law Sources

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    We present high spatial resolution optical and near-infrared imaging obtained using the ACS, WFPC2 and NICMOS cameras aboard the Hubble Space Telescope of 31 24um--bright z~2 Dust Obscured Galaxies (DOGs) identified in the Bootes Field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. Although this subset of DOGs have mid-IR spectral energy distributions dominated by a power-law component suggestive of an AGN, all but one of the galaxies are spatially extended and not dominated by an unresolved component at rest-frame UV or optical wavelengths. The observed V-H and I-H colors of the extended components are 0.2-3 magnitudes redder than normal star-forming galaxies. All but 1 have axial ratios >0.3, making it unlikely that DOGs are composed of an edge-on star-forming disk. We model the spatially extended component of the surface brightness distributions of the DOGs with a Sersic profile and find effective radii of 1-6 kpc. This sample of DOGs is smaller than most sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs), but larger than quiescent high-redshift galaxies. Non-parametric measures (Gini and M20) of DOG morphologies suggest that these galaxies are more dynamically relaxed than local ULIRGs. We estimate lower limits to the stellar masses of DOGs based on the rest-frame optical photometry and find that these range from ~10^(9-11) M_sun. If major mergers are the progenitors of DOGs, then these observations suggest that DOGs may represent a post-merger evolutionary stage.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, accepted to ApJ; lower limits on stellar mass revised upwards by factor of (1+z

    Centimetre continuum emission from young stellar objects in Cederblad 110

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    The low-mass star formation region associated with the reflection nebula Cederblad 110 in the Chamaeleon I cloud was mapped with the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 6 and 3.5cm. Altogether 11 sources were detected, three of which are previously known low mass young stellar objects associated with the nebula: the illuminating star IRS2 (Class III, Einstein X-ray source CHX7), the brightest far-infrared source IRS4 (Class I), and the weak X-ray source CHX10a (Class III). The other young stellar objects in the region, including the Class 0 protostar candidate Cha-MMS1, were not detected. The radio spectral index of IRS4 (alpha = 1.7 +/- 0.3) is consistent with optically thick free-free emission arising from a dense ionized region, probably a jet-induced shock occurring in the circumstellar material. As the only Class I protostar with a 'thermal jet' IRS4 is the strongest candidate for the central source of the molecular outflow found previously in the region. The emission from IRS2 has a flat spectrum (alpha = 0.05 +/- 0.05) but shows no sign of polarization, and therefore its origin is likely to be optically thin free-free emission either from ionized wind or a collimated jet. The strongest source detected in this survey is a new compact object with a steep negative spectral index (-1.1) and a weak linear polarization (about 2 %), which probably represents a background radio galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    MIPS J142824.0+352619: A Hyperluminous Starburst Galaxy at z=1.325

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    Using the SHARC-II camera at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory to obtain 350 micron images of sources detected with the MIPS instrument on Spitzer, we have discovered a remarkable object at z=1.325+/-0.002 with an apparent Far-Infrared luminosity of 3.2(+/-0.7) x 10^13 Lsun. Unlike other z>1 sources of comparable luminosity selected from mid-IR surveys, MIPS J142824.0+352619 lacks any trace of AGN activity, and is likely a luminous analog of galaxies selected locally by IRAS, or at high redshift in the submillimeter. This source appears to be lensed by a foreground elliptical galaxy at z=1.034, although the amplification is likely modest (~10). We argue that the contribution to the observed optical/Near-IR emission from the foreground galaxy is small, and hence are able to present the rest-frame UV through radio Spectral Energy Distribution of this galaxy. Due to its unusually high luminosity, MIPS J142824.0+352619 presents a unique chance to study a high redshift dusty starburst galaxy in great detail.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Simulations and cosmological inference: A statistical model for power spectra means and covariances

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    We describe an approximate statistical model for the sample variance distribution of the non-linear matter power spectrum that can be calibrated from limited numbers of simulations. Our model retains the common assumption of a multivariate Normal distribution for the power spectrum band powers, but takes full account of the (parameter dependent) power spectrum covariance. The model is calibrated using an extension of the framework in Habib et al. (2007) to train Gaussian processes for the power spectrum mean and covariance given a set of simulation runs over a hypercube in parameter space. We demonstrate the performance of this machinery by estimating the parameters of a power-law model for the power spectrum. Within this framework, our calibrated sample variance distribution is robust to errors in the estimated covariance and shows rapid convergence of the posterior parameter constraints with the number of training simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, matches final version published in PR

    The role of body rotation in bacterial flagellar bundling

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    In bacterial chemotaxis, E. coli cells drift up chemical gradients by a series of runs and tumbles. Runs are periods of directed swimming, and tumbles are abrupt changes in swimming direction. Near the beginning of each run, the rotating helical flagellar filaments which propel the cell form a bundle. Using resistive-force theory, we show that the counter-rotation of the cell body necessary for torque balance is sufficient to wrap the filaments into a bundle, even in the absence of the swirling flows produced by each individual filament

    Cosmic Calibration: Constraints from the Matter Power Spectrum and the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Several cosmological measurements have attained significant levels of maturity and accuracy over the last decade. Continuing this trend, future observations promise measurements of the statistics of the cosmic mass distribution at an accuracy level of one percent out to spatial scales with k~10 h/Mpc and even smaller, entering highly nonlinear regimes of gravitational instability. In order to interpret these observations and extract useful cosmological information from them, such as the equation of state of dark energy, very costly high precision, multi-physics simulations must be performed. We have recently implemented a new statistical framework with the aim of obtaining accurate parameter constraints from combining observations with a limited number of simulations. The key idea is the replacement of the full simulator by a fast emulator with controlled error bounds. In this paper, we provide a detailed description of the methodology and extend the framework to include joint analysis of cosmic microwave background and large scale structure measurements. Our framework is especially well-suited for upcoming large scale structure probes of dark energy such as baryon acoustic oscillations and, especially, weak lensing, where percent level accuracy on nonlinear scales is needed.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Conformal Mapping on Rough Boundaries II: Applications to bi-harmonic problems

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    We use a conformal mapping method introduced in a companion paper to study the properties of bi-harmonic fields in the vicinity of rough boundaries. We focus our analysis on two different situations where such bi-harmonic problems are encountered: a Stokes flow near a rough wall and the stress distribution on the rough interface of a material in uni-axial tension. We perform a complete numerical solution of these two-dimensional problems for any univalued rough surfaces. We present results for sinusoidal and self-affine surface whose slope can locally reach 2.5. Beyond the numerical solution we present perturbative solutions of these problems. We show in particular that at first order in roughness amplitude, the surface stress of a material in uni-axial tension can be directly obtained from the Hilbert transform of the local slope. In case of self-affine surfaces, we show that the stress distribution presents, for large stresses, a power law tail whose exponent continuously depends on the roughness amplitude

    Development and Testing of a Novel Green Propellant Piston Tank

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    Analytical Mechanics Associates (AMA), in cooperation with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center's (MSFC's) Spacecraft Propulsion Systems Branch, developed and tested a novel propellant tank design that employs an internal piston pressurized with an inert gas to expel propellant to thrusters. During the course of this activity, AMA designed, oversaw fabrication, and delivered to MSFC for testing, a piston propellant tank sized for 3U or larger CubeSats. MSFC conducted liquid expulsion testing using ethylene glycol as a referee fluid to map the tank's performance at different pressures and piston positions. Following the expulsion test campaign, the tank is planned to be integrated into a propulsion system test bed for hot fire tests with a 100mN monopropellant thruster to evaluate the tank's influence on thruster performance when operated in a flight like manner. Described in this paper is a comprehensive summary of how the tanks were designed, built, and tested. The fundamental knowledge gained through the fabrication and testing of these tanks gives evidence that the piston tank design may be scalable to meet the requirements and constraints of other small satellites
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