154 research outputs found

    Priprava i karakterizacija čvrstih disperzija etorikoksiba s polietilenglikolom 4000 i polivinilpirolidonom K30

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    The objective of the present investigation was to study the influence of polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG) and polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP) on in vitro dissolution of etoricoxib from solid dispersions. The preliminary studies were carried out using physical mixture of drug and carriers. The solid dispersions were prepared using the solvent evaporation method. A 32 factorial design was adopted in the solvent evaporation method using the concentration of PEG and PVP as independent variables. Full and reduced models were evolved for dependant variables, such as the percentage of drug release in 10 min (Q10), percentage of drug release in 30 min (Q30), percentage of drug release in 45 min (Q45) and percent dissolution efficiency (DE). The reduced models were validated using two check points. Q10 > 65%, Q30 > 75%, Q45 > 85% and DE > 80% were used as constraints for the selection of an optimized batch. Contour plots are presented for the selected dependant variables. PEG was found to be more effective in increasing the drug dissolution compared to PVP. Wettability study was carried out for pure drug and optimized batch. FT-IR spectroscopy, microscopic study, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction study were carried out in order to characterize drug in the solid dispersions. Improved dissolution was attributed to decreased crystallinity of the drug, improved wetting and solubilizing effects of carriers such as PEG and PVP from the solid dispersion of etoricoxib. In conclusion, dissolution of etoricoxib can be modulated using appropriate levels of hydrophilic carriers.U radu je proučavan utjecaj polietilenglikola 4000 (PEG) i polivinilpirolidona K30 (PVP) na in vitro oslobađanje etorikoksiba iz čvrstih disperzija. Preliminarni pokusi provedeni su sa smjesom ljekovite tvari i polimernih nosača. Čvrste disperzije pripravljene su metodom uparavanja otapala. Za ovu metodu razvijen je 32 faktorijalni dizajn koristeći koncentraciju PEG i PVP kao nezavisne varijable. Za zavisne varijable razvijeni su potpuni i reducirani modeli, kao što su postotak oslobođene ljekovite tvari u 10 (Q10), 30 (Q30) ili 45 minuta (Q45) i postotak učinkovitosti oslobađanja (DE). Reducirani modeli su validirani pomoću dviju kontrolnih točaka. Q10 > 65%, Q30 > 80%, Q45 > 85% i DE > 80% su upotrebljeni kao ograničenja za izbor optimirane serije. Prikazane su konturne linije za pojedine zavisne varijable. Oslobađanje lijeka bilo je učinkovitije iz pripravaka s PEG-om. Vlaženje je proučavano za čistu ljekovitu supstanciju i omptimiranu seriju. Za karakterizaciju ljekovite tvari u čvrstim disperzijama korištene su FT-IR spektroskopija, mikroskopske studije, diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija i difrakcija rentgenskim zrakama. Povećano oslobađanje posljedica je smanjene kristaliničnosti ljekovite tvari, pojačanog vlaženja i solubilizacijskog učinka polimernih nosača u disperzijama. Može se zaključiti da se oslobađanje etorikoksiba može modulirati promjenom količine hidrofilnih nosača

    Priprava kompleksa etorikoksiba s β-ciklodekstrinom metodom gnječenja i njihova karakterizacija

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    The binary system of etoricoxib with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was prepared by the kneading method. Drug-cyclodextrin interactions in solution were investigated by the phase solubility analysis. Differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffractometry and microscopic study were used to characterize the solid state of all binary systems, whereas their dissolution properties were evaluated according to the USP XXIII paddle method. The results indicate partial interaction of the drug with β-CD in the physical mixture and complete interaction in the kneaded complex. The dissolution of etoricoxib was notably increased as compared to pure drug as well as its physical mixture. The complex showed more than 75% drug released in 30 min.Metodom gnječenja pripravljen je binarni sustav etorikoksiba s β-ciklodekstrinom (β-CD). Tijekom 30 minuta iz kompleksa se oslobodilo više od 75% ljekovite tvari, što je značajno više u odnosu na fizičku smjesu etorikoksiba i β-CD ili na čistu ljekovitu tvar. Interakcije lijeka i ciklodekstrina u otopini ispitivane su analizom fazne topljivosti. Za karakterizaciju čvrstog stanja svih binarnih sustava korišteni su diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija, infracrvena spektroskopija, difrakcija rentgenskih zraka na praškastom uzorku i mikroskopija. Oslobađanje je praćeno metodom lopatice prema USP XXIII. Rezultati ukazuju na djelomičnu interakciju ljekovite tvari s β-CD u fizičkoj smjesi i potpunu interakciju u kompleksu

    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human and environmental surfaces in a research laboratory

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    This study aimed to investigate the susceptibility pattern of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from human and environmental surfaces in a research laboratory. A total of 320 samples from nostril (n=80), hand (n=80), door knob (n=80) and table surface (n=80) were collected for 16 weeks, before and after work. A total number of 256 samples were found positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Out of 80 randomly selected isolates, 50 (62.5%) isolates were resistant to methicillin (MRSA). Hence, the precautionary measures should be taken on self and environmental hygiene as MRSA may be transferred from humans and environmental surfaces

    Treatability of Whey Processing Effluent in an Ultrafiltration Pilot Plant using Hydrophilic Polyethersulfone Membrane

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    850-853Treatability study of whey processing effluent was undertaken in a single stage ultrafiltration pilot plant using a commercial hydrophilic polyethersulfone flat sheet membrane. The pure water permeability of the membrane was found to be 1.065 × 10-7 m3/ (m2.s.kPa). The flux of permeation was observed to decrease steadily at all pressures and the maximum flux was recorded to be 10.42 × 10-6 m3/m2s at 2.94 × 102 kPa after around 15 minutes of operation. The initial and final characteristics of dairy wastewater sample were determined in the form of pH, BOD, COD and TDS at an ambient temperature. The BOD, COD and TDS removal were found to be 44 %, 64% and 38% respectively. The results, thus obtained underscore the importance of ultrafiltration as a supplement to the existing wastewater treatment processes

    Treatability of Whey Processing Effluent in an Ultrafiltration Pilot Plant using Hydrophilic Polyethersulfone Membrane

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    Treatability study of whey processing effluent was undertaken in a single stage ultrafiltration pilot plant using a commercial hydrophilic polyethersulfone flat sheet membrane. The pure water permeability of the membrane was found to be 1.065 × 10-7 m3/ (m2.s.kPa). The flux of permeation was observed to decrease steadily at all pressures and the maximum flux was recorded to be 10.42 × 10-6 m3/m2s at 2.94 × 102 kPa after around 15 minutes of operation. The initial and final characteristics of dairy wastewater sample were determined in the form of pH, BOD, COD and TDS at an ambient temperature. The BOD, COD and TDS removal were found to be 44 %, 64% and 38% respectively. The results, thus obtained underscore the importance of ultrafiltration as a supplement to the existing wastewater treatment processes

    In vitro effect of seed bio-priming techniques on seed germination and seedling vigour of few vegetable crops

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    Bio-priming can also be viewed as a new technique of seed treatment using biological agents to stimulate germination of seed and growth of the plant and further protecting the seed from soil-and seed-borne pathogens. The present investigation was carried out in vitro conditions on seed germination and seedling vigour of few vegetable crops viz.  tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), onion (Allium cepa L.) and chilli (Capsicum annuum L.), during 2015 and 2016. The treatments comprised viz. T1: Non primed seeds (Control), T2: Seed treatment with Carbendazim 2.5g/kg seed, T3: Hydro-priming for 6 hrs, T4: Hydro-priming for 12 hrs, T5: Hydro-priming for 18 hrs, T6: Biopriming with Trichoderma  viride for 6 hrs, T7: Biopriming with T.viride for 12 hrs, T8: Biopriming with T.viride for 18 hrs, T9: Biopriming with Trichoderma harzianum for 6 hrs, T10: Biopriming with T. harzianum for  12 hrs, T11: Biopriming with T. harzianum for 18 hrs, T12: Biopriming with Pseudomonas fluorescens for 6 hrs, T13: Biopriming with P. fluorescens for 12 hrs and T14: Biopriming with P. fluorescens for 18 hrs.  The results revealed that maxiumum germination percentage (92.92, 90.77,83.00 and 86.33), seedling length (32.38 cm, 29.35 cm, 31.75 and 31.60 cm), seedling fresh weight (2.07 g, 4.01 g, 3.05 g and 2.04 g),  seedling dry weight (0.42 g, 0.86 g, 0.62 g and 0.42 g) and seedling vigour index (3008.11, 2664.00, 2635.00 and 2728.00) were recorded in T10 (bio priming with T. harzianum for 12 hrs) in tomato (S. lycopersicum L.), brinjal (S. melongena L.), onion (A. cepa L.) and chilli (C. annuum L.), respectively. Thus, it indicated that priming of seeds of these crops with T. harzianum/P. fluorescens/ T. viride  for 12 hrs was very effective with respect to their vegetative growth along with the quality yield